什么是MSconfig? 如何打开和配置MSConfig?

MSConfig is a tool used to the configuration of Software, Devices Drivers, Boot parameters and startup services in Windows operating systems. It is released with the Microsoft System Configuration Utility for Windows XP and previous operating systems. With Windows Vista, the name is changed into System Configuration for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server, etc.

MSConfig是用于在Windows操作系统中配置软件,设备驱动程序,引导参数和启动服务的工具。 它与Windows XP和以前的操作系统的Microsoft System Configuration Utility一起发布。 在Windows Vista中,名称更改为Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows Server等的System Configuration

如何从命令行打开Msconfig? (How To Open Msconfig From Command Line?)

MSconfig can be opened from the command line like MS-DOS, PowerShell or cmd.exe. We will just use the msconfig command like below. Operating system Windows XP and later versions require Administrative privileges in order to use MSConfig.

可以从命令行打开MSconfig,例如MS-DOS,PowerShell或cmd.exe。 我们将只使用msconfig命令,如下所示。 操作系统Windows XP和更高版本需要具有管理权限才能使用MSConfig。

> msconfig
How To Open Msconfig From Command Line?
How To Open Msconfig From Command Line?

如何从开始菜单打开Msconfig? (How To Open Msconfig From Start Menu?)

We can also open the MSconfig from the Start menu of the Windows operating system. We will just type msconfig which will list the MSconfig as a first item. MSconfig is named as System Configuration and App type in Windows 10 like below.

我们也可以从Windows操作系统的“开始”菜单中打开MSconfig。 我们将只键入msconfig ,它将把MSconfig列为第一项。 如下所示,MSconfig在Windows 10中被称为System Configuration和应用程序类型。

How To Open Msconfig From Start Menu?
How To Open Msconfig From Start Menu?

如何从运行菜单中打开Msconfig? (How To Open Msconfig From Run Menu?)

We can also use the Run Menu in order to open MSconfig. We will just type the msconfig command like below and click OK or ENTER.

我们也可以使用“ Run Menu来打开MSconfig。 我们将只键入如下的msconfig命令,然后单击“确定”或“ ENTER”。

How To Open Msconfig From Run Menu?
How To Open Msconfig From Run Menu?

常规选项卡 (General Tab)

When the MSconfig is opened the active tab is named General Tab. The General tab provides information about the startup selection. We can select the startup type of the system. Options are

打开MSconfig时,活动选项卡称为“ General Tab 。 常规选项卡提供有关启动选择的信息。 我们可以选择系统的启动类型。 选项是

MSConfig General Tab
MSConfig General Tab
  • `Normal Startup` mode is the default selection. This will start the system normally by loading all device drivers and services.

    “正常启动”模式是默认选择。 通过加载所有设备驱动程序和服务,这将正常启动系统。
  • `Diagnostic Startup` mode is used to diagnose problems and errors. In diagnostic startup mode, basic devices and services are loaded.

    “诊断启动”模式用于诊断问题和错误。 在诊断启动模式下,将加载基本设备和服务。
  • `Selective Startup` mode is used to select the components which will be loaded on system startup. We can enable or disable, system services, startup items, and original boot configuration.

    “选择性启动”模式用于选择将在系统启动时加载的组件。 我们可以启用或禁用系统服务,启动项和原始启动配置。
LEARN MORE  Bcdedit Command Tutorial with Examples To Edit Windows Boot Configuration

开机标签(Boot Tab)

Boot tab provides configuration options about the system boot. In the boot tab, we can set different boot options, boot timeout duration, safe boot, etc.

“引导”选项卡提供有关系统引导的配置选项。 在启动选项卡中,我们可以设置不同的启动选项,启动超时时间,安全启动等。

MSConfig Boot Tab
MSConfig Boot Tab
  • `Windows 10 (C:\WINDOWS) : Current OS; Default OS` will load default operating system located in `C:\WINDOWS` which is identified as Windows 10.

    Windows 10(C:\ WINDOWS):当前操作系统; Default OS(默认操作系统)将加载位于C:\ WINDOWS(标识为Windows 10)中的默认操作系统。
  • `Advanced Options` will open BOOT Advanced Options windows where we can specify the number of processors, maximum memory, serial port USB config, etc.

    “ Advanced Options”将打开BOOT Advanced Options窗口,我们可以在其中指定处理器数量,最大内存,串行端口USB配置等。
MSConfig-BOOT Advanced Options
MSConfig-BOOT Advanced Options
  • `Safe boot` will enable the safe boot features of


    • Minimal

    • Alternate shell

    • Active Directory repair

      Active Directory修复
    • Network

  • `No GUI boot` will disable GUI for boot.

  • `Boot log` will log the boot process and provides helpful information about the boot process.

  • `Base video` will load basic video drivers in order to prevent video related problems.

  • `OS boot information`

  • `Timeout` is used to set timeout of boot screen before loading an operating system. The default value is 30 seconds.

    “超时”用于设置加载操作系统之前的启动屏幕超时。 默认值为30秒。
  • `Make all boot settings permanent` will save the new boot configurations automatically which will make them permanent.


服务标签 (Services Tab)

Services Tab is used to configure services during boot. We can enable and disable some services during boot from this menu. We can see the listing of the services and information like Service Name, Manufacturer, Status and Date Disabled.

Services Tab用于在引导过程中配置服务。 我们可以在启动期间从此菜单启用和禁用某些服务。 我们可以看到服务列表以及诸如Service NameManufacturerStatusDate Disabled

MSConfig Services Tab
MSConfig Services Tab
  • `Hide all Microsoft services` will hide Microsoft related services that are mainly related to the operating system.

  • `Enable All` will enable all services.

  • `Disable All` will disable all services.


启动标签 (Startup Tab)

Startup Tab is one of the most used part of the MSConfig. The startup tab is used to start and stop programs that are automatically started during boot. These applications are generally the biggest cause of the slow or problematic system start. They can be disabled or enabled from the Startup tab. There are some information about startup applications like Startup Item,Manufacturer,Command,Location and Date Disabled.

Startup Tab是MSConfig中最常用的部分之一。 启动选项卡用于启动和停止在引导过程中自动启动的程序。 这些应用通常是导致系统启动缓慢或出现问题的最大原因。 可以从“启动”选项卡中禁用或启用它们。 有关启动应用程序的一些信息,例如“ Startup Item ,“ Manufacturer ,“ Command ,“ Location和“ Date Disabled

MSConfig Startup Tab
MSConfig Startup Tab
  • `Enable all` will enable all startup applications.

  • `Disable all` will disable all startup applications.

  • Thicks can be used to enable and disable the specific application.

LEARN MORE  How To Add Program/Application To Startup Folder In Windows 7?
了解更多如何在Windows 7中将程序/应用程序添加到启动文件夹?

In Windows 8 and later versions like Windows 10 and Windows Server 2012, Server 2016 the Task Manager is used to manage startup applications.

在Windows 8和更高版本(例如Windows 10和Windows Server 2012,Server 2016)中, Task Manager用于管理启动应用程序。

MSConfig Startup Tab For Windows 10
MSConfig Startup Tab For Windows 10
Windows 10的MSConfig启动选项卡

工具标签(Tools Tab)

Tools Tab provides some useful tool shortcut to run them. These tools can be used to display Windows Version, Event Viewer, etc. We can simply run a tool by selecting the tool line and clicking the Launch button.

Tools Tab提供了一些有用的工具快捷方式来运行它们。 这些工具可用于显示Windows版本,事件查看器等。我们可以通过选择工具行并单击“ Launch按钮来简单地运行工具。

MSConfig Tools Tab
MSConfig Tools Tab
  • `About Windows` will display the Windows version.

  • `Change UAC Settings` will change user account control settings.

  • `Security and Maintenance` will open the Security and Maintenance.

  • `Windows Troubleshooting` will troubleshoot problems with the system.

  • `Computer Management` will open the system settings and components.

  • `System Information` will advanced information about the hardware and software settings of the system.

  • `Event Viewer` will open the event viewer.


更改配置后重新启动/重新启动 (Reboot/Restart After Configuration Change)

After making some changes with the MSConfig the system requires a reboot in order to make the new configuration to be effective. If it is not urgent we can reboot later where the configuration will be effective after the reboot.

在对MSConfig进行一些更改后,系统需要重新启动才能使新配置生效。 如果不是很紧急,我们可以稍后重新启动,该配置将在重新启动后生效。

Reboot/Restart After Configuration Change
Reboot/Restart After Configuration Change
  • `Restart` will restart the system immediately and make the configuration change effective.

  • `Exit without restart` will exit the MSConfig without a reboot. The configuration will be effective after the reboot.

    “不重新启动退出”将不重新启动就退出MSConfig。 重启后配置生效。

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-msconfig-and-how-to-open-and-configure-msconfig/





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