设置PureApplication Software工作负载环境

在本系列的第1部分中,您将开始在PureApplication Platform中创建和部署托管的VMware环境。 在第2部分中,您将设置PureApplication Software工作负载环境。 最后,在第3部分中 ,您将使用PureApplication Software工作负载环境和PureApplication Platform构建灾难恢复解决方案。

您可以在V2.2.3.0版本及更高版本的PureApplication Platform和PureApplication Software中使用工作负载环境解决方案,以在管理工作负载方面获得更大的灵活性。 本文已针对V2.2.5.0版本进行了更新。 通过将PureApplication Software或PureApplication Software Suite部署到PureApplication Platform中,可以实现额外的灵活性。 例如,您可以使用此功能来隔离应用程序工作负载组,以进行灾难恢复。 在单个PureApplication Platform设备上,您可以创建许多PureApplication Software工作负载环境。 从V2.2.5开始,可以在同一Virtual Manager云组中创建多个PureApplication Software工作负载环境。

PureApplication Software已部署到与该软件将管理的工作负载VM相同的Virtual Manager云组中的虚拟机(VM)中。 因此,PureApplication Software还将消耗云环境中的内存,CPU和存储。 本教程说明了如何安装和配置PureApplication Software工作负载环境。 它还包括指导以帮助您简化此过程。


每个PureApplication Software工作负载环境都在专用的Virtual Manager云组中运行。 如果每个云组专用于一个PureApplication Software工作负载环境,则一个PureApplication Software工作负载环境可以管理和定向多个Virtual Manager云组的部署。

如果您有足够的计算节点来在单独的专用云组中托管各个工作负载环境,并且具有足够的存储容量来处理多个环境和复制的卷,则此解决方案具有很大的灵活性和粒度。 与PureApplication Platform中的传统云组一样,每个Virtual Manager云组至少需要一个计算节点才能运行。 无法在Virtual Manager云组之间共享计算节点。 存在单独的云组,以将工作负载实例与许可,网络,计算和类似操作分开并隔离。 结果,在PureApplication环境中作为一组VM部署的基于模式的实例与部署它们的云组紧密耦合。 无法在云组之间移动正在运行的实例和VM。 相反,必须将这些模式重新部署到新的云组中。

如果业务应用程序数据必须在云组之间移动以进行此重新部署,则模式创建者必须使用装载到工作负载VM的块存储卷来包含此数据。 这些块存储卷可以在云组之间和PureApplication Software工作负载环境之间移动。 使用新的VM重新部署模式后,您可以使用现有的块存储卷,即使重新部署实例和VM,该卷也可以在云组之间移动数据。

对于灾难恢复,每个PureApplication Software工作负载环境都有单独的存储卷,可以独立复制。 因此,您可以对PureApplication Software工作负载环境执行灾难恢复操作,该操作独立于该系统或与之配对的系统上用于复制的任何其他工作负载环境。 例如,您可以在单个系统上有两个工作负载环境,分别在单独的Virtual Manager云组中运行。 您可以选择为这两个环境分别配置灾难复制,而不必同时对两个环境进行故障转移。 实际上,一个工作负载环境可以无限期地在第二个系统上运行。 同时,其他工作负载环境仍保留在原始系统上。 您可以在本系列的第3部分中找到有关灾难恢复解决方案如何工作的更多详细信息。


在开始本教程之前,您应该阅读第1部分:托管VMware环境入门 。 您应该按照第1部分中的步骤进行操作,以便可以在本部分中设置以下各项:

  • 为虚拟机创建一个外部IP地址。
  • 创建PureApplication工作负载环境将管理的每个Virtual Manager云组。
  • 确保MKS控制台IP组中有足够的IP地址可用。
  • 将至少一个计算节点添加到PureApplication Software工作负载环境将管理的每个Virtual Manager云组中。

要设置PureApplication Software工作负载环境,必须打开Web浏览器以访问将承载该环境的PureApplication Platform Web控制台。 以具有管理访问权限的用户身份登录到Web控制台。


  • VMware vSphere Web Client,需要使用Adobe Flash插件的最新浏览器
  • 将Shell(SSH)安全连接到ESXi主机
  • SSH到RedHat Enterprise Linux V6.x 64位虚拟机
  • PureApplication Software工作负载环境的Web控制台

本教程中的关键步骤要求多次在控制台和SSH会话之间切换。 为了简化术语,我们使用以下名称来描述访问机制:

  • 系统控制台 。 PureApplication Platform Web控制台
  • Web客户端 。 VMware vSphere Web客户端
  • 软件控制台 。 PureApplication Software Web控制台
  • SSH计算节点 。 与托管PureApplication Software虚拟机(VM)的VMware ESXi计算节点的SSH会话
  • SSH软件 。 与PureApplication Software VM的SSH会话
  • PureApplication软件VM 。 安装并运行PureApplication Software的VM



要创建设置PureApplication Software工作负载环境所需的外部应用程序用户,请遵循第1部分中“配置对VMware组件的外部访问”部分中的过程。 外部应用程序访问用户必须仅与Virtual Manager云组关联。 此用户还必须具有默认权限(非只读)和计算节点访问权限。 因此,选择该单一PureApplication Software工作负载环境将管理的所有Virtual Manager云组。

创建外部用户后,访问VMware vSphere Web Client:

  1. 在系统控制台中,选择系统->系统设置
  2. 从系统设置列表中,展开外部应用程序访问设置
  3. 在“操作”列下,单击段落图标(下图中圈出)以访问必需的信息,以打开Web客户端的浏览器。
  4. 使用“ 虚拟管理器”条目打开Web浏览器,找到该行中列出的IP地址。

    purevc :确保将purevc主机映射到正确的IP地址,如第1部分中的“访问VMware虚拟中心”一节所述。

  5. 单击“ 登录到vSphere Web Client”链接,然后输入用户名和密码。 要查看密码,请单击“外部应用程序访问”设置表上方的“ 显示密码 ”。


PureApplication Software工作负载环境将访问您环境中的至少两个网络-数据网络和系统管理网络。 在大多数情况下,PureApplication Software VM将直接访问数据网络,并通过来自数据网络的现有路由来访问系统管理网络。 如果不是,则必须在PureApplication Software VM上定义两个接口。 一个接口将连接到每个网络。


  • 选项1:一个网络接口,可连接到客户数据和管理网络
  • 选项2:两个网络接口,客户数据和客户管理网络分开




  1. 在系统控制台中,单击系统->网络配置
  2. 展开VLAN和链接
  3. 验证管理VLAN是否显示两种网络类型。 如果仅指定了系统管理,请在“ 操作”下单击铅笔图标以编辑条目。
  4. 选择IP组系统管理类型。
  5. 保存您的更改。


在不同的配置中,PureApplication Software工作负载环境安装的存储要求可能有所不同。 这里描述了几种环境类型。

要安装PureApplication Software工作负载环境,必须至少创建两个块的VMware VM文件系统(VMFS):

  • 图像存储库数据存储区 :此数据存储区包含用于部署工作负载的图像缓存。 每个软件安装只有一个映像存储库,该映像存储库在计算节点和云组之间共享。
  • 部署数据存储区 :此数据存储区包含已部署的VM。 部署的第一个VM是PureApplication Software VM。 您需要一个部署数据存储才能上手,但是以后可以添加更多的部署数据存储。 初始部署数据存储区必须足够大,以承载PureApplication Software VM以及操作系统磁盘和其他杂项文件所需的其他容量。

为了简化存储配置并确保适当地调整PureApplication Software VM的大小,请选择以下环境类型之一,其存储要求最符合您的需求:

  • 开发/测试:您将安装用作开发或测试环境来创建,验证和测试模式。
  • 生产:您将在生产环境中使用安装,包括使用灾难恢复并阻止安装中卷的存储复制的环境。 VMware无法复制或克隆卷。 因此,您需要较大的初始大小,因为以后可能无法扩展它们。
  • 受约束的存储 :您会将安装用作开发,测试或生产环境,但是您正在创建多个PureApplication Software工作负载环境,并且需要节省存储空间。 在这种情况下,您将从所需的最小存储空间开始,并在以后需要时扩展存储。 注意 :您必须监视PureApplication Software工作负载环境中的CWZIP6238W和CWZIP6239E事件,这将提醒您存储空间不足。 如果您需要为PureApplication Software VM添加存储,则必须关闭PureApplication Software控制台。 如果允许PureApplication Software VM用完存储空间,则部分或全部PureApplication Software控制台可能会自动关闭。 扩展存储并还原虚拟机后,将恢复可用性。 有关调整存储大小的说明,请参见调整PureSystems Manager存储的大小。
  • 带有临时安装磁盘的约束存储 :此环境类型与约束存储相同,但是通过在安装过程中使用临时磁盘,它可以将PureApplication Software VM的存储占用空间减少110GB。


环境类型 图像存储库数据存储大小 初始部署数据存储大小* PureApplication Software VM硬盘大小
开发或测试 300 GB 800 GB 580 GB
生产 2 TB 3 TB 2.1 TB
约束存储 100 GB 400+ GB 360 GB
临时安装磁盘的受限存储 100 GB 400+ GB 265 GB安装盘:115 GB

*根据您打算在环境中使用多少个虚拟映像以及这些映像的大小,映像存储库数据存储区的需求可能会大相径庭。 如果您需要更多或更少的虚拟映像空间,则以后可以用更大或更小的数据存储区替换映像存储库。 如果您已经设置了将使用一组相似的虚拟映像的其他环境,则可以检查该环境中映像存储库上使用了多少存储空间来选择适当的大小。 请参阅增加图像存储库大小

映像存储库:映像存储库可以与多个云组关联。 您创建的用作常规数据存储的其他Block VMFS卷应仅与一个云组关联。 如果为该PureApplication Software实例创建其他Virtual Manager云组来管理,则必须更新映像存储库卷,使其也与新的Virtual Manager云组关联。

为PureApplication Software创建虚拟机

要创建PureApplication Software VM:

  1. 登录到要承载PureApplication Software VM的Virtual Manager云组中的计算节点。 在系统控制台中,您仍然应该看到外部应用程序访问用户ID的详细信息。
    1. 从与用于PureApplication Software VM的初始部署的计算节点匹配的“ 外部应用程序访问设置”部分,获取计算节点的用户ID,密码和IP地址。
    2. 使用SSH命令或支持SSH协议的应用程序(例如Putty)登录到计算节点。 以下示例显示如何使用SSH命令登录:
      ssh app_560aab7f@
  2. 将目录更改为要在其中创建此VM的数据存储(阻止VMFS)。 您不能使用为映像存储库创建的数据存储。
    1. 查找数据存储名称。 在系统控制台中,单击云->卷 。 然后,选择您为虚拟机部署创建的块VMFS卷。 数据存储名称是与云组关联的数据卷的详细信息中的“数据存储名称”属性。 在此示例中,数据存储名称为p_9baf11f6-6d8c-4faa-b631-5458655a8ecb。
    2. 将目录更改为此数据存储名称。 在此示例中,我们使用SSH,如以下示例所示:
      cd /vmfs/volumes/p_9baf11f6-6d8c-4faa-b631-5458655a8ecb
  3. 创建一个临时目录并打印其位置:
    mkdir temp
     cd temp



导出RHEL6.x 64位基本OS映像

对于PureApplication Software V2.2.3或更高版本,必须在将要安装软件的VM上运行Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL)版本6.X(最低RHEL 6.6) 。 一种选择是使用带有PureApplication Platform许可证的IBM RHEL 6的Core OS映像。 您也可以单独购买此许可证。 PureApplication Software安装包括样本模式和其他模式组件,但不包括基本OS映像。
注意 :如果在正式的RHEL修订包发行版上应用了任何补丁程序,则仅会尽力支持该补丁程序。

注意 在开始以下步骤之前,请确保PureApplication Platform包含至少一个常规云组以及至少一个计算节点。

要将基于IBM RHEL 6的Core OS映像用作PureApplication Software VM操作系统,请执行以下操作:

  1. 在系统控制台中,单击目录->虚拟映像
  2. 单击版本2.1.x.0的IBM Red Hat Linux系统映像链接。
  3. 在右侧窗格中,单击“ 导出”
  4. 从“外部用户”表中为计算节点指定IP地址,用户ID和密码,该IP地址,用户ID和密码与用于登录到计算节点的用户ID相匹配。 远程路径是上一章中“ pwd”命令返回的值。

导出大约需要10分钟。 完成后,将IBM_OS_Image_for_Red_Hat_Linux_Systems.ova文件放置在计算节点上的临时目录中。


如果尚未登录Virtual Center Web客户端,请按照步骤2中的说明立即登录。 要创建新的VM:

  1. 在导航器中,选择“ 主机和群集”条目。
  2. 展开导航树,直到看到与Virtual Manager云组名称匹配的群集。 选择集群
  3. 在“群集”窗格上,单击“ 操作”->“新虚拟机”
  4. 在“新建虚拟机”窗格中,选择“ 创建新的虚拟机” ,然后单击“ 下一步”
  5. 在“选择名称和文件夹”窗格中,输入虚拟机的名称。 该VM将是您的PureApplication Software VM。 在“选择虚拟机的位置”下,从环境的树视图中选择带有云组名称的文件夹。 单击下一步
  6. 选择将在其上注册虚拟机的计算资源 (主机)。 单击下一步
  7. 在选择存储窗格中,在表中,选择您创建保存数据数据存储 (而不是数据存储在图像资料库)。 您选择的数据存储必须与您将RedHat Linux Systems的IBM OS映像导出到的存储相同。 单击下一步
  8. 在“选择兼容性”窗格中,单击“ 下一步”以接受默认值。
  9. 在“选择来宾操作系统”窗格中,对于“来宾操作系统系列”,选择“ Linux” 。 对于Guest OS版本,选择Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64位) 。 单击下一步
  10. 确保PureApplication Software VM所需的CPU和内存量已计入PureApplication Software的布局计算中。 在“自定义硬件”窗格中的“ 虚拟硬件”选项卡上,展开CPU并进行以下更改:
    1. 将虚拟套接字设置为8
    2. 将每个插槽的核心数设置为1
    3. 将保留更改为4000 MHz
    4. 将“限制”更改为“ 无限MHz”
    5. 将“共享数”更改为“ 自定义” ,并将共享数设置为256000
  11. 收起CPU的设置。
  12. 仍在“ 虚拟硬件”选项卡上,展开“ 内存” ,进行以下更改:
    1. 将RAM更改为32 ,将单位更改为GB
    2. 将保留更改为32768 MB。
    3. 将限制更改为32768 MB。
    4. 将Shares更改为Custom ,并将值设置为32400
  13. 折叠“ 内存”的设置。
  14. 展开“ 新网络” ,然后选择与“ 共享数据VLAN”相对应的网络。 要找到网络,请单击系统->网络配置-> VLAN和链接
  15. 展开New SCSI controller ,然后为Change Type选择LSI Logic Parallel
  16. 展开新硬盘 。 在该行的最右侧,单击X删除该条目。
  17. 单击下一步
  18. 在“准备完成”窗格中,单击“ 完成”


  1. 步骤2中使用SSH访问的计算节点上,创建具有以下初始内容的ovf-env.xml文件。 创建它们之后,您将对其进行更新(下一步)。 另外,在将此文件粘贴到计算节点上的vi编辑器中之前,请使用vi :set noautoindent命令关闭autoindent
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Environment xmlns="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1" xmlns:ovf="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1" xmlns:ovfenv="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1" xmlns:rasd="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData" xmlns:vssd="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ovf:id="IBM OS Image for Red Hat Linux Systems/Virtual_System">
    <!-- Update these network settings for this virtual machine -->
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigNET.netmask.1" ovfenv:value=""/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigNET.gateway.1" ovfenv:value=""/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigNET.pri_dns.1" ovfenv:value=""/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigNET.sec_dns.1" ovfenv:value=""/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigNET.ipaddr.1" ovfenv:value=""/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigNET.hostname.1" ovfenv:value="mysoftwarevm"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigNET.domain.1" ovfenv:value="domain.com"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigNTP.ntp_0" ovfenv:value=""/>
    <!-- Set your passwords -->
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigPWD_ROOT.password" ovfenv:value="password"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigPWD_USER.password" ovfenv:value="password"/>
    <!-- set your ssh key – optional -->
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigSSH.ssh_key" ovfenv:value="ssh-rsa [public key]"/>
    <!-- These do not need to be changed -->
            <Property ovfenv:key="License.accept" ovfenv:value="yes"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigLocale.language" ovfenv:value="en"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigLocale.country" ovfenv:value="US"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigLocale.encoding" ovfenv:value="UTF-8"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigPWD_ROOT.username" ovfenv:value="root"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigPWD_USER.username" ovfenv:value="virtuser"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigSSH.username" ovfenv:value="virtuser"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigTZ.timezone" ovfenv:value="UTC"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="vm.cpushpri" ovfenv:value="8"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigNET.bootproto.1" ovfenv:value="static"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigNET.iface_name.1" ovfenv:value="eth0"/>
            <Property ovfenv:key="ConfigNET.dnsmasq.1" ovfenv:value="true"/>
  2. 编辑该文件并更新密码条目和网络设置,以使其与您的数据VLAN环境匹配。 您将使用此文件为虚拟机建立初始网络连接。 因此,您必须确保设置正确。
  3. 生成一个包含ovf-env.xml文件的ISO映像文件:
    genisoimage -J -r -q -o activation.iso ovf-env.xml


  4. 更改目录以返回到包含目录的数据存储的根目录:
    cd ..
  5. 运行ls命令以验证您是否看到temp目录以及以在步骤4中创建的VM命名的目录。
  6. 将activation.iso文件移动到虚拟机目录:
    mv temp/activation.iso <VM_DIRECTORY_NAME>


    mv temp/activation.iso TestCloud-PSM


  1. 从SSH会话到计算节点,将目录更改为新的VM目录。
  2. 如果尚未从上一节断开SSH会话或更改目录,请运行类似于以下示例的cd命令,其中TestCloud-PSM是您创建的VM的名称:
    cd TestCloud-PSM
  3. 从您在步骤3中导入的IBM_OS_Image_for_Red_Hat_Linux_Systems.ova文件中提取两个VMDK文件。
    tar -xvf ../temp/*.ova RHEL65-64.vmdk RHEL65-64-flat.vmdk
  4. 重命名并解压缩从ova文件提取的每个文件:
    mv RHEL65-64-flat.vmdk RHEL65-64-flat.vmdk.gz
    gzip -d RHEL65-64-flat.vmdk.gz
    mv RHEL65-64.vmdk RHEL65-64.vmdk.gz
    gzip -d RHEL65-64.vmdk.gz


使用VMware vSphere Web Client将ISO和磁盘映像添加到VM配置。

  1. 在导航器中,找到您按照步骤4中所述创建的VM。 右键单击虚拟机,然后选择“ 编辑设置”
  2. 修改虚拟机以将activation.iso文件附加到CD / ROM驱动器:
    1. 在“编辑设置”窗格中,单击“ 虚拟硬件”选项卡。
    2. 展开CD / DVD驱动器1并将“客户端设备”的默认值更改为Datastore ISO文件
    3. 在“选择文件”窗口的“ 数据存储”下,选择安装了PureApplication Software VM的数据存储 。 所选数据存储的内容显示在“目录”窗格中。 选择您在创建的PureApplication Software VM之后命名的目录。 “目录”窗格将更新,其中包含虚拟机主目录中的文件列表。 选择activation.iso文件,然后单击“ 确定”

      提示 如果没有立即显示activation.iso文件,请浏览到新目录,然后返回以进行刷新。

    4. 返回CD / DVD驱动器1窗格中,选择“ 连接”以在开机时连接此驱动器。
  3. 将提取的RHEL VMDK文件添加为第一个硬盘驱动器:
    1. 在“编辑设置”窗口底部的“新设备”列表中,选择“ 现有硬盘” ,然后单击“ 添加”
    2. 在“选择文件”窗口的“数据存储”窗格下,选择创建VM的数据存储。 在“目录”窗格中,选择以VM命名的目录。 选择RHEL65-64.vmdk文件,然后单击确定
  4. 添加足够用于PureApplication Software的新硬盘:
    1. 在“编辑设置”窗口底部的“新设备”列表中,选择“ 新硬盘” ,然后单击“ 添加”按钮。
    2. 在VM的“虚拟硬件”列表底部显示的“新硬盘”行中,根据您的环境,将大小从16GB更改为表1中的PureApplication Software VM硬盘大小。 例如,对于开发或测试,请使用580GB的大小。 展开硬盘的详细信息,并确保将“ Disk Provisioning”设置为“ Thick Provision lazy zeroed”
    3. 如果您使用的是带有临时安装磁盘的受限存储环境类型,请立即使用与上一步相同的步骤添加临时安装磁盘,但将大小设置为120GB。
  5. 单击“ 确定”保存对虚拟机所做的设置。


现在,您已经完成了VM的设置,然后打开它的电源。 然后,您可以在正在运行的VM中进行其他配置。

  1. 在VMware vSphere Web Client中,选择VM ,然后从VM的“操作”菜单中选择“ 开机”以开机。
  2. 等待一分钟,以使虚拟机完全启动操作系统。
  3. 按照步骤2中所述使用SSH登录到PureApplication Software VM,并使用您为密码和IP地址指定的值。 在样本ovf-env.xml文件中,密码为passw0rd ,IP地址为172.20.84.1 。 以下示例显示了ovf-env.xml文件的SSH登录:
    ssh root@
  4. 准备用于PureApplication Software安装的RedHat Enterprise Linux操作系统。
    1. 验证您是否以root用户身份登录。
    2. 验证您是否登录到正确的VM。
    3. 运行lsblk命令,并确认输出显示了在此示例中配置的硬盘:
      -bash-4.1# lsblk
      NAME                        MAJ:MIN RM SIZE  RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT
      sda                           8:0    0   12G  0 disk ├─sda1                        8:1    0  250M 0 part /boot
      └─sda2                        8:2    0 11.8G  0 part 
      ├─vg_root-LogVol01 (dm-0)   253:0    0    2G  0 lvm  [SWAP] 
      └─vg_root-LogVol00 (dm-1)   253:1    0  9.8G  0 lvm  /sdb                          8:16   0  580G  0 disk sr0                          11:0    1  366K  0 rom
    4. 以root用户身份对sdb磁盘进行分区。 以下示例显示了命令及其输出。 本示例对开发或测试环境类型使用逻辑卷大小。 请参阅表1的PureApplication Software VM逻辑卷大小列,以获取适合您的环境类型的值。
      -bash-4.1# vgcreate PureApp /dev/sdb
       Physical volume "/dev/sdb" successfully created Volume group "PureApp" successfully created
      -bash-4.1# lvcreate --size 250G --name Data PureApp 
      Logical volume "Data" created.
      -bash-4.1# lvcreate --size 250G --name Runtime PureApp 
      Logical volume "Runtime" created.
      -bash-4.1# lvcreate --size 32G --name Temp PureApp 
      Logical volume "Temp" created.
      -bash-4.1# lvcreate --size 32G --name Swap PureApp 
      Logical volume "Swap" created.
    5. 设置临时分区:
      -bash-4.1# mkfs.ext4 /dev/PureApp/Temp
    6. 然后,格式化交换分区:
      -bash-4.1# mkswap /dev/PureApp/Swap 
      mkswap: /dev/PureApp/Swap: warning: don't erase bootbits sectors
       on whole disk. Use -f to force.
      Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 33554428 KiB
      no label, UUID=63becdbb-4454-48c8-9347-64e5cd42a1d8
    7. 如果您使用的是临时安装盘,请立即进行配置。 以下示例显示了命令及其输出。
      -bash-4.1# vgcreate PureAppInstall /dev/sdc
       Physical volume "/dev/sdc" successfully created
       Volume group "PureAppInstall" successfully created
        -bash-4.1# lvcreate --extents 100%FREE --name Install PureAppInstall
      Logical volume "Install" created.
      mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/PureAppInstall-Install
    8. 将以下两行追加到/ etc / fstab文件中:
      /dev/PureApp/Swap    swap             swap     defaults    0 0
      /dev/PureApp/Temp    /tmp             ext4     defaults    1 2
  5. 请遵循IBM Knowledge Center中“ PureSystems Manager操作系统设置 ”主题中的步骤。 从步骤1.e开始。 (激活LUKS模块),然后继续执行步骤3。请注意本教程中的过程与过程IBM Knowledge Center之间的以下区别:
    • 本教程使用PureApp的卷组名称。 IBM Knowledge Center中的过程未指定卷组名称,而是将该名称称为<volume_group_name>。
    • 本教程使用逻辑卷名称Runtime和Data 。 IBM Knowledge Center没有指定逻辑卷名称。 而是使用值<logical_volume_name>,并希望您知道要使用的名称。
  6. 重新引导VM后,登录并验证您是否成功配置了虚拟机。
    1. 如以下示例所示,运行free命令。 此命令显示操作系统可用的内存和交换信息。 总数列必须显示正确的内存和交换量。 PureApplication Software要求这两个值的总和至少为64GB。
      -bash-4.1# free -h
                  total       used       free     shared    buffers cached
      Mem:         63G        667M        62G       192K     14M     154M
      -/+ buffers/cache:      498M        62G
      Swap:        33G          0B        33G
    2. 运行df命令以查看在操作系统上配置了哪些文件系统信息。 验证两个luk分区和temp分区的Size和Mounted on列。
      -bash-4.1# df -hP
      Filesystem                    Size  Used  Avail Use% Mounted on
      /dev/mapper/vg_root-LogVol00  9.5G  2.9G   6.2G  32% /
      tmpfs                          32G     0    32G   0% /dev/shm
      /dev/sda1                     239M   52M   174M  23% /boot
      /dev/mapper/luks-runtime      246G   60M   234G   1% /pureapp-sw-runtime
      /dev/mapper/luks-data         246G   60M   234G   1% /pureapp-sw-data
      /dev/mapper/PureApp-Temp       32G   48M    30G   1% /tmp
    3. 验证添加到/ etc / fstab文件中的每个条目是否已正确安装。 对于添加到/ etc / fstab文件中的每个条目,执行以下步骤,以以下条目为例:/ pureapp-sw-runtime / data / data none bind 0 0
      1. 将目录更改为条目中的第二个值。
        -bash-4.1# cd /data
      2. 针对该目录运行df命令。
        -bash-4.1# df -h .
        Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
          246G   60M  234G   1% /pureapp-sw-runtime
      3. df输出中的“ Mounted on”值将与/ etc / fstab条目中第一个字段所指示的运行时,数据或Temp文件系统匹配。 在这种情况下,第一个字段是“ / pureapp-sw-runtime / data”,因此该目录已正确安装。

现在,您已经设置了VM和文件系统以安装PureApplication Software。


  1. 创建安装目录。 如果使用的是临时安装盘,请使用以下命令:
    -bash-4.1# cd /pureapp-sw-runtime/
    -bash-4.1# mkdir install
    -bash-4.1# cd install/

    -bash-4.1# cd /pureapp-sw-runtime/
    -bash-4.1# mkdir install
    -bash-4.1# cd install/
  2. 暂时关闭防火墙,以允许下载内容安装在VM上。 PureApplication安装将替换防火墙规则。
    -bash-4.1# service iptables stop
    iptables: Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: filter          [  OK ]
    iptables: Flushing firewall rules:                         [  OK ]
    iptables: Unloading modules:                               [  OK ]
    -bash-4.1# service iptables status
    iptables: Firewall is not running.
  3. 企业Linux额外软件包(EPEL)站点安装以下必备RPM:
    • mod_security-2.7.3-3.el6.x86_64.rpm
    • mod_security_crs-2.2.6-3.el6.noarch.rpm
    • mod_security_crs-extras-2.2.6-3.el6.noarch.rpm
    1. 将三个RPM文件下载到当前目录。
    2. 如下面的示例所示,使用yum安装这些RPM,因为它具有本地软件包存储库中可用的先决条件:
      -bash-4.1# yum install -y ./mod*.rpm


        mod_security.x86_64 0:2.7.3-3.el6                      		mod_security_crs.noarch 0:2.2.6-3.el6 
        mod_security_crs-extras.noarch 0:2.2.6-3.el6 
      Dependency Installed:
        apr.x86_64 0:1.3.9-5.el6_2                           			apr-util.x86_64 0:1.3.9-3.el6_0.1 
        apr-util-ldap.x86_64 0:1.3.9-3.el6_0.1               			httpd.x86_64 0:2.2.15-54.el6_8 
        httpd-tools.x86_64 0:2.2.15-54.el6_8 
  4. 完成IBM Knowledge Center中“ 安装PureApplication Software ”主题中的步骤。 请注意以下更改:
    • 将/ pureapp-sw-runtime / install目录(如果使用的是临时磁盘,则使用/ pureapp-sw-install目录)作为步骤2中的临时目录。
    • 步骤2之后,如果使用的是Constrained Storage环境类型,请删除pure-app-software-version.tgz文件。
    • 在步骤5c中使用software_system作为安装类型。

安装程序可以运行几个小时来上载默认内容。 完成运行后,可以通过删除/ pureapp-sw-runtime / install目录来恢复空间。 如果使用了临时安装盘,则可以运行以下命令将其删除:

-bash-4.1#umount /pureapp-sw-install
-bash-4.1# vgremove PureAppInstall
Do you really want to remove volume group "PureAppInstall" containing 1 
logical volumes? [y/n]: y
Do you really want to remove active logical volume Install? [y/n]: y
  Logical volume "Install" successfully removed
  Volume group "PureAppInstall" successfully removed
-bash-4.1#rmdir /pureapp-sw-install

然后,在VMware vSphere Web客户端中,可以从VM中删除硬盘3。 选中从数据存储中删除文件复选框,以便实际删除磁盘。


现在,您可以配置PureApplication Software来部署和管理工作负载。 您可以在“软件” Web控制台中完成这些步骤。

  1. 打开Web浏览器,然后转到URL http://<IP-address> ,其中<IP-address>是您创建并登录到的VM的IP地址。 在此示例中,IP地址为172.20.84.1。 因此,您转到URL
  2. 使用安装PureApplication Software时指定的管理用户和密码登录Web控制台。
  3. 单击系统 ,然后在设置下,单击系统设置以转到PureApplication Software Web控制台。
  4. 展开“ Cloud Management IP”部分,然后为您的配置输入以下信息:
    1. 管理IP 。 在PSM VM上输入eth0的IP地址。 在此示例中,IP地址为172.20.84.1。 设置此地址后,您将无法更改此地址,因为模式实例中已部署的VM将使用该地址与PureApplication Software VM的模式引擎进行通信。 因此,必须确保该IP地址将用于与PSM的通信。
    2. 主机名 。 输入DNS服务器返回的主机名作为管理IP地址。 在此示例中,DNS服务器为IP地址172.20.84.1返回的主机名是ipas-pvm-084-001。
    3. 域名 。 输入DNS服务器返回的域名作为管理IP地址。 在此示例中,名称服务器返回的域名是purescale.raleigh.ibm.com
    4. 网络掩码 。 输入PSM虚拟机eth0上的管理IP地址所使用的网络掩码。 在此示例中,网络掩码为255.255.248.0
    5. 默认网关 。 在PSM虚拟机上输入默认网关。 在此示例中,默认网关设置为172.20.80.1
    6. VLAN 。 输入可以在IP组中配置的VLAN的逗号分隔列表。 This list must contain the VLAN that you used for eth0 on the PSM VM. In this example, VLAN 1864 is used for creating the PSM VM.
    7. VLANS properly . If you use this solution for disaster recovery, enter a data VLAN that is accessible on both racks. When you specify this VLAN, it must be available on both PureApplication Platform in the current environment and on the backup PureApplication Platform rack. Also, you must deploy all of your deployments for failover to this VLAN (an IP group that is defined with this VLAN).
    8. After you validate that all of your settings are correct, click Save Changes .
  5. Expand the Virtual Center Access section and configure the settings.

    To complete the configuration settings in this section, you can get the values from the system console. Click System -> System Settings and expand External Application Access Settings . Click the details icon (highlighted in the following figure) for the user that you created to access vCenter from this PureApplication Software environment.

    Accessing the user details

    The External Users pane that is displayed contains the access information for the compute nodes and vCenter VM. The following settings come from the Virtual Manager row of the table.

    1. For the vCenter IP field, enter the information from the IP Address column.
    2. For the User name field, enter the information from the User Name column.
    3. For the Password field, enter the information from the Password column.
    4. Click Test Connection to validate your settings. After a moment, a message is displayed that indicates that the connection test was successful.

      For the next two configuration settings in this section, use the VMware vCenter web console.

    5. For the Datacenter field, from the VMware vCenter navigator view, click Hosts and Clusters . The object under the purevc node is the name of the datacenter, which is Rack-8283_Rack64T in this example.
      Datacenter name under the purevc                                     node
    6. For the Distributed Virtual Switch field, again in the navigator, on the Related Objects tab, select Distributed Switches . The object that appears in the table is the name of the distributed virtual switch. (In vSphere Client, go to Inventory > Networking .) The switch name is similar to the name and format of DVS-Rack-8283_Rack64T as used in this example.
      Distributed virtual switch
  6. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings in this section.
  7. Expand Customize Name to make naming changes to help uniquely identify this PureApplication Software Workload Environment.
    1. In the System Display Name field, specify the display name for this environment to help easily identify which PureApplication Platform the workload environment has been installed on. In the following figure, the display name has been updated to reference Rack64T. This step is optional but recommended especially when configured workload environments for disaster recovery.
      Display name references Rack64T
    2. If PureApplication Software V2.2.5.0 or newer was installed, validate a unique name is used in the System Unique Name field. Take special care here because this name must match the Associate System field for volumes created on PureApplication Platform that are intended to be used by this installation.
      System Unique Name field must match the                                     Associate System field
    3. If PureApplication Software V2.2.5.0 or newer was installed, use the PureApplication Platform web console to navigate to the Cloud -> Volumes page. For each volume on that page that is associated with the PureApplication Software installation, you must specify the System Unique Name in the Associate System field of the volume.
      Specify System Unique Name in the Associate System field of the volume

      Select Save after specifying the Associate System. After setting the Associate System for each Volume that is used by the PureApplication Software workload environment, view all Volumes and validate the Associate System column contains the correct System Unique Name.
      Specify System Unique Name in the Associate System field of the volume
  8. Expand Date and Time to access the settings for the NTP servers.
    1. In the NTP server address field, enter the NTP server IP address, and click Add . Repeat this step if you have multiple NTP servers to specify.
    2. After you add the NTP server addresses, click Save .
  9. Expand Domain Name Service (DNS) to access settings for the DNS servers.
    1. In the DNS service search order field, enter the DNS server IP address, and click Add . Repeat this step if you have multiple DNS servers to specify.
    2. After you add the DNS server addresses, click Save .

Discover compute resources

  1. In the upper-left corner of the software console, click IBM PureApplication Software . On the Welcome page, you see green check marks next to each step that is associated with Step 1.
  2. Under Step 2, validate that the first item (Connect to external virtual center server) has a green check mark, and click Discover compute resources .
  3. Click the eye or discover icon to begin discovery of the compute nodes.
    Discovery of compute nodes
  4. Wait a few minutes and then click the refresh icon.
  5. Enter the credentials of the compute node so that it changes from the Discovered state to the Available state.
    1. Select the compute node , and then click Update .
      Updating the compute node stat
    2. Enter the user, password, and IP of the compute node.

      The compute node information is in the "External Application Access Settings" section of the System Settings page on the system console. Click the details icon for the user that you created to access vCenter from the PureApplication Software workload environment.

      Accessing the vCenter

      The External Users pane that is displayed contains access information for compute nodes and the Virtual Manager (vCenter). The following four settings come from the Compute Node row in this pane and match the compute node that you deployed the PureApplication Software VM to.

    3. For the User name field, enter the information from the User Name column.
    4. For the Password field, enter the information from the Password column.
    5. Optional: For the Location field, enter the information from the Name column.

      Although this field is optional, it is helpful in identifying which compute nodes are in use by PureApplication Software. As a best practice, enter the serial number of the compute node here.

    6. For the IP address field, enter the information from the IP Address column.
    7. Click OK to save the changes.
    8. Wait a minute and refresh the software console. The state of the compute node changes from Discovered to Available .

Discover storage

  1. Return to the Welcome page of IBM PureApplication Software, click Discover storage resources . You see a green check mark because discovery found the storage when it discovered the compute node. The storage volumes created for this environment are shown on the LUNs tab of the storage table.
  2. Click the Data Stores tab. The capacity columns in the table show that some space is used for the datastore that contains the PureApplication Software VM. The other datastore in the table was created as the image repository.
  3. In the Is image repository? column, select the checkbox for the datastore that is not used, but that was created for the image repository.
  4. Verify that you selected the correct datastore.
  5. Click OK in the confirmation pane.

Create IP groups

  1. Return to the Welcome page of IBM PureApplication and click Create IP Groups .
    Click the plus icon to add a new IP group.
  2. Define the settings for this IP group. The networking settings for this IP group must match your configuration settings in PureApplication Platform that use the same VLAN. The In Cloud Group setting must be the Virtual Manager cloud group that was created for this VM.

    Note : The VLAN that you select for your IP groups must be shared.

  3. Click OK to create the IP group.
    Adding a new IP group
  4. After you create the IP group, under IP addresses, click the plus sign to add IP addresses to the IP.
  5. Specify a range of IP addresses, and then click OK .
    Notes :
    • VMs that are deployed directly to vCenter (such as the PureApplication Software VM) must have IP addresses that do not conflict with IP addresses in the IP groups that you create in this step.
    • IP addresses in IP groups on PureApplication Platform must not overlap with the IP addresses that you add to the IP groups in PureApplication Software.

The IP group status changes to "Available" after the IP addresses are associated with the IP group.

Create environment profiles

  1. Again, on the Welcome page of IBM PureApplication Software, click Create environment profiles .
  2. On the Environment Profiles page, click the plus sign to add a new environment profile.
    1. Specify a name for the environment profile.
    2. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for this environment profile. You can leave the remaining fields at their default values.
    3. 单击确定
      The status of the environment profile has a warning message, indicating that the cloud group is not associated yet.
  3. To associate the cloud group, select the new environment profile.
    1. For Deploy to cloud groups , click the Add more field. From the list of cloud groups that is displayed, select the cloud group. An entry for the cloud group is now listed in a table.
    2. Click the plus sign to expand the settings for the cloud group. The IP group that you created is listed in the settings.
    3. Select the checkbox next to the IP Group . The environment profile now changes from the Warning state to the Available state.

Additional configuration tasks

The following sections explain the additional tasks that you might need to finish setting up your PureApplication Software workload environment. Whether you need to follow a particular task depends on your environment and requirements. Therefore, review each of the tasks to see which ones apply to the needs of your environment.

Allocate more storage

You might need to allocate more storage to deploy VMs within the PureApplication Software installation. Create volumes that you know you will need by using this two-part procedure:

  1. Create the storage volumes on the web console in PureApplication Platform.
  2. Discover the storage volumes on the web console in PureApplication Software.
Create storage volumes
  1. On the PureApplication Platform web console, click Cloud -> Volumes .
  2. Click Create New to create a new storage volume.
  3. In the Create a new volume pane:
    1. Enter a name and description for the volume.
    2. For Type, select one of the following values:
      • Block VMFS . Use this type to create a datastore that attaches to the compute nodes in the cloud group to contain the VMs, add-on disks, and snapshots.
      • Block . Use this type to create raw storage that will be available to a VM.
    3. For In Cloud Group, select the Virtual Manager cloud group that the storage will be associated with. If you plan to replicate the software workload environment to another PureApplication Platform for disaster recovery, assign all of the volumes that are associated with the software environment to a volume group. In this case, select the correct volume group.
    4. Under Volume configuration, for Size, enter an appropriate size for the purpose of your volume.
    5. Click OK to save the changes and create this volume. A job starts that creates the volume in the background.

Repeat this task for additional storage as needed for your requirements.

Important : If PureApplication Platform version or newer is installed, be sure to set the Associate System field of each volume that was created to the System Unique Name value of the PureApplication Software workload environment.

Image repository name: PureApplication Software requires an image repository that, before V2.2.3, required the name to be cache_2TB-1 . Do not use this name in this environment because it will conflict with the image repository of PureApplication System.

Storage discovery in PureApplication Software

After you assign storage to a Virtual Manager cloud group in PureApplication Platform, switch to the web console for PureApplication Software.

  1. Click Hardware -> Storage Resource .
  2. Click the eye icon to discover new storage.
  3. After a few moments, click the refresh icon to see the new storage that was discovered.
  4. If the storage that was discovered is a Block volume, rename the storage volume so that it matches the name that is used on the PureApplication Platform web console. The names do not need to be identical, but the name must be usable to identify the volume if this environment is part of a disaster recovery solution. To rename the volume:
    1. Select the name in the list of volumes.
    2. 点击保存
      Note for and newer : If storage is not discovered make sure the Volumes table on PureApplication Platform shows the correct Associate System name for the PureApplication Software workload environment.

High availability

When a compute node fails, you want to ensure that your workloads do not experience an outage. Two options are available to handle compute node failures. System HA is a feature supported by PureApplication Platform that reserves compute nodes in the rack and can place a compute node into any cloud group that has lost a compute node due to a failure. Compute node high availability is a feature provided by VMware that allows a compute node to be reserved at the cloud group level. A spare compute node is needed for each cloud group using compute node high availability. System HA does not require a spare compute node for each cloud group so fewer compute nodes are required. System HA does take a little longer for recovery to begin because the spare compute has to be moved to the cloud group that experienced the compute node failure.

System high availability

Starting in PureApplication Platform, virtual manager cloud groups are supported by System HA. System HA allows spare compute nodes to be placed on standby and get allocated to any configured cloud group that experiences a compute node failure. When a compute node fails in a virtual manager cloud group, a compute node in the System HA group will be moved into that cloud group so that virtual machines can be recovered.

For additional details on using System high availability, see the details in the PureApplication Platform Information Center .

Compute node high availability

When a compute node fails, you want to ensure that your workloads do not experience an outage. Therefore, you can designate a compute node as the high availability (HA) dedicated node. This way, you can reserve a compute node per cloud group as a standby node that can take over workloads when a compute node in the cloud group fails.

Turning on vSphere HA : After you complete these steps, you must turn on vSphere HA to ensure that the VM recovery works correctly. Turning on vSphere HA is required even you if you do not want to configure a spare node as a high availability dedicated node because you do not have enough capacity or you are working in a development or test environment.

For additional details on using System high availability, see the details in the PureApplication Platform Information Center .

To configure a compute node as the HA node for a cloud group:

  1. On the VMware vSphere Web Client, right-click the cluster and select Settings .
    Selecting the vSphere Web Client settings
  2. On the Manage tab, under Settings, select vSphere HA . Then, in the right pane, click Edit .
    Editing vSphere HA
  3. In the Edit Cluster Settings pane, select Turn on vSphere HA .
  4. Expand Admission Control .
    Expanding Admission Control
  5. From the list of Admission control policies, select the Use dedicated failover hosts .
    Use dedicated failover hosts option
  6. Click the plus icon.
  7. Select the host to use as the dedicated failover host. If you have multiple hosts to choose from, select the one that has the most capacity and is empty. Click OK to save your host selection.
  8. Click OK to save the cluster settings.

For more information, see the " Enabling compute node high availability " topic in IBM Knowledge Center.

Create a new virtual image

Installing the PureApplication Software workload environment does not come with a base operating system virtual image. You can import the RedHat Enterprise Linux V6 64-bit virtual image (OVA image) from your PureApplication Platform as explained in Step 3 . To make that image available in this installation:

  1. Using SSH, log in to the compute node that you used to set up the VM in Step 3 .
  2. Change the current working directory to the same temporary directory that you created on the datastore where you created the VM:
    cd /vmfs/volumes/p_9baf11f6-6d8c-4faa-b631-5458655a8ecb/temp
  3. Print the current working directory by running the pwd command. Use this path in Step 6 of this task.
  4. Use SSH to log in to the PureApplication Software VM.
  5. Change to the installation directory:
    cd /pureapp-sw-runtime/install
  6. Download the operating system image from the ESXi. Substitute the user ID and IP address with the values for the compute node that you logged in to. For the path, substitute the path that is shown with the value in step 2 in this task.
    scp app_77a6b935@*.ova .

    When you are prompted for a password here, use the password for this compute node in the external access settings that is associated with the user ID and IP address you used.

  7. In the software web console, click Catalog -> Virtual Images .
  8. At the top of the page, click Create New .
  9. In the Create virtual image pane:
    1. Verify that Create by importing an OVA image is selected.
    2. For the OVA file location text box, enter file:/pureapp-sw-runtime/install/IBM_OS_Image_for_Red_Hat_Linux_Systems.ova .
      Create virtual image pane
    3. 单击确定 。 The import of the virtual image begins and takes about 10 minutes to complete.
  10. After the image is imported, click the new virtual image . You must accept the licenses that are associated with this virtual image before you can use the virtual image.
  11. In the details view of the virtual image in the right pane, for License agreement, click accept .
    Virtual image license agreement
  12. In the pane that shows the licenses that are associated with the virtual image, accept each license.

    The files in the temporary directory on the compute node are no longer needed and must be cleaned up to allow PureApplication Software workload environments to make full use of the datastore.

  13. In the SSH session for the compute node, remove only the temporary directory that was created and its contents:
    rm -rf /vmfs/volumes/p_9baf11f6-6d8c-4faa-b631-5458655a8ecb/temp

Clean up the production workload environment

You can remove an entire workload environment that is in production. If you set up the environment previously in disaster recovery, before you complete this task, you must complete the steps as explained in Part 3 .

  1. Stop all the workload instances from the software web console.
    1. Click Patterns -> View All .
      Viewing all patterns
    2. From the four tables that are shown that contain pattern instances for each pattern type, select an instance from one of the tables. The pattern types that you can choose from are Virtual Applications, Virtual Systems, Virtual Systems (Classic), and Shared Services.
      Selecting a pattern instance
    3. Click Stop in the details view to stop the instance. Stop the other instances of that same type.
    4. Repeat these steps for each pattern type. Wait for all of the instances to finish stopping.
  2. Store all of the VMs by using the software web console:
    1. Click Patterns ->View All . All virtual machines should be in the Stopped state.
    2. One at a time, select each stopped VM, and click Store next to the Status field.
      Storing each stopped VM
    3. In the confirmation pane, click Store to proceed with storing the instance. Notice that Virtual System Classic instances show the Store button in the list of actions for the instance instead of next to the Current status.
    4. Verify that all the VMs, except the PureApplication Software VM, are marked as Stored in the Virtual Machines view in PureApplication Software for the environment. (In the vSphere Web Client, the only registered VM is the PureApplication Software VM.)
  3. Run SSH to log in to the PureApplication Software VM as root (if the root password is known) or as admin_shell with the PureApplication Software admin password. Then, run psm shutdown to turn off the software VM in a clean manner.
    $ sshadmin_shell@ admin_shell@ 's password: 
    Welcome to the IBM PureApplication System Administrative Interface
    PureApplication>psm shutdown
    Starting to shutdown the local PureSystems Manager...
    Broadcast message from admin_shell@ipas-vm25-127-001(unknown) at 17:50 ...
    The system is going down for power off NOW!
    Connection to closed by remote host.
    Connection to closed.
  4. In the vSphere Web Client, select the PureApplication Software VM that is now stopped.
    1. Remove this VM from inventory. Right-click the VM and select Remove from Inventory .
      Removing the VM from inventory
    2. In the Confirm Remove pane, click Yes .

      Other VMs in the cluster : If any other VMs are still listed under this cluster, stop and remove them from inventory, too.

  5. In the vSphere Web Client, refresh the view, and validate that no VMs are registered.
    Refreshing the vSphere Web Client view
  6. On the PureApplication Platform web console that is hosting the environment:
    1. Click Cloud -> Volumes .
    2. Find all of the volumes that were used in the environment. Click the check box next to their name, and then click the trash can icon above the table to delete them.
      Deleting volumes from the environment
    3. In the Batch Action pane, click Delete to validate the deletion of multiple volumes.

    Cleaning up from a disaster recovery practice failover : If the practice environment is no longer needed, make sure that the volumes that are chosen are the clones . They cannot be the replicating volumes that are still being synchronized with the production environment.

  7. On vSphere Web Client, on each of the compute nodes in the Virtual Manager cloud groups, verify that all the storage is removed, except for the 5.2 GB boot LUNs for the ESXi. To find the storage devices:
    1. Select the compute node.
    2. On the Manage tab, select Storage to see the list of storage devices.
      Verifying that storage is removed
  8. In the vSphere Web Client, select each cluster, and then turn off vSphere HA.
    Select the cluster. On the Manage tab, under Settings , select vSphere HA from the list of Services.
    vSphere HA host monitoring setting

    If you see the "vSphere HA is Turned ON" message at the top of the details view, click Edit , and in the Edit Cluster Settings pane, expand Admission Control . Ensure that the Admission control policy is set to Do not reserve failover capacity .

  9. Optional: If you no longer need the cloud groups, delete the compute nodes from the Virtual Manager Cloud Groups and the Virtual Manager cloud groups.


By completing the steps in Part 2 of this series, you have installed a working PureApplication Software environment on to PureApplication Platform. This PureApplication Software environment is fully configured and is ready to be used to develop, deploy, and manage patterns. For more information about using and administering PureApplication Software, see the IBM PureApplication Software for x86 V2.2.5 documentation in the IBM Knowledge Center .

You can design disaster recovery and backup solutions around using this software environment on PureApplication Platform. Part 3 of this series explains a disaster recovery solution for this environment.


The authors thank Kevin Cormier, Larry Hamann, Jessica Stevens, Anilkumar Hegde, and Joe Wigglesworth for reviewing this article.

翻译自: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/mw-1707-laffoon-bluemix/index.html

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