

  如题,VB6.0 下解析Json,用大佬的解析器(https://blog.csdn.net/bakw/article/details/51035338) 解析后返回值为[object Object]。

  估计是内容可能跟示例的不一样,我要解析的 strJson 是:

	"info": [
      { "name": "one", "sex": "two", "age": "three"   },
		"name": "one1",
		"sex": "two1",
		"age": "three1"
	"code": 0,
	"msg": "true"



    取"code":JSONParse("code", strJson)    :返回 "one";


    判断是否存在第n个list记录:JSONParse("info[n-1]", strJson)    :存在返回 "[object Object]"  /  不存在返回 "";

    取第2个List中的"name":JSONParse("info[1].name", strJson)    :返回 "one1"。

 1 Public Function JSONParse(ByVal JSONPath As String, ByVal JSONString As String) As Variant
 2     On Error GoTo ErrH
 3     Dim JSON As Object
 4     Set JSON = CreateObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl")
 5     JSON.Language = "JScript"
 6     JSON.AddCode "var Json = " & JSONString & ";"
 7     JSONParse = JSON.Eval("Json." & JSONPath)
 8     Set JSON = Nothing
 9     Exit Function
10 ErrH:
11     Debug.Print Err.Description
12     Err.Clear
13 End Function



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以下是 VB6 中解析 JSON 字符串的示例代码: ```VB Option Explicit Private Type JsonElement Key As String Value As Variant End Type Private Function ParseJson(ByVal json As String) As Collection Dim elements As New Collection Dim jsonLen As Long Dim i As Long jsonLen = Len(json) i = 1 Do While i <= jsonLen Dim c As String c = Mid(json, i, 1) If c = "{" Then ' Object Dim obj As New Collection i = ParseObject(json, i + 1, obj) elements.Add obj ElseIf c = "[" Then ' Array Dim arr As New Collection i = ParseArray(json, i + 1, arr) elements.Add arr ElseIf c = """" Then ' String Dim value As String i = ParseString(json, i + 1, value) elements.Add value ElseIf c Like "[0-9-]" Then ' Number Dim value As Variant i = ParseNumber(json, i, value) elements.Add value ElseIf c = "t" Or c = "f" Then ' Boolean Dim value As Variant i = ParseBoolean(json, i, value) elements.Add value ElseIf c = "n" Then ' Null Dim value As Variant i = ParseNull(json, i, value) elements.Add value End If i = i + 1 Loop Set ParseJson = elements End Function Private Function ParseObject(ByVal json As String, ByVal startIndex As Long, ByRef obj As Collection) As Long Dim jsonLen As Long Dim i As Long jsonLen = Len(json) i = startIndex Do While i <= jsonLen Dim c As String c = Mid(json, i, 1) If c = "}" Then ' End of object Exit Do If c = """" Then ' Key Dim key As String i = ParseString(json, i + 1, key) i = SkipWhitespace(json, i) If Mid(json, i, 1) <> ":" Then Err.Raise 1001, , "Invalid JSON format: expected colon after object key" End If i = SkipWhitespace(json, i + 1) Dim value As Variant If Mid(json, i, 1) = "{" Then ' Object Dim childObj As New Collection i = ParseObject(json, i + 1, childObj) value = childObj ElseIf Mid(json, i, 1) = "[" Then ' Array Dim arr As New Collection i = ParseArray(json, i + 1, arr) value = arr ElseIf Mid(json, i, 1) = """" Then ' String i = ParseString(json, i + 1, value) ElseIf Mid(json, i, 1) Like "[0-9-]" Then ' Number i = ParseNumber(json, i, value) ElseIf Mid(json, i, 1) = "t" Or Mid(json, i, 1) = "f" Then ' Boolean i = ParseBoolean(json, i, value) ElseIf Mid(json, i, 1) = "n" Then ' Null i = ParseNull(json, i, value) End If obj.Add value, key End If i = i + 1 Loop ParseObject = i End Function Private Function ParseArray(ByVal json As String, ByVal startIndex As Long, ByRef arr As Collection) As Long Dim jsonLen As Long Dim i As Long jsonLen = Len(json) i = startIndex Do While i <= jsonLen Dim c As String c = Mid(json, i, 1) If c = "]" Then ' End of array Exit Do Dim value As Variant If c = "{" Then ' Object Dim childObj As New Collection i = ParseObject(json, i + 1, childObj) value = childObj ElseIf c = "[" Then ' Array Dim childArr As New Collection i = ParseArray(json, i + 1, childArr) value = childArr ElseIf c = """" Then ' String i = ParseString(json, i + 1, value) ElseIf c Like "[0-9-]" Then ' Number i = ParseNumber(json, i, value) ElseIf c = "t" Or c = "f" Then ' Boolean i = ParseBoolean(json, i, value) ElseIf c = "n" Then ' Null i = ParseNull(json, i, value) End If arr.Add value i = SkipWhitespace(json, i) If Mid(json, i, 1) = "," Then i = i + 1 ElseIf Mid(json, i, 1) <> "]" Then Err.Raise 1002, , "Invalid JSON format: expected comma or end of array" End If Loop ParseArray = i End Function Private Function ParseString(ByVal json As String, ByVal startIndex As Long, ByRef value As String) As Long Dim jsonLen As Long Dim i As Long jsonLen = Len(json) i = startIndex Do While i <= jsonLen Dim c As String c = Mid(json, i, 1) If c = """" Then ' End of string Exit Do If c = "\" Then ' Escape sequence Dim nextChar As String nextChar = Mid(json, i + 1, 1) If nextChar = """" Then value = value & """" i = i + 1 ElseIf nextChar = "\" Then value = value & "\" i = i + 1 ElseIf nextChar = "/" Then value = value & "/" i = i + 1 ElseIf nextChar = "b" Then value = value & vbBack i = i + 1 ElseIf nextChar = "f" Then value = value & vbFormFeed i = i + 1 ElseIf nextChar = "n" Then value = value & vbNewLine i = i + 1 ElseIf nextChar = "r" Then value = value & vbCr i = i + 1 ElseIf nextChar = "t" Then value = value & vbTab i = i + 1 ElseIf nextChar = "u" Then Dim hexCode As String hexCode = Mid(json, i + 2, 4) value = value & ChrW("&H" & hexCode) i = i + 5 Else Err.Raise 1003, , "Invalid JSON format: unknown escape sequence" End If Else value = value & c End If i = i + 1 Loop ParseString = i End Function Private Function ParseNumber(ByVal json As String, ByVal startIndex As Long, ByRef value As Variant) As Long Dim jsonLen As Long Dim i As Long jsonLen = Len(json) i = startIndex Do While i <= jsonLen Dim c As String c = Mid(json, i, 1) If c Like "[0-9-+eE.]" Then value = value & c ElseIf c Like "[ },\]]" Then ' End of number Exit Do Else Err.Raise 1004, , "Invalid JSON format: unexpected character in number" End If i = i + 1 Loop value = CDbl(value) ParseNumber = i - 1 End Function Private Function ParseBoolean(ByVal json As String, ByVal startIndex As Long, ByRef value As Variant) As Long Dim jsonLen As Long Dim i As Long jsonLen = Len(json) i = startIndex If Mid(json, i, 4) = "true" Then value = True ParseBoolean = i + 3 ElseIf Mid(json, i, 5) = "false" Then value = False ParseBoolean = i + 4 Else Err.Raise 1005, , "Invalid JSON format: expected boolean" End If End Function Private Function ParseNull(ByVal json As String, ByVal startIndex As Long, ByRef value As Variant) As Long Dim jsonLen As Long Dim i As Long jsonLen = Len(json) i = startIndex If Mid(json, i, 4) = "null" Then value = Null ParseNull = i + 3 Else Err.Raise 1006, , "Invalid JSON format: expected null" End If End Function Private Function SkipWhitespace(ByVal json As String, ByVal startIndex As Long) As Long Dim jsonLen As Long Dim i As Long jsonLen = Len(json) i = startIndex Do While i <= jsonLen And Mid(json, i, 1) Like "[ ]" i = i + 1 Loop SkipWhitespace = i End Function ``` 使用示例: ```VB Dim json As String json = "{""name"":""John"",""age"":30,""city"":""New York"",""pets"":[""dog"",""cat""]}" Dim elements As Collection Set elements = ParseJson(json) Debug.Print elements("name") ' Output: John Debug.Print elements("age") ' Output: 30 Debug.Print elements("city") ' Output: New York Debug.Print elements("pets")(1) ' Output: cat ```


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