


If you're not interested in babies or baby sign language or hearing me gush about baby sign language, move right along, nothing to see here! (You're so heartless!)

如果您对婴儿或婴儿手语不感兴趣,或者听不到我对婴儿手语的狂热,请继续前进,在这里什么也看不到! (你真无情!)

This is Baby #2, codenamed "Mimzy" (he's a boy, don't ask), signing 'cracker' in ASL. He's 13 months old in the video. He's signing up a storm, and is speaking faster than I thought possible for a little dude. He's currently signing hard words and speaking easy ones, just as our older boy did. I suspect he's moving faster because he wants to be like his big brother.

这是代号为“ Mimzy”的2号宝贝(他是个男孩,别问了),在ASL上签名了“ cracker”。 他在视频中只有13个月大。 他正在掀起一场风暴,说话速度比我想像中的小家伙还快。 就像我们的大男孩一样,他目前正在签署难词并说出容易的词。 我怀疑他走得更快,因为他想像他的哥哥一样。

His signing is a bit of an approximation, because just as toddlers don't pronounce words or "slur" for a while, who sign tend to "slur" for a while. Here's the actual ASL sign for "cracker" but he's really close. Most importantly, he can be understood.

他的签名有点近似,因为就像幼儿在一段时间内不发音单词或“ slur”一样,签名的人往往会在一段时间内“ slur”。 这是ASL上“饼干”实际标志,但他真的很近。 最重要的是,他可以被理解。

Now, this isn't a "my baby is awesome and smart" post. Nor am I trying to say "push" your kid to do something earlier than is appropriate. I figure they'll all even out by the time they are 20 years old. ;) Not many college students live the house not speaking and still wearing diapers, so I don't push my kids too hard.

现在,这不是“我的宝宝真棒又聪明”的帖子。 我也不是想说“推”您的孩子早于适当的时间做某事。 我认为他们在20岁的时候都会变得更加平衡。 ;)没有太多的大学生住在房子里不说话,仍然穿着尿布,所以我不会太用力地推动孩子们。

However, I'm just so passionate about the extra year of communication per baby that Baby Sign Language (ASL) gives us, and the quality of that communication, that I'll just gush and talk to anyone who will listen.

但是,我对每个婴儿额外的一年交流充满热情,以至于婴儿手语( ASL )为我们提供了交流,以及这种交流的质量,我将与任何愿意听的人交谈。

Baby #2 is now 14 months old and he's been signing for about 3 months. We've been signing to him since he was 7 months, so there was a 4 month people were he'd just grunt and point and look at us. From what I here, that's par for the course when you introduce signing to your baby. Most people say 6 months is the perfect time, but you should expect nothing for months. Stick with it.

2号宝宝现在已经14个月大了,他已经签约了3个月。 自他7个月以来,我们一直在与他签约,所以有4个月的人,他只是咕gr着指着我们。 根据我的意思,当您向宝宝介绍签名时,这就是课程的标准。 大多数人都说6个月是最理想的时间,但几个月后您什么都不会期望。 坚持下去。

It'll click one day, as it did for Baby #2. Out of nowhere he asked for a cracker. Then grapes, then an apple. If you've got young children, you're no doubt familiar with tantrums. If a kid doesn't feel understood or get what they want, they freak out. I can't tell you how refreshing and freeing it is for a baby (not yet a toddler, we're talking, a little wobbly baby) to ask specifically for grapes rather than apples. The benefits of avoiding the little freak-outs that are caused by simple misunderstanding or confusion are just joyous. To look at their face while they are saying/signing something - expressing their intent - clear as day, is such a great feeling. It's nice to find out that an 11 month old can do more than just grunt and point.

它将单击一天,就像处理#2婴儿一样。 他无处不在地请求饼干。 然后是葡萄,然后是苹果。 如果您有小孩,那么您无疑会发脾气。 如果一个孩子没有被理解或无法得到他们想要的东西,他们会发疯。 我无法告诉您,一个婴儿(不是一个蹒跚学步的婴儿,我们正在说的,一个摇摇晃晃的婴儿)特别需要葡萄而不是苹果。 避免由于简单的误解或困惑而引起的小怪胎的好处只是令人高兴。 当他们在说/签名的时候看着他们的脸-表达他们的意图-整天清晰的感觉真是太好了。 很高兴发现一个11个月大的孩子可以做的不只是咕gr咕point和指向。

I really recommend the Signing Time videos if you're interested in signing with your baby. I am not affiliated with them, I just think they are awesome. Rachel Coleman and her husband have a deaf daughter and started Signing Time in 1996. Rachel blogs here and twitters as well.

如果您有兴趣与宝宝签名,我真的推荐您观看“签名时间”视频。 我不隶属于他们,我只是认为他们很棒。 雷切尔科尔曼(Rachel Coleman)和她的丈夫有一个失聪的女儿,于1996年开始签约雷切尔(Rachel)的博客以及推特

Here's some resources from a previous post:


您需要怎么做才能开始给宝宝签名? (What do you need to do to start signing to your baby?)

  • Check your local community center. They often offer Baby Sign Language classes. We took classes before #1 was born, and when he was 6 months old.

    检查您当地的社区中心。 他们经常提供婴儿手语课程。 我们在#1出生之前和他6个月大时上了课。

  • If Baby Sign Language is unusual or unused in your country, either find some Deaf Folks and learn your country's specific Sign Language, or use ASL (American Sign Language). The trick is to be consistent and have an illustrated dictionary to refer to.

    如果您的国家不常见或未使用过婴儿手语,请找到一些聋哑人并学习您国家的特定手语,或者使用ASL(美国手语)。 诀窍是保持一致并有插图的字典供参考。

  • Stick with it. Don't give up. We started when he was six months old and signed every day without a single clear response until he was a year old. We nearly quit a dozen times before that.

    坚持下去。 不要放弃我们从他六个月大的时候开始,直到他一岁之前每天都没有一个明确的答复就签字。 在那之前,我们几乎退出了十二次。

    • Then one day he signed "light" as clear as day in his bedroom. We turned on the light and our son lit up with a small as wide as his face. That's when we connected with him. I'm not talking about the standard Mom/Dad/Baby we-love-you connection. I'm talking about the baby's opinion matters kind of connection.

      然后有一天,他在卧室里签名了“ light ”,就像白天一样清晰。 我们开了灯,我们的儿子宽亮了一个小的脸上。 那是我们与他建立联系的时候 我不是在谈论标准的“我们爱你”的妈妈/爸爸/宝宝。 我说的是婴儿的意见很重要

    Stick with it. Don't give up. We started when he was six months old and signed every day without a single clear response until he was a year old. We nearly quit a dozen times before that.

    坚持下去。 不要放弃我们从他六个月大的时候开始,直到他一岁之前每天都没有一个明确的答复就签字。 在那之前,我们几乎退出了十二次。

  • Get picture books, lots of them, and learn the signs for the animals. I highly recommend the Priddy Books series of books for baby.

    获取图画书,其中很多,并学习动物的招牌。 我强烈推荐Priddy Books系列婴儿书籍。

    • Learn the signs for animals and common objects and use them every time you see one out in the world. We went for a walk on the Portland Waterfront today and our son was signing bird and dog and plane and sharing those discoveries with us. It's great when he sees something interesting and points at it, but it's something different when he signs about something we didn't see.

      了解动物和常见物体标志,并在每次看到世界上的动物时使用它们。 我们今天在波特兰海滨散步,我们的儿子正在签名飞机,与我们分享这些发现。 当他看到有趣的东西并指向它时,这很棒,但是当他签署我们没有看到的东西时,情况就不同了。

    Get picture books, lots of them, and learn the signs for the animals. I highly recommend the Priddy Books series of books for baby.

    获取图画书,其中很多,并学习动物的招牌。 我强烈推荐Priddy Books系列婴儿书籍。

  • Pay Attention and prepare for the unexpected.


    • Example: The baby was frantically signing ball recently, gesturing wildly at a dog. We tried to correct him..."No no sweetie, that's a dog, not a ball." The dog lifted it's head and we saw that the dog was in fact playing with a ball that we hadn't seen.

      例子:婴儿最近正在疯狂地签名,疯狂地向打手势。 我们试图纠正他……“没有不,亲爱的,那是狗,不是球。” 那只狗抬起头,我们看到那只狗实际上在玩一个我们从未见过的球

    Pay Attention and prepare for the unexpected.


I've blogged before (see below) at length about signing with your baby (or any non-speaking or slow-to-speak child) so I won't belabor the point, so here's some related posts.


If you've used Baby Sign Language, with or without success, I'd love to hear from you in the comments!


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