磁盘阵列 vga_什么是VGA(视频图形阵列)?

磁盘阵列 vga

磁盘阵列 vga

Video Graphics Array or VGA is a 15-pin video connector that is mainly used to transmit graphics or media from source to display like monitor, TV, projector, etc. VGA is created in 1987 which was based on IBM based D-subminiature connection type. VGA was a very popular connection type between the start of the 1900s and the end of the 2010s. As an old technology VGA utilizes analog signals which makes it less capable than newer digital protocols like HDMI, DVI, etc. VGA is a generic term even the real name is Video Graphics Array it can be also named as Video Graphics Adaptor because its connectivity capabilities for graphic cards.

Video Graphics ArrayVGA是15针视频连接器,主要用于将图形或媒体从源传输到显示器,电视,投影仪等显示器。VGA于1987年创建,基于基于IBM的D超小型连接类型。 VGA是1900年代初和2010年代末之间非常流行的连接类型。 VGA是一种旧技术,它利用模拟信号使其功能不如HDMI,DVI等较新的数字协议。VGA是通用术语,即使真名是Video Graphics Array,它也可以称为Video Graphics Adaptor因为其连接能力用于图形卡。

VGA用例 (VGA Use Cases)

VGA is a very popular technology and connection type which is used in different cases and areas in order to transmit or send graphics or media from the source device to the display. Below we will list some example use cases about VGA.

VGA是一种非常流行的技术和连接类型,在不同的情况和区域中使用VGA,以便将图形或媒体从源设备传输或发送到显示器。 下面我们将列出有关VGA的一些示例用例。

  • VGA mainly used to connect a Personal Computer or PC to the monitor.

  • Laptops and Ultrabooks use VGA in order to share the media with the external monitor or projectors.

  • SmartTV, Kodi, Chromecast can show graphics on the TV or projector by using the VGA connection.

  • Different streaming devices can be used to show graphics on the TV or projector for the public.


VGA连接组件 (VGA Connection Components)

VGA connections consist of simple components. VGA consists of two connectors in order to connect the source and destination. There is a VGA cable between these two VGA connectors.

VGA连接由简单的组件组成。 VGA由两个连接器组成,以便连接源和目标。 这两个VGA接口之间有一条VGA电缆。

VGA Connection Components

VGA连接器(VGA Connector)

VGA Connector is the most important part of the VGA. It contains 15 pins in order to connect cables with the source device. These pins are used to transmit analog signals. VGA connectors can be also called as VGA male. Female type VGA contains holes which are located on source and destination device like laptop, PC, Streaming devices, monitor, TV, projector. As we can see below a typical VGA contains two screws both sides of the connector head which is resided two sides of the ping. These screws are used to connect and nail the VGA connector to the source of the destination device to protect.

VGA接口是VGA最重要的部分。 它包含15个针脚,以便将电缆与源设备连接。 这些引脚用于传输模拟信号。 VGA连接器也可以称为VGA公头。 母型VGA包含Kong,这些Kong位于笔记本电脑,PC,流设备,显示器,电视,投影仪等源和目标设备上。 正如我们在下面看到的,典型的VGA在连接器头的两侧都包含两个螺钉,该螺钉位于ping的两侧。 这些螺钉用于将VGA连接器连接并固定在目标设备的源上以进行保护。

VGA Connector

VGA连接器形式(VGA Connector Forms)

The most used and default VGA connector for most of the source and destination devices is DE-15 male connector which shown below. But for small factor devices, VGA provides a small and less pinned VGA connector called as DE-9 which contains only 9 pins. BNC is another type of VGA connector which is not practical or popular to be used.

大多数源设备和目标设备使用最多的默认VGA连接器是DE-15公头连接器,如下所示。 但是对于小型设备,VGA提供了一个称为DE-9的较小且引脚较少的VGA连接器,该连接器仅包含9个引脚。 BNC是另一种类型的VGA连接器,不实用或不常用。

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VGA DE-15连接器 (VGA DE-15 Connector)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-117.png
VGA DE-15 Connector
VGA DE-15连接器

VGA DE-9连接器(VGA DE-9 Connector)

VGA Male DE-9 Connector or Plug

VGA BNC连接器(VGA BNC Connector )

VGA BNC Connector

VGA解析度(VGA Resolutions)

As an analog technology VGA supports resolutions not too high. But in some cases, this resolution can be enough to be used. Actually, until the HD, 2K, or 4K resolutions, the VGA was very popular and enough to transmit different resolution but with the advancement of the graphic resolutions, VGA become insufficient. VGA technology provides resolutions up to 2040x1536px @85 Hz refresh rate. But it’s resolution can be lesser according to the VGA cable and connector quality with the length of the cable.

VGA作为模拟技术,支持的分辨率不太高。 但是在某些情况下,此分辨率足以使用。 实际上,直到达到HD,2K或4K分辨率之前,VGA才非常流行,并且足以传输不同的分辨率,但是随着图形分辨率的提高,VGA变得不足。 VGA技术可在85 Hz刷新率下提供高达2040x1536px的分辨率。 但是,根据VGA电缆和连接器的质量,其分辨率可能会随电缆的长度而变小。

When the VGA first released the most popular resolution was 640x540px which is called as VGA.


Super Video Graphics Array or SVGAresolution is an extended version of the VGA and which can be used for 800×600 px.

Super Video Graphics ArraySVGA分辨率是VGA的扩展版本,可用于800×600 px。

Extended Graphics Array or XGA supported by most of the laptops and create in 1990. XGA provide 1024x768px resolution.

Extended Graphics ArrayXGA支持大部分的笔记本电脑,并在1990年创建提供XGA分辨率1024x768px。

Super Extended Graphics Array or SXGA supports 1280×1024 resolution.

Super Extended Graphics ArraySXGA支持1280×1024分辨率。

Ultra Extended Graphics Array or UXGA supports 1600×1200 resolution.

Ultra Extended Graphics ArrayUXGA支持1600×1200分辨率。

Wide Extended Graphics Array or WXGA supports resolution up to 2040×1536 @85 Hz refresh rate.

Wide Extended Graphics ArrayWXGA支持高达2040×1536 @ 85 Hz的刷新率。

VGA引脚 (VGA Pinout)

VGA contains 15 pins which are used to transmit signal from source to destination. As analog signals are used more cables or pins are required to send data. Below we will list the pins and their functions.

VGA包含15个引脚,用于将信号从源传输到目标。 由于使用了模拟信号,因此需要更多的电缆或针脚来发送数据。 下面我们将列出引脚及其功能。

VGA Pinout
Pin 1REDRed video
Pin 2GREENGreen video
Pin 3BLUEBlue video
Pin 4ID2/RESReserved since E-DDC, formerly monitor id. bit 2
Pin 5GNDGround (HSync)
Pin 6RED_RTNRed return
Pin 7GREEN_RTNGreen return
Pin 8BLUE_RTNBlue return
Pin 9KEY/PWR+5 V DC (powers EDID EEPROM chip on some monitors), formerly key
Pin 10GNDGround (VSync, DDC)
Pin 11ID0/RESReserved since E-DDC, formerly monitor id. bit 0
Pin 12ID1/SDAI²C data since DDC2, formerly monitor id. bit 1
Pin 13HSyncHorizontal sync
Pin 14VSyncVertical sync
Pin 15ID3/SCLI²C clock since DDC2, formerly monitor id. bit 3
销2 绿色 绿色视频
销3 蓝色 蓝色影片
销4 ID2 / RES 从E-DDC开始保留,以前是Monitor ID。 2位
销5 地线 地面(水平同步)
销6 RED_RTN 红返
销7 GREEN_RTN 绿色回报
销8 BLUE_RTN 蓝色回归
销9 钥匙/密码 +5 V DC(为某些显示器的EDID EEPROM芯片供电),以前是键
针脚10 地线 接地(VSync,DDC)
销11 ID0 / RES 从E-DDC开始保留,以前是Monitor ID。 0位
针脚12 ID1 / SDA 从DDC2开始的I²C数据,以前是监视器ID。 位1
销13 同步 水平同步
销14 垂直同步 垂直同步
销15 ID3 / SCL 自DDC2起为I²C时钟,以前为监视器ID。 3位
VGA Pinout

VGA延长器(VGA Extender)

VGA can carry signals around 20 meters which means after 20 meters the signals can not be carried properly and without errors and problems. In order to carry signals more than 20 meters, VGA Extender can be used which will simply increase the signal strength. VGA Extenders also named VGA boosters and multiple VGA extenders can be used for single VGA connection in a serial connection topology.

VGA可以传送20米左右的信号,这意味着20米后,信号将无法正确传送,并且没有错误和问题。 为了传送超过20米的信号,可以使用VGA Extender ,它可以简单地增加信号强度。 VGA扩展器(也称为VGA增强器)和多个VGA扩展器可用于串行连接拓扑中的单个VGA连接。

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VGA替代品HDMI,DVI (VGA Alternatives HDMI, DVI)

As old technologies there are a lot of alternatives to the VGA. But some of them are very popular where they are replaced for the VGA. HDMI and DVI are the most popular alternatives to the VGA. HDMI is more widespread than VGA and DVI. Let’s compare VGA with the HDMI.

作为旧技术,VGA有很多替代品。 但是其中一些很受欢迎,可以代替VGA。 HDMI和DVI是VGA的最受欢迎替代品。 HDMI比VGA和DVI更广泛。 让我们比较一下VGA和HDMI。

  • HDMI uses digital signals where VGA uses analog signals.

  • Both HDMI and VGA are compatible with each other by using converters.

  • HDMI can transmit audio signals in different formats bu VGA can not transmit audio signals.

  • HDMI provides a lot of higher resolutions with better color depth than VGA.


翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-vga-video-graphics-array/

磁盘阵列 vga





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