如何在Linux(Ubuntu,Debian,Mint,Kali,Fedora,Arch,CentOS,Red Hat)上安装TeamViewer?...

TeamViewer is the most popular remote desktop and support application used in the IT world. TeamViewer can be used to connect remote systems from different operating systems and platforms like Windows, Android, Linux, MacOSX, etc. This makes TeamViewer cross-platform. TeamViewer is also free which is very attractive for the end-users. In this tutorial, we will learn “How To Install TeamViewer On Linux?” for different distributions in different ways.

TeamViewer是IT世界中最流行的远程桌面和支持应用程序。 TeamViewer可用于连接来自不同操作系统和平台(例如Windows,Android,Linux,MacOSX等)的远程系统。这使TeamViewer跨平台。 TeamViewer也是免费的,这对于最终用户非常有吸引力。 在本教程中,我们将学习“如何在Linux上安装TeamViewer?”。 以不同的方式分配给不同的人。

为Ubuntu,Debian,Mint和Kali安装TeamViewer (Install TeamViewer For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali)

Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali are all deb based distributions where they are using deb packages, apt, dpkg for package management. Debian is also upstream for distributions like Ubuntu, Mint, and Kali.

Ubuntu,Debian,Mint和Kali都是基于deb的发行版,它们使用deb软件包apt,dpkg进行软件包管理。 Debian还在Ubuntu,Mint和Kali等发行版本的上游。

下载适用于Ubuntu,Debian,Mint和Kali的TeamViewer (Download TeamViewer For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali)

We will download the TeamViewer from the following URL. As we can see 32 and 64-bit architectures are supported for installation.

我们将从以下URL下载TeamViewer。 如我们所见,安装支持32位和64位体系结构。



Download TeamViewer For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali 
Download TeamViewer For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali

OR we can use wget in order to download the package from the command line.


$ wget https://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/teamviewer_amd64.deb
Download TeamViewer Deb with wget
Download TeamViewer Deb with wget
使用wget下载TeamViewer Deb

为Ubuntu,Debian,Mint和Kali安装 (Install For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali)

We will use dpkg command in order to install the downloaded package named teamviewer_amd64.deb. We will also use sudo for root privileges.

我们将使用dpkg命令来安装名为teamviewer_amd64.deb的下载包。 我们还将对根特权使用sudo

$ sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_amd64.deb
Install For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali 
Install For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali

AND as we can see in previous command output there are some dependency errors which will cancel TeamViewer installation. We can complete the installation by installing the dependencies and TeamViewer with the following command.

而且,正如我们在先前的命令输出中看到的那样,存在一些依赖项错误,这些错误会取消TeamViewer的安装。 我们可以使用以下命令通过安装依赖项和TeamViewer来完成安装。

$ sudo apt-get install -f
Install For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali 
Install For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali

对于Ubuntu,Debian,Mint和Kali的更新(Update For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali)

We can update TeamViewer by using the apt command like below.


$ sudo apt update && sudo aptdist-upgrade

删除/删除Ubuntu,Debian,Mint和Kali (Remove/Delete For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali)

We can remove the TeamViewer for Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali with the following apt remove command.

我们可以使用以下apt remove命令删除适用于Ubuntu,Debian,Mint和Kali的TeamViewer。

$ sudo apt remove teamviewer
Remove/Delete For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali
Remove/Delete For Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, and Kali

为Fedora,Red Hat和CentOS安装TeamViewer (Install TeamViewer For Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS)

TeamViewer is also provided for the rpm based distributions like Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS. All of these rpm distributions are related to each other to provide support, testbed, etc.

还为基于rpm的发行版(如Fedora,Red Hat和CentOS)提供了TeamViewer。 所有这些rpm分布都相互关联,以提供支持,测试平台等。

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下载Fedora,Red Hat和CentOS的TeamViewer (Download TeamViewer For Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS)

We will download the TeamViewer installation package from the same URL with the deb package which is like below. We will use the 64-bit package but also 32-bit package is provided too.

我们将从与deb包相同的URL下载TeamViewer安装包,如下所示。 我们将使用64位包,但也提供32位包。

Download TeamViewer For Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS
Download TeamViewer For Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS
下载Fedora,Red Hat和CentOS的TeamViewer
$ wget https://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/teamviewer.x86_64.rpm
Download TeamViewer For Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS
Download TeamViewer For Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS
下载Fedora,Red Hat和CentOS的TeamViewer

为Fedora,Red Hat和CentOS安装TeamViewer (Install TeamViewer For Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS)

In order to install TeamViewer package for Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS we have to install some dependencies which are mainly qt5 library-related. We will use the following command to install dependencies.

为了安装Fedora,Red Hat和CentOS的TeamViewer软件包,我们必须安装一些主要与qt5库相关的依赖项。 我们将使用以下命令来安装依赖项。

$ sudo dnf install qt5-qtwebkit qt5-qtquickcontrols
Install TeamViewer For Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS
Install TeamViewer For Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS
为Fedora,Red Hat和CentOS安装TeamViewer

Then we can use rpm package manager to install the downloaded package with the -i option like below.


$ sudo rpm -i teamviewer.x86_64.rpm

In Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat TeamViewer runs are services which name is teamviewerd. We can start, stop and list status with the following command.

teamviewerd Fedora中,运行的Red Hat TeamViewer是名称为teamviewerd服务。 我们可以使用以下命令启动,停止和列出状态。

#START TeamViewer Service
$ sudo systemctl start teamviewerd

#STOP TeamViewer Service 
$ sudo systemctl stop teamviewerd

#LIST TeamViewer Service 
$ sudo systemctl status teamviewerd

Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat TeamViewer Service Start, Stop, Status
Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat TeamViewer Service Start, Stop, Status
Fedora,CentOS,Red Hat TeamViewer服务的启动,停止,状态

为Fedora,Red Hat和CentOS更新TeamViewer(Update TeamViewer For Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS)

As the installation of the TeamViewer package also adds TeamViewer repositories we can use yum or dnf command for TeamViewer update.


$ sudo yum update



$ sudo dnf update

删除/删除Fedora,Red Hat和CentOS的TeamViewer (Remove/Delete TeamViewer For Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS)

We can remove the installed TeamViewer with the dnf or yum command. This will also remove the TeamViewer service too.

我们可以使用dnfyum命令删除已安装的TeamViewer。 这也将删除TeamViewer服务。

$ sudo dnf remove teamviewer



$ sudo yum remove teamviewer

为所有(通用)Linux发行版安装TeamViewer (Install TeamViewer For All (Generic) Linux Distributions)

TeamViewer is also provided as binary with its dependencies. It is called Tar package or Linux generic installation. It is provided as a compressed tar file and used by just downloading and extracting it. Keep in mind that this version is not officially supported but will work in most of the cases for different Linux distributions.

TeamViewer还以二进制文件及其依赖项的形式提供。 这称为Tar软件包或Linux通用安装。 它以压缩的tar文件形式提供,仅通过下载和解压缩即可使用。 请记住,此版本不受官方支持,但在大多数情况下适用于不同Linux发行版。

下载适用于所有(通用)Linux发行版的TeamViewer (Download TeamViewer For All (Generic) Linux Distributions)

We can download the tar.xz file for TeamViewer from the following URL.


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Download TeamViewer For All (Generic) Linux Distributions
Download TeamViewer For All (Generic) Linux Distributions

We can use wget command to download like below.


$ wget https://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/teamviewer_amd64.tar.xz
Download TeamViewer.tar.xz with wget
Download TeamViewer.tar.xz with wget

为所有(通用)Linux发行版安装TeamViewer (Install TeamViewer For All (Generic) Linux Distributions)

Installing the generic TeamViewer is just extracting the downloaded tar archive. We will use tar command with the xvf options and then enter the extracted directory and run the teamviewer binary.

安装通用TeamViewer只是提取下载的tar存档。 我们将使用带有xvf选项的tar命令,然后输入提取的目录并运行teamviewer二进制文件。

$ tar xvf teamviewer_amd64.tar.xz

We will navigate to the directory named teamviewer and then run the teamviewer binary like below.


$ cd teamviewer/
$ ./teamviewer

TeamViewer的首次运行 (First Run Of TeamViewer)

TeamViewer is a closed source or paid application where there is an End-User License Agreement. We have to accept the license agreement in the first run of the TeamViewer like below.

TeamViewer是具有最终用户许可协议的封闭源或付费应用程序。 如下所示,我们必须在TeamViewer的第一次运行中接受许可协议。

First Run Of TeamViewer
First Run Of TeamViewer

运行TeamViewer(Running TeamViewer)

TeamViewer can be started or launched in different ways. It can also change according to the installation.

TeamViewer可以以不同的方式启动或启动。 它也可以根据安装情况进行更改。

从命令行运行 (Run From Command Line)

We can start the TeamViewer command line with the teamviewer command like below.


$ teamviewer
Run From Command Line
Run From Command Line

从开始菜单运行(Run From Start Menu)

In desktop environments like XFCE, LXDE or GNOME Menu TeamViewer can be provided in different categories like the Internet, System etc like below.


Run From Start Menu
Run From Start Menu

从应用程序列表运行(Run From Application List)

Desktop environments like KDE, Unity, Gnome provides advanced search or application lists like below. We can open the teamviewer just typing team etc.

诸如KDE,Unity,Gnome之类的桌面环境提供了如下所示的高级搜索或应用程序列表。 我们可以打开team查看器,只需输入team等。

Run From Application List
Run From Application List

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-install-teamviewer-on-linux-ubuntu-debian-mint-kali-fedora-arch-centos-red-hat/





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