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原创 set memo QA files

words filezbspaceggzbs1ctrl+v+enter ok

2017-02-16 12:04:22 1106

原创 vim onelines to two lines

one line to two lines%s:\v(.).*:&^M&  ctrl+v+ enter button= ^M

2017-02-16 09:59:53 1060

原创 pay attention to \r \n

CR = \rLine FeedLF = \nCarriage Return and Line FeedCRLF = \r\n  linux: only LF \nwindows: \r\n

2017-02-16 03:11:08 1197

原创 vim add some characters according to lines

:%s/^\(.*\)$/"\1"cs: search and replace^\(.*\)$: the linechange to:"old line"c

2017-02-16 02:16:12 1002

原创 remove ^m or show space in filename

^m: when you copy windows file to linux ; will adddos2unix filename: remove them

2017-02-15 12:48:19 965

原创 vim delete spaces for each line


2017-02-15 12:43:01 1119

原创 vim delete all after space for each line


2017-02-15 12:12:43 1088

原创 show the front line

cat filename | head -n 10or tail sed -n '5,10p' filename :show 5-10 lines

2017-02-15 10:44:46 1243

原创 grep not condition

-v: notgrep 'meɪ' top2000.txt | grep -v 'meɪk'\|:  orgrep 'meɪ' top2000.txt | grep -v 'meɪk\|meɪt'

2017-02-15 10:39:59 1300

原创 grep not condition

grep 'meɪ' top2000.txt | grep -v 'meɪk'

2017-02-15 10:34:23 1061

原创 gerp single character

grep 'eɪ./' top2000.txt. : a single character '^d': d start'd$' d end

2017-02-15 09:07:55 1086

原创 firefox copy one column

firfox table2toolselect  one word in the columncopypaste

2017-02-15 06:04:40 1065

原创 vim 每行去掉.后内容

%s/[^.]*//:每行最后一个.后面内容清楚//: 每行最后一个.后面内容清楚 %s/[.]*//清楚最后一个. 继续前两步

2017-02-15 05:01:46 1508

原创 linux 合并文件

cat split0* > original.txt

2017-02-15 04:51:44 1246

原创 linux split files according lines number

split -l 900 filename newfilename

2017-02-15 04:38:41 1025

原创 linux count file lines

wc -l file

2017-02-15 04:36:36 2854

原创 vim delete all blank lines


2017-02-15 04:22:52 1299

原创 vim separate with . and replace all to end of line

:%s/[^.]*//:// :%s/[^1234567890]*//

2017-02-15 04:15:08 1071

原创 vim moving

0 start of one line ^ not blank start of one line $ end of one linegg: the first line of file G: the end line of filee:end of a word w: start of a word W: move a word50G: go to line 50%: match br

2017-02-15 04:14:06 1008

原创 vim delete to end of line or begin of line


2017-02-13 13:48:31 1634

原创 list buffers in vim

How do I get a list of all the existing buffers?You can get a list of all the existing buffers using the “:buffers” or “:ls” or “:files” command. This list is called the ‘buffer list’.To display all th

2017-02-13 10:56:46 1095

原创 vertical open or new file in vim

vert new a.m vs a.m

2017-02-13 10:16:47 1029

原创 vim 行首行尾加字符

每行的行首都添加一个字符串:%s/^/要插入的字符串 每行的行尾都添加一个字符串:%s/$/要插入的字符串解释: % 代表针对被编辑文件的每一行进行后续操作 $ 代表一行的结尾处 ^ 代表一行的开头处

2017-02-12 06:32:56 16179

原创 making a list of numbers vim

5 ctrl A: 当前数字+5:put =range(11,15)

2017-02-12 06:30:18 946

原创 counting files in current dir

determine how many files there are in the current directory, put in ls -l | wc -l.

2017-02-12 05:50:06 1120

原创 vim 多行comment uncomment

ctrl+v: enter visual block select multiple lines I: enter the first line of block input // or # escctrl+v select multiple lines x

2017-02-12 05:15:49 2212

原创 vim 复制一整行 复制多行


2017-02-12 05:04:07 109486 4

原创 vim 删除后面10000行


2017-02-12 05:01:39 1698

原创 vim 去重复行

:sort :sor ur /^/

2017-02-12 04:51:58 2177

原创 vim 按字母顺序排序


2017-02-12 04:43:46 6144 1

原创 vim 按字符长度排序

如果你安有 python3 或者 python 支持的话,可以 :py3 import vim :py3 vim.current.buffer[:] = list(sorted(vim.current.buffer, key=len))

2017-02-12 04:43:03 1713

原创 linux mount umount

sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/Downloads/my.iso /media/iso sudo umount /media/iso

2017-02-10 07:43:54 976

原创 vim commond

undo: u paste: ctrl shift v delete cursor to the word end: dw delete to the end line: D delete the line : dd

2017-02-09 22:38:38 957

原创 vim ctags

find ../linux-3.13/ -name ‘.h’ -o -name ‘.c’ -o -name ‘Makefile’ -o -name ‘.cpp’ -o -name ‘.asm’ -o -name ‘*.S’ > cscope.filescscope -b # this will gives cscope database cscope.outctags -L cscope.files

2017-02-09 22:17:15 890

原创 notepad++ function list not working

here is a functionList.xml file in your %APPDATA% directory. please delete

2017-02-08 05:20:08 1535

原创 alias python=python3

alias python=python3

2017-02-07 04:42:32 5911

原创 python3 install

sudoapt−getinstallbuild−essentialcheckinstall sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall sudo apt-get install libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-d

2017-02-07 01:53:28 1246

原创 python install in linux

sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev Even though python-dev is for python2.7 it will still bring in all the necessary dependencies.You will then need to do:./configure make sudo make inst

2017-02-06 08:04:11 1033



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