Bookmarks are important for the daily usage of browsers. Bookmarks are used to create or mark for a specific web site or a web page in our browser to access it easily in the feature. In this tutorial, we will learn how to import bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox browser from different sources like HTML File, Google Chrome Browser, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Edge, etc.
书签对于浏览器的日常使用很重要。 书签用于在我们的浏览器中为特定网站或网页创建或标记,以便在功能中轻松访问。 在本教程中,我们将学习如何在Mozilla Firefox浏览器中从不同的来源(例如HTML File,Google Chrome浏览器,Microsoft Internet Explorer或Edge等)导入书签。
打开书签管理器 (Open Bookmarks Manager)
In order to manage and import bookmarks in Firefox, we will need to open the Bookmarks Manager. Bookmarks manager is used to adding, remove, update, backup, import, and manage bookmarks in Firefox. We can open bookmarks manager with the CTRL+SHIFT+B
key combination or from Menu
->Show All Bookmarks
like below.
为了在Firefox中管理和导入书签,我们需要打开“书签管理器”。 书签管理器用于在Firefox中添加,删除,更新,备份,导入和管理书签。 我们可以使用CTRL+SHIFT+B
-> Library
-> Bookmarks
-> Show All Bookmarks

书签管理器(Bookmarks Manager)
The bookmarks manager provides a menu like below. We can use Organize
, Views
and Import and Backup
menus to manage bookmarks.
书签管理器提供如下菜单。 我们可以使用Organize
, Views
以及Import and Backup

从HTML文件导入书签(Import Bookmarks From HTML File)
We can import HTML file from the Bookmarks manager Import and Backup
->Import Bookmarks from HTML...
我们可以从“书签管理器” Import and Backup
HTML文件,然后单击“ Import and Backup
-> Import Bookmarks from HTML...

Then we will see the following screen where we can select the HTML Bookmarks file we want to import. It will be with the *.html
file extension. In this example, we will select the bookmarks.html
file like below. In the end, we will click to the Open
然后,我们将看到以下屏幕,在这里我们可以选择我们要导入HTML书签文件。 它将带有*.html
文件扩展名。 在此示例中,我们将选择如下所示的bookmarks.html
文件。 最后,我们将单击“ Open

从Google Chrome浏览器导入书签(Import Bookmarks From Google Chrome Browser)
We can import bookmarks from the existing Google Chrome browser. This will not require an export from Google Chrome where we will import directly from Google Chrome by using Firefox bookmarks manager. From Import and Backup
->Import Data from Another Browser
we will see the Import Wizard
我们可以从现有的Google Chrome浏览器中导入书签。 不需要从Google Chrome导出,我们将使用Firefox书签管理器直接从Google Chrome导入。 从Import and Backup
-> Import Data from Another Browser
我们将看到Import Wizard

From the import wizard, we will select the Chrome
. We can also see that during the import from another browser we should close all instances of the given browser.
。 我们还可以看到在从另一个浏览器导入期间,我们应该关闭给定浏览器的所有实例。

We can see in the following screen which shows Items to Import
we can not only import Bookmarks we can also import Cookies
, Browsing History
and Saved Passwords
. But in this case, we will only select and import bookmarks.
我们可以在下面的屏幕中看到,该屏幕显示了Items to Import
, Browsing History
和Saved Passwords
。 但是在这种情况下,我们将仅选择和导入书签。

If the import is completed successfully we will see the following screen.

从Microsoft Internet Explorer或Edge浏览器导入书签(Import Bookmarks From Microsoft Internet Explorer or Edge Browser)
We can import bookmarks from the existing Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge browser. This will not require an export from the Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge browser where we will import directly from the Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge browser by using Firefox bookmarks manager. From Import and Backup
->Import Data from Another Browser
we will see the Import Wizard
我们可以从现有的Microsoft Internet Explorer或Microsoft Edge浏览器导入书签。 这将不需要从Microsoft Internet Explorer或Microsoft Edge浏览器导出,我们将在其中使用Firefox书签管理器直接从Microsoft Internet Explorer或Microsoft Edge浏览器导入。 从Import and Backup
-> Import Data from Another Browser
我们将看到Import Wizard

In the following screen, we will select Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge according to the situation.
在以下屏幕中,我们将根据情况选择Microsoft Internet Explorer或Microsoft Edge。

We can see in the following screen which shows Items to Import
we can not only import Bookmarks we can also import Cookies
, Browsing History
and Saved Passwords
. But in this case, we will only select and import bookmarks.
我们可以在下面的屏幕中看到,该屏幕显示了Items to Import
, Browsing History
和Saved Passwords
。 但是在这种情况下,我们将仅选择和导入书签。

If the import is completed successfully we will see the following screen.

通过同步导入书签(Import Bookmarks By Syncing Them)
Importing bookmarks is a tedious task if we want to sync our bookmarks in different devices and browsers regularly. We can sync the bookmarks in different devices and browsers with 3rd party tools, plugins extensions. There is a lot of sync tools for Firefox and other browsers but in this case, we can use EverSync
which will sync all bookmarks in our devices and browsers. In order to use EverSync, we should install it for Firefox and other browsers for different devices and create and login with our account.
如果我们想定期在不同的设备和浏览器中同步书签,则导入书签是一项繁琐的任务。 我们可以使用第三方工具,插件扩展程序在不同的设备和浏览器中同步书签。 Firefox和其他浏览器有很多同步工具,但是在这种情况下,我们可以使用EverSync
,它将同步设备和浏览器中的所有书签。 为了使用EverSync,我们应该将其安装在Firefox和其他用于不同设备的浏览器上,并使用我们的帐户创建和登录。

在Mozilla Firefox中将书签导出到HTML文件中(Export Bookmarks Into HTML File In Mozilla Firefox)
We can also export bookmarks with Firefox. From Import and Backup
->Export Bookmarks to HTML
like below.
我们还可以使用Firefox导出书签。 从Import and Backup
-> Export Bookmarks to HTML

We will see the following Export Bookmarks File
menu. We will specify the File name and click to the Save
我们将看到以下“ Export Bookmarks File
菜单。 我们将指定文件名,然后单击“ Save
