
Basic Input and Output System simply know as BIOS is the first thing that is loaded by the computer. BIOS is designed to initialize a computer properly and load the real full features operation system like Windows, Linux, etc. BIOS is a low-level software where it provides very little but crucial features for its users.

基本输入和输出系统简称为BIOS是计算机首先加载的东西。 BIOS旨在适当地初始化计算机并加载真正的全功能操作系统(例如Windows,Linux等)。BIOS是一种低级软件,在其中它为用户提供的功能很少但很关键。

BIOS功能 (BIOS Functions)

BIOS has some basic functions in order to start the computer and load the real operating system properly.


  • POST is a function that is very important because BIOS will check the hardware and connected peripherals and loads them properly for the operating systems. POST is the first thing a BIOS does when the computer is started. When the POST start we can hear a beep sound which says the POST is started.

    POST是一项非常重要的功能,因为BIOS将检查硬件和连接的外围设备,并为操作系统正确加载它们。 POST是BIOS在启动计算机时执行的第一件事。 开机自检开始时,我们会听到蜂鸣声,表明开机自检开始。

  • Bootstrap Loader will locate and load a real operating system. Actually, BIOS is also an operating system with very restricted features. BIOS will start the load chain for different operating systems like Linux, Windows, BSD, etc.

    Bootstrap Loader将查找并加载实际的操作系统。 实际上,BIOS也是具有非常有限的功能的操作系统。 BIOS将启动适用于Linux,Windows,BSD等不同操作系统的负载链。

  • Load Drivers will load basic drivers for the hardware. These drivers mainly designed to manage given hardware and pass this hardware into the real operating system.

    Load Drivers将加载硬件的基本驱动程序。 这些驱动程序主要用于管理给定的硬件,并将该硬件传递到实际的操作系统中。

  • System and Hardware Configuration will set some basic configuration about the system like System Time, Boot Preferences, Security, Hardware Features etc.

    System and Hardware Configuration将设置有关系统的一些基本配置,例如System TimeBoot PreferencesSecurityHardware Features等。

如何更新BIOS? (How To Update BIOS?)

BIOS software is stored in an EPROM which is not easy to change the content of the BIOS chip. But there are some tools provided by the mainboard or chip manufacturer in order to update the BIOS. BIOS Update sometimes called Flash BIOS because it will flash the BIOS chip. Here the steps required to update the BIOS. Keep in mind this is a fragile process and do not interrupt which will cause the BIOS corrupt.

BIOS软件存储在EPROM中,这不容易更改BIOS芯片的内容。 但是主板或芯片制造商提供了一些工具来更新BIOS。 BIOS更新有时称为Flash BIOS,因为它将更新BIOS芯片。 这里是更新BIOS所需的步骤。 请记住,这是一个脆弱的过程,请不要中断,这会导致BIOS损坏。

How To Update BIOS
How To Update BIOS
  • The download recent BIOS firmware from the chip or mainboard manufacturer.

  • Copy BIOS update software to the USB storage.

  • Boot to BIOS and Navigate to the Tool-> EZ Flash.

    引导至BIOS并导航至Tool -> EZ Flash

  • Select USB and then select the BIOS update file.

    Select USB ,然后选择BIOS更新文件。

  • You will be prompted one final time before applying the update. Review and Accept this.

    最后一次提示您,应用此更新。 查看并接受。
  • Reboot upon completion.

LEARN MORE  How To Update and Upgrade Linux Kernel?

BIOS与操作系统 (BIOS vs Operating System)

As stated previously BIOS is an operating system but it is very different from full-fledged real operating systems. In this part, we will compare the BIOS and Real operating systems.

如前所述,BIOS是一个操作系统,但它与成熟的实际操作系统有很大不同。 在这一部分中,我们将比较BIOS和Real操作系统。

  • BIOS is the first OS which starts the computer but Real Operating system starts after BIOS

    BIOS是第一个启动计算机的操作系统,但在BIOS之后启动了Real Operating System

  • BIOS initializes hardware and peripherals where a Real Operating system uses hardware and peripherals.

  • BIOS has very low-level functions where the Real Operating system has complete and high-level functions.

    BIOS具有非常低级的功能,其中Real Operating System具有完整和高级的功能。
  • BIOS can not be used as OS practically where Real Operating systems can be used.

    BIOS实际上不能用作可以使用Real Operating System的操作系统。
  • BIOS has a very basic User interface which is not Graphical where Real Operating System has complete and complex Graphical User Interface.

  • BIOS update and upgrade are harder than Real Operating system update and upgrades.

    BIOS更新和升级要比Real Operating System更新和升级困难。

受欢迎的BIOS制造商 (Popular BIOS Manufacturers)

BIOS is manufactured by different vendors like below.


  • Phoenix Technologies

  • IBM

  • Dell

  • Gateway


  • American Megatrends (AMI)

  • Insyde Software

  • Award Software

  • General Software

  • Microid Research


如何打开BIOS?(How To Open BIOS?)

As BIOS is the first software or operating system loaded into a computer at the start of the boot we have to be fast in order to open the BIOS main screen. We can make some configuration about BIOS, System Hardware, etc. BIOS manufacturers generally use function keys like F1, F2, etc to open the BIOS Configuration screen here are some of them. Also, information about the shortcut key is provided during boot.

由于BIOS是引导启动时加载到计算机中的第一个软件或操作系统,因此我们必须快速才能打开BIOS主屏幕。 我们可以对BIOS,系统硬件等进行一些配置。BIOS制造商通常使用功能键(例如F1,F2等)打开BIOS配置屏幕,此处是其中的一些功能。 另外,在引导过程中会提供有关快捷键的信息。

  • F2

  • F4

  • F10

  • F12


主BIOS屏幕 (Main BIOS Screen)

Most of the BIOS software provides similar functions and screens. When we opened the BIOS screen with the F4 we will see the following screen. Main tab provides general information about the system.

大多数BIOS软件都提供类似的功能和屏幕。 当我们使用F4打开BIOS屏幕时,将看到以下屏幕。 Main选项卡提供有关系统的常规信息。

Main BIOS Screen
Main BIOS Screen
  • System Time provides BIOS or CMOS clock of the system.

    System Time提供System Time BIOS或CMOS时钟。

  • System Date provides the current date of the BIOS of the system.

    System Date提供System Date BIOS的当前日期。

  • Legacy Diskette A and B is used to configure Disket Drives which is abandoned.

    Legacy Diskette A and B用于配置废弃的软盘驱动器。

  • Primary Master is the first primary disk and its size which around 42 GB.

    Primary Master是第一个主磁盘,其大小约为42 GB。

  • Primary Slave is the second disk which does not exist.

    Primary Slave磁盘是第二个不存在的磁盘。

  • Secondary Master is connected to the CD-ROM.

    Secondary Master已连接到CD-ROM

  • Secondary Slave is currently empty.

    Secondary Slave站当前为空。

  • System memory is BIOS memory.

    System memory是BIOS内存。

  • Extended Memory is RAM size which is 512 MB in this case.

    Extended Memory的RAM大小在这种情况下为512 MB。

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BIOS操作键盘快捷键 (BIOS Operation Keyboard Shortcuts)

After opening the BIOS we can make configuration changes and we have to save, reload or reset these changes by rebooting the system. BIOS uses function keys like below.

打开BIOS后,我们可以进行配置更改,并且必须通过重新引导系统来保存,重新加载或重置这些更改。 BIOS使用如下功能键。

  • F1 provides help information about the BIOS.


  • Esc is used to exit.


  • Enter will select or open submenu.


  • F9 recover to the default settings.


  • F10 is used to save and exit from the BIOS setup.


更改启动顺序配置 (Change Boot Order Configuration)

One of the most used functions of a BIOS is changing the Boot Order Configuration. Generally, HDD is used to load the main operating system but in some cases like the installation of the operating system, we want to install OS from a DVD or USB. So we have to change the boot order configuration from the Boot page.

BIOS最常用的功能之一是更改引导顺序配置。 通常,HDD用于加载主操作系统,但是在某些情况下(例如,安装操作系统),我们希望从DVD或USB安装OS。 因此,我们必须从“ Boot页面更改引导顺序配置。

Change Boot Order Configuration
Change Boot Order Configuration

We can use +and - change the order by selecting it. When we completed the boot order configuration we can press F10 in order to save and exit with a reboot.

我们可以使用+-通过选择顺序来更改顺序。 完成引导顺序配置后,我们可以按F10键以保存并退出并重新引导。

从BIOS退出 (Exit From BIOS)

We can exit from BIOS with F10 by saving the configuration but there are other alternatives provided by the Exit menu like below.

通过保存配置,我们可以使用F10从BIOS退出,但是“ Exit菜单提供了其他替代方法,如下所示。

Exit From BIOS
Exit From BIOS

We can do the following operations and actions if we want to exit from BIOS.


  • Exit Saving Changes

    Exit Saving Changes

  • Exit Discarding Changes

    Exit Discarding Changes

  • Load Setup Defaults

    Load Setup Defaults

  • Discard Changes which will not exit.

    Discard Changes不会退出的Discard Changes

  • Save Changes which will not exit.

    Save Changes不会退出的Save Changes

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-bios-basic-input-output-system-and-how-to-access-and-use/

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