IDES – the "Internet Demonstration and Evaluation System" in the R/3 System, represents a model company. It consists of an international group with subsidiaries in several countries. IDES contains application data for various business scenarios that can be run in the SAP System. The business processes in the IDES system are designed to reflect real-life business requirements, and have access to many realistic characteristics. IDES uses easy-to-follow business scenarios to show you the comprehensive functions of the R/3 System. The focal point of IDES, however, is not the functionality itself, but the business processes and their integration.

SAP IDES 是 SAP R/3 系统的一个演示版本,IDES 的全称是 Internet Demonstration and Evaluation System (互联网演示和评估系统)。IDES 系统模拟了一个范例公司,该公司是一个在一些国家拥有分公司的国际集团。IDES 系统还包含了各种业务场景所需的应用数据。IDES 通过简单易懂的业务场景来演示 SAP R/3 系统的功能,这些业务流程都是为了反应现实生活中的业务需求而设置的。不过 IDES 的重点并不在于强调功能本身,而是在于业务流程以及业务流程之间的整合。


These IDES business processes are described in detail within this online documentation. The individual demos provide you with an overview of the master data, and contain step-by-step instructions of how to execute the individual processes.
该在线文档详细地描述了 IDES 的各种业务流程。你可以通过 IDES 演示系统,对主数据有个基本的概念,并且通过演示中循序渐进的指令,来了解如何执行不同的业务流程。


IDES not only covers the Logistics area, but also Financials, and Human Resources. It demonstrates how the R/3 System is able to support practically all types of industries, from discrete production through to process industries, from engineering-to-order to repetitive manufacturing. However, IDES is not a sector-oriented model company. The individual processes are based on practice-oriented data for sectors such as Retailing or Banking. The IDES group manufactures products as diverse as elevators, motorcycles, and paints.
IDES 不仅涵盖了后勤领域,还包含了财务和人力资源。IDES 演示了 SAP R/3系统如何能够支持各种工业类型,从离散工业到加工工业,从按订单生产到重复生产。不过,IDES 不是部门导向的范例公司。IDES 的业务流程基于业务导向的数据,比如零售或者银行部门。IDES 集团生产各种类型的产品,如电梯、摩托车和油漆。


IDES is managed by SAP just as any regular business enterprise. SAP regularly updates the IDES data (master data, transaction data, and customizing). We also carry out period-end closing and plan with different time-horizons. Transaction data are generated to ensure that the information systems in all areas have access to realistic evaluation data. We are constantly implementing new, interesting business scenarios to highlight the very latest functions available in the R/3 System. New functions are represented and documented by IDES scenarios.
用 SAP 管理 IDES ,就像一般正常运作的企业一样。SAP 定期更新 IDES 的数据 (主数据,业务数据和定制)。我们还执行期末关账,并按照不同的时区做计划。我们生成各种业务数据,以保证不同地区都能使用现实的评估数据。我们还时常实施一些新的,有趣的业务场景,来点睛 R/3系统的最新功能。IDES 场景会演示和描述最新的功能。


Above all, IDES shows you the possibilities of the integrated applications in the SAP System. We cover all aspects of a business enterprise, including Human Resources, Financial Accounting, Product Cost Planning, Overhead Management, Profitability Analysis, Planning, Sales and Distribution, Materials Management, Production, and much, much more.
综上所述,IDES 向你展示了 SAP系统整合应用的可能性。我们涵盖了企业的各个方面,包含人力资源,财务会计,产品成本计划,费用管理,盈利分析,计划,销售和分销,物料管理,生产,还有很多很多。



IDES shows you how the R/3 System supports production processes, the supply chain, and the efficient usage of global resources. Or perhaps you would like to increase your understanding of just-in-time-production or the integration of the electronic KANBAN system in an MRP II environment? IDES provides the ideal way to learn about areas such as Product Cost Controlling, Activity-Based Costing, or integrated Service Management and Plant Maintenance. How to manage high inflation is just one of the ever-growing number of IDES business scenarios that you can choose from.
IDES 向你展示了 R/3 系统如何支持生产流程,供应链和如何高效利用全球资源。也许你想深入了解及时生产或MRP II电子看板系统的整合?IDES 提供你学习的最佳方法,你可以学到各领域的知识,比如生产成本控制,以行动为基础的成本,整合服务管理和生产维护。比如,如何控制高通胀只是 IDES 众多业务场景的一个。






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