web服务器 apache_什么是Apache Web服务器?

web服务器 apache

web服务器 apache

Apache web server is a web server application or services used to serve provided files and applications over network which is generally internet. In this tutorial we will explain what is Apache Web Server in details by providing related technologies, owner and versions of Apache Web Server.

Apache Web服务器是一种Web服务器应用程序或服务,用于通过通常是Internet的网络来提供提供的文件和应用程序。 在本教程中,我们将通过提供相关技术,Apache Web Server的所有者和版本来详细解释什么是Apache Web Server。

网页 (Web Page)

Web page is a bunch of HTML, Javascript, CSS code with extra objects like image, video etc. Web pages generally used in the World Wide Web or WWW simply internet in order to provide some content to the internet users. Web pages generally generated or created by some server side application which is developed with programming languages like PHP, Python,C#, Java etc.

网页是一堆HTML,Javascript,CSS代码,带有诸如图像,视频等额外的对象。通常在万维网或WWW中使用的网页只是为了向互联网用户提供一些内容而只是互联网。 通常由某些服务器端应用程序生成或创建的网页,这些服务器端应用程序是使用PHP,Python,C#,Java等编程语言开发的。

网页浏览器 (Web Browser)

Web Browser is a tool used to show web pages provided by the web servers. Web browsers have the capability to interpret HTML, Javascript, CSS code and show videos with images. Web browser provide interface to the web sites. There is popular browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Opera etc.

Web浏览器是用于显示Web服务器提供的网页的工具。 Web浏览器具有解释HTML,Javascript,CSS代码并显示带有图像的视频的功能。 Web浏览器提供了网站的界面。 有流行的浏览器,例如Google Chrome,Firefox,Internet Explorer,Edge,Opera等。

网络服务器 (Web Server)

Web server is a software which runs on servers like Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat, Windows Server etc. Web Server will provides requested resources which is generally a web page to the clients. Clients generally uses Web Browser to request Web Pages from Web Servers. Web Servers can run scripts and applications and provide results to the Web Browsers too.

Web服务器是一种在Linux,Ubuntu,Debian,RedHat,Windows Server等服务器上运行的软件。Web服务器将提供所请求的资源,该资源通常是客户端的网页。 客户端通常使用Web浏览器从Web服务器请求网页。 Web服务器可以运行脚本和应用程序,也可以向Web浏览器提供结果。

Apache Web服务器 (Apache Web Server)

Apache Web Server is one of the most historic Web Server software started at 1995. Development of the Apache Web Server is started by Rob McCool but a lot of web masters provided some help to this software.

Apache Web Server是最古老的Web Server软件之一,始于1995年。Apache Web Server的开发由Rob McCool开始,但是许多Web管理员对此软件提供了一些帮助。

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Apache Web Server is cross platform which means it can work different operating systems like Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Windows Server, MacOS, Unix etc.

Apache Web Server是跨平台的,这意味着它可以运行不同的操作系统,例如Linux,Ubuntu,Debian,Mint,Windows Server,MacOS,Unix等。

Apache软件基金会 (Apache Software Foundation)

Apache Web Server created a group or foundation which will work on free software. After the first project Apache Web Server Apache Software Foundation created a lot of opensource project those are used widely around the world.

Apache Web Server创建了一个可以使用免费软件的小组或基金会。 在第一个项目Apache Web Server之后,Apache Software Foundation创建了许多开源项目,这些项目在世界范围内得到了广泛使用。

当前版本的Apache (Current Version of Apache)

Apache is a long run project which has released a lot of minor versions. Latest version of Apache Web Server is 2.4 .

Apache是​​一个长期运行的项目,已经发布了许多次要版本。 Apache Web Server的最新版本是2.4

为Ubuntu,Debian,Kali,Mint安装Apache (Install Apache For Ubuntu, Debian, Kali, Mint)

Apache Web Server can be installed with the following command in the deb based distributions. The package is called apache2.

可以使用以下命令在基于deb的发行版中安装Apache Web Server。 该软件包称为apache2

$ sudo apt install apache2

安装Apache Windows版 (Install Apache For Windows)

Apache is povided as a executable file for Windows Server and Client operating systems. The installer can be downloaded from following link and can be installed with Windows style Next->Next

Apache被视为Windows Server和Client操作系统的可执行文件。 可以从以下链接下载安装程序,并可以Windows风格安装Next > Next


安装Apache for Fedora,CentOS,RedHat (Install Apache For Fedora, CentOS, RedHat)

In rpm based distribuntions Apache Web Server is named as httpd sow we can install Apache Web Server for Fedora, CentOS, RedHat like below.

在基于rpm的发行版中,Apache Web Server的名称为httpd我们可以为Fedora,CentOS,RedHat安装Apache Web Server,如下所示。

$ sudo yum install httpd

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-apache-web-server/

web服务器 apache

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