

cdimage.exe -lMyCD -t07/23/2019,11:07:00 -g -h -n -o -m H:\XP D:\23.iso

CDIMAGE 2.54 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2007. All rights reserved.
For Microsoft internal use only.

Scanning source tree
Scanning source tree complete (2 files in 1 directories)

Computing directory information complete

Image file is 67584 bytes (before optimization)

Writing 2 files in 1 directories to D:\23.iso

100% complete

Storage optimization saved 0 files, 0 bytes (0% of image)

After optimization, image file is 67584 bytes

WARNING: This image contains filenames and/or directory names that are
 NOT COMPATIBLE with Windows NT 3.51. If compatibility with
 Windows NT 3.51 is required, use the -nt switch rather than
 the -n switch.












CDIMAGE 2.47 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2000.  All rights reserved.
For Microsoft internal use only.

Usage: CDIMAGE [options] sourceroot targetfile

       -l  volume label, no spaces (e.g. -lMYLABEL)
       -t  time stamp for all files and directories, no spaces, any delimiter
             (e.g. -t12/31/2000,15:01:00)
       -g  encode GMT time for files rather than local time
       -h  include hidden files and directories
       -n  allow long filenames (longer than DOS 8.3 names)
       -nt allow long filenames, restricted to NT 3.51 compatibility
             (-nt and -d cannot be used together)
       -d  don't force lowercase filenames to uppercase
       -c  use ANSI filenames versus OEM filenames from source
       -j1 encode Joliet Unicode filenames AND generate DOS-compatible 8.3
             filenames in the ISO-9660 name space (can be read by either
             Joliet systems or conventional ISO-9660 systems, but some of the
             filenames in the ISO-9660 name space might be changed to comply
             with DOS 8.3 and/or ISO-9660 naming restrictions)
       -j2 encode Joliet Unicode filenames without standard ISO-9660 names
             (requires a Joliet operating system to read files from the CD)
           When using the -j1 or -j2 options, the -n, -nt, and -d options
             do not apply and cannot be used.
       -js non-Joliet "readme.txt" file for images encoded with -j2 option
             (e.g. -jsc:\location\readme.txt). This file will be visible as
             the only file in the root directory of the disc on systems that
             do not support the Joliet format (Windows 3.1, NT 3.x, etc).
       -u1 encode "UDF-Bridge" media
       -u2 encode "UDF" file system without a mirror ISO-9660 file system
             (requires a UDF capable operating system to read the files)
       -ur non-UDF "readme.txt" file for images encoded with -u2 option
             (e.g. -usc:\location\readme.txt). This file will be visible as
             the only file in the root directory of the disc on systems that
             do not support the UDF format.
       -us sparse UDF files
       -ue embed file data in UDF extent entry
       -uf embed UDF FID entries
       -uv UDF Video Zone compatibility enforced
       -b  "El Torito" boot sector file, no spaces
             (e.g. -bc:\location\cdboot.bin)
       -p  Platform ID for the "El Torito" boot catalog
       -e  Do not set floppy emulation mode in El Torito boot catalog
       -s  sign image file with digital signature (no spaces, provide RPC
             server and endpoint name like -sServerName:EndPointName)
       -x  compute and encode "AutoCRC" values in image
       -o  optimize storage by encoding duplicate files only once
       -oc slower duplicate file detection using binary comparisons rathB     -y  test option followed by number (e.g. -y1), used to generate
             non-standard variations of ISO-9660 for testing purposes:
           1 encode trailing version number ';1' on filenames (7.5.1)
           2 round directory sizes to multiples of 2K (
           5 write \i386 directory files first, in reverse sort order
           6 allow directory records to be exactly aligned at ends of sectors
               (ISO-9660 conformant but breaks MSCDEX)
           7 warn about generated shortnames for 16-bit apps under NT 4.0
           b blocksize 512 bytes rather than 2048 bytes
           d suppress warning for non-identical files with same initial 64K
           l UDF - long ads used in file entries instead of short ads
           r UDF - number of ad's is random
           w open source files with write sharing
           t load segment in hex for El Torito boot image (e.g. -yt7C0)
           f use a faster way to generate short names
       -k  (keep) create image even if fail to open some of the source files
       -m  ignore maximum image size of 681,984,000 bytes
       -a  allocation summary shows file and directory sizes
       -q  scan source files only, don't create an image file

       NOTE: Many of these options allow you to create CD images
             that are NOT compliant with ISO-9660 and may also
             NOT be compatibile with one or more operating systems.
             If you want strict ISO and DOS compliance, use the -w2
             warning level and correct any discrepencies reported.
             YOU are responsible for insuring that any generated CDs
             are compatible with all appropriate operating systems.
             Also note that Microsoft company information is placed
             in the image volume header, so don't use this program
             to generate CDs for companies other than Microsoft.

CDIMAGE 2.52 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2000. All rights reserved. For Microsoft internal use only. Usage: CDIMAGE [options] sourceroot targetfile -l volume label, no spaces (e.g. -lMYLABEL) -t time stamp for all files and directories, no spaces, any delimiter (e.g. -t12/31/2000,15:01:00) -g encode GMT time for files rather than local time -h include hidden files and directories -n allow long filenames (longer than DOS 8.3 names) -nt allow long filenames, restricted to NT 3.51 compatibility (-nt and -d cannot be used together) -d don't force lowercase filenames to uppercase -c use ANSI filenames versus OEM filenames from source -j1 encode Joliet Unicode filenames AND generate DOS-compatible 8.3 filenames in the ISO-9660 name space (can be read by either Joliet systems or conventional ISO-9660 systems, but some of the filenames in the ISO-9660 name space might be changed to comply with DOS 8.3 and/or ISO-9660 naming restrictions) -j2 encode Joliet Unicode filenames without standard ISO-9660 names (requires a Joliet operating system to read files from the CD) When using the -j1 or -j2 options, the -n, -nt, and -d options do not apply and cannot be used. -js non-Joliet "readme.txt" file for images encoded with -j2 option (e.g. -jsc:\location\readme.txt). This file will be visible as the only file in the root directory of the disc on systems that do not support the Joliet format (Windows 3.1, NT 3.x, etc). -u1 encode "UDF-Bridge" media -u2 encode "UDF" file system without a mirror ISO-9660 file system (requires a UDF capable operating system to read the files) -ur non-UDF "readme.txt" file for images encoded with -u2 option (e.g. -usc:\location\readme.txt). This file will be visible as the only file in the root directory of the disc on systems that do not support the UDF format. -us sparse UDF files -ue embed file data in UDF extent entry -uf embed UDF FID entries -uv UDF Video Zone compatibility enforced -b "El Torito" boot sector file, no spaces (e.g. -bc:\location\cdboot.bin) -p Platform ID for the "El Torito" boot catalog -e Do not set floppy emulation mode in El Torito boot catalog -s sign image file with digital signature (no spaces, provide RPC server and endpoint name like -sServerName:EndPointName) -x compute and encode "AutoCRC" values in image -o optimize storage by encoding duplicate files only once -oc slower duplicate file detection using binary comparisons rather than MD5 hash values -oi ignore diamond compression timestamps when comparing files -os show duplicate files while creating image (-o options can be combined like -ocis) -w warning level followed by number (e.g. -w4) 1 report non-ISO or non-Joliet compliant filenames or depth 2 report non-DOS compliant filenames 3 report zero-length files 4 report each file name copied to image -y test option followed by number (e.g. -y1), used to generate non-standard variations of ISO-9660 for testing purposes: 1 encode trailing version number ';1' on filenames (7.5.1) 2 round directory sizes to multiples of 2K ( 5 write \i386 directory files first, in reverse sort order 6 allow directory records to be exactly aligned at ends of sectors (ISO-9660 conformant but breaks MSCDEX) 7 warn about generated shortnames for 16-bit apps under NT 4.0 b blocksize 512 bytes rather than 2048 bytes d suppress warning for non-identical files with same initial 64K l UDF - long ads used in file entries instead of short ads r UDF - number of ad's is random w open source files with write sharing t load segment in hex for El Torito boot image (e.g. -yt7C0) f use a faster way to generate short names -k (keep) create image even if fail to open some of the source files -m ignore maximum image size of 681,984,000 bytes -a allocation summary shows file and directory sizes -q scan source files only, don't create an image file NOTE: Many of these options allow you to create CD images that are NOT compliant with ISO-9660 and may also NOT be compatibile with one or more operating systems. If you want strict ISO and DOS compliance, use the -w2 warning level and correct any discrepencies reported. YOU are responsible for insuring that any generated CDs are compatible with all appropriate operating systems. Also note that Microsoft company information is placed in the image volume header, so don't use this program
CDIMAGE 2.52 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2000. All rights reserved. For Microsoft internal use only. Usage: CDIMAGE [options] sourceroot targetfile -l volume label, no spaces (e.g. -lMYLABEL) -t time stamp for all files and directories, no spaces, any delimiter (e.g. -t12/31/2000,15:01:00) -g encode GMT time for files rather than local time -h include hidden files and directories -n allow long filenames (longer than DOS 8.3 names) -nt allow long filenames, restricted to NT 3.51 compatibility (-nt and -d cannot be used together) -d don't force lowercase filenames to uppercase -c use ANSI filenames versus OEM filenames from source -j1 encode Joliet Unicode filenames AND generate DOS-compatible 8.3 filenames in the ISO-9660 name space (can be read by either Joliet systems or conventional ISO-9660 systems, but some of the filenames in the ISO-9660 name space might be changed to comply with DOS 8.3 and/or ISO-9660 naming restrictions) -j2 encode Joliet Unicode filenames without standard ISO-9660 names (requires a Joliet operating system to read files from the CD) When using the -j1 or -j2 options, the -n, -nt, and -d options do not apply and cannot be used. -js non-Joliet "readme.txt" file for images encoded with -j2 option (e.g. -jsc:\location\readme.txt). This file will be visible as the only file in the root directory of the disc on systems that do not support the Joliet format (Windows 3.1, NT 3.x, etc). -u1 encode "UDF-Bridge" media -u2 encode "UDF" file system without a mirror ISO-9660 file system (requires a UDF capable operating system to read the files) -ur non-UDF "readme.txt" file for images encoded with -u2 option (e.g. -usc:\location\readme.txt). This file will be visible as the only file in the root directory of the disc on systems that do not support the UDF format. -us sparse UDF files -ue embed file data in UDF extent entry -uf embed UDF FID entries -uv UDF Video Zone compatibility enforced -b "El Torito" boot sector file, no spaces (e.g. -bc:\location\cdboot.bin) -p Platform ID for the "El Torito" boot catalog -e Do not set floppy emulation mode in El Torito boot catalog -s sign image file with digital signature (no spaces, provide RPC server and endpoint name like -sServerName:EndPointName) -x compute and encode "AutoCRC" values in image -o optimize storage by encoding duplicate files only once -oc slower duplicate file detection using binary comparisons rather than MD5 hash values -oi ignore diamond compression timestamps when comparing files -os show duplicate files while creating image (-o options can be combined like -ocis) -w warning level followed by number (e.g. -w4) 1 report non-ISO or non-Joliet compliant filenames or depth 2 report non-DOS compliant filenames 3 report zero-length files 4 report each file name copied to image -y test option followed by number (e.g. -y1), used to generate non-standard variations of ISO-9660 for testing purposes: 1 encode trailing version number ';1' on filenames (7.5.1) 2 round directory sizes to multiples of 2K ( 5 write \i386 directory files first, in reverse sort order 6 allow directory records to be exactly aligned at ends of sectors (ISO-9660 conformant but breaks MSCDEX) 7 warn about generated shortnames for 16-bit apps under NT 4.0 b blocksize 512 bytes rather than 2048 bytes d suppress warning for non-identical files with same initial 64K l UDF - long ads used in file entries instead of short ads r UDF - number of ad's is random w open source files with write sharing t load segment in hex for El Torito boot image (e.g. -yt7C0) f use a faster way to generate short names -k (keep) create image even if fail to open some of the source files -m ignore maximum image size of 681,984,000 bytes -a allocation summary shows file and directory sizes -q scan source files only, don't create an image file NOTE: Many of these options allow you to create CD images that are NOT compliant with ISO-9660 and may also NOT be compatibile with one or more operating systems. If you want strict ISO and DOS compliance, use the -w2 warning level and correct any discrepencies reported. YOU are responsible for insuring that any generated CDs are compatible with all appropriate operating systems. Also note that Microsoft company information is placed in the image volume header, so don't use this program to generate CDs for companies other than Microsoft.
CDimage 是一款镜像制作工具,出自微软。它是微软内部“专用的”ISO 封装工具,不向外提供;所以,我们平时所看到的、使用的都是从微软内部泄露出来的~!!CDimage是系统整合不可少的利器,大大节省了光盘存放空间;我们平时见的"N合1”光盘大都是由CDimage(或内置CDimage内核的光盘工具,如Easyboot等)创建的。 但是我想网友们最关心的或许并不是以上问题,而是“CDimage到底能不能封装出SHA1值和官方一致的ISO镜像?”。下面我们就来说说CDimage的用法--其实你英文好的话用help命令查看即可!以下是常用参数[2.47版]的中文说明: -l 卷标,无空格(例如:-lMYLABEL) -t 所有目录和文件的时间标记,无空格,任意分隔符(例如:-t12/31/2000,15:01:00) -g 把文件时间从本地时间转换为GMT时间 -h 包含隐藏的文件和目录 -n 允许长文件名(比DOS的8.3文件名长) -nt 允许长文件名,与NT3.51兼容(-nt与-d不能同时使用) -d 不强制转换文件名的小写字母为大写字母 -c 使用ANSI文件名,不用源OEM文件名 -b "El Torito"光盘启动文件,无空格(例如:-bc:\location\cdboot.bin) -p "El Torito"启动目录的平台ID -e 在El Torito启动目录中不要设置软盘模拟方式 -s 在镜像文件中签上数字签名(无空格,给出RPC服务器名和结束点名称,像这样-sServerName:EndPointName) -x 在镜像中计算并制作"AutoCRC"值 -o 优化容量:重复的文件只制作一次 -y 试验选项,跟一个数字(例如:-y1),为试验的目的而产生ISO-9660的非标准变化: 1 在文件名后续加版本号';1'(7.5.1) 2 圆整目录大小为2K的倍数( 5 先写\i386目录,逆序 6 允许目录记录正好排到扇区结束点(符合ISO-96606.8.1.1但是突破了MSCDEX) 7 产生NT4.0下的16位应用程序时报警 -oc 更慢的重复文件探测方式:二进制比较而不是MD5哈西值 -oi 比较文件时忽略diamond压缩时间标记 -os 建立镜像时显示重复的文件(-o选项可以组合,像这样:-ocis) -k (keep)即使某些源文件打开失败也生成镜像 -m 忽略镜像文件最大681,984,000bytes的限制 -a 《分配概要》显示文件和目录的大小 -q 只扫描源文件,不建立镜像文件




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


