
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.DateFormatSymbols;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.Format;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import com.icos.utility.string.StringUtil;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class DateUtils {
	 * 常量空值
	static final String EMPTY = ""; // 空值
	 * 年月日时分秒
	static final FastDateFormat ISO_DATETIME_FORMAT = FastDateFormat
			.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

	 * 年月日时分秒毫秒
	static final FastDateFormat ISO_DATETIME_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT = FastDateFormat
			.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZ");

	 * 年月日
	static final FastDateFormat ISO_DATE_FORMAT = FastDateFormat

	 * 年月日
	static final FastDateFormat ISODATEFORMAT = FastDateFormat

	 * 年月日,毫秒
	static final FastDateFormat ISO_DATE_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT = FastDateFormat

	 * 时分秒
	static final FastDateFormat ISO_TIME_FORMAT = FastDateFormat

	 * 时分秒,毫秒
	static final FastDateFormat ISO_TIME_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT = FastDateFormat

	 * 时分秒
	static final FastDateFormat ISO_TIME_NO_T_FORMAT = FastDateFormat

	 * 时分秒,毫秒
	static final FastDateFormat ISO_TIME_NO_T_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT = FastDateFormat

	 * 国际化的年月日,时分秒
	static final FastDateFormat SMTP_DATETIME_FORMAT = FastDateFormat
			.getInstance("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z", Locale.US);

	static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DateUtils.class);

	 * 功能描述: 根据毫秒数,和时间格式,得到一个时间字符串
	 * @param millis
	 *            long类型的毫秒数
	 * @param pattern
	 *            字符串的时间格式
	 * @return String 时间字符串
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static String format(long millis, String pattern) {
		return format(new Date(millis), pattern, null, null);

	 * 功能描述: 根据Date对象,和时间格式,得到一个时间字符串
	 * @param date
	 *            一个Date对象
	 * @param pattern
	 *            字符串的时间格式
	 * @return String 时间字符串
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static String format(Date date, String pattern) {
		return format(date, pattern, null, null);

	 * 功能描述: 根据Calendar对象,和时间格式,得到一个时间字符串
	 * @param calendar
	 *            一个Calendar对象
	 * @param pattern
	 *            字符串的时间格式
	 * @return String 时间字符串
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static String format(Calendar calendar, String pattern) {
		return format(calendar, pattern, null, null);

	 * 功能描述: 根据毫秒数,和时间格式,得到一个时间字符串
	 * @param millis
	 *            long类型的毫秒数
	 * @param pattern
	 *            字符串的时间格式
	 * @param timeZone
	 *            TimeZone对象
	 * @return String 时间字符串
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static String format(long millis, String pattern, TimeZone timeZone) {
		return format(new Date(millis), pattern, timeZone, null);

	 * 功能描述: 根据 Date 对象,和时间格式,得到一个时间字符串
	 * @param date
	 *            一个Date对象
	 * @param pattern
	 *            字符串的时间格式
	 * @param timeZone
	 *            TimeZone对象
	 * @return String 时间字符串
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static String format(Date date, String pattern, TimeZone timeZone) {
		return format(date, pattern, timeZone, null);

	 * 功能描述: 根据Calendar对象,和时间格式,得到一个时间字符串
	 * @param calendar
	 *            一个Calendar对象
	 * @param pattern
	 *            字符串的时间格式
	 * @param timeZone
	 *            TimeZone对象
	 * @return String 时间字符串
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static String format(Calendar calendar, String pattern,
			TimeZone timeZone) {
		return format(calendar, pattern, timeZone, null);

	 * 功能描述: 根据毫秒数,和时间格式,得到一个时间字符串
	 * @param millis
	 *            long类型的毫秒数
	 * @param pattern
	 *            字符串的时间格式
	 * @param locale
	 *            locale对象
	 * @return String 时间字符串
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static String format(long millis, String pattern, Locale locale) {
		return format(new Date(millis), pattern, null, locale);

	 * 功能描述: 根据 Date 对象,和时间格式,得到一个时间字符串
	 * @param pattern
	 *            字符串的时间格式
	 * @param locale
	 *            Locale对象
	 * @return String 时间字符串
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static String format(Date date, String pattern, Locale locale) {
		return format(date, pattern, null, locale);

	 * 功能描述: 根据 Calendar 对象,和时间格式,得到一个时间字符串
	 * @param calendar
	 *            Calendar对象
	 * @param pattern
	 *            字符串的时间格式
	 * @param locale
	 *            Locale对象
	 * @return String 时间字符串
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static String format(Calendar calendar, String pattern, Locale locale) {
		return format(calendar, pattern, null, locale);

	 * 功能描述: 根据毫秒数,和时间格式,得到一个时间字符串
	 * @param millis
	 *            long类型的毫秒数
	 * @param pattern
	 *            字符串的时间格式
	 * @param locale
	 *            Locale对象
	 * @param timeZone
	 *            TimeZone对象
	 * @return String 时间字符串
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static String format(long millis, String pattern, TimeZone timeZone,
			Locale locale) {
		return format(new Date(millis), pattern, timeZone, locale);

	 * 功能描述: 根据 Date 对象,和时间格式,得到一个时间字符串
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param pattern
	 *            字符串的时间格式
	 * @param timeZone
	 *            TimeZone对象
	 * @param locale
	 *            Locale对象
	 * @return String 时间字符串
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static String format(Date date, String pattern, TimeZone timeZone,
			Locale locale) {
		FastDateFormat df = FastDateFormat.getInstance(pattern, timeZone,
		return df.format(date);

	 * 功能描述: 根据 Date 对象,和时间格式,得到一个时间字符串
	 * @param calendar
	 *            calendar对象
	 * @param pattern
	 *            字符串的时间格式
	 * @param timeZone
	 *            TimeZone对象
	 * @param locale
	 *            Locale对象
	 * @return String 时间字符串
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static String format(Calendar calendar, String pattern,
			TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale) {
		FastDateFormat df = FastDateFormat.getInstance(pattern, timeZone,
		return df.format(calendar);

	 * 功能描述:比较2个Date类型的时间是否是同一天
	 * @param date1
	 *            第一个Date对象,
	 * @param date2
	 *            第二个Date对象
	 * @return boolean 布尔值
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static boolean isSameDay(Date date1, Date date2) {
		if (date1 == null || date2 == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
		Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
		Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();
		return isSameDay(cal1, cal2);

	 * 功能描述:比较2个Calendar类型的时间是否是同一天
	 * @param cal1
	 *            第一个Calendar对象,
	 * @param cal2
	 *            第二个Calendar对象,
	 * @return boolean 布尔值
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static boolean isSameDay(Calendar cal1, Calendar cal2) {
		if (cal1 == null || cal2 == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
		return (cal1.get(Calendar.ERA) == cal2.get(Calendar.ERA)
				&& cal1.get(Calendar.YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.YEAR) && cal1
					.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == cal2

	 * 功能描述:比较2个Date类型的时间是否是同一个对象
	 * @param date1
	 *            第一个Date对象,
	 * @param date2
	 *            第二个Date对象
	 * @return boolean 布尔值
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static boolean isSameInstant(Date date1, Date date2) {
		if (date1 == null || date2 == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
		return date1.getTime() == date2.getTime();

	 * 功能描述:比较2个Calendar类型的是否是同一个对象
	 * @param cal1
	 *            第一个Calendar对象,
	 * @param cal2
	 *            第二个Calendar对象,
	 * @return boolean 布尔值
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static boolean isSameInstant(Calendar cal1, Calendar cal2) {
		if (cal1 == null || cal2 == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
		return cal1.getTime().getTime() == cal2.getTime().getTime();

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,增加它的年
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Date addYears(Date date, int amount) {
		return add(date, Calendar.YEAR, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,增加它的月
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Date addMonths(Date date, int amount) {
		return add(date, Calendar.MONTH, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,增加它的星期
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Date addWeeks(Date date, int amount) {
		return add(date, Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,增加它的天
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Date addDays(Date date, int amount) {
		return add(date, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,增加它的小时
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Date addHours(Date date, int amount) {
		return add(date, Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,增加它的分钟数
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Date addMinutes(Date date, int amount) {
		return add(date, Calendar.MINUTE, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,增加它的秒数
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Date addSeconds(Date date, int amount) {
		return add(date, Calendar.SECOND, amount);

	public static String getLastTimeString(int value, int count, String format) {
		long val = getTimeinteger() / value;
		val = (val - count) * value;
		return format(val, format);

	 * 功能描述:获得前一天的日期字符串
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @since 2016.04.07
	public static String getLastTimeString(int count, String pattern) {
		String strDate = getYmdStr(getDateAfterDays(new Date(), count), pattern);
		return strDate;

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,增加它的毫秒数
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Date addMilliseconds(Date date, int amount) {
		return add(date, Calendar.MILLISECOND, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和2个数值,返回计算后的日期
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param calendarField
	 *            int类型
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	private static Date add(Date date, int calendarField, int amount) {
		if (date == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
		Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
		c.add(calendarField, amount);
		return c.getTime();

	 * @param value
	 * @return
	public static String getString(Object value) {
		if (value instanceof Date) {
			return ((Date) value).toString();
		} else {
			return value == null ? "" : value.toString();

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,修改它的年份
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	public static Date setYears(Date date, int amount) {
		return set(date, Calendar.YEAR, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,修改它的月份
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Date setMonths(Date date, int amount) {
		return set(date, Calendar.MONTH, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,修改它的天
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	public static Date setDays(Date date, int amount) {
		return set(date, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,修改它的下小时
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Date setHours(Date date, int amount) {
		return set(date, Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,修改它的分钟
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Date setMinutes(Date date, int amount) {
		return set(date, Calendar.MINUTE, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,修改它的秒
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Date setSeconds(Date date, int amount) {
		return set(date, Calendar.SECOND, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个数值,修改它的毫秒
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Date setMilliseconds(Date date, int amount) {
		return set(date, Calendar.MILLISECOND, amount);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和2个数值,返回修改后的Date
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @param calendarField
	 *            int类型
	 * @param amount
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date Date对象
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	private static Date set(Date date, int calendarField, int amount) {
		if (date == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
		Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
		c.set(calendarField, amount);
		return c.getTime();

	 * 功能描述:给定一个Date日期,返回一个Calendar对象
	 * @param date
	 *            Date对象
	 * @return Calendar Calendar对象
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static Calendar toCalendar(Date date) {
		Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
		return c;

	public static int getMinute() {
		return getMinute(currentDate());

	public static int getHour() {
		return getHour(currentDate());

	public static int getDay() {
		return getDay(currentDate());

	public static int getMonth() {
		return getMonth(currentDate());

	public static int getYear() {
		return getYear(currentDate());

	public static int getWeekOfYear(Date date) {
		Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
		return (cal.get(GregorianCalendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR) + 1);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期,获得它的年
	 * @param date
	 *            一个Date对象
	 * @return String 返回一个String对象
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static int getYear(Date date) {
		Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
		return cal.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期,获得它的月
	 * @param date
	 *            一个Date对象
	 * @return String 返回一个String对象
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static int getMonth(Date date) {
		Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
		return (cal.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH) + 1);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期,获得它的天
	 * @param date
	 *            一个Date对象
	 * @return String 返回一个String对象
	 * @since 2011.02.24
	public static int getDay(Date date) {
		Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
		return cal.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

	 * 功能描述: 得到当前时间点
	 * @param
	 * @return: int
	 * @version: 2.0
	public static int getHour(Date date) {
		Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
		return c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个年的数值,添加到这个日期年中,并返回
	 * @param date
	 *            一个Date对象
	 * @param years
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date 返回一个Date对象
	public static Date addYear(Date date, int years) {
		Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
		cal.add(GregorianCalendar.YEAR, years);
		return cal.getTime();

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个月的数值,添加到这个日期月中,并返回
	 * @param date
	 *            一个Date对象
	 * @param months
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date 返回一个Date对象
	public static Date addMonth(Date date, int months) {
		Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
		cal.add(GregorianCalendar.MONTH, months);
		return cal.getTime();

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个天的数值,添加到这个日期的天中,并返回
	 * @param date
	 *            一个Date对象
	 * @param day
	 *            int类型
	 * @return Date 返回一个Date对象
	public static Date addDay(Date date, int day) {
		Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
		cal.add(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, day);
		return cal.getTime();

	public static String getNow(String pattern) {
		return format(new Date(), pattern);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期,判断它的星期,是否周末
	 * @param date
	 *              Date对象
	 * @return boolean  布尔值
	public static boolean isSundayOrSaturday(Date date) {
		Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
		int day = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
		if (GregorianCalendar.SATURDAY == day
				|| GregorianCalendar.SUNDAY == day) {
			return true;
		return false;

	 * 功能描述:给定字符串,转换成匹配格式的Date对象
	 * @param dateStr
	 *              一个String对象
	 * @return Date  一个Date对象
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static Date getDate(String dateStr) {
		if (StringUtil.isBlank(dateStr))
			return null;
		dateStr = dateStr.trim();
		SimpleDateFormat df = null;
		if (dateStr.length() > 19) {
			dateStr = dateStr.substring(0, 19);

		if (dateStr.matches("[\\d]{4}")) {
			df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy");
		} else if (dateStr.matches("[\\d]{4}-[\\d]{1,2}")) {
			df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM");
		} else if (dateStr.matches("[\\d]{4}-[\\d]{1,2}-[\\d]{1,2}")) {
			df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
		} else if (dateStr
				.matches("[\\d]{4}-[\\d]{1,2}-[\\d]{1,2}[\\s]{1,}[\\d]{1,2}")) {
			df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH");
		} else if (dateStr
				.matches("[\\d]{4}-[\\d]{1,2}-[\\d]{1,2}[\\s]{1,}[\\d]{1,2}:[\\d]{1,2}")) {
			df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
		} else if (dateStr
				.matches("[\\d]{4}-[\\d]{1,2}-[\\d]{1,2}[\\s]{1,}[\\d]{1,2}:[\\d]{1,2}:[\\d]{1,2}")) {
			df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
		} else if (dateStr.matches("[\\d]{1,2}-[\\d]{1,2}[\\s]{1,}[\\d]{1,2}")) {
			df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd HH");
		} else {
			return null;
		try {
			return df.parse(dateStr);
		} catch (ParseException e) {
			return null;

	public static boolean isDate(Object obj) {
		if (null == obj || !(obj instanceof Date)) {
			return false;
		} else {
			return true;

	 * 获取当前时间对应于1970-01-01 00:00:00的秒值
	 * @return 对应于1970-01-01 00:00:00的秒值
	public static Long getTimeinteger() {
		Calendar ca = Calendar.getInstance();
		return ca.getTimeInMillis();

	public static Long getTimeinteger(Date date) {
		return date.getTime();

	public static Long getTimeinteger(String date) {
		return getDate(date).getTime();

	 * 获得日期的long类型
	 * */
	public static Long getDateLong(int count, String format) {
		String strDate = getLastTimeString(count, format);
		Long longDate = getTimeinteger(strDate);
		return longDate;

	 * 生成与传入秒值对应的日期类型
	 * @param seconds
	 * @return
	 * @author James Cheung Date:Jul 25, 2012
	public static Date integerToDate(Long seconds) {
		Long timeInMillis = seconds * 1000;
		Date date = new Date(timeInMillis);
		return date;

	 * 返回一个日期中的最后一天,当月最后一天
	 * @param date it's type must be Date
	public static Date lastDay(Object date) {
		if (!isDate(date)) {
		Date dateConver = (Date) date;
		Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
		calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE));
		return calendar.getTime();

	 * 返回一个日期中的年份
	 * @param date it's type must be Date
	public static int getYear(Object date) {
		if (!isDate(date)) {
		Date dateConver = (Date) date;
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		return calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);

	 * 返回一个日期中的星期
	 * @param date it's type must be Date
	public static int getWeek(Object date) {
		if (!isDate(date)) {
		Date dateConver = (Date) date;
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		int[] weeks = { 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
		return weeks[calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1];

	 * 返回星期类型
	 * @param date it's type must be Date
	 * @param weekType the Week Type to be returned dayType如果为0返回整数,1返回中文,其他返回英文
	public static String weekType(Object date, Object weekType) {
		if (!isDate(date)) {
			return null;
		Date dateConver = (Date) date;
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		String[] weeksNum = { "7", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" };
		String[] weeksCn = { "星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六" };
		String[] weeksEng = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wendsday",
				"Thursday", "Friday", "Satday" };
		try {
			int weekTypes = (Integer) weekType;
			if (0 == weekTypes) {
				return weeksNum[calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1];
			} else if (1 == weekTypes) {
				return weeksCn[calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1];
			} else {
				return weeksEng[calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1];
		} catch (Exception e) {
			return weeksEng[calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1];


	 * 返回一当前机器中的日期
	public static Date currentDate() {
		return new Date();

	public static String currentDateString(String fomat) {
		return format(new Date(), fomat);

	 * 返回一个日期时间中的小时数
	 * @param date it's type must be Date
	public static int getHour(Object date) {
		if (!isDate(date)) {
		Date dateConvert = (Date) date;
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		return calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);

	 * 返回一个日期时间中的分钟数
	 * @param date it's type must be Date
	public static int getMinute(Object date) {
		if (!isDate(date)) {
		Date dateConvert = (Date) date;
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		return calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);

	 * 返回一个日期时间中的秒钟
	 * @param date it's type must be Date
	public static int getSecond(Object date) {
		if (!isDate(date)) {
		Date dateConvert = (Date) date;
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		return calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);

	 * 返回一个日期中的月份
	 * @param date it's type must be Date
	public static int getMonth(Object date) {
		if (!isDate(date)) {
		Date dateConvert = (Date) date;
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		return calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;

	 * 返回一个日期中的天数
	 * @param date it's type must be Date
	public static int getDay(Object date) {
		if (!isDate(date)) {
		Date dateConvert = (Date) date;
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		return calendar.get(Calendar.DATE);

	 * 返回两个日期相差的天数
	 * @param dateStart it's type must be Date
	 * @param dateEnd it's type must be Date
	public static int daysBetweenTwoDate(Object dateStart, Object dateEnd) {
		if (!isDate(dateStart) || !isDate(dateEnd)) {
		Date dateStartConver = (Date) dateStart;
		Date dateEndConver = (Date) dateEnd;
		long millSeconds = dateEndConver.getTime() - dateStartConver.getTime();
		int res = (int) (millSeconds % (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
		return res == 0 ? (int) (millSeconds / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))
				: ((int) (millSeconds / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + 1));

	static class FastDateFormat extends Format {
		 * Required for serialization support.
		 * @see java.io.Serializable
		private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

		 * FULL locale dependent date or time style.
		public static final int FULL = DateFormat.FULL;

		 * LONG locale dependent date or time style.
		public static final int LONG = DateFormat.LONG;

		 * MEDIUM locale dependent date or time style.
		public static final int MEDIUM = DateFormat.MEDIUM;

		 * SHORT locale dependent date or time style.
		public static final int SHORT = DateFormat.SHORT;

		 * The c default pattern.
		private static String cDefaultPattern; // lazily initialised by
		// getInstance()

		 * The Constant cInstanceCache.
		private static final Map<FastDateFormat, FastDateFormat> cInstanceCache = new HashMap<FastDateFormat, FastDateFormat>(

		 * The Constant cDateInstanceCache.
		private static final Map<Object, FastDateFormat> cDateInstanceCache = new HashMap<Object, FastDateFormat>(

		 * The Constant cTimeInstanceCache.
		private static final Map<Object, FastDateFormat> cTimeInstanceCache = new HashMap<Object, FastDateFormat>(

		 * The Constant cDateTimeInstanceCache.
		private static final Map<Object, FastDateFormat> cDateTimeInstanceCache = new HashMap<Object, FastDateFormat>(

		 * The Constant cTimeZoneDisplayCache.
		private static final Map<Object, String> cTimeZoneDisplayCache = new HashMap<Object, String>(

		 * The pattern.
		private final String mPattern;

		 * The time zone.
		private final TimeZone mTimeZone;

		 * Whether the time zone overrides any on Calendars.
		private final boolean mTimeZoneForced;

		 * The locale.
		private final Locale mLocale;

		 * Whether the locale overrides the default.
		private final boolean mLocaleForced;

		 * The parsed rules.
		private transient Rule[] mRules;

		 * The estimated maximum length.
		private transient int mMaxLengthEstimate;

		 * Gets the single instance of FastDateFormat.
		 * @return single instance of FastDateFormat
		public static FastDateFormat getInstance() {
			return getInstance(getDefaultPattern(), null, null);

		 * Gets the single instance of FastDateFormat.
		 * @param pattern
		 *            the pattern
		 * @return single instance of FastDateFormat
		public static FastDateFormat getInstance(String pattern) {
			return getInstance(pattern, null, null);

		 * Gets the single instance of FastDateFormat.
		 * @param pattern
		 *            the pattern
		 * @param timeZone
		 *            the time zone
		 * @return single instance of FastDateFormat
		public static FastDateFormat getInstance(String pattern,
				TimeZone timeZone) {
			return getInstance(pattern, timeZone, null);

		 * Gets the single instance of FastDateFormat.
		 * @param pattern
		 *            the pattern
		 * @param locale
		 *            the locale
		 * @return single instance of FastDateFormat
		public static FastDateFormat getInstance(String pattern, Locale locale) {
			return getInstance(pattern, null, locale);

		 * Gets the single instance of FastDateFormat.
		 * @param pattern
		 *            the pattern
		 * @param timeZone
		 *            the time zone
		 * @param locale
		 *            the locale
		 * @return single instance of FastDateFormat
		public static synchronized FastDateFormat getInstance(String pattern,
				TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale) {
			FastDateFormat emptyFormat = new FastDateFormat(pattern, timeZone,
			FastDateFormat format = cInstanceCache.get(emptyFormat);
			if (format == null) {
				format = emptyFormat;
				format.init(); // convert shell format into usable one
				cInstanceCache.put(format, format); // this is OK!
			return format;

		 * Gets the date instance.
		 * @param style
		 *            the style
		 * @return the date instance
		public static FastDateFormat getDateInstance(int style) {
			return getDateInstance(style, null, null);

		 * Gets the date instance.
		 * @param style
		 *            the style
		 * @param locale
		 *            the locale
		 * @return the date instance
		public static FastDateFormat getDateInstance(int style, Locale locale) {
			return getDateInstance(style, null, locale);

		 * Gets the date instance.
		 * @param style
		 *            the style
		 * @param timeZone
		 *            the time zone
		 * @return the date instance
		public static FastDateFormat getDateInstance(int style,
				TimeZone timeZone) {
			return getDateInstance(style, timeZone, null);

		 * Gets the date instance.
		 * @param style
		 *            the style
		 * @param timeZone
		 *            the time zone
		 * @param locale
		 *            the locale
		 * @return the date instance
		public static synchronized FastDateFormat getDateInstance(int style,
				TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale) {
			Object key = Integer.valueOf(style);
			if (timeZone != null) {
				key = new Pair(key, timeZone);

			if (locale == null) {
				locale = Locale.getDefault();

			key = new Pair(key, locale);

			FastDateFormat format = cDateInstanceCache.get(key);
			if (format == null) {
				try {
					SimpleDateFormat formatter = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat
							.getDateInstance(style, locale);
					String pattern = formatter.toPattern();
					format = getInstance(pattern, timeZone, locale);
					cDateInstanceCache.put(key, format);

				} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
					throw new IllegalArgumentException(
							"No date pattern for locale: " + locale);
			return format;

		 * Gets the time instance.
		 * @param style
		 *            the style
		 * @return the time instance
		public static FastDateFormat getTimeInstance(int style) {
			return getTimeInstance(style, null, null);

		 * Gets the time instance.
		 * @param style
		 *            the style
		 * @param locale
		 *            the locale
		 * @return the time instance
		public static FastDateFormat getTimeInstance(int style, Locale locale) {
			return getTimeInstance(style, null, locale);

		 * Gets the time instance.
		 * @param style
		 *            the style
		 * @param timeZone
		 *            the time zone
		 * @return the time instance
		public static FastDateFormat getTimeInstance(int style,
				TimeZone timeZone) {
			return getTimeInstance(style, timeZone, null);

		 * Gets the time instance.
		 * @param style
		 *            the style
		 * @param timeZone
		 *            the time zone
		 * @param locale
		 *            the locale
		 * @return the time instance
		public static synchronized FastDateFormat getTimeInstance(int style,
				TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale) {
			Object key = Integer.valueOf(style);
			if (timeZone != null) {
				key = new Pair(key, timeZone);
			if (locale != null) {
				key = new Pair(key, locale);

			FastDateFormat format = cTimeInstanceCache.get(key);
			if (format == null) {
				if (locale == null) {
					locale = Locale.getDefault();

				try {
					SimpleDateFormat formatter = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat
							.getTimeInstance(style, locale);
					String pattern = formatter.toPattern();
					format = getInstance(pattern, timeZone, locale);
					cTimeInstanceCache.put(key, format);

				} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
					throw new IllegalArgumentException(
							"No date pattern for locale: " + locale);
			return format;

		 * Gets the date time instance.
		 * @param dateStyle
		 *            the date style
		 * @param timeStyle
		 *            the time style
		 * @return the date time instance
		public static FastDateFormat getDateTimeInstance(int dateStyle,
				int timeStyle) {
			return getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle, timeStyle, null, null);

		 * Gets the date time instance.
		 * @param dateStyle
		 *            the date style
		 * @param timeStyle
		 *            the time style
		 * @param locale
		 *            the locale
		 * @return the date time instance
		public static FastDateFormat getDateTimeInstance(int dateStyle,
				int timeStyle, Locale locale) {
			return getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle, timeStyle, null, locale);

		 * Gets the date time instance.
		 * @param dateStyle
		 *            the date style
		 * @param timeStyle
		 *            the time style
		 * @param timeZone
		 *            the time zone
		 * @return the date time instance
		public static FastDateFormat getDateTimeInstance(int dateStyle,
				int timeStyle, TimeZone timeZone) {
			return getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle, timeStyle, timeZone, null);

		 * Gets the date time instance.
		 * @param dateStyle
		 *            the date style
		 * @param timeStyle
		 *            the time style
		 * @param timeZone
		 *            the time zone
		 * @param locale
		 *            the locale
		 * @return the date time instance
		public static synchronized FastDateFormat getDateTimeInstance(
				int dateStyle, int timeStyle, TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale) {

			Object key = new Pair(Integer.valueOf(dateStyle),
			if (timeZone != null) {
				key = new Pair(key, timeZone);
			if (locale == null) {
				locale = Locale.getDefault();
			key = new Pair(key, locale);

			FastDateFormat format = cDateTimeInstanceCache.get(key);
			if (format == null) {
				try {
					SimpleDateFormat formatter = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat
							.getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle, timeStyle, locale);
					String pattern = formatter.toPattern();
					format = getInstance(pattern, timeZone, locale);
					cDateTimeInstanceCache.put(key, format);

				} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
					throw new IllegalArgumentException(
							"No date time pattern for locale: " + locale);
			return format;

		 * Gets the time zone display.
		 * @param tz
		 *            the tz
		 * @param daylight
		 *            the daylight
		 * @param style
		 *            the style
		 * @param locale
		 *            the locale
		 * @return the time zone display
		static synchronized String getTimeZoneDisplay(TimeZone tz,
				boolean daylight, int style, Locale locale) {
			Object key = new TimeZoneDisplayKey(tz, daylight, style, locale);
			String value = cTimeZoneDisplayCache.get(key);
			if (value == null) {
				value = tz.getDisplayName(daylight, style, locale);
				cTimeZoneDisplayCache.put(key, value);
			return value;

		 * <p>
		 * Gets the default pattern.
		 * </p>
		 * @return the default pattern
		private static synchronized String getDefaultPattern() {
			if (cDefaultPattern == null) {
				cDefaultPattern = new SimpleDateFormat().toPattern();
			return cDefaultPattern;

		 * Instantiates a new fast date format.
		 * @param pattern
		 *            the pattern
		 * @param timeZone
		 *            the time zone
		 * @param locale
		 *            the locale
		protected FastDateFormat(String pattern, TimeZone timeZone,
				Locale locale) {
			if (pattern == null) {
				throw new IllegalArgumentException(
						"The pattern must not be null");
			mPattern = pattern;

			mTimeZoneForced = (timeZone != null);
			if (timeZone == null) {
				timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
			mTimeZone = timeZone;

			mLocaleForced = (locale != null);
			if (locale == null) {
				locale = Locale.getDefault();
			mLocale = locale;

		 * Inits the.
		protected void init() {
			List<Rule> rulesList = parsePattern();
			mRules = rulesList.toArray(new Rule[rulesList.size()]);

			int len = 0;
			for (int i = mRules.length; --i >= 0;) {
				len += mRules[i].estimateLength();

			mMaxLengthEstimate = len;

		 * Parses the pattern.
		 * @return the list
		protected List<Rule> parsePattern() {
			DateFormatSymbols symbols = new DateFormatSymbols(mLocale);
			List<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<Rule>();

			String[] ERAs = symbols.getEras();
			String[] months = symbols.getMonths();
			String[] shortMonths = symbols.getShortMonths();
			String[] weekdays = symbols.getWeekdays();
			String[] shortWeekdays = symbols.getShortWeekdays();
			String[] AmPmStrings = symbols.getAmPmStrings();

			int length = mPattern.length();
			int[] indexRef = new int[1];

			for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
				indexRef[0] = i;
				String token = parseToken(mPattern, indexRef);
				i = indexRef[0];

				int tokenLen = token.length();
				if (tokenLen == 0) {

				Rule rule;
				char c = token.charAt(0);

				switch (c) {
				case 'G': // era designator (text)
					rule = new TextField(Calendar.ERA, ERAs);
				case 'y': // year (number)
					if (tokenLen >= 4) {
						rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.YEAR, tokenLen);
					} else {
						rule = TwoDigitYearField.INSTANCE;
				case 'M': // month in year (text and number)
					if (tokenLen >= 4) {
						rule = new TextField(Calendar.MONTH, months);
					} else if (tokenLen == 3) {
						rule = new TextField(Calendar.MONTH, shortMonths);
					} else if (tokenLen == 2) {
						rule = TwoDigitMonthField.INSTANCE;
					} else {
						rule = UnpaddedMonthField.INSTANCE;
				case 'd': // day in month (number)
					rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, tokenLen);
				case 'h': // hour in am/pm (number, 1..12)
					rule = new TwelveHourField(selectNumberRule(Calendar.HOUR,
				case 'H': // hour in day (number, 0..23)
					rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, tokenLen);
				case 'm': // minute in hour (number)
					rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.MINUTE, tokenLen);
				case 's': // second in minute (number)
					rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.SECOND, tokenLen);
				case 'S': // millisecond (number)
					rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.MILLISECOND, tokenLen);
				case 'E': // day in week (text)
					rule = new TextField(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK,
							tokenLen < 4 ? shortWeekdays : weekdays);
				case 'D': // day in year (number)
					rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, tokenLen);
				case 'F': // day of week in month (number)
					rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH,
				case 'w': // week in year (number)
					rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, tokenLen);
				case 'W': // week in month (number)
					rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH, tokenLen);
				case 'a': // am/pm marker (text)
					rule = new TextField(Calendar.AM_PM, AmPmStrings);
				case 'k': // hour in day (1..24)
					rule = new TwentyFourHourField(selectNumberRule(
							Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, tokenLen));
				case 'K': // hour in am/pm (0..11)
					rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.HOUR, tokenLen);
				case 'z': // time zone (text)
					if (tokenLen >= 4) {
						rule = new TimeZoneNameRule(mTimeZone, mTimeZoneForced,
								mLocale, TimeZone.LONG);
					} else {
						rule = new TimeZoneNameRule(mTimeZone, mTimeZoneForced,
								mLocale, TimeZone.SHORT);
				case 'Z': // time zone (value)
					if (tokenLen == 1) {
						rule = TimeZoneNumberRule.INSTANCE_NO_COLON;
					} else {
						rule = TimeZoneNumberRule.INSTANCE_COLON;
				case '\'': // literal text
					String sub = token.substring(1);
					if (sub.length() == 1) {
						rule = new CharacterLiteral(sub.charAt(0));
					} else {
						rule = new StringLiteral(sub);
					throw new IllegalArgumentException(
							"Illegal pattern component: " + token);


			return rules;

		 * Parses the token.
		 * @param pattern
		 *            the pattern
		 * @param indexRef
		 *            the index ref
		 * @return the string
		protected String parseToken(String pattern, int[] indexRef) {
			StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

			int i = indexRef[0];
			int length = pattern.length();

			char c = pattern.charAt(i);
			if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
				// Scan a run of the same character, which indicates a time
				// pattern.

				while (i + 1 < length) {
					char peek = pattern.charAt(i + 1);
					if (peek == c) {
					} else {
			} else {
				// This will identify token as text.

				boolean inLiteral = false;

				for (; i < length; i++) {
					c = pattern.charAt(i);

					if (c == '\'') {
						if (i + 1 < length && pattern.charAt(i + 1) == '\'') {
							// '' is treated as escaped '
						} else {
							inLiteral = !inLiteral;
					} else if (!inLiteral
							&& (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')) {
					} else {

			indexRef[0] = i;
			return buf.toString();

		 * Select number rule.
		 * @param field
		 *            the field
		 * @param padding
		 *            the padding
		 * @return the number rule
		protected NumberRule selectNumberRule(int field, int padding) {
			switch (padding) {
			case 1:
				return new UnpaddedNumberField(field);
			case 2:
				return new TwoDigitNumberField(field);
				return new PaddedNumberField(field, padding);

		 * Format.
		 * @param millis
		 *            the millis
		 * @return the string
		public String format(long millis) {
			return format(new Date(millis));

		 * Format.
		 * @param date
		 *            the date
		 * @return the string
		public String format(Date date) {
			Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(mTimeZone);
			return applyRules(c, new StringBuffer(mMaxLengthEstimate))

		 * Format.
		 * @param calendar
		 *            the calendar
		 * @return the string
		public String format(Calendar calendar) {
			return format(calendar, new StringBuffer(mMaxLengthEstimate))

		 * Format.
		 * @param millis
		 *            the millis
		 * @param buf
		 *            the buf
		 * @return the string buffer
		public StringBuffer format(long millis, StringBuffer buf) {
			return format(new Date(millis), buf);

		 * Format.
		 * @param date
		 *            the date
		 * @param buf
		 *            the buf
		 * @return the string buffer
		public StringBuffer format(Date date, StringBuffer buf) {
			Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(mTimeZone);
			return applyRules(c, buf);

		 * Format.
		 * @param calendar
		 *            the calendar
		 * @param buf
		 *            the buf
		 * @return the string buffer
		public StringBuffer format(Calendar calendar, StringBuffer buf) {
			if (mTimeZoneForced) {
				calendar.getTimeInMillis(); // / LANG-538
				calendar = (Calendar) calendar.clone();
			return applyRules(calendar, buf);

		 * Apply rules.
		 * @param calendar
		 *            the calendar
		 * @param buf
		 *            the buf
		 * @return the string buffer
		protected StringBuffer applyRules(Calendar calendar, StringBuffer buf) {
			Rule[] rules = mRules;
			int len = mRules.length;
			for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				rules[i].appendTo(buf, calendar);
			return buf;

		public Object parseObject(String source, ParsePosition pos) {
			return null;

		 * Gets the pattern.
		 * @return the pattern
		public String getPattern() {
			return mPattern;

		 * Gets the time zone.
		 * @return the time zone
		public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
			return mTimeZone;

		 * Gets the time zone overrides calendar.
		 * @return the time zone overrides calendar
		public boolean getTimeZoneOverridesCalendar() {
			return mTimeZoneForced;

		 * Gets the locale.
		 * @return the locale
		public Locale getLocale() {
			return mLocale;

		 * Gets the max length estimate.
		 * @return the max length estimate
		public int getMaxLengthEstimate() {
			return mMaxLengthEstimate;

		public boolean equals(Object obj) {
			if (obj instanceof FastDateFormat == false) {
				return false;
			FastDateFormat other = (FastDateFormat) obj;
			if ((mPattern == other.mPattern || mPattern.equals(other.mPattern))
					&& (mTimeZone == other.mTimeZone || mTimeZone
					&& (mLocale == other.mLocale || mLocale
					&& (mTimeZoneForced == other.mTimeZoneForced)
					&& (mLocaleForced == other.mLocaleForced)) {
				return true;
			return false;

		public int hashCode() {
			int total = 0;
			total += mPattern.hashCode();
			total += mTimeZone.hashCode();
			total += (mTimeZoneForced ? 1 : 0);
			total += mLocale.hashCode();
			total += (mLocaleForced ? 1 : 0);
			return total;

		public String toString() {
			return "FastDateFormat[" + mPattern + "]";

		 * The Interface Rule.
		private interface Rule {

			 * Estimate length.
			 * @return the int
			int estimateLength();

			 * Append to.
			 * @param buffer
			 *            the buffer
			 * @param calendar
			 *            the calendar
			void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar);

		 * The Interface NumberRule.
		private interface NumberRule extends Rule {

			 * Append to.
			 * @param buffer
			 *            the buffer
			 * @param value
			 *            the value
			void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value);

		 * The Class CharacterLiteral.
		private static class CharacterLiteral implements Rule {

			 * The m value.
			private final char mValue;

			 * Instantiates a new character literal.
			 * @param value
			 *            the value
			CharacterLiteral(char value) {
				mValue = value;

			public int estimateLength() {
				return 1;

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {

		 * The Class StringLiteral.
		private static class StringLiteral implements Rule {

			 * The m value.
			private final String mValue;

			 * Instantiates a new string literal.
			 * @param value
			 *            the value
			StringLiteral(String value) {
				mValue = value;

			public int estimateLength() {
				return mValue.length();

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {

		 * The Class TextField.
		private static class TextField implements Rule {

			 * The m field.
			private final int mField;

			 * The m values.
			private final String[] mValues;

			 * Instantiates a new text field.
			 * @param field
			 *            the field
			 * @param values
			 *            the values
			TextField(int field, String[] values) {
				mField = field;
				mValues = values;

			public int estimateLength() {
				int max = 0;
				for (int i = mValues.length; --i >= 0;) {
					int len = mValues[i].length();
					if (len > max) {
						max = len;
				return max;

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {

		 * The Class UnpaddedNumberField.
		private static class UnpaddedNumberField implements NumberRule {

			 * The m field.
			private final int mField;

			 * Instantiates a new unpadded number field.
			 * @param field
			 *            the field
			UnpaddedNumberField(int field) {
				mField = field;

			public int estimateLength() {
				return 4;

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
				appendTo(buffer, calendar.get(mField));

			public final void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
				if (value < 10) {
					buffer.append((char) (value + '0'));
				} else if (value < 100) {
					buffer.append((char) (value / 10 + '0'));
					buffer.append((char) (value % 10 + '0'));
				} else {

		 * The Class UnpaddedMonthField.
		private static class UnpaddedMonthField implements NumberRule {

			 * The Constant INSTANCE.
			static final UnpaddedMonthField INSTANCE = new UnpaddedMonthField();

			 * Instantiates a new unpadded month field.
			UnpaddedMonthField() {

			public int estimateLength() {
				return 2;

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
				appendTo(buffer, calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1);

			public final void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
				if (value < 10) {
					buffer.append((char) (value + '0'));
				} else {
					buffer.append((char) (value / 10 + '0'));
					buffer.append((char) (value % 10 + '0'));

		 * The Class PaddedNumberField.
		private static class PaddedNumberField implements NumberRule {

			 * The m field.
			private final int mField;

			 * The m size.
			private final int mSize;

			 * Instantiates a new padded number field.
			 * @param field
			 *            the field
			 * @param size
			 *            the size
			PaddedNumberField(int field, int size) {
				if (size < 3) {
					throw new IllegalArgumentException();
				mField = field;
				mSize = size;

			public int estimateLength() {
				return 4;

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
				appendTo(buffer, calendar.get(mField));

			public final void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
				if (value < 100) {
					for (int i = mSize; --i >= 2;) {
					buffer.append((char) (value / 10 + '0'));
					buffer.append((char) (value % 10 + '0'));
				} else {
					int digits;
					if (value < 1000) {
						digits = 3;
					} else {
						if (!(value > -1)) {
							throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
									"Negative values should not be possible",
						digits = Integer.toString(value).length();
					for (int i = mSize; --i >= digits;) {

		 * The Class TwoDigitNumberField.
		private static class TwoDigitNumberField implements NumberRule {

			 * The m field.
			private final int mField;

			 * Instantiates a new two digit number field.
			 * @param field
			 *            the field
			TwoDigitNumberField(int field) {
				mField = field;

			public int estimateLength() {
				return 2;

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
				appendTo(buffer, calendar.get(mField));

			public final void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
				if (value < 100) {
					buffer.append((char) (value / 10 + '0'));
					buffer.append((char) (value % 10 + '0'));
				} else {

		 * The Class TwoDigitYearField.
		private static class TwoDigitYearField implements NumberRule {

			 * The Constant INSTANCE.
			static final TwoDigitYearField INSTANCE = new TwoDigitYearField();

			 * Instantiates a new two digit year field.
			TwoDigitYearField() {

			public int estimateLength() {
				return 2;

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
				appendTo(buffer, calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) % 100);

			public final void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
				buffer.append((char) (value / 10 + '0'));
				buffer.append((char) (value % 10 + '0'));

		 * The Class TwoDigitMonthField.
		private static class TwoDigitMonthField implements NumberRule {

			 * The Constant INSTANCE.
			static final TwoDigitMonthField INSTANCE = new TwoDigitMonthField();

			 * Instantiates a new two digit month field.
			TwoDigitMonthField() {

			public int estimateLength() {
				return 2;

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
				appendTo(buffer, calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1);

			public final void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
				buffer.append((char) (value / 10 + '0'));
				buffer.append((char) (value % 10 + '0'));

		 * The Class TwelveHourField.
		private static class TwelveHourField implements NumberRule {

			 * The m rule.
			private final NumberRule mRule;

			 * Instantiates a new twelve hour field.
			 * @param rule
			 *            the rule
			TwelveHourField(NumberRule rule) {
				mRule = rule;

			public int estimateLength() {
				return mRule.estimateLength();

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
				int value = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR);
				if (value == 0) {
					value = calendar.getLeastMaximum(Calendar.HOUR) + 1;
				mRule.appendTo(buffer, value);

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
				mRule.appendTo(buffer, value);

		 * The Class TwentyFourHourField.
		private static class TwentyFourHourField implements NumberRule {

			 * The m rule.
			private final NumberRule mRule;

			 * Instantiates a new twenty four hour field.
			 * @param rule
			 *            the rule
			TwentyFourHourField(NumberRule rule) {
				mRule = rule;

			public int estimateLength() {
				return mRule.estimateLength();

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
				int value = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
				if (value == 0) {
					value = calendar.getMaximum(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + 1;
				mRule.appendTo(buffer, value);

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
				mRule.appendTo(buffer, value);

		 * The Class TimeZoneNameRule.
		private static class TimeZoneNameRule implements Rule {

			 * The m time zone.
			private final TimeZone mTimeZone;

			 * The m time zone forced.
			private final boolean mTimeZoneForced;

			 * The m locale.
			private final Locale mLocale;

			 * The m style.
			private final int mStyle;

			 * The m standard.
			private final String mStandard;

			 * The m daylight.
			private final String mDaylight;

			 * Constructs an instance of <code>TimeZoneNameRule</code> with the
			 * specified properties.
			 * @param timeZone
			 *            the time zone
			 * @param timeZoneForced
			 *            if <code>true</code> the time zone is forced into
			 *            standard and daylight
			 * @param locale
			 *            the locale
			 * @param style
			 *            the style
			TimeZoneNameRule(TimeZone timeZone, boolean timeZoneForced,
					Locale locale, int style) {
				mTimeZone = timeZone;
				mTimeZoneForced = timeZoneForced;
				mLocale = locale;
				mStyle = style;

				if (timeZoneForced) {
					mStandard = getTimeZoneDisplay(timeZone, false, style,
					mDaylight = getTimeZoneDisplay(timeZone, true, style,
				} else {
					mStandard = null;
					mDaylight = null;

			public int estimateLength() {
				if (mTimeZoneForced) {
					return Math.max(mStandard.length(), mDaylight.length());
				} else if (mStyle == TimeZone.SHORT) {
					return 4;
				} else {
					return 40;

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
				if (mTimeZoneForced) {
					if (mTimeZone.useDaylightTime()
							&& calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) != 0) {
					} else {
				} else {
					TimeZone timeZone = calendar.getTimeZone();
					if (timeZone.useDaylightTime()
							&& calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) != 0) {
						buffer.append(getTimeZoneDisplay(timeZone, true,
								mStyle, mLocale));
					} else {
						buffer.append(getTimeZoneDisplay(timeZone, false,
								mStyle, mLocale));

		 * The Class TimeZoneNumberRule.
		private static class TimeZoneNumberRule implements Rule {

			 * The Constant INSTANCE_COLON.
			static final TimeZoneNumberRule INSTANCE_COLON = new TimeZoneNumberRule(

			 * The Constant INSTANCE_NO_COLON.
			static final TimeZoneNumberRule INSTANCE_NO_COLON = new TimeZoneNumberRule(

			 * The m colon.
			final boolean mColon;

			 * Instantiates a new time zone number rule.
			 * @param colon
			 *            the colon
			TimeZoneNumberRule(boolean colon) {
				mColon = colon;

			public int estimateLength() {
				return 5;

			public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
				int offset = calendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET)
						+ calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET);

				if (offset < 0) {
					offset = -offset;
				} else {

				int hours = offset / (60 * 60 * 1000);
				buffer.append((char) (hours / 10 + '0'));
				buffer.append((char) (hours % 10 + '0'));

				if (mColon) {

				int minutes = offset / (60 * 1000) - 60 * hours;
				buffer.append((char) (minutes / 10 + '0'));
				buffer.append((char) (minutes % 10 + '0'));

		 * The Class TimeZoneDisplayKey.
		private static class TimeZoneDisplayKey {

			 * The m time zone.
			private final TimeZone mTimeZone;

			 * The m style.
			private final int mStyle;

			 * The m locale.
			private final Locale mLocale;

			 * Constructs an instance of <code>TimeZoneDisplayKey</code> with
			 * the specified properties.
			 * @param timeZone
			 *            the time zone
			 * @param daylight
			 *            adjust the style for daylight saving time if
			 *            <code>true</code>
			 * @param style
			 *            the timezone style
			 * @param locale
			 *            the timezone locale
			TimeZoneDisplayKey(TimeZone timeZone, boolean daylight, int style,
					Locale locale) {
				mTimeZone = timeZone;
				if (daylight) {
					style |= 0x80000000;
				mStyle = style;
				mLocale = locale;

			public int hashCode() {
				return mStyle * 31 + mLocale.hashCode();

			public boolean equals(Object obj) {
				if (this == obj) {
					return true;
				if (obj instanceof TimeZoneDisplayKey) {
					TimeZoneDisplayKey other = (TimeZoneDisplayKey) obj;
					return mTimeZone.equals(other.mTimeZone)
							&& mStyle == other.mStyle
							&& mLocale.equals(other.mLocale);
				return false;

		 * The Class Pair.
		private static class Pair {

			 * The m obj1.
			private final Object mObj1;

			 * The m obj2.
			private final Object mObj2;

			 * Instantiates a new pair.
			 * @param obj1
			 *            the obj1
			 * @param obj2
			 *            the obj2
			public Pair(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
				mObj1 = obj1;
				mObj2 = obj2;

			public boolean equals(Object obj) {
				if (this == obj) {
					return true;

				if (!(obj instanceof Pair)) {
					return false;

				Pair key = (Pair) obj;

				return (mObj1 == null ? key.mObj1 == null : mObj1
						&& (mObj2 == null ? key.mObj2 == null : mObj2

			public int hashCode() {
				return (mObj1 == null ? 0 : mObj1.hashCode())
						+ (mObj2 == null ? 0 : mObj2.hashCode());

			public String toString() {
				return "[" + mObj1 + ':' + mObj2 + ']';

		public StringBuffer format(Object obj, StringBuffer toAppendTo,
				FieldPosition pos) {
			return null;

	 * 功能描述:给定Date对象,转换成指定格式的字符串日期
	 * @param date
	 *            一个Date对象,
	 * @return : String ex: 2009-06-09
	 * @author : daixl
	 * @since : 2011.02.23
	public static String getYmdStr(Date date) {
		if (date == null)
			return EMPTY;
		return ISO_DATE_FORMAT.format(date);

	 * 功能描述:根据字符串获取一个格式化的时间字符串
	 * @param date
	 *            一个Date对象,
	 * @return : String ex: 2009-06-09
	 * @author : daixl
	 * @since : 2011.02.23
	public static String getYmdStr(Date date, String pattern) {
		if (date == null)
			return EMPTY;
		return format(date, pattern);

	 * 功能描述: 将Date日期转换为带时分秒的字符串型返回
	 * @param date
	 *            the date
	 * @return : String, ex: 2009-06-09 02:04:05
	 * @author : daixl
	 * @since : 2011.02.23
	public static String getYmdhisStr(Date date) {
		if (date == null)
			return EMPTY;
		return ISO_DATETIME_FORMAT.format(date);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个整形数值,的到给日期的前一天。
	 * @param date
	 *              Date对象
	 * @param n
	 *            整形数值
	 * @return Date  一个Date对象
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static Date getDateByDateAndHour(Date date, int n) {
		return new Date(date.getTime() + n * 3600000);

	 * 功能描述:给定一个日期和一个整形数值,的到给日期的前一天。
	 * @param date
	 *              Date对象
	 * @param n
	 *            整形数值
	 * @return Date  一个Date对象
	 * @author daixl
	 * @since 2011.02.23
	public static Date getDateAfterDays(Date date, int n) {
		Date rtnDate = new Date();
		rtnDate.setTime(date.getTime() + Long.parseLong("86400000") * n);
		return rtnDate;

	public static Long getCurrentDateLong() {
		Date dt = new Date();
		// 得到秒数,Date类型的getTime()返回毫秒数
		long lSysTime1 = dt.getTime() / 1000;
		// System.out.println(lSysTime1);
		return lSysTime1;

	 * 获得昨天的年
	 * */
	public static String getStrYear(int iI, String strFormat) {
		String str = DateUtils.getLastTimeString(iI, "yyyy-MM-dd");
		String[] strList = str.split("-");
		return strList[0];

	 * 获得昨天的月
	 * */
	public static String getStrMonth(int iI, String strFormat) {
		String str = DateUtils.getLastTimeString(iI, "yyyy-MM-dd");
		String[] strList = str.split("-");

		return strList[1];

	 * 获得昨天的日
	 * */
	public static String getStrDay(int iI, String strFormat) {
		String str = DateUtils.getLastTimeString(iI, "yyyy-MM-dd");
		String[] strList = str.split("-");

		return strList[2];

	public static long getSystemtime() {
		return System.currentTimeMillis();

	 * 获得一个时间,增加或是减少几个小时候的字符串日期.
	 * */
	public static String getStrCalHour(int iI, String strFormat) {
		DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(strFormat);
		Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
		c.add(Calendar.HOUR, iI); // 目前時間加3小時

		return df.format(c.getTime());

	// 将时间转换成 年-月-日 格式
	public static String toDate(Date createDate) {
		SimpleDateFormat formater = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
		return formater.format(createDate);

	// 将时间转换成 年-月 格式
	public static String toMonth(Date createDate) {
		SimpleDateFormat formater = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM");
		return formater.format(createDate);

	// 返回当天日期的前一天
	public static String getYesterday(String dt) throws ParseException {
		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
		Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
		cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
		String yesterday = sdf.format(cal.getTime());
		return yesterday;

	public static String getYesday(Date date, String strPatten, int iN) {
		Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
		int day = c.get(Calendar.DATE);
		c.set(Calendar.DATE, day - iN);

		String dayBefore = new SimpleDateFormat(strPatten).format(c.getTime());
		return dayBefore;

	public static String getYesterday(String strDate, String strPatten, int iN) {
		Date date = DateUtils.getDate(strDate);
		Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
		int day = c.get(Calendar.DATE);
		c.set(Calendar.DATE, day - iN);

		String dayBefore = new SimpleDateFormat(strPatten).format(c.getTime());
		return dayBefore;
	public static String getMonthShort(String strDate, int plusMonthNum) {
		Date date = DateUtils.getDate(strDate);
		Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
		cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, plusMonthNum);
		cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
		return toMonth(cal.getTime());

	public static String getMonthLashDay(String strDate, int plusMonthNum) {
		Date date = DateUtils.getDate(strDate);
		Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
		cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, plusMonthNum);
		cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE));
		return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(cal.getTime());

	 * @Function 获取时间,前面所有的时间,都是减少 n 天,前推多少天。
	 * */
	public static String getYMDDate(String date, int In) {
		Date dateYear = DateUtils.getDate(date);
		date = DateUtils.getYesday(dateYear, "yyyy-MM-dd", In);

		return date;

	 * @Function 获取时间,前面所有的时间,都是减少 n 月,前推多少月。
	 * */
	public static String getYMDate(String date, int In) {
		Date dateYear = DateUtils.getDate(date);
		date = DateUtils.getYesday(dateYear, "yyyy-MM", In);

		return date;

	 * 王展翅 得到当前日期时间,格式为yyyyMMdd
	 * @return String
	public static String getFormatTo_yyyymmdd(Date date, String strFormat)
			throws Exception {
		SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(strFormat);
		return formatter.format(date);

	public static String strToDateDayTime(String date) {

		SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
		Date newDate = null;
		try {
			newDate = formatter.parse(date);
			formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
		} catch (ParseException e) {
		return formatter.format(newDate);


	public static String strToDateHour(String date) {

		SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMM");
		Date newDate = null;
		try {
			newDate = formatter.parse(date);
			formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM");
		} catch (ParseException e) {
		return formatter.format(newDate);


	public static String getDateByFormatAndNum(Date date, String strFormat,
			int num) {
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, num);
		Date newDate = calendar.getTime();
		SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(strFormat);
		return formatter.format(newDate);

	public static String getDateByFormat(Date date, String strFormat) {
		SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(strFormat);
		return formatter.format(date);

	public static Date stringToDateByFormat(String dayString, String strFormat) {
		SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(strFormat);
		Date date = null;
		try {
			date = formatter.parse(dayString);
		} catch (ParseException e) {
		return date;
	public static Date stringToStringDateByFormat(String dayString, String strFormat) {
		SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(strFormat);
		Date date = null;
		try {
			date = formatter.parse(dayString);
		} catch (ParseException e) {
		return date;

	 * 取当前时间的前几天
	 * @param date
	 * @return
	public static String getNextDay(Integer anyday) {

		SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");// 设置日期格式

		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		calendar.setTime(new Date());
		calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, anyday);
		Date date1 = calendar.getTime();
		String time = df.format(date1);
		// System.out.println(time);
		return time;


	 * 取当前时间的前几天
	 * @param date
	 * @return
	public static String getNextDay1(Integer anyday, String daytime) {

		SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");// 设置日期格式

		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		try {
		} catch (ParseException e) {
		calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, anyday);
		Date date1 = calendar.getTime();
		String time = df.format(date1);
		// System.out.println(time);
		return time;

	public static String getNextMon(Integer anymon, String daytime) {

		SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM");// 设置日期格式

		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		try {
		} catch (ParseException e) {
		calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, anymon);
		Date date1 = calendar.getTime();
		String time = df.format(date1);
		// System.out.println(time);
		return time;
	 public static String dateFormat(int number,String datetime) {  
	        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM");  
	        Date date = null;  
	        try {  
	            date = sdf.parse(datetime);  
	        } catch (ParseException e) {  
	        Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance();  
	        date = cl.getTime();  
	        return sdf.format(date);  

	 * 取当前时间的前几天
	 * @param date
	 * @return
	public static String getjitianDay(Integer anyday, Date daydate) {

		SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");// 设置日期格式
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, anyday);
		Date date1 = calendar.getTime();
		String time = df.format(date1);
		// System.out.println(time);
		return time;


	 * 字符串时间 按照指定格式返回时间字符串
	 * @param oldDate
	 *            旧时间(字符串类型)
	 * @param oldDateFormat
	 *            旧时间格式
	 * @param newDateFormat
	 *            生成时间格式
	 * @return
	public static String stringDateToStringDate(String oldDate,
			String oldDateFormat, String newDateFormat) {
		SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(oldDateFormat);
		SimpleDateFormat newFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(newDateFormat);
		Date date = null;
		String str = null;
		try {
			date = formatter.parse(oldDate);
			str = newFormatter.format(date);
		} catch (ParseException e) {
		return str;
	 * <li>功能描述:时间相减得到天数
	 * @param beginDateStr
	 * @param endDateStr
	 * @return long
	 * @author Administrator
	public static long getDaySub(String beginDateStr, String endDateStr) {
		long day = 0;
		java.text.SimpleDateFormat format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(
		java.util.Date beginDate;
		java.util.Date endDate;
		try {
			beginDate = format.parse(beginDateStr);
			endDate = format.parse(endDateStr);
			day = (endDate.getTime() - beginDate.getTime())
					/ (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
			// System.out.println("相隔的天数="+day);
		} catch (Exception e) {
		return day;

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		// System.out.println(DateUtils.getLastTimeString(0, "yyyy-MM-dd"));
		// System.out.println(DateUtils.getLastTimeString(-1,
		// "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

		// Date dateYear = DateUtils.getDate("2017-12");
		// String strYearMonth = DateUtils.getYmdStr(dateYear, "yyyy-MM");
		// Date d1 = DateUtils.getDate("2017-12-26");
		// String ss1 = DateUtils.getYesday(d1,"yyyy-MM-dd",7);
		// String ss2 = DateUtils.getFormatTo_yyyymmdd(d1,"yyyyMMdd");
		// System.out.println(ss2);
		System.out.println(DateUtils.getMonthLashDay("2017-11-29", -1));
		System.out.println(DateUtils.getYMDDate("2017-12-29", 30));
		System.out.println(DateUtils.getYMDate("2017-12", 2));
		// 20171226
		// 2017-12-26 19:32:12
		System.out.print(DateUtils.getYesday(new Date(), "yyyyMMdd", 1));




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