使用Snap Circuit教孩子电子,计算机和编程基础知识

I'm not particularly interested in my kids being programmers or computer people. I'd rather they be interested in life and totally geeked about something. If that's  computers, fine. If that's ballet, also fine.

我对我的孩子是程序员或计算机人并不特别感兴趣。 我希望他们对生活感兴趣,并对某些事情完全痴迷 如果那是计算机,那很好。 如果那是芭蕾舞,也可以。

That said, I think if they are going to be effective users (If not builders) I think they should have a basic sense of how electronics work.


I bought them a basic set of Snap Circuits, specifically Snap Circuits Jr. SC-100, which is just about US$20 on Amazon.

我给他们买了一套基本的Snap Circuits ,特别是Snap Circuits Jr. SC-100 ,在亚马逊上只有20美元左右。

These are brilliant. Check this picture, as it's worth a thousand words and you'll get its genius immediately.

这些真是太好了。 检查这张图片,因为它值得一千个单词,您将立即获得它的天才。

The 5 year old loves the motor and fan, as well as the speaker and noise makers. The boys have made doorbells, a light-controlled fan, lit-up LEDs and made an AM radio. Here's an Instagram Video of the 5 year old explaining his creation:

5岁的孩子喜欢电动机和风扇,以及扬声器和噪音产生器。 这些男孩制作了门铃,一个光控风扇,点亮的LED灯并制作了AM收音机。 这是5岁的Instagram视频,解释了他的创作:

The pieces snap onto the grid with little buttons. The pieces are plastic and the wires run through them. They're not extremely resilient, in that they can break, particularly the capacitors, but it's actually nice to be able to see the resistors and other parts exposed through the plastic. It strikes a reasonable balance between being friendly to little hands, being sturdy, and actually working reliably as electronic components.

这些作品用小按钮扣到网格上。 这些零件是塑料的,电线穿过它们。 它们并不是非常有弹性,因为它们可能会折断,尤其是电容器,但是能够看到电阻器和其他部件通过塑料暴露出来实际上是很不错的。 它在小手友善,坚固耐用和实际上可靠地用作电子组件之间取得了合理的平衡。

The 5 year old is no prodigy, to be clear, but he's already getting a general sense of electrical movement. He'll say that the resistors "slow down the electricity" and that the capacitors "store it up." He knows positive and negative, and how to use a multimeter to measure voltage. (I recommend a $10 multimeter as well for debugging your projects.) He's starting to look at doorbells and remote controls differently now, which means these little projects have already achieved my goal in just a few weeks. I anticipate they'll play with them for some months, forget about them, and then rediscover Snap Circuits every few years. These toys are great for a 5 or 6 year old, but even a 12 to 14 year old could totally appreciate them. I'm even running through some of the experiments and using the millimeter to remind myself of long-forgotten concepts.

显然,这个五岁的孩子并不算神童,但是他已经对电动运动有了一般的认识。 他会说电阻器“使电流减慢”,而电容器“将其存储”。 他知道正负,以及如何使用万用表测量电压。 (我也建议使用10美元的万用表来调试您的项目。)他现在开始以不同的眼光看门铃和遥控器,这意味着这些小项目在短短几周内就已经达到了我的目标。 我预计他们会和他们一起玩几个月,忘掉他们,然后每隔几年重新发现Snap Circuits。 这些玩具非常适合5或6岁的孩子使用,但即使是12到14岁的孩子也可以完全欣赏它们。 我什至正在经历一些实验,并使用毫米来提醒自己一些久已忘记的概念。

We quickly outgrew the 30 parts in the Snap Circuits Jr. Even though it has 100 projects, I recommend you get the Snap Circuits SC-300 that has 60 parts and 300 projects, or do what we did and just get the Snap Circuits Extreme SC-750 that has 80+ parts and 750 projects. I like this one because it includes a computer interface (via your microphone jack, so any old computer will work!) as well as a Solar Panel.

我们Swift淘汰了Snap Circuits Jr中的30个零件尽管它有100个项目,但我还是建议您购买具有60个零件和300个项目Snap Circuits SC-300 ,或者做我们所做的事情,然后获取Snap Circuits Extreme SC -75080多个零件和750个项目。 我喜欢这个,因为它包含一个计算机接口(通过您的麦克风插Kong,因此任何旧计算机都可以使用!)以及一个太阳能面板。

The Snap Circuits SC-750 is a bargain at prices like US$75 if you can find it, especially considering how many tablets, Kindles and iPads some kids have.

Snap Circuits SC-750如果您能找到的话,价格很便宜,大约75美元,尤其是考虑到孩子们有多少平板电脑,Kindle和iPad。

The next Snap Circuits kids we're considering are either Snap Circuits "Light" that includes LEDs and Fiber Optics, although the 5 year old is pressuring me for the Snap Circuits Robot Rover. It'll likely be the Rover for the holidays around here.

我们正在考虑的下一个Snap Circuits孩子是包括LED和光纤的Snap Circuits“ Light” ,尽管5岁的孩子正在为Snap Circuits Robot Rover施加压力。 可能是这里附近假期的漫游者。

I have no relationship with Snap Circuits, I bought these kits on my own and am reviewing them because they are awesome. If I could invest in Elenco Electronics, I would. The links here are Amazon affiliate links. If you use them, I can buy more Snap Circuits! ;)

我与Snap Circuits没有关系,我自己购买了这些套件,并正在对其进行审核,因为它们很棒。 如果我可以投资Elenco Electronics,那我会。 这里的链接是亚马逊会员链接。 如果您使用它们,我可以购买更多的捕捉电路! ;)

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/teaching-kids-electronics-computers-and-programming-fundamentals-with-snap-circuits





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