


也可以使用s = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ARP));
则地址则变成了struct sockaddr_ll addr; 在arpping中调用以下函数,则也可以发送

# include < unistd. h>
# include < errno . h>
# include < netdb. h>
# include < signal . h>
# include < sys/ socket . h>
# include < sys/ poll. h>
# include < sys/ ioctl. h>
# include < netinet/ if_ether. h>
# include < net/ if_arp. h>
# include < netinet/ udp. h>
# include < netinet/ ip. h>
# include < stdio. h>
# include < stdarg. h>
# include < net/ if . h>

enum {
    ARP_MSG_SIZE = 0x2a
} ;

char * strncpy_IFNAMSIZ( char * dst, const char * src)
# ifndef IFNAMSIZ
        enum { IFNAMSIZ = 16 } ;
# endif
            return strncpy ( dst, src, IFNAMSIZ) ;

struct arpMsg {
    /* Ethernet header */
    uint8_t h_dest[ 6] ; /* 00 destination ether addr */
    uint8_t h_source[ 6] ; /* 06 source ether addr */
    uint16_t h_proto; /* 0c packet type ID field */

    /* ARP packet */
    uint16_t htype; /* 0e hardware type (must be ARPHRD_ETHER) */
    uint16_t ptype; /* 10 protocol type (must be ETH_P_IP) */
    uint8_t hlen; /* 12 hardware address length (must be 6) */
    uint8_t plen; /* 13 protocol address length (must be 4) */
    uint16_t operation; /* 14 ARP opcode */
    uint8_t sHaddr[ 6] ; /* 16 sender's hardware address */
    uint8_t sInaddr[ 4] ; /* 1c sender's IP address */
    uint8_t tHaddr[ 6] ; /* 20 target's hardware address */
    uint8_t tInaddr[ 4] ; /* 26 target's IP address */
    uint8_t pad[ 18] ; /* 2a pad for min. ethernet payload (60 bytes) */
const int const_int_1 = 1;
int setsockopt_broadcast( int fd)
    return setsockopt ( fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, & const_int_1, sizeof ( const_int_1) ) ;

char * safe_strncpy( char * dst, const char * src, size_t size)
    if ( ! size) return dst;
    dst[ - - size] = '/0' ;
    return strncpy ( dst, src, size) ;

int arpping( uint32_t test_ip, uint32_t from_ip, uint8_t * from_mac, const char * interface)
    int timeout_ms;
int s;
    int rv = 1; /* "no reply received" yet */
    struct sockaddr addr; /* for interface name */
    struct arpMsg arp;

    s = socket ( PF_PACKET , SOCK_PACKET , htons ( ETH_P_ARP) ) ;
    if ( s = = - 1) {
        perror ( "raw_socket" ) ;
        return - 1;

    if ( setsockopt_broadcast( s) = = - 1) {
        perror ( "cannot enable bcast on raw socket" ) ;
        goto ret;

    /* send arp request */
    memset ( & arp, 0, sizeof ( arp) ) ;
    memset ( arp. h_dest, 0xff, 6) ; /* MAC DA */
    memcpy ( arp. h_source, from_mac, 6) ; /* MAC SA */
    arp. h_proto = htons ( ETH_P_ARP) ; /* protocol type (Ethernet) */
    arp. htype = htons ( ARPHRD_ETHER) ; /* hardware type */
    arp. ptype = htons ( ETH_P_IP) ; /* protocol type (ARP message) */
    arp. hlen = 6; /* hardware address length */
    arp. plen = 4; /* protocol address length */
    arp. operation = htons ( ARPOP_REQUEST) ; /* ARP op code */
    memcpy ( arp. sHaddr, from_mac, 6) ; /* source hardware address */
    memcpy ( arp. sInaddr, & from_ip, sizeof ( from_ip) ) ; /* source IP address */
    /* tHaddr is zero-fiiled */ /* target hardware address */
    memcpy ( arp. tInaddr, & test_ip, sizeof ( test_ip) ) ; /* target IP address */

    memset ( & addr, 0, sizeof ( addr) ) ;
    safe_strncpy( addr. sa_data, interface, sizeof ( addr. sa_data) ) ;
    if ( sendto ( s, & arp, sizeof ( arp) , 0, & addr, sizeof ( addr) ) < 0) {
        // TODO: error message? caller didn't expect us to fail,
        // just returning 1 "no reply received" misleads it.      

    close ( s) ;
    return rv;

int read_interface( const char * interface, int * ifindex, uint32_t * addr, uint8_t * arp)
    int fd;
    struct ifreq ifr;
    struct sockaddr_in * our_ip;

    memset ( & ifr, 0, sizeof ( ifr) ) ;
    fd = socket ( AF_INET , SOCK_RAW , IPPROTO_RAW ) ;

    ifr. ifr_addr. sa_family = AF_INET ;
    strncpy_IFNAMSIZ( ifr. ifr_name, interface) ;
    if ( addr) {
        if ( ioctl( fd, SIOCGIFADDR , & ifr) ! = 0) {
            perror ( "ioctl" ) ;
            close ( fd) ;
            return - 1;
        our_ip = ( struct sockaddr_in * ) & ifr. ifr_addr;
        * addr = our_ip- > sin_addr. s_addr;
        printf ( "ip of %s = %s /n" , interface, inet_ntoa( our_ip- > sin_addr) ) ;

    if ( ifindex) {
        if ( ioctl( fd, SIOCGIFINDEX , & ifr) ! = 0) {
            close ( fd) ;
            return - 1;
        printf ( "adapter index %d" , ifr. ifr_ifindex) ;
        * ifindex = ifr. ifr_ifindex;

    if ( arp) {
        if ( ioctl( fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR , & ifr) ! = 0) {
            close ( fd) ;
            return - 1;
        memcpy ( arp, ifr. ifr_hwaddr. sa_data, 6) ;
        printf ( "adapter hardware address %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/n" ,
            arp[ 0] , arp[ 1] , arp[ 2] , arp[ 3] , arp[ 4] , arp[ 5] ) ;
    close ( fd) ;
    return 0;

int main( void )
    uint32_t TEST_IP = inet_addr( "" ) ;
    char interface[ ] = "eth0" ;
    uint32_t ip;
    uint8_t mac[ 6] ;
    read_interface( interface, NULL , & ip, mac) ;  
    while ( 1) {
        arpping( TEST_IP, ip, mac, interface) ;
        sleep ( 1) ;
    return 0;


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ArpSender是C#写的ARP器,写的初衷是想试下什么样的ARP才会引起ARP攻击,构造一些可能会导致别人上不了网。至于怎么填,发挥大家的想象吧,嘿嘿。 ArpSender用了SharpPcap这个开源API,有兴趣的到网上查下,用起来挺简单的。编程过程中最大的问题就是线程的问题。发的代码中用了BackgroundWorker控件,因为参数只能传一个,并且线程是不允许直接调用主窗口控件,后来用了一个结构体struct ArpPac来传,感觉还是很麻烦啊!不过还好在BackgroundWorker的RunWorkerCompleted可以直接操作主窗口控件了,能把结果显示到主窗口上。 在编写获取IP的MAC地址部分,一开始还是用BackgroundWorker,在获取存在的IP地址MAC时可以正常工作,可是当IP不存在是,DOWORK方法一直没结束。因为里面一个Resolve方法一直没返回,也没超时设定,线程就一直卡在那不动了。也不知道该怎么结束这个线程。于是改用了Thread,传参数用了个object数组,嘿嘿,所有参数都封起来。到了那边再解封,很好用。后来才发现,线程是没有返回值的。。又不能直接操作窗体控件。。没办法,只好设个全局变量来保存结果了。获取MAC部分还用了个Timer控件,1秒钟如果还没得到返回的MAC,直接结束该线程。。。 BackgroundWorker 用起来简单也很好用,如果有个abort方法的话。。。
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