


UPDATE: Check out for more info on Babies and Sign Language!

更新:请访问 ,以获取有关婴儿和手语的更多信息!

Z's fast approaching his first birthday (can you believe it?) and he's really started letting us know that he's in there. There's a real little person in there who's not just hanging out and pooping.

Z快快快要度过他的第一个生日了(你能相信吗?),他真的开始让我们知道他在那里。 那里有一个真正的小家伙,不只是闲逛和大便。

We've been teaching Z American Sign Language (ASL) since he was about 4 months old. I say "teaching" loosely, because we've just used it every time we talk to him, and figure he'll get the just sooner or later.

自他约4个月大以来,我们一直在教Z美国手语( ASL )。 我松散地说“教学”,因为每次与他交谈时我们都使用它,并认为他迟早会得到回报。

Mo and I have both taken ASL at the local community college from a non-verbal deaf instructor and we've taken Z to formal Baby Sign Language classes that use ASL (and as an aside, have a specific respect for the deaf community and don't 'invent' signs) as the source of signs.

莫和我都是从当地的非语言聋哑教师那里接受ASL的学习,并且我们已经将Z带到使用ASL的正式婴儿手语课程上(顺便说一句,对聋人社区有特别的尊重, 't'发明'标志)作为标志的来源。

We started getting discouraged around his 8 month birthday as it just didn't seem like he was signing back. It was pretty clear he "got" what we were saying, but he just didn't reciprocate.

在他的8个月生日那天,我们开始感到灰心,因为似乎他没有签回来。 很明显,他“明白”了我们的意思,但他只是没有回报。

Then, he started showing intense interest in turning on and off lights. So, we showed him the sign for light, which is a downward turned hand with straight, splayed fingers representing the light rays. Sounds complex, but it's pretty obvious when you see it. Anyway, he immediately started using this sign. He just got it. He started signing light frantically one day, and my wife couldn't figure out why; then she realized she was buying a bulb in the light section of Home Depot and was surrounded by chandeliers.

然后,他开始对打开和关闭灯表现出浓厚的兴趣。 因此,我们向他展示了的迹象,这是一只朝下的手,用笔直的张开的手指代表光线。 听起来很复杂,但是当您看到它时就很明显了。 无论如何,他立即开始使用此标志。 他就知道了。 有一天,他开始疯狂地签名灯,而我的妻子不知道为什么。 然后她意识到自己正在Home Depot的灯区购买灯泡,并被枝形吊灯包围。

Ceiling fans were next and Z happily announced their arrival with the sign for fan. It seemed he was getting the concrete signs for things, but not the abstract concepts like "more."

接下来是吊扇,Z高兴地宣布了他们的到来,并带有风扇标志。 看来他正在得到事物的具体迹象,但没有获得诸如“更多”之类的抽象概念。

Just after Z started walking, he started signing things like "more" when he wanted more food. At this point, it's getting really exciting.

Z开始走路后,他想要更多食物时就开始签署“更多”之类的东西。 在这一点上,它变得非常令人兴奋。

I truly believe that Sign Language is encouraging Z to communicate earlier. I don't keep track of other kids' accomplishments at this age or that, so I have nothing to measure against (nor am I interested) but I feel like I haven't had to wait long to connect with Z. Just a month later, we "talk" about such thrilling escapades as "the Man in the Boat" and "the Banana in your Hair" as well as "the Giant Dog" as seen in the picture at the upper right.

我坚信手语会鼓励Z早日沟通。 我没有跟踪这个年龄或那个年龄的其他孩子的成就,所以我没有什么可衡量的(我也不感兴趣),但是我觉得我不必等很久就可以与Z建立联系。稍后,我们“谈论”诸如“船上的人”,“头发中的香蕉”以及“巨狗”之类的惊险逃生,如右上图所示。

He's also starting to attempt to speak the word while he signs it, like "lala" while signing "Light." The amount that he understands verbally, even at under a year old, is amazing to me. I don't know what I expected, nor again, what other kids do, but tonight I said "ok, let's go take a bath!" and he ran from he kitchen to the stairs, climbed the stairs by himself and ran into the bathroom and tried to turn on the water. That's crazy to me that babies can hold a thought that long. Hell, I can't hold a thought that long.

他在签名时也开始尝试说这个词,例如在签署“ Light”时说“ lala”。 即使我还不到一岁,他的口头理解能力对我来说还是很惊人的。 我不知道我期望什么,也不知道其他孩子会做什么,但是今晚我说:“好,我们去洗个澡​​吧!” 然后他从厨房跑到楼梯上,自己一个人爬上楼梯,跑进浴室,试图打开水。 婴儿可以抱这么长时间的想法对我来说太疯狂了。 地狱,想不了那么久。

This tiny little man has something to say, but his tongue just isn't ready yet. His hands though, are starting to tell quite the tale, and I look forward to talking with him daily.

这个小小的男人有话要说,但他的舌头还没有准备好。 不过,他的手开始讲述这个故事,我希望每天与他交谈。

I had a chat with a German fellow while in Spain this last week who had a 15-month old, and I mentioned that we were teaching the baby sign language and that many Americans were trying this technique.


I explained that we felt that there was a window of time, from about 9 months old to whenever the baby starts talking, that was had great potential for not just communicating with your baby, but connecting and letting the baby know their needs matter. That many of us had the idea that babies cry when their needs aren't met and sign language was a good way for the baby to effectively express their intent.

我解释说,我们感到有一段时光,从大约9个月大到宝宝开始说话,都有很大的潜力,不仅可以与您的宝宝交流,而且可以让他们知道他们的需求很重要。 我们中的许多人都认为,婴儿在无法满足他们的需求时会哭泣,而手语是婴儿有效表达其意图的好方法。

He looked at me like I was from Mars. "My wife knows what the baby needs. There's no need for sign language." The 'that's stupid' was implied, if not expressed. I respect his opinion, but I beg to differ. It really is a joy, and others agree.

他看着我,就像我来自火星一样。 “我的妻子知道婴儿的需求。不需要手语。” 如果没有表达,则暗示“那是愚蠢的”。 我尊重他的意见,但我希望有所不同。 真的很高兴,其他人也同意

We use the Baby Signing Time videos, as well as Dr. Joseph Garcia's Baby Signers, but really any ASL dictionary will do. Z's got about 12 words now, but I suspect he's picking them up as fast as we can learn them ourselves.

我们使用Baby Signing Time视频以及Joseph Garcia博士的Baby Signers ,但实际上任何ASL词典都可以。 Z现在大约有12个单词,但我怀疑他会尽快地学习它们。

If you've got an infant, I really encourage you to try Sign Language. We're a multi-lingual house already and hope Z will speak English and some Ndebele, and I plan to have him in a Spanish immersion program. If you treat ASL as just another language, it helps (me at least) the mental model. We just move our hands while we talk to him, and I'm very happy with the results.

如果您有婴儿,我真的鼓励您尝试手语。 我们已经是一个会说多种语言的房子,并且希望Z会说英语和Ndebele,并且我计划让他参加西班牙语的沉浸式学习。 如果您将ASL视为另一种语言,则它将(至少至少对我)心理模型有所帮助。 与他交谈时,我们只是动动双手,我对结果感到非常满意。

Have you signed to your baby? When did you start? When did they sign back? Do any of you have older (4, 6, 8...) kids that still sign? Do any of you think this is all nonsense? Discuss.

你签过宝宝了吗? 你什么时候开始的? 他们什么时候签回的? 你们中有人有仍在签名的大(4、6、8 ...)个孩子吗? 你们当中有人认为这是胡说吗? 讨论。







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