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Nevermind  算了,别管了

Psychic  灵魂的,精神的

Drastic 激烈的

Animate 使有生气 animate an icon in the status bar

get rid of it

Wedge 被卡住, 锲子

I can't explain why that appears to be wedged on your box.

My gut tells me  我的本能告诉我

Layman 门外汉

Thorough 彻底的

Today and tomorrow I am occupied with some reviews

but V6_HeapAlloc indicates that VC's ancient custom heap is being used. Ancient  古老的.

Im willing to wager that since a premier XML validation product states that the WSDL is valid  wager 打赌


This narrows down the issue   narrows down 减少

Unified 统一的

Errors created by proxy generators do no not necessarily indicate issues with the input files.


auto-generated proxy APIs will bias the results based on the confines of the XML messages created by the proxy API. The opportunities for fuzzy testing are greatly constrained when using auto-generated proxy APIs.  


Bias 偏见,使偏心

Confine 限制

Fuzzy 模糊的

Constrained 被强迫的


Stay tuned!  继续收听

Can someone direct me to tools/libraries to examine COFF object files (or a better DL to ask the question on)?


Establishing audit policy is an important facet of security


Facet = aspect 方面

provides evidence in the event of a security breach


Watch out 当心

Ive seen that message when the binary (or the ilk) is outright missing

Outright 完全的


The documentation for error C2150 also perpetuates the myth that bitfields must be 'int', 'signed int', or 'unsigned int'.

perpetuates 使永存'

Myth 神话


If there is a way to configure VC 2008 not to use this heap would be prefereable.

which is convention in MFC, but not a convention used very many other places

Convention  惯例

Lame perhaps  lame  跛的, 没说服力的


If you dont want to use RTTI, and you are feeling old school, you could look at what MFC does


Old school 守旧

Nothing jumps out at me given this sparse information.

Given 考虑到 sparse 稀少的


It has caught dozens of errors (in other peoples code) where array bounds were being gratuitously exceeded

Gratuitously 无缘无故的

disaster was averted. 避免


However when I tried to create a stand-alone repro of the compiler generating this warning I found that it often doesn’t.


Stand-alone 独立的


VC++ seemed to be interpreting the hyphen-like character as an identifier.

Hyphen 连字号

Just idle curiosity


disclaimer: I'm not a compiler dev   disclaimer 弃权, 免责声明


Playing around with Notepad play around with 玩弄,戏弄

due to some conspiracy of the codepage  conspiracy 阴谋

It also enables obtaining data from cache at higher throughput rates for better performance.


Throughput 吞吐量

Throughput  rate  吞吐率

Associate  联合


Blasted meanings 太多的意思 blast 爆破


C has no mechanisms for cloaking things c没有隐藏的机制

Cloak 斗蓬. 隐匿


C++ has a general mechanism for isolating names from stomping on each other c++ 有避免命名互相踩踏的机制

Stomp 跺脚, 重踩


The lack of Intellisense in C++/CLI code is definitely regrettable and something we intend to remedy at some point.


Remedy 治疗, 补救 regrettable  可惜的.


Time and resource constraints were the sole reason we had to make this sacrifice in VS2010.


that supplements and complements our Intellisense experience.

Supplement 补充. Complement 补足,辅助


Premature optimization is the root of all evil.

Premature 早熟的,提早的


Tool chest 工具箱. Chest ,

More quotes. Quote 引用

Typically the questions are full of misconceptions.

Misconception. 误解,错误想法

So I think we need to start clearing the minefields

Minefield 雷区

I'm not at the bleeding edge of ..  Bleeding 流血的


I hope from my vantage-point . Vantage point 有利地位

Vantage 优势


The model that wont steer you wrong.  Steer 引导,驾驶


The assumption must be thrown away in lock-free programming.

Throw away 扔掉


It really needs to be stressed strongly.   它真的需要被好好强调.

Stress 强调


Things don’t be changed inside your if-statement is ingrained via day to day programming.

Ingrained 根深蒂固的


It's a subtle but important difference. Subtle 微妙的, 不明显的.


It's only a passing whim.这只是一闪之念.

Whim 奇想,突然的念头.


After much consternation. Consternation 惊慌失措

Revelation 揭露


Set_and_retrieved _xxxxxxxxx is cumbersome to say. Cumbersome 笨重的.


I will plan for a timeslot to verify them. Timeslot 时间空档


  1. I perceived his comment as a challenge. Perceive 感觉, 认为.
  2. CPU can in effect fetch it. In effect 实际上

lest the CPU end up executing the prior contents of the affected pages.

Lest 惟恐,避免


Eschew 避免 force the compiler to eschew any optimizations


So most kernel programmers need not worry about the

memory-barrier peculiarities. Peculiarity 特质


That said, deep knowledge of each CPU’s memoryconsistency

model can be very helpful when debugging,

to say nothing of when writing architecture-specific code

or synchronization primitives.

 to say nothing of 更不用说


but any such relaxation must take SSE and 3DNOW instructions into account.

Take … into account 考虑..因素


This document is in no way all inclusive and final. 这篇文章决不是包罗万象及最终版.

In on way 决不. Inclusive 包罗万象的


When it comes to operating-system-specific details and solutions, the text exclusively describes Linux.

When it comes to … exclusively 仅仅


this paper only addresses the most common, mainstream versions.

Mainstream 主流


Appropriate back references to the section are added in places where the content is required so that the anxious reader could skip most of this section at first.

Anxious 着急的, 渴望的


Avoid emotiveness 情绪化

Practice situational leadership. Situational 情景的

Strive to do the best with what you have. Strive to 争取

Some jargon. jargon行话


Bound to 必须,不得不

The working set is bound to be larger than the cache.


So it is difficult to accommodate all of them together. 调和,顾及





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


