抢先下载:Windows XP SP3英文预览版

2007-08-09 15:20 作者: 驱动之家 出处: 论坛整理 责任编辑:原野 

Windows XP SP3和Windows Vista SP1近日都已经进入了内部测试阶段,一些媒体和软件测试人员已经拿到了相关补丁,WinBeta今日放出了一个WindowsXP SP3英文预览版的BT文件,从文件名称上我们可以到正是此前截图已经曝光的Build.3180版本。有尝鲜需求的朋友可以下载试用一下,注意这是英文版SP3,万万不可应用到中文系统上。(摘自 http://os.yesky.com/win/286/3482786.shtml

  英文版SP3补丁名称为windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-enu.exe,大小332 MB,解压后共有2,921个文件(552 MB)。安装过程中会备份2,848个文件(456 MB)到C:/WINDOWS/$NtServicePackUninstall$目录下。

下载:Windows XP SP3英文预览版




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Windows-KB841290-x86-ENU.exe MD5值:58dc4df814685a165f58037499c89e76 --------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.0 File Name: Windows-KB841290-x86-ENU.exe Date Published: 8/22/2012 File Size: 117 KB ---------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft (R) File Checksum Integrity Verifier V2.05 README file ================================================================ 1.What is File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV)? 2.Features. 3.Syntax. 4.Database storage format. 5.Verification. 6.History. 1.What is fciv? --------------- Fciv is a command line utility that computes and verifies hashes of files. It computes a MD5 or SHA1 cryptographic hash of the content of the file. If the file is modified, the hash is different. With fciv, you can compute hashes of all your sensitive files. When you suspect that your system has been compromised, you can run a verification to determine which files have been modified. You can also schedule verifications regularily. 2.Features: ----------- - Hash algorithm: MD5 , SHA1 or both ( default MD5). - Display to screen or store hash and filename in a xml file. - Can recursively browse a directory ( ex fciv.exe c:\ -r ). - Exception list to specify files or directories that should not be computed. - Database listing. - hashes and signature verifications. - store filename with or without full path. 3.Syntax: --------- Usage: fciv.exe [Commands] Commands: ( Default -add ) -add : Compute hash and send to output (default screen). dir options: -r : recursive. -type : ex: -type *.exe. -exc file: list of directories that should not be computed. -wp : Without full path name. ( Default store full path) -bp : base path. The base path is removed from the path name of each entry -list : List entries in the database. -v : Verify hashes. : Option: -bp basepath. -? -h -help : Extended Help. Options: -md5 | -sha1 | -both : Specify hashtype, default md5. -xml db : Specify database format and name. To display the MD5 hash of a file, type fciv.exe filename Compute hashes: fciv.exe c:\mydir\myfile.dll fciv.exe c:\ -r -exc exceptions.txt -sha1 -xml dbsha.xml fciv.exe c:\mydir -type *.exe fciv.exe c:\mydir -wp -both -xml db.xml List hashes stored in database: fciv.exe -list -sha1 -xml db.xml Verifications: fciv.exe -v -sha1 -xml db.xml fciv.exe -v -bp c:\mydir -sha1 -xml db.xml 4.Database storage format: -------------------------- xml file. The hash is stored in base 64. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 5.Verification: --------------- You can build a hash database of your sensitive files and verify them regularily or when you suspect that your system has been compromised. It checks each entry stored in the db and verify that the checksum was not modified. 6. History: ----------- Fciv 1.2 : Added event log. Fciv 1.21: Fixed bad keyset error on some computers. Fciv 1.22: Added -type option. Support up to 10 masks. *.exe *.dll ... Fciv 2.0: xml as unique storage. Added -both option. Fciv 2.01: Exit with error code to allow detections of problem in a script. Fciv 2.02: Improved perfs. When both alg are specified, it's now done in one pass. Fciv 2.03: Added -wp and -bp options. Fciv now stores full path or relatives paths. Fciv 2.04: Removed several options to simplify it. Fciv 2.05: Added success message if the verification did not detect any errors.


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