
A Computer Network is a group of computers connected to each other via a network. This network is used to transmit data between different computers. A computer in a network is called a node.

Computer Network是通过网络相互连接的一组计算机。 该网络用于在不同计算机之间传输数据。 网络中的计算机称为节点。

计算机网络历史 (Computer Network History)

Computer network history goes back to the 1950s where computers were so new. Below we will list some of the important points of the computer network.

计算机网络的历史可以追溯到1950年代,当时计算机还很新。 下面我们将列出计算机网络的一些重要方面。

  • First computer networks are created in the late 1950s in the U.S. military radars named SAGE.

  • In 1963 the first general computer network is proposed.

  • The first packet switching network is created throughout the 1960s and used in the National Physical Laboratory in the United Kingdom. The speed was about 768 kbit/s.

    第一个分组交换网络创建于1960年代,并在英国国家物理实验室中使用。 速度约为768 kbit / s。
  • In 1969 the first4 nodes of ARPANET are connected using 50 kbit/s from UCLA, Standford, University of California, and the University of Utah.

    1969年,ARPANET的前4个节点使用UCLA,斯坦福大学,加利福尼亚大学和犹他大学的50 kbit / s连接。
  • In 1972 commercial services using X.25 provided and later this network is integrated TCP/IP protocol suite.

    1972年,提供了使用X.25的商业服务,后来该网络集成了TCP / IP协议套件。
  • In 1973 Robert Metcalfe created the Ethernet protocol which is based Aloha network.

    1973年,Robert Metcalfe创建了基于Aloha网络的以太网协议。
  • In 1974 Vint Cerf, Yogen Dalal, and Carl Sunshine created the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

    1974年,Vint Cerf,Yogen Dalal和Carl Sunshine创建了传输控制协议(TCP)。
  • In 1977, the first long-distance fiber network was deployed in Long Beach, California.

  • In 1980, Ethernet was upgraded to the 10 Mbit/s speed.

    1980年,以太网升级到10 Mbit / s的速度。

计算机网络用例 (Computer Network Use Cases)

Today computer networks are critical, and without the computer network most of the computer operations will stop. The Internet is the biggest computer network that provides communication and data transmission capabilities to computers around the world. Today computer networks are used for different purposes and cases like below.

如今,计算机网络至关重要,如果没有计算机网络,大多数计算机操作将停止。 互联网是最大的计算机网络,可为世界各地的计算机提供通信和数据传输功能。 如今,计算机网络用于不同的目的和情况,如下所示。

  • Playing online games with players over the world.

  • Sharing files and folders with other computers.

  • Accessing web sites

  • Chat and video call

  • Being social with social media

  • Making research

  • Sharing resources

  • Email messaging

  • Ecommerce

  • Money sending and economical operations

  • Access printers

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计算机网络类型 (Computer Network Types)

Computer networks are categorized according to their range and physical distance.


个人局域网(PAN) (Personal Area Network (PAN))

Personal Area Network or PAN is the smallest computer network that is mainly used to connect devices used by humans. Bluetooth is the most popular PAN protocol used to connect smartphones, speakers, and personal devices.

Personal Area Network (PAN)是最小的计算机网络,主要用于连接人类使用的设备。 蓝牙是用于连接智能手机,扬声器和个人设备的最流行的PAN协议。

局域网(LAN) (Local Area Network (LAN))

Local Area Network or LAN is the most popular network type where nodes/devices/computers are connected in a limited distance like the same house, same floor, same room, or same building. LAN nodes use Ethernet for transmission between each other.

Local Area NetworkLAN是最流行的网络类型,其中节点/设备/计算机在有限的距离内连接,例如同一栋房屋,同一楼层,同一房间或同一栋建筑物。 LAN节点之间使用以太网进行传输。

城域网(MAN) (Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN))

Metropolitan Area Network or MAN is used to connect devices for long distances like in a city.

Metropolitan Area NetworkMAN用于连接长距离的设备,例如在城市中。

广域网(WAN) (Wide Area Networks (WAN))

Wide Area Network or WAN is used to connect computer networks between different countries, areas and continent.

Wide Area NetworkWAN用于连接不同国家,地区和大陆之间的计算机网络。

互联网和内联网 (Internet and Intranet)

计算机网络拓扑(Computer Network Topologies)

Computer networks can be created in different formations which can be categorized and named in different names. These formations are called Computer Topology. Computer Topology mainly used computer networks physical connections but can be also used for logical connections. Below are the most common topologies or layouts for computer networks. Internet uses the “Mesh topology” by the way.

可以以不同的形式创建计算机网络,可以用不同的名称对其进行分类和命名。 这些形式称为Computer Topology 。 计算机拓扑主要用于计算机网络的物理连接,但也可以用于逻辑连接。 以下是计算机网络的最常见拓扑或布局。 互联网顺便使用了“网状拓扑”。

总线拓扑 (Bus Topology)

In Bus Topology all computers are nodes are directly connected to a common medium like bus way and stations where stations are nodes.

在“ Bus Topology所有计算机都是节点,它们直接连接到通用介质,例如总线通道和以站为节点的站。

Bus Topology

星型拓扑(Star Topology)

In Star Topology all computers are connected to a special central node which is generally a network device. The nodes and connections are similar to the star.

在“ Star Topology所有计算机都连接到通常是网络设备的特殊中央节点。 节点和连接类似于星形。

Star Topology

环形拓扑(Ring Topology)

In Ring Topology nodes/computers has connected to the left and right node/computer. This will form a ring.

Ring Topology节点/计算机已连接到左右节点/计算机。 这将形成一个环。

Ring Topology

网格拓扑(Mesh Topology)

In Mesh Topology there is not specific connection count and type where different computers/nodes has different connectiontion. Internet is the biggest mesh topology network where different computers has different phyiscal connections others.

Mesh Topology ,没有特定的连接计数和类型,其中不同的计算机/节点具有不同的连接。 互联网是最大的网状拓扑网络,其中不同的计算机具有不同的物理连接。

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全连接拓扑 (Fully Connected Topology)

In Fully Connected Topology all nodes/computers are connected to each other. This is very expensive to implement and hard to operate.

在“ Fully Connected Topology所有节点/计算机都相互连接。 这实现起来非常昂贵并且难以操作。

Fully Connected Topology

树形拓扑(Tree Topology)

In Tree Topology computers are nodes of the tree. This tree has a hierarchycal connection between nodes and networks.

Tree Topology计算机是树的节点。 该树在节点和网络之间具有层次结构的连接。

Tree Topology

计算机网络组件(Computer Network Components)

In order to create and run a computer network some of the following devices are required.


  • Host

  • Server

  • Router

  • Switch

  • Hub

  • Firewall

  • Access Point


主办(Host )

Host is a generic name used for different types of devices. Computer, PC, Laptop, Smartphone, SmartTV are a host devices too. Host devices mainly consume data, service provided by the servers.

主机是用于不同类型设备的通用名称。 电脑,PC,笔记本电脑,智能手机,SmartTV也是主机设备。 主机设备主要消耗服务器提供的数据和服务。

服务器 (Server)

Server is a computer type where provides data and services to be used by other hosts. Server have services to serve some information and use computer network for the transmission of data.

服务器是一种计算机类型,在其中提供其他主机可以使用的数据和服务。 服务器提供服务以提供一些信息,并使用计算机网络进行数据传输。

路由器 (Router)

Router is important parts of the computer networks where they route data between different hosts or servers. Routers store the routes to the different networks and redirect packets properly.

Router是计算机网络的重要组成部分,它们在不同主机或服务器之间路由数据。 路由器存储到不同网络的路由,并正确重定向数据包。

开关 (Switch)

Switch is another important network device for a computer network that is used to connect multiple hosts and servers with the routers. The switch works on OSI layer 3.

Switch是计算机网络的另一重要网络设备,用于将多个主机和服务器与路由器连接。 交换机在OSI层3上运行。

枢纽 (Hub)

Hub is a old type network devices which is similar to the switch.


防火墙功能 (Firewall)

Firewall is a computer network security devices which is used to detect, monitor and prevent cyber attacks over computer network.


切入点 (Access Point)

Access Point is a computer network devices used to provide network connection without a cable via air.

Access Point是一种计算机网络设备,用于通过空中无电缆地提供网络连接。

调制解调器 (Modem)

Modemis a devices used to connect local network to the POP point which is generally the ISP.


计算机网络条款 (Computer Network Terms)

Computer networks are very complex and contains a lot of different technologies, protocols, devices with different terms. Below we will list some of the most popular terms elated with the computer network.

计算机网络非常复杂,包含许多具有不同术语的不同技术,协议,设备。 下面我们将列出一些与计算机网络相关的最受欢迎的术语。

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IP Address is a numerical representation used for the hosts and servers.

IP Address是用于主机和服务器的数字表示。

Mac Address is the address of the network interface card which is generally an ethernet or wireless card.

Mac Address是网络接口卡的地址,通常是以太网卡或无线卡。

Port is a logical gate used to specify the local and remote service we want to connect.


DNS or Domain Name System is the protocol used to link names with the IP addresses like poftut.com is resolved to the IP address.

DNSDomain Name System是用于将名称与IP地址(例如poftut.com)链接到192.168.1.1 IP地址的协议。

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-computer-network/

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This third edition represents another major upgrade to this classic networking book. The field continues to change fast, and new concepts emerge with amazing speed. This version expands its discussion of a lot of important new topics, including peer-to-peer networks, Ipv6, overlay and content distribution networks, MPLS and switching, wireless and mobile technology, and more. It also contains an earlier and stronger focus on applications, which reflects the student and professional’s increased familiarity with a wide range of networked applications. The book continues its tradition of giving you the facts you need to understand today’s world. But it has not lost track of its larger goal, to tell you not only the facts but the why behind the facts. The philosophy of the book remains the same: to be timely but timeless. What this book will teach you in today’s networked world will give you the insight needed to work in tomorrow’s landscape. And that is important, since there is no reason to believe that the evolution of networks is going to slow down anytime soon. It is hard to remember what the world looked like only ten years ago. Back then the Internet was not really a commercial reality. Ten megabits per second was really fast.We didn’t worry about spam and virus attacks—we left our computers unguarded and hardly worried. Those times were simpler, but today may be more exciting. And you better believe that tomorrow will be different from today: at least as exciting, with luck no less trustworthy, and certainly bigger, faster and filled with fresh innovation. So I hope Larry and Bruce can relax for a little before they have to start the next revision. Meanwhile, use this book to learn about today and get ready for tomorrow. Have fun.




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