FAST Search :deployment.xml



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>  
<deployment version="14" modifiedBy="contoso\user" modifiedTime="2009-03-14T14:39:17+01:00" comment="M4" xmlns=”” xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:schemaLocation=" deployment.xsd">
<connector-databaseconnectionstring> [<![CDATA[jdbc:sqlserver://\sql:1433;DatabaseName=M4.jdbc]]> </connector-databaseconnectionstring>
<host name="">
<admin />
<query />
<webanalyzer server="true" link-processing="true" lookup-db="true" max-targets="4"/>
<document-processor processes="12" />
<host name="">
<content-distributor />
<searchengine row="0" column="0" />
document-processor processes="12" />
<host name="">
<content-distributor />
<indexing-dispatcher />
<searchengine row="0" column="1" />
<document-processor processes="12" />
<host name="">
<indexing-dispatcher />
<searchengine row="0" column="2" />
<document-processor processes="12" />
<host name="">
query />
searchengine row="1" column="0" />
<host name="">
<query />
<searchengine row="1" column="1" />
<host name="">
<query />
<searchengine row="1" column="2" />
<row id="0" index="primary" search="true" />
<row id="1" index="none" search="true" />

Now looking at that deployment.xml file, here are some notes that will help you better understand it:

  • The <deployment> tag is a wrapper tag. It has some attributes for you to manage the version, last modified date, etc. Highly recommend you use these attributes for configuration management reasons.
  • The <instanceid> tag can be used by SCOM.
  • The <connector-databaseconnectionstring> is the location where you specify JDBC connection strings if that connector is being used.
  • The <host> tag is a specific server in the farm. Within the <host> tag is where you identify all of the components that will turned on in a specific server. This where <admin>, <document-processor>, <content-distributor>, <indexing-dispatcher>, <crawler>, <webanalyzer>, <searchengine> and <query> are defined. You can read the specification about these tags as they are pretty straight forward in their configuration.
  • The <searchengine> tag is the most important component tag when comes to understanding how many Indexing and Query Matching servers there are. In the <searchengine> tag, you specify the row number and column number however you do not specify here if the Indexing and/or Query Matching components are turned on. This is done in correlation with the <searchcluster> and <row> tags.
  • The <searchcluster> tag is an important tag that is used to wrap the <row> tag. Earlier in this series I presented a diagram that discusses columns and rows. These <row> tags are used to define the number of Indexing and Query Matching component rows that are being used in the farm configuration.
  • A <row> tag can be defined as a primary, secondary or none using the index attributed. There can only be one primary index row. Marking the <row> tag as primary indicates this is the primary row of servers with Indexing components. Marking the <row> tag as secondary means the row is redundant index row. Finally, marking the <row> tag with the value of “none” means there is no Indexing components on this row.
  • The <row> tag also has an attribute called search which can be true or false. If marked true, Query Matching component is deployed on that row.
  • So here are some examples of the <row> tag which find critical to understanding the deployment. There are more permutations however these are the ones you will run up against the most:
    • <row id="0" index="primary" search="true" /> - this means this is a primary row with the Indexing component. As well there are Query Matching components on that row.
    • <row id="0" index="primary" search="false" /> - this means this row is completely dedicated to indexing.
    • <row id="1" index="secondary" search="true" /> - this means this second row has redundant Indexing components and the primary purpose of this row is for Query Matching components.
    • <row id="2" index="none" search="true" /> - this means this row is completely dedicated to Query Matching components only.
  • The <row> tag is tightly correlated back to the <searchengine> tag. Having a <searchengine> tag defined for <host> tag indicates that row will have Indexing and/or Query Matching components. As you can see, the <row> tag actually controls which one is active on that server.




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com.bes.enterprise.appserv.deployment.exception.StartupFailedException: Exception occurred while starting the application. at com.bes.enterprise.appserv.deployment.manager.AppDeployManager$ at com.bes.enterprise.appserv.deployment.manager.AppDeployManager.applyDeploymentContext( at com.bes.enterprise.appserv.deployment.manager.AppDeployManager.doLoad( at com.bes.enterprise.appserv.deployment.manager.ApplicationLifecycle.load( at com.bes.enterprise.appserv.deployment.AppDeployer.load( at com.bes.enterprise.appserv.deployment.handler.EnableApplicationHandler.doLoad( at com.bes.enterprise.appserv.deployment.handler.EnableApplicationHandler.load( at com.bes.enterprise.appserv.deployment.handler.EnableApplicationHandler.doApplicationProcess( at com.bes.enterprise.appserv.deployment.handler.AbstractApplicationHandler$ at com.bes.enterprise.appserv.deployment.handler.AbstractApplicationHandler$ at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at at com.bes.enterprise.appserv.deployment.handler.AbstractApplicationHandler$ Caused by: com.bes.enterprise.ejb.BESException: Creating application failed: /besweb/webapp/prpall: ContainerBase.addChild: start: com.bes.enterprise.webtier.LifecycleException: Failed to start component [WebEngine[com.bes.appserv].VirtualHost[server].DefaultContext[/prpall]] at com.bes.enterprise.ejb.assembler.classic.assemblercontext.ApplicationDeployer.doCreateApplication( at com.bes.enterprise.ejb.assembler.classic.assemblercontext.ApplicationDeployer.createApplication( at com.bes.enterprise.ejb.assembler.classic.assemblercontext.ApplicationDeployer.createApplication( at com.bes.enterprise.ejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication( at com.bes.enterprise.appserv.deployment.manager.AppDeployManager$ ... 14 more Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addChild: start: com.bes.enterprise.webtier.LifecycleException: Failed to start component [WebEngine[com.bes.appserv].VirtualHost[server].DefaultContext[/prpall]] at com.bes.enterprise.webtier.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal( at com.bes.enterprise.webtier.core.ContainerBase.addChild( at com.bes.enterprise.webtier.core.DefaultHost.addChild( at com.bes.enterprise.webext.BESWebAppBuilder.deployWebApps( at com.bes.enterprise.ejb.assembler.classic.assemblercontext.ApplicationDeployer.deployWebApps( at com.bes.enterprise.ejb.assembler.classic.assemblercontext.ApplicationDeployer.doCreateApplication( ... 18 more




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