#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
* Function: my_strstr()
* Description: 在一个字符串中查找一个子串;
* Input: ps: 源; pd:子串
* Return : 0:源字符串中没有子串; 1:源字符串中有子串;
char * my_strstr(char * ps, char *pd) {
char *pt = pd;
int c = 0;
while (*ps != '\0') {
if (*ps == *pd) {
while (*ps == *pd && *pd != '\0') {
} else {
if (*pd == '\0') {
return (ps - c);
c = 0;
pd = pt;
return 0;
* Function: memcpy()
* Description: 复制一个内存区域到另一个区域;
* Input: src: 源;
count: 复制字节数.
* Output: dest: 复制目的地;
* Return : dest;
void * memcpy(void * dest, const void *src, size_t count) {
char *tmp = (char *) dest, *s = (char *) src;
while (count--)
*tmp++ = *s++;
return dest;
* Function: str_replace()
* Description: 在一个字符串中查找一个子串,并且把所有符合的子串用
* Input: p_source:要查找的母字符串; p_seach要查找的子字符串;
* Output: p_result:存放结果;
* Return : 返回替换成功的子串数量;
* Others: p_result要足够大的空间存放结果,所以输入参数都要以\0结束;
int str_replace(char *p_result, char* p_source, char* p_seach, char *p_repstr) {
int c = 0;
int repstr_leng = 0;
int searchstr_leng = 0;
char *p1;
char *presult = p_result;
char *psource = p_source;
char *prep = p_repstr;
char *pseach = p_seach;
int nLen = 0;
repstr_leng = strlen(prep);
searchstr_leng = strlen(pseach);
do {
p1 = my_strstr(psource, p_seach);
if (p1 == 0) {
strcpy(presult, psource);
return c;
c++; //匹配子串计数加1;
printf("结果:%s\r\n", p_result);
printf("源字符:%s\r\n", p_source);
// 拷贝上一个替换点和下一个替换点中间的字符串
nLen = p1 - psource;
memcpy(presult, psource, nLen);
// 拷贝需要替换的字符串
memcpy(presult + nLen, p_repstr, repstr_leng);
psource = p1 + searchstr_leng;
presult = presult + nLen + repstr_leng;
} while (p1);
return c;
#define MAX 200
int main(void) {
int i = 0;
char s[MAX] = { 0 }; //存放源字串
char s1[MAX] = { 0 }; //存放子字串
char s2[MAX] = { 0 }; //存放替换字串
char result_a[2000] = { 0 }; //存放替换结果;
char *p, *ptm, *pr;
puts("Please input the string for s:");
scanf("%s", s);
puts("Please input the string for s1:");
scanf("%s", s1);
puts("Please input the string for s2:");
scanf("%s", s2);
ptm = s;
pr = result_a;
i = str_replace(pr, ptm, s1, s2);
printf("替换%d个子字符串;\r\n", i);
printf("替换后结果:%s\r\n", result_a);