

Day 20: Weekly challenge. Persistent player data. Java date woes.

Weekly challenge will be to collect some amount of stars during a week and get some nice reward, like 8 atomic bombs, 5 shields or similar. I made a nice gold star in Gimp. I tried different particle effects on it and also some diffused star-light, but it did not look really good. So I went back to the particle effect used for powerups and tweaked that until I got something distinct for the star. Stars show up on their own pacing, so you can have both a star and a powerup on the screen at the same time.

Weekly Challenge

I also worked on loading and saving player data. It was much easier than I expected. I expected to have to learn some Android data storage API, but for simple key-value storage, libGDX provides the Preferences class. Just init with:

Preferences prefs = Gdx.app.getPreferences("DroneInvaders");

and then use get("key", defaultValute) and set(key, value) to read and write the values.

The only thing I had problems with are the dates. To keep track of daily and weekly challenges, the game stores the date of last play. When player launches the game, it compares that and resets some counters. Theoretically, I could prevent players from changing the system's calendar to past date, but I don't want to. What I am doing, is setting new set of daily and weekly challenges when day rolls over and resetting the counters for number of stars and letters picked up.

To make that work, I had to get the day difference between the previous play and current date. It matters whether it's the same day, exactly one day apart or more than one day. Googling got me to various websites and StackOverflow questions. Answers are funny. Many programmers simply calculate difference in seconds and then divide by 60 * 60 * 24 to get the days, completely ignorant about issues with daylight savings and leap seconds. One could argue that it does not matter that much for a game, but still getting many bug reports twice a year doesn't sound like fun to me. Some other guys simply count the days by adding one-by-one from start until they reach the end. While those loops might look correct, they still miss sometimes as they do not take the time out of the calculation. If one object stored 01.Jan at 5am, and you calculate it vs 02.Jan at 23pm, adding one day to first object is still less than the second, so they add two and get 2 day difference.

One of the tricks I use in this situation is to always set the time of the earlier Date to be something like 10am, and set the time for the later Date object to 5pm. Since daylight changes always happen at night, this is safe. And we also have 7 hours in between, just in case someone in future decides to do daylight saving changes in the middle of the day.




Weekly Challenge


Preferences prefs = Gdx.app.getPreferences("DroneInvaders");

然后使用get("key", defaultValute) and set(key, value)的方式来读取和写入数据。





夏时制(Daylight Saving Time:DST):又称“日光节约时制”和“夏令时间”,是一种为节约能源而人为规定地方时间的制度,在这一制度实行期间所采用的统一时间称为“夏令时间”。一般在天亮早的夏季人为将时间提前一小时,可以使人早起早睡,减少照明量,以充分利用光照资源,从而节约照明用电。各个采纳夏时制的国家具体规定不同。目前全世界有近110个国家每年要实行夏令时。 自2011年3月27日开始俄罗斯永久使用夏令时,把时间拨快一小时,不再调回。

闰秒:是指为保持协调世界时接近于世界时时刻,由国际计量局统一规定在年底或年中(也可能在季末)对协调世界时增加或减少1秒的调整。由于地球自转的不均匀性和长期变慢性(主要由潮汐摩擦引起的),会使世界时(民用时)和原子时之间相差超过到0.9秒时,就把世界时向前拨1秒(负闰秒,最后一分钟为59秒)或向后拨1秒(正闰秒,最后一分钟为61秒); 闰秒一般加在公历年末或公历六月末。2012年3月,中科院国家授时中心宣布我国7月1日进行闰秒调整,届时将现7:59:60。








当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


