Some Thought about Reverse Engineering

If I did not catch a cold , it would be a greate weekend . The illness makes me feel so tired and my head ache

occassionaly . I did not learn anything this weekend and review any learnt. I wasted two days and gained nothing .

I tried to set up an environment to build applications for Android using QT Framework. It took me all morning to set

up this envrionment .After the environment was set up , I created a small test application to test whether this

environment is capble of building applications for Android. Then I downloaded the apk file from my laptop and

installed it on my phone . When I started the application , I was hoping for this would work . But it letted me down .

There was only a lonely widget without a button I added to it . Mission failed . Nothing learnt today .  I like an

environment without competition to learn . I hate being made comparison with others . This sucks ! Oh , a cool song

I want to share with you which was named: concussive . You can click on the song's name to play the song .

The coolest part was at 3:20 ! Have a try ? 

I wrote a passage about Reverse Engineering a few days ago . Perhaps it's a good time to share with you . It's just

my humble thought about it . It's only about two years since I step into this field . Even though I was not an expert

in this field , but I still learnt something I thought . So , don't be mislead by me . You can see it as a joke . 微笑

So , in order to understand the principles behind some programs . We use the technique Reverse Engineering to

make that happens . The key to reverse engineering a program is to locate the key codes in that program. Whatever

you are cracking a program protected by a registration key or finding the goal of a computer virus or learning

the mechanism of a Torjan , the key step is locating the key codes ! Some programmers with a little

Reverse Engineering experience would protect the codes that they wrote . There are some protection techniques

used nowadays ,like Code Obfuscation , Anti Debugging try to "stop" people from Reverse Engineering their codes.

The time needed for  Reverse Engineering  a program depends on how hard the protection is and how much time

the analyzer would spent on this program . So, to analyse the key codes , you have to thread the needles in front of

you . If you can not break those obstacles , then you won't be able to get what you want most forever . Say , this work

takes patience and experiences . And of course , some creative mind is also needed . In case you come up with some

new technique to Reverse Engineering a program. Though the chance is small, still you can have a try !

In general , remember this : you target is to locate the key codes of the program and analyze it with patience.

May be it's too much for today . I would share some more experience in the field of Reverse Engineering in the next

passage .

Good night guys . 微笑





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