
Sure, there's other applications that have tried to solve problems like this before, but holy crap FolderShare nails it. Thanks Omar for the pointer!

当然,还有其他应用程序曾尝试解决过类似的问题,但是老套的FolderShare却钉住了它。 感谢Omar的指导

I've been looking lately at getting some offline storage as my data situation is carrying with it a little too much "psychic weight." However, all these folks out there charging like $10 a month for a few gigs of offline storage? Please. Madness. 5 Gigs for $10 a month from XDrive? 5 Gigs? That'd barely cover my collection of Presentation PPTs.

我最近一直在寻找一些脱机存储,因为我的数据状况带来了太多的“心理负担”。 但是,所有这些人在那里每月收取10美元的几笔离线存储费用? 请。 疯狂。 5个Gig,每月只需10美元即可从XDrive获得? 5个演出? 这几乎不能涵盖我的Presentation PPT系列。

FolderShare just nails it. Tiny download, 256-bit AES encryption, the files never touch their disks. That's freaking awesome.

FolderShare只是钉住它。 小巧的下载,256位AES加密,文件永不接触磁盘。 真是太棒了。

I did the download, got a free account, and made a file on my desktop called "Shared Desktop." I'm all about using the Desktop as a work area. Then I clicked "Sync My Folders" and now I've got a folder on my desktop that is the same on my 3 machines. I can drop a file in there and it appears on my tablet.

我进行了下载,获得了免费帐户,并在我的桌面上创建了一个名为“共享桌面”的文件。 我将使用桌面作为工作区域。 然后,我单击“同步我的文件夹”,现在我的桌面上有一个与3台计算机相同的文件夹。 我可以在其中放置文件,它会出现在平板电脑上。

I used it today when giving my MSDN Webcast. I just dropped my PPT in the folder at home and it was waiting for me at work.

今天,我在进行MSDN网络广播时使用了它。 我只是将PPT放在家里的文件夹中,它在等我工作。

Looks like there's three major classes of things that FolderShare can do:


  • Sync n number of folders (Depending on what you pay. Free gets you 2.) to and unlimited number of machines. Amazing.

    同步n个文件夹(取决于您所支付的费用。免费可让您2)同步到不限数量的计算机。 惊人。

  • Share a folder with another person. Much easier than FTP and the various other "get a big ass file to your friend" services that are out there. And really, when was the last time you were able to transfer a file using MSN Messenger? Puhlease.

    与其他人共享一个文件夹。 比FTP和其他各种“向您的朋友获取大屁股文件”服务容易得多。 确实,您上次使用MSN Messenger传输文件的时间是什么时候? Puhlease。
  • Here's the kicker: Access your files from any machine, over the web. Cool? Kind of, but the real shiny thing is that you can do distrubuted search of all your machine using either Google Desktop or MSN Search. Since I run both on all machines, I'm not sure which is the preferred provider, but it works regardless.

    踢球者:通过网络从任何计算机访问文件。 凉? 有点,但真正闪亮的是,您可以使用Google桌面或MSN搜索对所有计算机进行分布式搜索。 由于我都在所有计算机上运行,​​因此我不确定哪个是首选的提供程序,但是无论如何都可以使用。

This new development has me totally rethinking my storage strategy. This is finally a technology that cements P2P in my world. It's profound and very Internet 2.0-like. And their pricing structure is brilliant. Finally a company that realizes that I'm ONE GUY with a LOT OF CRAP. Don't penalize me for being a technoweenie.

这项新的发展使我完全重新考虑了存储策略。 最终,这项技术巩固了我世界中的P2P。 这是深刻的,非常像Internet 2.0。 他们的定价结构非常出色最终,一家公司意识到我是个“疯子”。 不要因为成为技术爱好者而惩罚我。



  • Setup a Family Pictures folder that the whole family drops files from their digital cameras into. No one ever loses a picture if one hard drive crashes. Everyone sees photos as they are saved.

    设置一个“家庭图片”文件夹,整个家庭将其数码相机中的文件放入其中。 如果一个硬盘驱动器崩溃,没有人会丢失图片。 每个人都可以看到保存的照片。
  • Save Video files from Windows Media Center 2005 and share out video of a show that my mom may have missed. (Not sure if this works, but, we'll see.)

    从Windows Media Center 2005中保存视频文件,并分享我妈妈可能错过的节目的视频。 (不确定是否可行,但是,我们会看到的。)
  • Backup my Music files automatically to a NAS (Iomega NAS driver can apparently run FolderShare in their firmware. Wow. And I'd counted Iomega out of the game.)

    将我的音乐文件自动备份到NAS( Iomega NAS驱动程序显然可以在其固件中运行FolderShare。哇,我算不上Iomega。)

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/overwhelmed-and-enamored-with-foldershare





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