
考纲 目录:https://blog.csdn.net/dkbnull/article/details/87933295



(一) 概念和术语

Computer,hardware,  CPU , Memory ,software,operating system ,compiler,LAN, WAN,Wi-Fi, Internet,e-mail, POP,SMTP, Ethernet,wireless ,clock cycle,instruction,s olid state storage,USB port,peripheral devices,Windows , reserved word ,UI,partitions ,folders,virtualmemory,hard disc, clusters,HTTP,Web server,HTML document, VoIP,RAM, ROM,EPROM, SDRAM, Bit,ByteKB,MB,GB,TB, USB, programming languages,high-level languages,machine language,source code, interpreter , Keyboard, Pointingdevice, mouse, pointing stick, Touch screen, IP address ,Application Software,Utility Software,Device Drivers,Document Production Software,Spreadsheet Software,“Number Crunching” Software,Database,Graphics Software,software suite, Shareware,Freeware,Open source,Computer virus,worm, Trojan,Spyware,Operating System ,proceeding,threading,Multithreading,Multi-core,Multitasking,Multithreading, Multiprocessing,Single-user operating system,Multiuser operating system,Server operating system,Desktop operating system,User Interfaces,Menus, submenus, dialog boxes, Network Devices,Clients, Servers, Packetswitching,Network protocols, Network topology ,Peer-to-peer,Personal Area Network (PAN) LAN, MAN, WAN,WLAN,ARCnet,Token Ring,FDDI,Ethernet,Star,Ring,Broadband,Circuit-switching,Packet switching,MAC address,Internet Protocols ,IP address, router, Bluetooth,TCP, IP, UDP, HTTP,  FTP, Domain, dial-upconnection, modem, Cable Internet service, Wi-Fi Hotspots, Portable and MobileWiMAX , Real-Time Messaging , Instant messaging (IM), Grid Computing, Filesharing, Web, Search Engines, E-commerce, E-mail, HTML, XHTML, DHTML,XML,WebBrowsers,Cookies, Web Page , Web 2.0, URL, A Web crawler, Online Shopping,Online Auctions, Online Payment, B2C ,C2C ,B2B, B2G



1.        A bit is a binary digit, such as a 1 or 0.   T

2.        A  computer  can work without a memory.  F

3. is a valid IP address. T

4.        A computer network is a group of computers linked bywired or wireless technology to share data and resources.         T

5.        Digital technologies and communications networks make iteasy to cross cultural and geographic boundaries  T

6.        A WAN provides connectivity within a limited geographicalarea, usually spread over several buildings.  F 80miles

7.        A compiler converts and executes one statement at a timewhile the program is running.  F

8.        A microprocessor is an integrated circuit designed toprocess instructions  T

9.        Word processing software and operating systems areexamples of application software.  F

10.    The Web is a collection of linked documents, graphics,and sounds that can be accessed over the Internet  T

11.    A computer’s operating system is a type of applicationsoftware. F

12.    The Internet backbone is a network of high-capacitycommunications links that provides the main routes for data traffic across theInternet. T

13.    The computers and software that store and distribute Webpages are called Web clients. F

14.    For many client-based e-mail systems, a POP serverhandles incoming mail, and a SMTP server handles outgoing mail. T

15.    Ethernet simultaneously broadcasts datapackets to all network devices.   T

16.    Wireless networks are more safe than wired networks.  F

17.    IP breaks a message or file into packets. F

18.    A clock cycle is the smallest unit oftime in a microprocessor’s universe, and each instruction requiresexactly one clock cycle.      F

19.    Solid state storage is a technology thatstores data in erasable, rewritable circuitry. T

20.    Today, most peripheral devicesare connected to a computer by USB port.         T

21.    When using Windows, you cannot use a reservedword, such as Aux, as a file name.        T

22.    In a hard disk, partitions are the same thing as folders.   F

23.    Too much dependence on virtual memory can have a negativeeffect on your computer's performance because getting data from a mechanicaldevice is much slower than getting data from an electronic device.        T

24.    When a file is deleted, the clusters that contain thefile are erased immediately.                F

25.    Wi-Fi is not compatible with Ethernet.        F

26.    In an HTTP communication, your browseropens a socket, connects to a similar open socket atthe Web server, and issues a command, such as"send me an HTML document".   T

27.    Today’s VoIP systems allow you to use astandard telephone handset to make or receive calls.      T

28.    Most people are aware of theprivacy issues associated with location-enabled devices.      F

29.    Public key encryption uses a public key to encryptmessages, but a private key is required to decrypt messages. T

30.    Downloaded software is usuallyzipped to decrease download time.    T

31.    A software worm can replicateitself.     T

32.    Utility software is a type ofapplication software.  F

33.    Database software providestools for specifying fields for a series of records.     T

34.    Security software is designedto protect computers from various forms of destructive software andunauthorized intrusions         T

35.    TCP, IP, UDP, HTTP, and FTP are examples of protocolsused on the Internet.    T

36.    In a network, a server is a computer that providesservices to other computers called peersa.       

37.    Wireless networks are less secure than wired networks.        T

38.    http://www.sdu.edu.cn is an example of a URL.      T

39.    A Web page is the product oroutput of one or more Web-based files displayed in a format similar to a pagein a book.     T

40.    Portable Internet accessincludes Mobile WiMAX and Wi-Fi. F



1.        Digitization: Digitization is the process of converting text, numbers, sound,photos, and video into data that can be processed by digital devices.


2.        DBMS:DatabaseManagement System数据库管理系统

3.        Data:  Data refersto the symbols that represent facts, objects, and ideas.


4.       Memory:  Memory is an area of a computer thattemporarily holds data waiting to be processed, stored, or output.


5.        Motherboard:The motherboard is the computer's maincircuit board and it houses all essential chips and provides connectingcircuitry between them


6.        Smartphone: A smartphone now is defined as a personal digital device that inaddition to voice communication, includes features such as full qwerty keypad,text messaging, e-mail, Web access, removable storage, camera, FM radio,digital music player, and many software options, financial management, personalorganizer, GPS, and maps,etc..

智能手机是有包括语音通讯在内,标准袖珍键盘、文本信息、电子邮件、Web接入、移动存储、摄像头、无线调频广播、数字音乐播放器,以及游戏、财务管理、个人 记事本、GPS和电子地图等软件功能的数字设备。

7.        TCP/IP is the primary protocolsuite responsible for message transmission on the Internet. TCP (TransmissionControl Protocol) breaks a message or file into packets. IP (Internet Protocol)is responsible for addressing packets so they can be routed to theirdestination.

TCP/IP 是指负责因特网上消息传输的主协议组。TCP能够将消息或文件分成包,IP负责各种包加上地址以便它们能够路由到各自目的地。

8.        Application software  Application software is a set of computerprograms that helps a person carry out a task.


9.        Source code:  Source code is a kind ofhuman-readable version of a program created in a high-level language by aprogrammer.


10.     User ID: A user ID isa series of characters—letters and possibly numbers or special symbols—thatbecomes a person’s unique identifier.


11.     Graphics software:  A kind ofsoftware designed to help you create, manipulate, and print, normally includespaint software, photo editing software, drawing software,3-D graphics software,CAD software, presentation software.


12.       Save As:  It is an fileoperation option that allows you to select a name and storage device for afile, whereas the Save option simply displays the latest version of a fileunder its current name and at its current location.


13.    Computer program  A computer program is refer to as the seriesof instructions that tells a computer how to carry out processing  tasks.


14.    E-commerce : Electronic Commerce,business of buyingand selling products online.


15.  peer-to-peer: A peer-to-peer network (sometimes called P2P)treats every computer as an “equal” so that workstations can store network data, which can betransported directly to other workstations without passing through a centralserver.


16.    executablefile:An executable file contains the programs or instructionsthat tell a computer how to perform a specific task.


17.    Computer:  Acomputer is a multipurpose device that accepts input, processes data, storesdata, and produces output, all according to a series of stored instructions计算机是一种在储存的指令集的控制下,接受输入、处理数据、存储数据并产生输出的多用途设备。

18.    Searchengine:A search engine contains four components: a Web crawler,an indexing utility, a database, and a query processor.


19.    ROM BIOS:Basic Input OutputSystem stored on ROM chip, tellthe computer how to access the hard disk, find the operating system, and loadit into RAM


20.     Boot:Power-onself-test、Identify peripheral devices andoperating system loading



1.       What is the digital revolution? How it happens?


ANS: The digital revolution is anongoing process of social, political, and economic change brought about bydigital technology, such as computers and the Internet. And it revolvesaround a constellation of technologies, including digital electronics, computers,communications networks, the Web, and digitization

2.          What are the differences between RAMand hard-disk storage?


3.  Describe the HTML .


4.          What is the difference between vertical market softwareand horizontal market software? Provide at least one example of each kind ofsoftware.


Eg.student recordmanagement software

Accounting software

5.          Why do ASCII and Extended ASCII provide codes for 0, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9? Are’nt these numbers represented by the binarynumber system?


6.          Describe the characteristics of viruses, Trojan horses,worms, and Denial of Service attacks.





7.  How many E-commerce forms are there? 4


8.          What should you consider if your network stops working?






9.  Describe the E-mail technology.


10.       What is an always-onconnection? Why is it convenient?



11.  What is the user interface?


12.       List at least 5protocols used on the Internet and their function.








13.  What is the Web 2.0?

Web 2.0是指代一些新兴的对Web的创造性使用方式。

14.       Discuss the use ofsupport programs and data files as a component of software.



15.  What is the Web Browser ? Plsease list atleast 5 web browsers you know.


 IE Firefox   Google Chrome  搜狗浏览器 360安全浏览器 

 16. Describe how Search Engine works .搜素引擎包括四个部分:爬网程序、索引程序、数据库和查询器。爬网程序可以遍寻Web以收集网页内容的数据。索引程序会处理爬网程序收集的信息,将其转换成储存在数据库中关键字列表和URL列表。查询器允许用户通过关键字访问数据库并产生一个网页列表,列表包含查询的相关内容。

17.  Describe a typical shopping session.

In a typical shopping session,you connect to an online storefront and usenavigation controls to browse through the merchant’s catalog. As you browse,youcan  drop items into your electronicshopping cart. At the checkout counter ,you enter the information necessary topay for the items you selected.

18.  How thedial-up connection works in Internet?


19.  What isthe difference between portable Internet access and mobile Internet access?便携式因特网接入是指能够方便地将因特网设备从一个位置移动到另一个位置;移动互联网接入是指用户在走动或者乘坐交通工具时可为用户提供不间断因特网连接。

20.     Compare storage devices using four criteria:versatility, durability, speed, and capacity.比较存储设备一般使用4个指标:通用性,耐用性,存储速度,存储容量。





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