import cPickle as p #import pickle as p AddressListfile = '' # the name of the file where we store the information AddressList = {'Xiaopeng Yang': (18000001219, '')} # Write to the file f = file(AddressListfile, 'w') c = p.dump(AddressList, f) #dump the object to a file f.close() del AddressList # remove the AddressList #Read back from the storage d = file(AddressListfile) shoredlist = p.load(d) print shoredlist
================= RESTART: /Users/zhouxin/Desktop/ =================
{'Xiaopeng Yang': (18000001219L, '')}
It also creates
About .data document:
1、数据文件, 可以用txt或word直接打开
About pickle :
you can store any Python object in a file and then get it back later intact. This is called storing the object persistently.
Use the cPickle module to store the objects persistently on your hard disk.