
HTML provides a Copyright symbol or sign in order to be used in web publications like blogs, papers, web pages, etc. Copyright symbol/sign simply used to express given publishing is copyrighted to the provided entities. In this tutorial, we will learn how to add a Copyright symbol/sign as an HTML tag.

HTML提供了一个版权符号或标志,以便在博客,论文,网页等Web出版物中使用。版权符号/标志仅用于表示给定的发布,其版权归所提供的实体所有。 在本教程中,我们将学习如何添加版权符号/标志作为HTML标签。

什么是版权? (What Is Copyright?)

Copyright is a term that is defined by the US Copyright Office with the following explanation. “Copyright is a form of protection grounded in the U.S. Constitution and granted by law for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Copyright covers both published and unpublished works.”

版权是由美国版权局定义的术语,带有以下解释。 “版权是一种保护形式,以美国宪法为基础,并由法律授予以有形表达方式固定的原创作品。 版权涵盖已出版和未出版的作品。”

HTML版权符号 (HTML Copyright Symbol/Sign)

Copyright Sign or Symbol can be printed in a graphical manner in HTML in different ways. There is 3 way to print the Copyright Sign/Symbol. Name code, Decimal Code or Hex Code can be used to print Copyright.

可以使用HTML格式的图形方式以不同方式打印版权标志或符号。 有三种打印版权符号/符号的方法。 名称代码,十进制代码或十六进制代码可用于打印版权。

名称代码 (Name Code)

Name code is the most popular way where we will provide © which is the human-readable format for the Copyright.


十进制码 (Decimal Code)

The copyright can be printed by using the © code which is in decimal form.

可以使用©打印版权© 十进制形式的代码。

十六进制代码 (Hexadecimal Code)

We can also express the copyright code by using hexadecimal presentation with ©



<p>This is Name Code Copyright &copy;</p>
<p>This is Decimal Code Copyright &#169;</p>
<p>This is Hexadecimal Code Copyright &#xA9;</p>

HTML Copyright Symbol/Sign
HTML Copyright Symbol/Sign

使用C Inside Circle进行版权标志/符号(Use C Inside Circle For Copyright Sign/Symbol)

HTML also provides the C letter inside a circle. This will look very same as the Copyright symbol. We can use &amp;#9400; and &amp;#x24B8; in order to print the C letter inside the circle.

HTML还提供了一个圆圈内的C字母。 这看起来与版权符号非常相似。 我们可以使用&amp;#9400;&amp;#x24B8; 为了在圆圈内打印C字母


<p>This is Name Code Copyright &copy;</p>
<p>This is Decimal Code Copyright &#169;</p>
<p>This is Hexadecimal Code Copyright &#xA9;</p>


<p>This is Decimal Code Copyright with C letter &#9400;</p>
<p>This is Hexadecimal Code Copyright with C letter &#x24B8;</p>

Use C Inside Circle For Copyright Sign/Symbol
Use C Inside Circle For Copyright Sign/Symbol
使用C Inside Circle进行版权标志/符号

放置版权文字(Put Text For Copyright)

A popular use case for the copyright information is adding some text after the copyright sign/symbol. This text generally explains the content copyright information with generall sentences like Copyright 2019 Poftut.com. Below there is an example of a copyright symbol/sign with some text.

版权信息的一个流行用例是在版权符号/符号后添加一些文本。 该文本通常以笼统的句子来解释内容版权信息,例如Copyright 2019 Poftut.com 。 下面是带有一些文本的版权符号/标志的示例。


<p> &copy; Copyright 2019 Poftut.com</p>
<p>&#169; Copyright 2019 Poftut.com</p>
<p>&#xA9; Copyright 2019 Poftut.com</p>

Put Text For Copyright

Put Text For Copyright


LEARN MORE  What Is Hyperlink?

放置日期/年份信息以获取版权 (Put Date/Year Information For Copyright)

Another useful information related to the date or year about the copyright. This is generally used to set the copyright start date where the content can be used freely after the time period the copyright ends. We can the date or year information statically or dynamically by using JavaScript.

另一个与版权的日期或年份有关的有用信息。 这通常用于设置版权开始日期,在该日期之后,可以在版权期限结束后自由使用内容。 我们可以使用JavaScript静态或动态地显示日期或年份信息。


<script type = "text/javascript">
         document.write("<p> &copy; Copyright " + new Date().getFullYear() ); 
 <script type = "text/javascript">
         document.write("<p> &#169; Copyright " + new Date().getFullYear() ); 
 <script type = "text/javascript">
         document.write("<p> &copy; Copyright " + new Date().getFullYear() ); 


翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/copyright-symbol-sign-in-html/





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