
MySQL is the most popular open-source database in the world. MySQL is a Relational Database Management System (RDMS) which is used to store data in a relational manner inside different tables. What makes MySQL different is it is production-ready enterprise-level features without a cost or lower costs. The name of the MySQL comes from the creator’s daughter name which is My.

MySQL是世界上最受欢迎的开源数据库。 MySQL是关系数据库管理系统(RDMS),用于以关系方式在不同表中存储数据。 MySQL的与众不同之处在于它是无需投入成本或降低成本的生产就绪型企业级功能。 MySQL的名称来自创建者的子名称My

MySQL历史 (MySQL History)

First, we will start with some information about the MySQL history of how it created and grow up today’s popularity.


  • MySQL is created as an open-source database product by MySQL AB in 1995 in Sweden.

    MySQL由MySQL AB于1995年在瑞典创建为开源数据库产品。
  • MySQL was priority products where it went open source in 2000 which dropped their revenue about %80.

  • MySQL reached 3 million active users at the end of 2002.

  • MySQL changed the business model with the dual-licensing model and targeted enterprise market rather than end-users.

  • Sun Microsystems acquired MySQL AB for 1 billion USD in 2008.

    Sun Microsystems于2008年以10亿美元的价格收购了MySQL AB。
  • Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems as well as MySQL too in 2009.

    Oracle在2009年也收购了Sun Microsystems和MySQL。

MySQL版本 (MySQL Editions)

As its licensing models and services, MySQL has different editions. These editions are created to provide flexible plans for the customers with only required features. Here is the list of currently available MySQL editions. From the list only MySQL Community Editin is free so others have different licensing costs. This also makes MySQL Community Edition most popular MySQL version.

作为其许可模型和服务,MySQL具有不同的版本。 创建这些版本的目的是仅为客户提供所需功能的灵活计划。 这是当前可用MySQL版本的列表。 从列表中,只有MySQL Community Editin是免费的,因此其他人则需要不同的许可费用。 这也使MySQL Community Edition成为最受欢迎MySQL版本。

  • MySQL Community Edition

  • MySQL Standard Edition

  • MySQL Classic Edition

  • MySQL Enterprise Edition

  • MySQL Cluster CGE

  • MySQL Embedded


MySQL社区版(MySQL Community Edition)

As stated previously MySQL Community Edition is the freely downloaded version of the MySQL. It is licensed under the GPL license and support provided by a huge, helpful community. MySQL Community Edition provides the following features.

如前所述, MySQL Community EditionMySQL Community Edition的免费下载版本。 它是根据GPL许可获得许可的,并且由庞大而有用的社区提供支持。 MySQL Community Edition提供以下功能。

  • Supports both Relational SQL and NoSQL

  • Provides MySQL Document Store

  • Transactional Data Dictionary with atomic DDL statement for reliability

    带有原子DDL语句的Transactional Data Dictionary具有可靠性

  • Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture support like (InnoDB, NDB, MyISAM, etc)

    Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture支持,例如(InnoDB,NDB,MyISAM等)

  • Replication support for performance and scalability


  • Group Replication support to fault tolerance, automated failover, elasticity

    Group Replication支持容错,自动故障转移,弹性

  • InnoDB Cluster

    InnoDB Cluster

  • Router to deliver requests between applications and multiple MySQL servers


  • Partitioning to improve performance and large database data


  • Stored Procedures to improve productivity and lower operation cost

    Stored Procedures可提高生产率并降低运营成本

  • Triggers to enforce complex business rules at the MySQL database


  • Views to filer sensitive data and create new virtual tables


  • Performance Schema for performance monitoring and resource consumption

    用于性能监控和资源消耗的Performance Schema

  • Information Schema for easy access to the database, table, row information, and metadata

    Information Schema ,可轻松访问数据库,表,行信息和元数据

  • MySQL Connectorsto connect the database from different languages and platforms like C, C++, Python, .Net, PHP, etc.

    MySQL Connectors用于连接来自不同语言和平台(例如C,C ++,Python,.Net,PHP等)的数据库。

  • MySQL Workbenchfor the GUI tool and management tool for MySQL server.

    用于MySQL服务器的GUI工具和管理工具的MySQL Workbench

LEARN MORE  How to Install Mariadb / Mysql Server in Linux Fedora, CentOS and RedHat?
了解更多如何在Linux Fedora,CentOS和RedHat中安装Mariadb / Mysql Server?

MySQL标准版 (MySQL Standard Edition)

MySQL Standard Edition is created for the applications that needing high performance and scalable Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). It has extra features to the MySQL Community Editions.

MySQL Standard Edition是为需要高性能和可扩展的联机事务处理(OLTP)的应用程序创建的。 它具有MySQL Community Editions的附加功能。

  • Fully Integrated InnoDB which will make the transactions safe.

    Fully Integrated InnoDB ,将使交易安全。

  • ACID Compliant

    ACID Compliant

  • Advanced Replication will provide enterprise-level replication.

    Advanced Replication将提供企业级复制。

MySQL经典版和MySQL嵌入式版 (MySQL Classic Edition and MySQL Embedded Edition)

MySQL Classic Edition is designed or ISVs, OEMs, and VARs for developing read-intensive applications with the MyISAM engine. This edition has zero administration and high performance with low resource needs. MySQL Classic Edition is ideal for embedded applications which do not need or have client and server communication.

设计了MySQL Classic Edition或ISV,OEM和VAR,用于使用MyISAM引擎开发读取密集型应用程序。 此版本具有零管理和高性能,且资源需求低。 MySQL经典版非常适合不需要客户端或服务器与服务器进行通信的嵌入式应用程序。

MySQL企业版 (MySQL Enterprise Edition)

MySQL Enterprise Edition is the most popular enterprise-level version of MySQL database. It provides all features an enterprise-level database needs. This edition provides advanced features, management tools with technical support. This edition will lower the risk, cost, and complexity of business-critical database operations.

MySQL企业版是最受欢迎MySQL数据库企业级版本。 它提供了企业级数据库所需的所有功能。 此版本提供高级功能,具有技术支持的管理工具。 此版本将降低关键业务数据库操作的风险,成本和复杂性。

  • Oracle MySQL Cloud Serice is built on MySQL Enterprise Edition where the workload can be balanced between on-premise and on cloud

    Oracle MySQL Cloud Serice建立在MySQL Enterprise Edition上,可以在本地和云之间平衡工作负载

  • MySQL Document Store is an engine where scheme-free document database can be created in SQL

    MySQL Document Store是一个可以在SQL中创建无计划文档数据库的引擎

  • MySQL Enterprise Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) enabled data-at-rest encryption for security

    MySQL Enterprise Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)启用了MySQL Enterprise Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)数据加密以提高安全性

  • MySQL Enterprise Masking and De-identification will mask sensitive data and replace real values with substitutes

    MySQL Enterprise Masking and De-identification将屏蔽敏感数据并用替代品替换实际值

  • MySQL Enterprise Backup will take online “Hot” backups of databases

    MySQL Enterprise Backup将对数据库进行在线“热”备份

  • MySQL Enterprise High Availability will provide HA for multiple database servers

    MySQL Enterprise High Availability将为多个数据库服务器提供HA

  • MySQL Enterprise Scalability will load balance users, query and transactions

    MySQL Enterprise Scalability将平衡用户,查询和事务的负载

  • MySQL Enterprise Authentication provides 3rd party and external authentication modules like Active Directory, PAM, etc.

    MySQL Enterprise Authentication提供了第三方和外部身份验证模块,例如Active Directory,PAM等。

  • MySQL Enterprise Encryption will handle encryption, key generations, digital signatures, and other cryptographic operations

    MySQL Enterprise Encryption将处理加密,密钥生成,数字签名和其他加密操作

  • MySQL Enterprise Firewall will guard against real-time attacks like SQL Injection and provide security monitoring

    MySQL Enterprise Firewall将防范SQL注入等实时攻击并提供安全监控

  • MySQL Enterprise Audit will provide policy-based auditing and compliance and create alerts

    MySQL Enterprise Audit将提供基于策略的审核和合规性并创建警报

  • MySQL Technical Support service will provide direct access to the experts 7×24.

    MySQL Technical Support服务将提供对7×24专家的直接访问。

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MySQL集群CGE (MySQL Cluster CGE)

MySQL Cluster CGE provides linear scalability and high availability. Also, it has features like in-memory real-time access across partitioned and distributed datasets. Following features are provided by MySQLCluster CGE.

MySQL Cluster CGE提供线性可伸缩性和高可用性。 此外,它还具有跨分区和分布式数据集的内存中实时访问等功能。 MySQLCluster CGE提供以下功能。

  • 99.9999% Availability will make the database services always available time-critical applications.

    99.9999% Availability将使数据库服务始终对时间紧迫的应用程序可用。

  • In-memory Real-Time Database will provide real-time response to the queries and transactions

    In-memory Real-Time Database将提供对查询和事务的实时响应

  • Auto-partitioning and Scalability will create shards automatically to scale database with extra hardware

    Auto-partitioning and Scalability将自动创建分片,以使用额外的硬件扩展数据库

  • Parallel Distributed Query Engine will provide multiple queries runs at the same time in a parallel manner

    Parallel Distributed Query Engine将以并行方式同时提供多个查询运行

  • SQL and NoSQL support will be provided at the same time

    将同时提供SQL and NoSQL支持

  • Multi-site Clusters with Active&Active Geographical Replication will provide Active& Active deployments in a multisite environment

    Multi-site Clusters with Active&Active Geographical Replication将在多站点环境中提供Active&Active部署

  • Online Scaling & Schema Upgrades support active or online scheme changes and scaling without stopping or distributing database services

    Online Scaling & Schema Upgrades支持活动或在线方案更改和扩展,而无需停止或分发数据库服务

下载MySQL(Download MySQL)

MySQL Community Edition is the most popular edition. It is provided from the following download page in order to download and install different components into different operating systems like Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, CentOS, etc.

MySQL Community Edition是最受欢迎的版本。 它从下面的下载页面提供,以便将不同的组件下载并安装到不同的操作系统中,例如Windows,Linux,Ubuntu,CentOS等。



Download MySQL Community Edition Tools
Download MySQL Community Edition Tools
下载MySQL Community Edition工具

Other paid versions can be downloaded from the following page with a customer account. But also Trial versions can be downloaded for a test drive too.

可以使用客户帐户从下一页下载其他付费版本。 但也可以下载Trial版以进行测试。



MySQL Customer Download
MySQL Customer Download


PHP is the closest friend of MySQL. PHP is a programming language where a lot of PHP tools, applications, frameworks use MySQL database by default. Both PHP and MySQL are cross-platform applications that can be used in Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc. But generally, the Linux platform is preferred for both PHP and MySQL.

PHP是MySQL的最亲密的朋友。 PHP是一种编程语言,默认情况下,许多PHP工具,应用程序和框架都使用MySQL数据库。 PHP和MySQL都是可以在Windows,Linux,MacOS等中使用的跨平台应用程序。但是通常,PHP和MySQL都首选Linux平台。

phpMyAdmin (phpMyAdmin)

phpMyAdmin is a web GUI created to manage MySQL databases. phpMyAdmin is a free tool that is developed with PHP programming language.

phpMyAdmin是创建用于管理MySQL数据库的Web GUI。 phpMyAdmin是使用PHP编程语言开发的免费工具。


MySQL的替代品 (MySQL Alternatives)

MySQL is the most popular opensource RDMS but there are also different type of alternatives which may provide similar or more features. Here a list of alternatives for MySQL.

MySQL是最流行的开源RDMS,但是也有不同类型的替代品,它们可能提供相似或更多的功能。 这里是MySQL的替代列表。

  • PostgreSQL is the most enterprise-ready alternative to MySQL. PostgreSQL can provide more than MySQL but it needs more technical ability for management.

    PostgreSQL是MySQL最适合企业使用的替代方案。 PostgreSQL可以提供比MySQL更多的功能,但是它需要更多的管理技术能力。

  • MariaDB is the clone of MySQL which is created for more liberty. MariaDB is compatible with most of the MySQL features and tools.

    MariaDB是MySQL的克隆版本,旨在提高自由度。 MariaDB与大多数MySQL功能和工具兼容。

  • Firebird is the embedded database used for serverless applications.


LEARN MORE  How To Create a Database and Table In MySQL and MariaDB?

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-mysql-database-and-product/





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