mxmlc 参数列表

-benchmarkoutput performance benchmark
-compiler.accessiblealias -accessible
generate an accessible SWF
-compiler.actionscript-file-encoding <string>alias -actionscript-file-encoding
specifies actionscript file encoding. If there is no BOM in the AS3
source files, the compiler will use this file encoding.
-compiler.allow-source-path-overlapalias -allow-source-path-overlap
-compiler.as3alias -as3
uses the AS3 compatibility mode. default is true. Either -as3 or -es3
must be 'true'.
-compiler.context-root <context-path>alias -context-root
path to replace {context.root} tokens for service channel endpoints
-compiler.debugalias -debug
-compiler.defaults-css-url <string>alias -defaults-css-url
-compiler.docalias -doc
-compiler.es3alias -es3
uses the ES3 compatibility mode. default is false.
-compiler.external-library-path [path-element] [...]alias -el
list of SWC files or directories to compile against but to omit from
linking (repeatable)
-compiler.fonts.languages.language-range <lang> <range>alias -language-range
a range to restrict the number of font glyphs embedded into the SWF
(advanced, repeatable)
-compiler.fonts.managers [manager-class] [...]alias -managers
Compiler font manager classes, in policy resolution order (advanced)
-compiler.fonts.max-cached-fonts <string>alias -max-cached-fonts
-compiler.fonts.max-glyphs-per-face <string>alias -max-glyphs-per-face
-compiler.fonts.system-search-path [path-element] [...]alias -system-search-path
(advanced, repeatable)
-compiler.headless-serveralias -headless-server
a flag to set when Flex is running on a server without a display
-compiler.include-libraries [library] [...]alias -include-libraries
a list of libraries (SWCs) to completely include in the SWF
-compiler.incrementalalias -incremental
enables incremental compilation
-compiler.keep-all-type-selectorsalias -keep-all-type-selectors
disables the pruning of unused type selectors (advanced)
-compiler.keep-generated-actionscriptalias -keep
save temporary source files generated during MXML compilation
-compiler.library-path [path-element] [...]alias -l
list of SWC files or directories that contain SWC files (repeatable)
-compiler.locale <string>alias -locale
specifies the locale for internationalization
-compiler.namespaces.namespace <uri> <manifest>alias -namespace
Specify a URI to associate with a manifest of components for use as
MXML elements (repeatable)
-compiler.optimizealias -optimize
Enable post-link SWF optimization
-compiler.profilealias -profile
generate a movie that is suitable for performance profiling <filename>alias -services
path to Flex Data Services configuration file -show-binding-warnings
toggle whether warnings generated from data binding code are
displayed -show-coach-warnings
runs the AS3 compiler in a mode that detects legal but potentially
incorrect code -show-dependency-warnings
show warnings when dependencies cannot be determined at compile time
(advanced) -show-deprecation-warnings
toggle whether the use of deprecated APIs generates a warning
-compiler.source-path [path-element] [...]alias -sp
list of path elements that form the roots of ActionScript class
hierarchies (repeatable)
-compiler.strictalias -strict
runs the AS3 compiler in strict error checking mode. strict must be
'false' when es3 is 'true'.
-compiler.theme [filename] [...]alias -theme
list of CSS or SWC files to apply as a theme (repeatable)
-compiler.use-resource-bundle-metadataalias -use-resource-bundle-metadata
-compiler.verbose-stacktracesalias -verbose-stacktraces
save callstack information to the SWF for debugging (advanced)
-compiler.warn-array-tostring-changesalias -warn-array-tostring-changes
-compiler.warn-assigning-undefined-to-non-object-typealias -warn-assigning-undefined-to-non-object-type
-compiler.warn-bad-type-castalias -warn-bad-type-cast
-compiler.warn-bad-undefined-comparisionalias -warn-bad-undefined-comparision
-compiler.warn-boolean-constructor-with-no-argsalias -warn-boolean-constructor-with-no-args
-compiler.warn-class-is-sealedalias -warn-class-is-sealed
-compiler.warn-constructor-returns-valuealias -warn-constructor-returns-value
-compiler.warn-deprecated-event-handler-erroralias -warn-deprecated-event-handler-error
-compiler.warn-deprecated-function-erroralias -warn-deprecated-function-error
-compiler.warn-deprecated-property-erroralias -warn-deprecated-property-error
-compiler.warn-duplicate-func-defalias -warn-duplicate-func-def
-compiler.warn-for-var-in-changesalias -warn-for-var-in-changes
-compiler.warn-function-parameter-declared-as-voidalias -warn-function-parameter-declared-as-void
-compiler.warn-math-expressions-treat-null-like-zeroalias -warn-math-expressions-treat-null-like-zero
-compiler.warn-missing-namespace-declalias -warn-missing-namespace-decl
-compiler.warn-no-constructoralias -warn-no-constructor
-compiler.warn-no-explicit-super-call-in-constructoralias -warn-no-explicit-super-call-in-constructor
-compiler.warn-no-type-declalias -warn-no-type-decl
-compiler.warn-scoping-change-in-thisalias -warn-scoping-change-in-this
-compiler.warn-super-only-works-for-class-objectsalias -warn-super-only-works-for-class-objects
-compiler.warn-undefined-functionalias -warn-undefined-function
-compiler.warn-undefined-referencealias -warn-undefined-reference
-compiler.warn-var-hidden-by-functionalias -warn-var-hidden-by-function
-compiler.warn-wrong-arg-typealias -warn-wrong-arg-type
-compiler.warn-wrong-number-of-argsalias -warn-wrong-number-of-args
-compiler.warn-xml-class-has-changedalias -warn-xml-class-has-changed
-debug-password <string>the password to include in debuggable SWFs (advanced)
-default-background-color <int>default background color (may be overridden by the application code)
-default-frame-rate <int>default frame rate to be used in the SWF. (advanced)
-default-script-limits <max-recursion-depth> <max-execution-time>default script execution limits (may be overridden by root
attributes) (advanced)
-default-size <width> <height>default application size (may be overridden by root attributes in the
application) (advanced)
-dump-config <filename>write a file containing all currently set configuration values in a
format suitable for use as a flex config file (advanced)
-externs [symbol] [...]a list of symbols to omit from linking when building a SWF (advanced,
-file-specs [path-element] [...]a list of source files to compile, the last file specified will be
used as the target application (repeatable, default variable)
-frames.frame [label] [classname] [...]alias -frame
A SWF frame label with a sequence of classnames that will be linked
onto the frame. (advanced, repeatable)
-help [keyword] [...]keywords are 'syntax', 'list', 'advanced', 'aliases', 'details', or a
search term
-includes [symbol] [...]a list of symbols to always link in when building a SWF (advanced,
-lazy-initEnable/Disable ABC bytecode lazy initialization (advanced)
-licenses.license <product> <serial-number>alias -license
-link-report <filename>Output a XML-formatted report of all definitions linked into the
application. (advanced)
-load-config <filename>load a file containing configuration options (repeatable)
-load-externs <filename>an XML file containing <def>, <pre>, and <ext> symbols to omit from
linking when building a SWF (advanced, repeatable)
-metadata.contributor <name>alias -contributor
A contributor's name to store in the SWF metadata (repeatable)
-metadata.creator <name>alias -creator
A creator's name to store in the SWF metadata (repeatable) <text>alias -date
The creation date to store in the SWF metadata
-metadata.description <text>alias -description
The default description to store in the SWF metadata
-metadata.language <code>alias -language
The language to store in the SWF metadata (i.e. EN, FR) (repeatable)
-metadata.localized-description <text> <lang>alias -localized-description
A localized RDF/XMP description to store in the SWF metadata
-metadata.localized-title <title> <lang>alias -localized-title
A localized RDF/XMP title to store in the SWF metadata (repeatable)
-metadata.publisher <name>alias -publisher
A publisher's name to store in the SWF metadata (repeatable)
-metadata.title <text>alias -title
The default title to store in the SWF metadata
-output <filename>alias -o
the filename of the SWF movie to create
-raw-metadata <text>XML text to store in the SWF metadata (overrides metadata.*
configuration) (advanced)
-resource-bundle-list <filename> (advanced)
-runtime-shared-libraries [url] [...]alias -rsl
a list of runtime shared library URLs to be loaded before the
application starts (repeatable)
-use-networktoggle whether the SWF is flagged for access to network resources
-versiondisplay the build version of the program
-warningstoggle the display of warnings




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