classdump-dyld / iphoneheaders / iOS7.0.3 / System / Library / Internet Plug-Ins / QuickTime Plugin.

* This header is generated by classdump-dyld 0.1
* on Thursday, November 28, 2013 at 3:53:56 AM Eastern European Standard Time
* Operating System: Version 7.0.3 (Build 11B511)
* Image Source: /System/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/QuickTime Plugin.webplugin/QuickTime Plugin
* classdump-dyld is free of use, Copyright © 2013 by Elias Limneos.

#import <QuickTime Plugin/QuickTime Plugin-Structs.h>
#import <UIKit/UIView.h>
#import <UIKit/UIPopoverControllerDelegate.h>

@class UIButton, UIImageView, NSDictionary, UIMoviePlayerController, NSURL, NSString, AVAsset, ValidationTask, DownloadImageTask, LoadFirstFrameTask, NSMutableArray, NSThread, NSLock, FPVWebScript, WebScriptObject, WAKView, NSArray, FPVMediaPlayerHelper, NSTimer, NSMutableDictionary, NSNumber, MPAudioVideoRoutingPopoverController, MPAudioVideoRoutingActionSheet, MPVolumeView;

@interface FigPluginView : UIView < UIPopoverControllerDelegate > {

BOOL _allowFloatingPlayButton ;
BOOL _floatingPlayButton ;
BOOL _embeddedPlayback ;
BOOL _controllerOnlyInterface ;
BOOL _webPluginMode ;
UIButton * _playButton ;
UIImageView * _posterView ;
BOOL _playerHasMovie ;
NSDictionary * _wkargs ;
NSDictionary * _attributes ;
UIMoviePlayerController * _player ;
NSURL * _baseURL ;
NSURL * _srcRelativeURL ;
NSURL * _initialContentURL ;
NSURL * _posterURL ;
NSURL * _autoHrefURL ;
NSString * _autoHrefTarget ;
NSURL * _currentMediaElementURL ;
NSURL * _currentContentURL ;
AVAsset * _currentContentAsset ;
BOOL _restrictResolution ;
BOOL _isCurrentContentURLValidated ;
BOOL _isCurrentContentURLStreaming ;
BOOL _enableTimedMetadata ;
BOOL _enableAirPlay ;
BOOL _mediaElementDisablesWirelessVideoPlayback ;
BOOL _scriptStateIsPlaying ;
BOOL _isPlaying ;
BOOL _inFullScreen ;
BOOL _inFullScreenTransition ;
int _exitReason ;
ValidationTask * _validationTask ;
DownloadImageTask * _downloadImageTask ;
LoadFirstFrameTask * _loadFirstFrameTask ;
double _nextPlayTime ;
BOOL _readyForPlayback ;
BOOL _finishedPlayback ;
BOOL _playabilityReplyReceived ;
unsigned _bufferingState ;
BOOL _okToLoadMedia ;
BOOL _havePreparedForPlayback ;
BOOL _waitingForPlaybackToBegin ;
BOOL _isBlockingTaskQueue ;
BOOL _playedRequestedAtLeastOnce ;
BOOL _forceCurrentTimeToZero ;
int _qtNextIndex ;
BOOL _qtNextRecursive ;
NSMutableArray * _failedQTNextIndexes ;
NSThread * _webThread ;
NSString * _pluginStatus ;
NSLock * _accessedFromWebThreadLock ;
FPVWebScript * _webScriptInterface ;
BOOL _disableExitFullScreenOnPlayToEnd ;
id _pluginContainer ;
id _pluginElement ;
WebScriptObject * _webScriptObject ;
WAKView * _wakView ;
NSArray * _lastTimedMetadata ;
NSString * _youTubeVideoID ;
FPVMediaPlayerHelper * _mediaElementHelper ;
int _configuringPlayerCounter ;
double _cachedPlayableDuration ;
FPVTimeRange _cachedPlayableRange ;
FPVTimeRange _cachedSeekableRange ;
double _cachedDuration ;
float _cachedRate ;
float _cachedVolume ;
double _movieTimeAtLastTimeDidJumpTime ;
CGSize _cachedSize ;
long long _cachedFileSize ;
BOOL _cachedHasVideo ;
BOOL _cachedHasAudio ;
BOOL _cachedMuted ;
BOOL _poseAsMediaElement ;
BOOL _webPluginStartCalled ;
BOOL _canDeliverEvents ;
BOOL _enableEvents ;
NSMutableArray * _pendingEvents ;
NSLock * _pendingEventsLock ;
BOOL _dispatchPendingEventsScheduled ;
BOOL _showControls ;
NSTimer * _cachePlayerRangesTimer ;
BOOL _disableControlsAutohide ;
BOOL _isZooming ;
float _cachedButtonScale ;
BOOL _restrictingQueue ;
BOOL _limitingQueue ;
BOOL _allowInlinePlayback ;
BOOL _playAfterEnteringFullscreen ;
BOOL _pausedWhileScrubbing ;
BOOL _needsToIgnoreInitialSeekZeroForStreaming ;
BOOL _keepPosterWhilePlaying ;
unsigned _pendingBufferingNotifications ;
float _deferredPlaybackRate ;
NSArray * _pendingOutOfBandTextTrackInfo ;
NSMutableArray * _cachedOutOfBandTextTracks ;
NSMutableDictionary * _textTrackMap ;
NSNumber * _pendingTextTrack ;
BOOL _windowIsRotating ;
BOOL _airPlayRouteDiscoveryEnabledForMediaElement ;
BOOL _airPlayRouteDiscoveryEnabledForPicker ;
MPAudioVideoRoutingPopoverController * _airPlayPopoverController ;
MPAudioVideoRoutingActionSheet * _airPlayActionSheet ;
MPVolumeView * _volumeView ;
NSString * _captiveInterfaceName ;
NSString * _pageTitle ;


@property ( assign ) BOOL allowFloatingPlayButton ; //@synthesize allowFloatingPlayButton=_allowFloatingPlayButton - In the implementation block
+ ( id ) PNGImageForName: ( id ) arg1 ;
+ ( id ) plugInViewWithArguments: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) setArguments: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( double ) currentTime ;
- ( double ) playableDuration ;
- ( void ) setCurrentTime: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) setOutOfBandTextTracks: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( id ) currentDate ;
- ( void ) seekToDate: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( BOOL ) muted ;
- ( void ) resignActive ;
- ( BOOL ) moviePlayerBackwardButtonPressed: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( BOOL ) moviePlayerForwardButtonPressed: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( BOOL ) moviePlayerPlayPauseButtonPressed: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerPlaybackDidFail: ( id ) arg1 error: ( id ) arg2 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerWillEnterFullscreen: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerDidEnterFullscreen: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerWillExitFullscreen: ( id ) arg1 exitReason: ( int ) arg2 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerDidExitFullscreen: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerDidBeginScrubbing: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerDidEndScrubbing: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayer: ( id ) arg1 willSelectAlternateTextTrack: ( id ) arg2 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayer: ( id ) arg1 didOutputAttributedStrings: ( id ) arg2 nativeSampleBuffers: ( id ) arg3 forTime: ( double ) arg4 ;
- ( BOOL ) isPlaying ;
- ( BOOL ) moviePlayerHeadsetPlayPausePressed: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( BOOL ) moviePlayerPlayButtonPressed: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( BOOL ) moviePlayerPauseButtonPressed: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerBufferingStateDidChange: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerPlaybackStateDidChange: ( id ) arg1 fromPlaybackState: ( unsigned ) arg2 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerPlaybackRateDidChange: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerCanContinuePlayingInBackgroundDidChange: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerInBandAlternateTextTracksDidChange: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerCurrentTimeDidJump: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerPlaybackDidEnd: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayer: ( id ) arg1 timedMetadataDidArrive: ( id ) arg2 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerVolumeDidChange: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerVolumeMutedDidChange: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) moviePlayerIsPreparedForPlaybackDidChange: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( double ) _playableDuration ;
- ( id ) initWithFrame: ( CGRect ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) dealloc ;
- ( id ) hitTest: ( CGPoint ) arg1 withEvent: ( id ) arg2 ;
- ( void ) setFrame: ( CGRect ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) layoutSubviews ;
- ( void ) removeFromSuperview ;
- ( double ) duration ;
- ( id ) superview ;
- ( void ) setWAKView: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) webPlugInInitialize ;
- ( void ) webPlugInStart ;
- ( void ) webPlugInStop ;
- ( void ) webPlugInDestroy ;
- ( id ) objectForWebScript ;
- ( void ) _webViewWillBeginZooming ;
- ( void ) _webViewDidEndZooming: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) _webViewDidZoomWithRelativeScale: ( float ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) _webViewScaleDidChange ;
- ( void ) goBack ;
- ( void ) _windowWillRotate: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) popoverControllerDidDismissPopover: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( CGSize ) naturalSize ;
- ( BOOL ) hasClosedCaptions ;
- ( void ) setWebThread ;
- ( void ) setCanDeliverNotifications: ( BOOL ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) loadURLForMediaElement: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( id ) posterURL ;
- ( void ) setPoster: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) scriptPrepareForPlayback ;
- ( void ) scriptBeginPlaying ;
- ( void ) scriptPausePlayback ;
- ( FPVTimeRange ) seekableRange ;
- ( FPVTimeRange ) playableRange ;
- ( BOOL ) readyForPlayback ;
- ( void ) scriptEnterFullScreen ;
- ( void ) scriptExitFullScreen ;
- ( BOOL ) isCurrentPlaybackTargetWireless ;
- ( void ) scriptShowPlaybackTargetPicker ;
- ( BOOL ) hasWirelessPlaybackTargets ;
- ( BOOL ) wirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled ;
- ( void ) setWirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled: ( BOOL ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) setHasPlaybackTargetAvailabilityListeners: ( BOOL ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) setClosedCaptionsVisible: ( BOOL ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) mediaElementAttributeChanged: ( id ) arg1 value: ( id ) arg2 ;
- ( void ) setTextTrackRepresentation: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) selectTextTrack: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) setAllowFloatingPlayButton: ( BOOL ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) appSuspendedEventsOnly: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) appSuspended: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) appWillBeginSuspend: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) appWillResignActive: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) appDidBecomeActive: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) mainThreadDestroy ;
- ( void ) taskModeNormal ;
- ( void ) setCachePlayerRangesTimer: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) _stopMonitoringAirPlayRoutesForMediaElementIfNeeded ;
- ( void ) _stopMonitoringAirPlayRoutesForPickerIfNeeded ;
- ( void ) _dismissAirPlayRoutePicker ;
- ( id ) lowercaseKeys: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( BOOL ) shouldUsePosterMode ;
- ( void ) loadPosterImage: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) changeMovieToURL: ( id ) arg1 asset: ( id ) arg2 isValidated: ( BOOL ) arg3 isStreaming: ( BOOL ) arg4 postBeginDOMEvent: ( BOOL ) arg5 playRequested: ( BOOL ) arg6 ;
- ( CGRect ) playButtonFrame ;
- ( void ) updateBackgroundLogo ;
- ( void ) configurePlayButtonForced: ( BOOL ) arg1 ;
- ( BOOL ) isAllowedToPlayNonForeground ;
- ( void ) postMediaElementEvent: ( int ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) updateLimitReadAhead ;
- ( void ) pausePlaybackForNotification: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) playButtonAction ;
- ( void ) configurePlayButton ;
- ( void ) createPlayer ;
- ( void ) updateControllerOnlyMode ;
- ( void ) setAllowPlayback: ( BOOL ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) postDOMEvent: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) qtNextIndexFailed: ( int ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) setPluginStatus: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) postDebugMessage: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( BOOL ) advanceQTNext ;
- ( void ) willBeginPlayback ;
- ( void ) fullscreenOnceWeGetAWindow ;
- ( void ) taskModeRestricted ;
- ( void ) setCurrentTimeDoNotSnap: ( double ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) resignActiveAfterMovedToBackgroundTab ;
- ( void ) flushPendingEvents ;
- ( BOOL ) _allowsWirelessPlayback ;
- ( void ) restoreOutOfBandTextTrackIds ;
- ( void ) _displayAirPlayRoutePicker ;
- ( void ) _startMonitoringAirPlayRoutesForMediaElementIfNeeded ;
- ( id ) wsoValueForValue: ( id ) arg1 context: ( id ) arg2 ;
- ( id ) dictionaryFromAVMetadataItem: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( id ) wsoForDictionary: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( id ) base64Encode: ( id ) arg1 insertLFs: ( BOOL ) arg2 ;
- ( id ) wsoForArray: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( id ) wsoForData: ( id ) arg1 context: ( id ) arg2 ;
- ( id ) wsoForAVMetadata: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) beginConfiguringPlayer ;
- ( void ) resetTimedMetadata ;
- ( id ) getURLString ;
- ( void ) endConfiguringPlayer ;
- ( void ) updateContentType: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) movieViewScaleModeChanged: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) _volumeViewWirelessRoutesAvailableDidChange: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) _volumeViewWirelessRouteActiveDidChange: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) setPathOnMoviePlayer ;
- ( void ) chainChangeMovieToPath: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) validationFailedWithMessage: ( id ) arg1 resultCode: ( int ) arg2 ;
- ( id ) assetOptions ;
- ( void ) delayedChainChangeMovieToPath: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( BOOL ) gotoQTNextIndex: ( int ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) visitURLAndTarget: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( FPVTimeRange ) _playableRange ;
- ( FPVTimeRange ) _seekableRange ;
- ( void ) setScriptStateIsPlaying: ( BOOL ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) updateCachedPlayerRanges ;
- ( void ) refreshCachedPropertiesForBufferingStateChange: ( unsigned ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) taskModeLimited ;
- ( void ) preparedForPlaybackChanged ;
- ( BOOL ) isConfiguringPlayer ;
- ( void ) playbackDidFailWithError: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( BOOL ) moviePlayerPlayPauseButtonForMediaElementEvent: ( int ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) mainThreadPlugInStopSuspended: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) _startMonitoringAirPlayRoutesForPicker ;
- ( void ) _displayAirPlayRoutePickerIPad ;
- ( void ) _displayAirPlayRoutePickerIPhone ;
- ( void ) _dismissAirPlayRoutePickerIPad ;
- ( void ) _dismissAirPlayRoutePickerIPhone ;
- ( unsigned ) _MPAVItemType ;
- ( void ) _presentAirPlayPopoverAnimated: ( BOOL ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) cancelFPVTask: ( id * ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) validationSucceededResultURL: ( id ) arg1 asset: ( id ) arg2 isStreaming: ( BOOL ) arg3 ;
- ( void ) dispatchPendingEvents ;
- ( void ) postEvent: ( id ) arg1 priority: ( BOOL ) arg2 ;
- ( id ) getPluginStatus ;
- ( double ) scriptGetCurrentTime ;
- ( void ) scriptSetCurrentTime: ( double ) arg1 ;
- ( id ) scriptGetDate ;
- ( void ) scriptSeekToDate: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( double ) scriptGetDuration ;
- ( id ) scriptGetLastTimedMetadata ;
- ( id ) scriptGetAccessLog ;
- ( id ) scriptGetErrorLog ;
- ( void ) changeMovieToPath: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( BOOL ) _webViewPluginMediaPlayerProxy ;
- ( BOOL ) webPlugInReceivesEventsDirectly ;
- ( BOOL ) webPlugInHasFullScreenUI ;
- ( void ) taskStarted: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) taskCompleted: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) taskCanceled: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( BOOL ) allowFloatingPlayButton ;
- ( id ) getURL ;
- ( long long ) fileSize ;
- ( BOOL ) hasVideo ;
- ( BOOL ) hasAudio ;
- ( void ) beginPlayback ;
- ( BOOL ) isFullScreen ;
- ( void ) _windowDidRotate: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( float ) rate ;
- ( void ) setControls: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) cancelLoad ;
- ( float ) volume ;
- ( void ) setRate: ( id ) arg1 ;
- ( void ) webPlugInStopForPageCache ;
- ( BOOL ) processingUserGesture ;
- ( void ) setPlaceholderImage: ( id ) arg1 ;





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