101 Sample Job Interview Questions

101 Sample Job Interview Questions

     Well, you have entered the interview room. You will be politely asked to be seated. Some interviewers may even like to offer you a cup of tea or a glass of water. They shall analyze your first impression. And then they shall start asking questions. The first question shall be informal looking but not informal at all. They may even start with a small chat. Then they shall drag you slowly from easier to tough job interview questions. They shall try to find out information about you, your life and your working that you have failed to depict through your resume.

What Questions Would Be Asked?


It is almost impossible to answer exactly. Here you shall find some commonly asked questions. Go through them. Analyze skill requirements for your applied job. Know about the organization. And go positive.

Here you shall find 101 sample job interview questions. They may help you to rehears your upcoming job interview. But there is no guarantee that all of them or any of them shall be asked to you during your interview session. They are the most popular sample. You may build your own question list, depending upon your particular situation.

Sample Job Interview Questions about You

 1- Tell us about you.

2- What is your major strength?

3- What is your key weakness?

4- What hobbies you have outside of your work?

5- What kind of books or magazines you read?

6- If you have to start again, what career decisions you wouldn’t make again?

7- Are you successful in your career?

8- What sort of decisions you find the most difficult to make?

9- Which adjectives would you use to describe yourself?

10- How would you describe your own personality?

11- Are you a good listener?

12- What career choices you have at the moment?

13- What have you learnt from your past failures?

14- How would you describe yourself?

(Free Answers to Some of these Sample Job Interview Questions)

Sample Job Interview Questions about Your Current Job

15- What is the most pleasant task in your current job?

16- What is the biggest challenge you ever faced in your career?

17- How your colleagues opine about you?

18- What your friends say about you?

19- What part of your current job, you dislike the most?

20- What do you think of your existing organization?

21- Why do you want to leave your current job?

(Free Answers to these Sample Interview Questions)

22- What is your current salary?

23- What past accomplishments satisfy you?

24- Why did you choose your current career?

25- Can you explain gaps in your employment history?

26- Describe the workload in your current job.

27- What do you say about your current boss?

28- How do you take instructions from your superiors?

29- Why have you spent very little time with (so and so) employer?

30- Why have you spent long time with your (so and so) employer?

31- How your current bosses describe you?

32- What is your current boss’s biggest weakness?

33- How have you handled your most recent problem with your boss?

34- Describe the best supervisor you've ever had.

35- How did you find time for today's interview?

36- What is the most rewarding experience of your career life?

37- What is the hardest decisions you have ever made?

(Answer to some Good Interview Questions)

Sample Job Interview Questions about your Applied Job

38- Why have you applied for this job?

39- Why do you want this job?

40- Do you know what skills are required to perform at the applied position?

41- What qualities you have to perform the best at the given job position?

42- How long do you expect to work with us?

43- You seem overqualified!

44- How long do you expect to be promoted?

45- What area of this job appeals to you the least?

46- What do you know about this organization?

47- What salary do you expect here?

48- Why do you want to work for us?

49- Why should we hire you?

50- What are the most important rewards you expect in this job?

51- How may you succeed our organization?

52- If you are a manager, how would you like to handle your team members in our organization?

53- What can you tell us about our company?

54- What interests you about our products?

55- What do you know about our competitors?

56- What kind of working environment is comfortable to you?

57- Are you good at delegating work?

58- How well do you adapt to new situations?

59- Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size? Why?

60- What do you expect about salary and raises?

61- How do you evaluate a company to apply for a job?

62- How can you live in city where our company works?

63- Can you work in a complex organizational structure?

Sample Job Interview Questions about Your Future Plans

64- What are your long and short range goals?

65- What do you really want to do in life?

66- How do you plan to achieve your career goals?

67- How many interviews you have attended during last three years?

68- Do you have plans to increase your academic qualifications?

69- What position you see yourself holding after five years?

70- What are your future plans for the life outside your work?

Sample Job Interview Questions about your Management Style

71- How do you get the best out of your team?

72- How do you take routine works and schedules?

73- How do you resolve interpersonal problems in your team?

74- What people are not good team members?

75- How do you perform in stress situations?

76- Are you a good team member?

77- How would you evaluate your ability to deal with conflicts?

78- Are you a natural born leader?

79- Have you ever been fired or forced to resign?

80- What qualities a successful manager should possess?

81- What kind of relations you prefer to develop with your subordinates?

82- What is your management style?

83- Do you consider yourself a good manager?

84- What is the most difficult managerial task?

85- What your subordinates think of you?

86- How many peoples have you supervised on your last job?

Some Other Interview Questions


87- What’s the most recent book you’ve read?

88- How would you analyze slogan of clash of civilizations? (or something general like that)

89- What will you say if you are not selected?

90- I want you to sell me your pocket pen? (When you are applying for a sales job)

91- What do you think is more important? Your work or salary?

92- Describe the best job you have ever performed.

93- What is success?

94- How do you spend your free time?

95- How do you compare creativity and efficiency?

96- Count your most exciting accomplishments in your life.

97- What three things are the most important to your career?

98- Do you have a geographic preference?

99- Are you willing to be subject of transfers?

100- Are you willing to travel during your job?

101- Do you think yourself initiative taker?



Note: You may observe a few repetitions. Most of them are intentional. Just think your answers in different categories.


From:  http://www.personality-and-aptitude-career-tests.com/sample-job-interview-questions.html





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