圆环,扇形控件基本算法一种实现 - 代码库 - CocoaChina_让移动开发更简单

圆环,扇形控件基本算法一种实现 - 代码库 - CocoaChina_让移动开发更简单


//  CircleCore.h
//  Quartz
//  Created by 仙人掌 on 12-11-5.
//  Copyright (c) 2012年 仙人掌. All rights reserved.


#define ToRad( degree ) ( degree * M_PI / 180 )

#define ToDeg( rad )    ( rad / M_PI * 180 )

#define ZERO_DEGREE     (-90.0f)

typedef enum{
    PT_DONE   = 0,

typedef struct CircleData{
    CGPoint center;
    CGFloat radius;

CircleData CircleDataMake(CGPoint center, CGFloat radius);
CGFloat DistanceBetweenPoints(CGPoint point1,CGPoint point2);
@interface CircleCore : NSObject{
    CGFloat referenceDegree_;
    CGFloat currentDegree_;
    CircleData smallCircle_;
    CircleData largeCircle_;
@property( nonatomic ) CGFloat referenceDegree;
@property( nonatomic ) CGFloat currentDegree;
@property( nonatomic ) CircleData smallCircle;
@property( nonatomic ) CircleData largeCircle;
-(BOOL)PointInPathWithPoint:(CGPoint)point BetweenDegree:(CGFloat)start And:(CGFloat)end;
//  CircleCore.m
//  Quartz
//  Created by 仙人掌 on 12-11-5.
//  Copyright (c) 2012年 仙人掌. All rights reserved.

#import "CircleCore.h"

CircleData CircleDataMake(CGPoint center, CGFloat radius){
    CircleData myCircleData;
    myCircleData.center = center;
    myCircleData.radius = radius;
    return myCircleData;
CGFloat DistanceBetweenPoints(CGPoint point1,CGPoint point2){
    CGFloat temp = ( point1.x - point2.x ) * ( point1.x - point2.x ) + ( point1.y - point2.y ) * ( point1.y - point2.y );
    return ( CGFloat )sqrt( temp );

@interface CircleCore(Pravite)
-(CGPoint)GetPointWithCircle:(CircleData)circle AtDegree:(CGFloat)degree;


@implementation CircleCore(Pravite)
-(CGPoint)GetPointWithCircle:(CircleData)circle AtDegree:(CGFloat)degree{
    CGFloat x,y;
    x = circle.center.x + cos( ToRad( degree ) ) * circle.radius;
    y = circle.center.y + sin( ToRad( degree ) ) * circle.radius;
    return CGPointMake( x, y );
    CGMutablePathRef resultPath = CGPathCreateMutable();
    CGPoint smallCircle_referencePoint = [self GetPointWithCircle:smallCircle_ AtDegree:referenceDegree_];
    CGPoint largeCircle_referencePoint = [self GetPointWithCircle:largeCircle_ AtDegree:referenceDegree_];
    CGPoint smallCircle_currentPoint = [self GetPointWithCircle:smallCircle_ AtDegree:currentDegree_];
    CGPathMoveToPoint( resultPath, NULL, smallCircle_referencePoint.x, smallCircle_referencePoint.y );
    CGPathAddLineToPoint( resultPath, NULL, largeCircle_referencePoint.x, largeCircle_referencePoint.y );
    CGPathAddArc( resultPath, NULL, smallCircle_.center.x, smallCircle_.center.y, largeCircle_.radius, ToRad( referenceDegree_ ), ToRad( currentDegree_ ), 0 );
    CGPathAddLineToPoint( resultPath, NULL, smallCircle_currentPoint.x, smallCircle_currentPoint.y );
    CGPathAddArc( resultPath, NULL, smallCircle_.center.x, smallCircle_.center.y, smallCircle_.radius, ToRad( currentDegree_ ), ToRad( referenceDegree_ ), 1 );

    return resultPath;

    CGMutablePathRef resultPath = CGPathCreateMutable();
    CGPoint largeCircle_referencePoint = [self GetPointWithCircle:largeCircle_ AtDegree:referenceDegree_];
    CGPoint smallCircle_currentPoint = [self GetPointWithCircle:smallCircle_ AtDegree:currentDegree_];
    CGPathMoveToPoint(resultPath, NULL, largeCircle_referencePoint.x, largeCircle_referencePoint.y);
    CGPathAddArc(resultPath, NULL, largeCircle_.center.x, largeCircle_.center.y, largeCircle_.radius, ToRad(referenceDegree_), ToRad(currentDegree_), 1);
    CGPathAddLineToPoint(resultPath, NULL, smallCircle_currentPoint.x, smallCircle_currentPoint.y);
    CGPathAddArc(resultPath, NULL, smallCircle_.center.x, smallCircle_.center.y, smallCircle_.radius, ToRad(currentDegree_), ToRad(referenceDegree_), 0);
    CGPathAddLineToPoint(resultPath, NULL, largeCircle_referencePoint.x, largeCircle_referencePoint.y);
    return resultPath;

@implementation CircleCore
@synthesize referenceDegree = referenceDegree_;
@synthesize currentDegree = currentDegree_;
@synthesize smallCircle = smallCircle_;
@synthesize largeCircle = largeCircle_;
    self  = [super init];
    if ( nil != self){
        referenceDegree_ = ZERO_DEGREE;
        referenceDegree_ = ZERO_DEGREE;
    return self;
    return referenceDegree_ - ZERO_DEGREE;

    referenceDegree_ = referenceDegree + ZERO_DEGREE;

    currentDegree_ = currentDegree + ZERO_DEGREE;

    return currentDegree_ - ZERO_DEGREE;

    switch (pathType) {
        case PT_DONE:
            return [self GetPathForMode_DONE];
        case PT_UNDONE:
            return [self GetPathForMode_UNDONE];
            return NULL;
-(BOOL)PointInPathWithPoint:(CGPoint)point BetweenDegree:(CGFloat)start And:(CGFloat)end{
    CGFloat distance = DistanceBetweenPoints( point, largeCircle_.center );
    if ( distance > largeCircle_.radius || distance < smallCircle_.radius )
        return NO;
    CGFloat base_degree = 0.0f;
    NSInteger flag = 0;
    CGPoint base_point = CGPointMake( point.x - largeCircle_.center.x, largeCircle_.center.y - point.y );
    if ( base_point.x >= 0.0f && base_point.y >= 0.0f ){ //第一象限
        base_degree = 0.0f;
        flag = 1;
    else if ( base_point.x < 0 && base_point.y >= 0 ){  //第二象限
        base_degree = 360.0;
        flag = 2;
    else if ( base_point.x <0 && base_point.y < 0 ){   //第三象限
        base_degree = 180.0f;
        flag = 3;
    else{                                              //第四象限
        base_degree = 180.0f;
        flag = 4;
    CGFloat x = ABS( base_point.x );
    double temp_rad = asin( x / distance );
    CGFloat result = 0.0f;
    if ( 1 == flag || 3 == flag )
        result = ToDeg( temp_rad ) + base_degree;
        result = base_degree - ToDeg( temp_rad );
    if ( result >= start  && result <= end )
        return YES;
        return NO;


目录 1. 开始 . 4 基本设置 基本设置 . 4 建立你的 建立你的 SwiftSwift 环境 . 5 理解 SwiftSwift 导入过程 导入过程 . 6 2. 互用性 互用性 . 7 2.1. 2.1. 与 Objective ObjectiveObjective Objective Objective-C API 交互 7 初始化 (Initialization)(Initialization) (Initialization) (Initialization) (Initialization) (Initialization)(Initialization)(Initialization)(Initialization) (Initialization) 7 访问属性 访问属性 (Accessing Properties)(Accessing Properties) (Accessing Properties) (Accessing Properties) (Accessing Properties)(Accessing Properties) (Accessing Properties)(Accessing Properties)(Accessing Properties)(Accessing Properties) (Accessing Properties)(Accessing Properties) (Accessing Properties) . 8 方法 (Working with Methods)(Working with Methods)(Working with Methods)(Working with Methods)(Working with Methods) (Working with Methods) (Working with Methods) (Working with Methods) (Working with Methods) (Working with Methods) (Working with Methods) (Working with Methods) . 9 id 兼容性 兼容性 (id Compatibility)(id Compatibility) (id Compatibility)(id Compatibility) (id Compatibility)(id Compatibility) (id Compatibility)(id Compatibility) (id Compatibility) (id Compatibility) (id Compatibility) 10 使用 nil (Working with nilWorking with nilWorking with nilWorking with nil Working with nil Working with nil Working with nil Working with nil ) . 11 扩展( Extensions Extensions Extensions Extensions ) . 12 闭包( Closures ClosuresClosures Closures ) . 13 比较对象( 比较对象( Object Comparison Object Comparison Object Comparison Object Comparison Object ComparisonObject ComparisonObject ComparisonObject ComparisonObject Comparison) 14 SwiftSwift 类型兼容性( 类型兼容性( 类型兼容性( Swift Type CompatibilitySwift Type Compatibility Swift Type Compatibility Swift Type CompatibilitySwift Type Compatibility Swift Type Compatibility Swift Type CompatibilitySwift Type Compatibility Swift Type Compatibility Swift Type Compatibility Swift Type Compatibility) . 14 Objective Objective Objective Objective-C选择器 选择器 (Selectors)(Selectors)(Selectors) (Selectors)(Selectors)(Selectors)(Selectors) 15 2.2. 2.2. 使用 Objective Objective Objective Objective-C特性编写 特性编写 SwiftSwift 类 16 继承 Objective ObjectiveObjective Objective Objective-C的类 16 采用协议 采用协议 . 17 编写构造器 和析编写构造器 和析编写构造器 和析编写构造器 和析 . 17 集成 Interface Builder Interface BuilderInterface Builder Interface BuilderInterface Builder Interface Builder Interface Builder Interface Builder Interface Builder . 18 指明属性 特指明属性 特指明属性 特 . 19 实现 Core Data Managed Object Subclasses Core Data Managed Object SubclassesCore Data Managed Object SubclassesCore Data Managed Object Subclasses Core Data Managed Object SubclassesCore Data Managed Object Subclasses Core Data Managed Object Subclasses Core Data Managed Object Subclasses Core Data Managed Object Subclasses Core Data Managed Object Subclasses Core Data Managed Object SubclassesCore Data Managed Object Subclasses Core Data Managed Object Subclasses Core Data Managed Object Subclasses Core Data Managed Object Subclasses Core Data Managed Object SubclassesCore Data Managed Object Subclasses 20 2.3. 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Cocoa数据类型 数据类型 . 20 字符串 . 21 数字 . 22 类集合 . 22 FoundationFoundationFoundation Foundation FoundationFoundation Foundation数据类型 . 24 FoundationFoundationFoundation Foundation FoundationFoundation Foundation函数 . 25 Core Foundation Core FoundationCore FoundationCore Foundation Core FoundationCore Foundation Core Foundation Core FoundationCore Foundation Core Foundation 25 2.4. 2.4. 采用 Cocoa CocoaCocoaCocoa设计模式 设计模式 . 27 委托 . 27 延迟初始化 延迟初始化 . 28 错误报告 错误报告 . 28 键值观察 键值观察 . 29 TargetTarget TargetTarget -Action Action Action模式 29 类型匹配与统一规范 类型匹配与统一规范 类型匹配与统一规范 类型匹配与统一规范 . 29 Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C 完整中文版(CocoaChina 精校) 3 2.5. 2.5. 与 C 语言交互编程 语言交互编程 语言交互编程 语言交互编程 30 基本数据类型 基本数据类型 基本数据类型 . 30 枚举 . 31 指针 . 32 全局常量 全局常量 . 37 预处理指令 预处理指令 . 37 3.Mix and Match3.Mix and Match 3.Mix and Match 3.Mix and Match 3.Mix and Match3.Mix and Match 3.Mix and Match3.Mix and Match . 39 3.1. 3.1. 在同一工程中使用 在同一工程中使用 在同一工程中使用 在同一工程中使用 SwiftSwift Swift 和 Objective Objective Objective Objective-C . 39 Mix and Match Mix and Match Mix and Match Mix and Match Mix and Match Mix and Match Mix and Match Mix and Match 概述 . 39 在同一个 在同一个 App Target App Target App TargetApp TargetApp TargetApp Target 中进行代码导入 中进行代码导入 中进行代码导入 中进行代码导入 . 40 在同个 在同个 Framework Framework Framework Framework Framework Framework Framework 的 TargetTarget TargetTarget 中导入代码 中导入代码 中导入代码 . 43 将 Swift Swift Swift 导入 Objc Objc . 44 导入外部 导入外部 FramewoFramewoFramewo FramewoFramewoFramework 44 在 Objective Objective Objective Objective-C中使用 中使用 SwiftSwift Swift 45 Product ModuleProduct ModuleProduct ModuleProduct Module Product Module Product Module Product Module Product Module 模块命名 模块命名 . 47 问题解决提示 问题解决提示 问题解决提示 . 47 4. 迁移 . 48 4.1. 4.1. 将 Objective ObjectiveObjective Objective Objective-C代码迁至 代码迁至 代码迁至 SwiftSwift . 48 为你的 为你的 Objective Objective Objective Objective-C代码迁移做好准备 代码迁移做好准备 代码迁移做好准备 代码迁移做好准备 48 迁移过程 迁移过程 . 48 问题解决提示 问题解决提示 问题解决提示 . 50 Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C 完整中文版(CocoaChina 精校) 4 1. 开始基本 设置 本篇译者: 本篇译者: CreolophusCreolophusCreolophusCreolophus Creolophus Creolophus (githubgithubgithub githubgithub主页 ),敬请勘误。 ),敬请勘误。 ),敬请勘误。 ),敬请勘误。 ),敬请勘误。 重要事项 这篇文章初步介绍了在开发中用到的 API 或技术。苹果公司提供这些信息来帮助您规划本文所说明的技术和接口以用于苹果的产品上。这些信息会改变,并且根据这篇文章所实现的软件应该在最新的操作系统并根据最新的文档测试。本文档的新版本,可能在未来通过技术和 API 的 seeds 版本来提供 Swift 被设计用来无缝兼容 Cocoa 和 Objective-C 。在 Swift 中,你可以使用 Objective-C 的 API(包括系统框架和你自定义的代码),你也可以在 Objective-C中 使用 Swift 的 API。这种兼容性使 Swift 变成了一个简单、方便并且强大的工具集成到你的 Cocoa 应用开发工作流程中。




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