书评:Smashing Magazine的《移动书》

Cover photograph of The Mobile Book by Smashing Magazine
Summary: A beautifully presented, thorough and thoughtful book on nearly all aspects of mobile development from the best writers in the field.


Price: $49.90 (bound copy with free eBook edition, Smashing Magazine). $17.69 (Kindle edition, Amazon


价格: 49.90美元( 与免费电子书版本绑定在一起,Smashing Magazine )。 $ 17.69( Kindle版,亚马逊 )

Crafting a printed book about the web – especially mobile development – appears faintly anachronistic. Why put words on paper when the technology you’re writing about changes almost daily?

制作有关Web的印刷书籍,尤其是移动开发,似乎有点过时了。 当您正在撰写的技术几乎每天都在变化时,为什么要在纸上措辞呢?

Vitaly Friedman’s Smashing Magazine has three answers to this question: creating printed books that are deeply considered, highly informative, and a physical pleasure to read. While SM acknowledges the reality of digital media by publishing the same content as an eBook (while taking advantage of the format by rapidly iterating electronic appendices) it is the physical volume that I will be concentrating on here.

维塔利·弗里德曼(Vitaly Friedman)的《粉碎杂志》(Smashing Magazine)对这个问题有三个答案:创作经深思熟虑,内容丰富且阅读愉悦的印刷书籍。 尽管SM通过发布与电子书相同的内容来承认数字媒体的现实(同时通过快速迭代电子附录来利用格式),但我将在这里重点介绍物理内容。

Smashing Magazine has a long and well-earned reputation for emphasizing quality over quantity, and The Mobile Book is no exception. The book is divided into seven chapters written by luminaries in the field, printed on glossy, heavy paper stock with an elegant pagekeeper ribbon. The text is perfectly balanced between immediate concerns about the state of play in the mobile market (in a chapter written by Peter-Paul Koch, who manages to make the complex, paradoxical relationships between telecommunications companies and retail vendors sound as engrossing as anything from The Bourne Identity), current techniques (responsive design patterns by Trent Walton and Brad Frost), prototyping (an extensive chapter by Denis Kardys) and the future (Stephanie Reiger).

Smashing Magazine在强调质量胜于数量方面享有悠久的声誉, 《移动书》也不例外。 这本书分为七章,由知名人士在该领域撰写,印刷在厚重的光面纸上,并带有优雅的簿记员丝带。 这段文字在对移动市场状况的紧迫担忧之间取得了完美的平衡(在彼得·保罗·科赫(Peter-Paul Koch)撰写的一章中,他设法使电信公司与零售供应商之间复杂,自相矛盾的关系听起来像The伯恩(Bourne Identity ),当前技术(特伦特·沃尔顿(Trent Walton)和布拉德·弗罗斯特(Brad Frost)的响应式设计模式),原型设计(丹尼斯·卡迪斯(Denis Kardys)撰写了很长的一章)和未来(斯蒂芬妮·雷格(Stephanie Reiger))。

Inside photograph of The Mobile Book by Smashing MagazineThe material in each chapter is
dense – not in terms of comprehension or readability, but in the sheer volume of information imparted on each page, extensively annotated with shortened, easily typed URLs to web resources. The Mobile Book is not a volume to be read lightly or in passing, but something to be deeply considered, put down, picked up again and read again. Thought, consideration and the practice of development are emphasized over technique and flashy CSS.

密集 -并不是在理解或可读性方面,而是在每页上传递的大量信息中,广泛地标注了缩短且易于键入的Web资源URL。 《移动书》不是要轻描淡写地阅读的 ,而是要深入考虑,放下,重新拾起并重新阅读的书。 技术,浮夸CSS强调了开发的思想,考虑和实践

The design of the volume is simply wonderful: strong consistent illustrations, perfectly set type and quality binding. It even smells right.

该卷的设计简直太棒了:强有力的连贯插图,完美设置的类型和高质量的装订。 甚至闻起来都不错

As the book continually emphasizes, the fluidity of the mobile market has worked itself into the workflow process of every modern website, demanding close communication between all contributors as an adaption to constant change. This means that everyone involved in site production must share a common grammar, together with an understanding of the restrictions that each project contributor faces. The only area of the book that I felt under-emphasized was mobile content generation and strategy, although that could be ably filled on your bookshelf by a work such as Karen McGrane’s Content Strategy for Mobile.

正如该书不断强调的那样,移动市场的流动性已经融入了每个现代网站的工作流程中,要求所有贡献者之间保持密切交流以适应不断变化的情况。 这意味着参与站点生产的每个人都必须共享一个共同的语法,并理解每个项目贡献者所面临的限制。 我觉得书中唯一没有强调的领域是移动内容的生成和策略,尽管可以通过Karen McGrane的“ Content Strategy for Mobile”之类的书来适当地填充到书架上。

If I were starting a responsive site today I would hand out a copy of The Mobile Book to every project stakeholder: designer, writer, developer, and client.  It’s that good, and that important.

如果今天我要创建一个响应站点,我将向所有项目利益相关者(设计师,作家,开发人员和客户)分发一份《移动书》 。 就是那样,那么重要。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/658/Book-Review-Smashing-Magazines-The-Mobile-Book





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