Prism开发人员指南5-WPF开发 Developer's Guide to Microsoft Prism Library 5.0 for WPF (英汉对照版)...

April 2014
  Prism provides guidance in the form of samples and documentation that help you easily design and build rich, flexible, and easily maintained Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) desktop applications. Using design patterns that embody important architectural design principles, such as separation of concerns and loose coupling, Prism helps you to design and build applications using loosely coupled components that can evolve independently but which can be easily and seamlessly integrated into the overall application. In short, these applications are "built to last" and "built for change." These types of applications are known as composite applications.
This topic provides a brief overview of the Prism concepts with links to associated source code and documentation. If you are considering upgrading from Prism 4.1 to Prism 5.0 we include a "What’s New" and "Upgrading from Prism 4.1" topic that you should read.
Note: For Silverlight Applications use Prism 4.1.
    注意:Silverlight应用程序该使用 Prism 4.1.(看来Prism5.0是专门为WPF设计的)

Getting Started 入门 

  Where to start depends on your goals and what you already know. Learn, Develop and Deploy Applications, and Upgrade from Prism 4.1 should help you understand if Prism makes sense in your application and how to get started.

    从哪里开始学习Prism5.0取决你的目标和你已掌握了多少东西。这里有三个出发点:学习Prism、 开发和部署应用程序、和从Prism4.1升级。

  Learn: If you are new to Prism, this is a good place to start. You should also read through the remaining content in this topic.

  学习Prism: 如果你刚接触Prism,从这里开始是你正确的选择。除此之外其他两块的内容你也应该读读。

  Develop and Deploy Applications: If you want to create a Prism Hello World application and deploy it then go through these topics. If you want to more fully understand how to utilize specific Prism capabilities in your application then read the content below.
    开发和部署应用程序:如果你想要创建“Hello World”应用程序并部署它,那你就看看下面的章节。如果你想更详尽的了解Prism的能力,那你就看看上面“学习Prism

  Upgrade from Prism 4.1: Read the topics below so you can perform a cost benefit analysis of upgrading to Prism 5.0.



Introduction 介绍 

  Learn how to create a composite application from loosely coupled WPF components that can evolve independently using the Prism library.


Initializing Prism Applications 初始化Prism应用

  Learn how to get a Prism for Window Presentation Foundation (WPF) application up and running – bootstrapping the application.
    学习怎样启动并运行一个Prism应用 —— 引导应用程序

Managing Dependencies Between Components 管理组件间的依赖

  Create maintainable apps using dependency injection to manage components’ dependencies and lifetimes, facilitate testing, and wire views to view models.

Modular Application Development 模块化应用程序开发

   Learn how to create a loosely coupled modular application that is easier to develop, test, deploy, and extend.

MVVM Pattern MVVM模式

  Learn how the MVVM pattern makes your app easier to test, maintain, and evolve. It improves code re-use and allows developers and designers to collaborate. Learn how to use composite commands, handle asynchronous interactions, implement user interaction patterns, and wire views to view models using MVVM.



  Download code:下载代码

  More info:更多信息


Composing the User Interface 组合式界面

  Learn how to compose your UI from loosely coupled WPF visual components for modular application. Create designer-friendly UIs with design time data.



  Download code:下载代码

  More info:更多信息


Navigation 导航

  Learn how to navigate between views in composite WPF applications that use the MVVM pattern. Use either state-based or view-based navigation.



Communicating Between Loosely Coupled Components 松耦合组件之间的通信

  Decide when to use the different loosely coupled communication mechanism works for your modular application: commands, region context, shared services, and event aggregation.



  Download code:下载代码

  More info:更多信息


Deploying Prism Applications 部署Prism应用

  Learn the deployment options for a composite WPF application – Xcopy, ClickOnce, and Windows Installer.

    部署组合式WPF应用,三种方式:Xcopy ,ClickOnce, Windows Installer.


  More info:更多信息


Patterns in Prism Prism中的模式

  Learn the different patterns the Prism library and associated reference implementation demonstrate.



  Download code:下载代码

  More info:更多信息


Prism Library Prsim库

  Learn who the Prism library for WPF was developed for, how it is organized, how to modify the source, and how to run the associated tests.



  Download code and binaries:下载代码和程序集

  More info:更多信息


Upgrading from Prism 4.1 从Prsim4.1升级

  Learn how to upgrade your existing Prism 4.1 projects and solutions to Prism 5.0. This includes changes to references, namespaces, and APIs.


  More info:更多信息


Extending the Prism Library 扩展Prism库

  Learn how to modify Prism default behavior including bootstrapping, container, logging, modularity, regions, navigation, and view model locator.


  More info:更多信息


License 许可证


What's Next 接下来

  • Prism Download: Download source or documentation, get links to the NuGet packages, or see the full content of this Prism release.
            Prism 下载:下载源码或者文档,获取NuGet包连接,或者浏览此Prism版本的全部内容。
  • Introduction: Read the next topic in the Prism documentation.

Community 社区

  Prism's community sites are: 


  On these community sites, you can post questions, provide feedback, or connect with other users for sharing ideas.



Prism Team Blogs Prism 团队博客

  Stay informed and up to date about Prism and patterns & practices.

    随时了解Prism信息和 patterns & practices(模式与实践).


Blogs and Home Pages


Blaine Wastell


Francis Cheung


patterns & practices



The Team Who Brought You This Guide 为你带来本指南的团队

  Prism was produced by the following individuals:


  patterns & practices Team:

  patterns & practices团队:

Microsoft Corporation

Blaine Wastell, Francis Cheung, Nelly Delgado, Rohit Sharma, RoAnn Corbisier

Southworks SRL

Diego Poza

Icertis Inc.

Poornimma Kaliappan

  Contributors to the previous release of this guidance:


Microsoft Corporation

Blaine Wastell, Bob Brumfield, David Hill, Karl Shifflett, Larry Brader, Michael Puleio, Nelly Delgado

Clarius Consulting

Fernando Simonazzi

Infosys Technologies Ltd

Mani Krishnaswami, Meenakshi Krishnamoorthi, Rathi Velusamy, Ravindra Varman, Sangeetha Manickam, Sanghamitra Chilla

Software Insight

Brian Noyes

Southworks SRL

Diego Poza, Fernando Antivero, Geoff Cox, Matias Bonaventura

TinaTech, Inc.

Tina Burden

Modeled Computation

Sharon Smith, Katie Niemer

  Many thanks to the following advisors who provided invaluable assistance:


  Bill Wilder of Fidelity Investments, Brian Noyes of Solliance, Brian Lagunas of Infragistics, Clifford Tiltman of Morgan Stanley, Rob Eisenberg of Blue Spire, Norman Headlam, Ward Bell of IdeaBlade, Paul Jackson of CM Group Ltd., John Papa of Microsoft, Julian Dominguez of Clarius Consulting, Ted Neveln of Ballard Indexing Services, Glenn Block of Microsoft, Michael Kenyon of IHS, Inc., Terry Young of PEER Group, Jason Beres of Infragistics, Peter Lindes of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mark Tucker of Neudesic, LLC, David Platt of Rolling Thunder Computing, Steve Gentile of Strategic Data Systems, Markus Egger of EPS Software Corp. and CODE Magazine, Ryan Cromwell of Strategic Data Systems, Todd Neal of McKesson Corp, Dipesh Patel of Fidelity Investments, and David Poll of Microsoft.



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