https://dcos.io 这个是官网哈
基本是参照到https://dcos.io/docs/1.7/administration/installing/custom/advanced/ 这个来弄的,中间遇到不少坑
基本的docker 那些自行安装哈,只写一些细节上面的东西
mkdir /tmp/dcos && cd /tmp/dcos curl -O https://downloads.dcos.io/dcos/EarlyAccess/dcos_generate_config.sh #这个有点久哈 550M
├── dcos-genconf.14509fe1e7899f4395-3a2b7e03c45cd615da.tar
├── dcos_generate_config.sh
└── genconf
├── config.yaml
└── ip-detect
genconf 这个文件夹的内容我放在github上面了 https://github.com/jackluo2012/dcos-genconf
先看看config.yaml 中的内容:
--- bootstrap_url: #这个是配置服务器的地址,等会要从这里面下载内容 cluster_name: 'DC/OS' #名称 exhibitor_storage_backend: static #存储方式 ip_detect_filename: /genconf/ip-detect #路由检测,应该是哈 master_list: - #主机地址 resolvers: - #这个是dns - #这个是 oauth_enabled: 'false' #这个是验证,最好关闭,因为是内网,读者可以开启哈, telemetry_enabled: 'false'#这个也是验证
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o nounset -o errexit export PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:$PATH echo $(ip addr show enp0s8 | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | head -1)
bash dcos_generate_config.sh #放生全局的配置信息
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name nginx -v $PWD/genconf/serve:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro index.alauda.cn/library/nginx #这个是放到容器里面了
########这个可以测试一下,可以问题了不,我映射的是8080端口,服务器的地址是 这个是主服务器的配置地址
下面来配置 master:
$ ssh root@ #连接到master上面 $ mkdir /tmp/dcos && cd /tmp/dcos #放到临时目录下面哈 $ curl -O #下载刚才的文件
[root@localhost dcos]# bash dcos_install.sh master Starting DC/OS Install Process Running preflight checks Checking if DC/OS is already installed: PASS (Not installed) PASS Is SELinux disabled? Checking if docker is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking docker version requirement (>= 1.6): PASS (1.9.1) Checking if curl is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if bash is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if ping is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if tar is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if xz is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if unzip is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if ipset is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if systemd-notify is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if systemd is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking systemd version requirement (>= 200): PASS (219) Checking if group 'nogroup' exists: PASS Checking if port 80 (required by mesos-ui) is in use: PASS Checking if port 53 (required by mesos-dns) is in use: PASS Checking if port 15055 (required by dcos-history) is in use: PASS Checking if port 5050 (required by mesos-master) is in use: PASS Checking if port 2181 (required by zookeeper) is in use: PASS Checking if port 8080 (required by marathon) is in use: PASS Checking if port 3888 (required by zookeeper) is in use: PASS Checking if port 8181 (required by exhibitor) is in use: PASS Checking if port 8123 (required by mesos-dns) is in use: PASS Checking Docker is configured with a production storage driver: FAIL (devicemapper, /dev/loop0) Docker is configured to use the devicemapper storage driver with a loopback device behind it. This is highly recommended against by Docker and the community at large for production use[0][1]. See the docker documentation on selecting an alternate storage driver, or use alternate storage than loopback for the devicemapper driver. [0] https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/storagedriver/device-mapper-driver/ [1] http://www.projectatomic.io/blog/2015/06/notes-on-fedora-centos-and-docker-storage-drivers/
那个==改成 != ,如果不知道怎么改,留言吧,
294 if [[ "${data_file}" != /dev/loop* ]]; then #在 294行哈
[root@localhost dcos]# bash dcos_install.sh master Starting DC/OS Install Process Running preflight checks Checking if DC/OS is already installed: PASS (Not installed) PASS Is SELinux disabled? Checking if docker is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking docker version requirement (>= 1.6): PASS (1.9.1) Checking if curl is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if bash is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if ping is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if tar is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if xz is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if unzip is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if ipset is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if systemd-notify is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking if systemd is installed and in PATH: PASS Checking systemd version requirement (>= 200): PASS (219) Checking if group 'nogroup' exists: PASS Checking if port 80 (required by mesos-ui) is in use: PASS Checking if port 53 (required by mesos-dns) is in use: PASS Checking if port 15055 (required by dcos-history) is in use: PASS Checking if port 5050 (required by mesos-master) is in use: PASS Checking if port 2181 (required by zookeeper) is in use: PASS Checking if port 8080 (required by marathon) is in use: PASS Checking if port 3888 (required by zookeeper) is in use: PASS Checking if port 8181 (required by exhibitor) is in use: PASS Checking if port 8123 (required by mesos-dns) is in use: PASS Checking Docker is configured with a production storage driver: PASS (devicemapper /dev/loop0) Creating directories under /etc/mesosphere Creating role file for master Configuring DC/OS Setting and starting DC/OS
slave 的略了,唯一下载的时候,就用
sudo bash dcos_install.sh slave