PB 各种小技巧(三)

31、如何将pb9.0 的datawindow转化为pb 8.0版本的datawindow?答:edit source 将release 9;改为release 8;并删除以下内容:print.printername=""print.canusedefaultprinter=yesprint.cliptext=no print.overrideprintjob=nohidegrayline=noencodeselflinkargs="1"export.xml(headgroups="1" includewhitespace="0" metadatatype=0 savemetadata=0 )import.xml()export.pdf(method=0 distill.custompostscript="0" xslfop.print="0" )

32、如何设置datawindow分组后每个分组中的记录号?答:建立一个计算列,expression为 getrow() - first(getrow() for group 1)+1


34、保存datawindow数据到excel中// ... Init docname // ... GetFileOpenName or any other method if dw_1.SaveAs(docname, HTMLTable!, True) = -1 then MessageBox("Warning", "Unable to export data. Error writing to file!", Exclamation!) return end if // Convert HTML file to Excel native format OLEObject excel excel = CREATE OLEObject if excel.ConnectToObject(docname) = 0 then excel.application.DisplayAlerts = FALSE excel.application.workbooks(1).Parent.Windows(excel.application.workbooks(1).Name).Visible = True excel.application.workbooks(1).saveas(docname, 39) excel.application.workbooks(1).close() end if DESTROY excel // done

35、除了循环以外,有没有更好的方法统计数据窗口中处于选中状态的行数?一般习惯于使用循环来统计数据窗口中处于选中状态的行数,有没有更好的方法? 其实此问题在应用上用处不大,讨论一下,活跃一下思维还是有好处的。 方法一: long ll_Selected ll_Selected = long(dw_1.describe("evaluate('sum( if(IsSelected(), 1, 0) for all)',1)")) 方法二: long ll_Selected ll_Selected = long(dw_1.describe("evaluate('count(IsSelected() for all)',1)"))方法三:upperbound(dw_1.Object.Data.Selected)

36、问:怎么让PB只打印当前记录,是用Free格式制作的数据窗口! 答: DataStore ldt_temp long ll_Row , ll_Rows ll_Rows = dw_XX.Rowcount() If ll_Rows = 0 Then GoTo the_end If ll_Rows = 1 Then dw_XX.Print() GoTo the_end End if dw_XX.SetRedraw(False) ldt_temp = Create DataStore ldt_temp.DataObject = dw_XX.DataObject ll_Row = dw_XX.GetRow() dw_XX.RowsMove(1 , ll_Rows , Primary! , ldt_temp , 1 , Primary!) ldt_temp.RowsMove(ll_Row , ll_Row , Primary! , dw_XX , 1 , Primary!) dw_XX.Print() dw_XX.RowsMove(1 , 1 , Primary! , ldt_temp , ll_Row , Primary!) ldt_temp.RowsMove(1 , ll_Rows , Primary! , dw_XX , 1 , Primary!) Destroy ldt_temp dw_XX.SetRedraw(True) the_end: //只用将上述脚本拷入到打印部分即可,dw_XX为被打印的free型数据窗口,该方法可保证dw_XX中的数据在打印前后包括sort等属性均不发生任何改变,但效率较低,不宜用在数据量太大的数据窗口中,当然,考虑到打印本身速度就比较慢,所以3000行数据是可以采用这种方法并让用户接受的。若在同一窗口上存在与dw_XX共享的grid数据窗口并且与dw_XX同时显示,则需要与dw_one一起SetRedraw()


(1)、辅助函数 $PBExportHeader$f_cncharnum.srf $PBExportComments$得到字符串中汉字或者双字节的个数 global type f_cncharnum from function_ O B J E C T end type forward prototypes global function integer f_cncharnum (string aString) end prototypes global function integer f_cncharnum (string aString); //函数名: f_cncharnum //用途: 返回一个字符串中汉字的个数 //输入: aString - string, 给定的字符串 //返回值: li_num - Integer, 给定的字符串中汉字的个数 //注意: 1. 此方法基于汉字的国标汉字库区位编码的有效性,不符合此编码的系统此函数无效! // 2. 若汉字串含有非汉字字符,如图形符号或ASCII码,则这些非汉字字符将保持不变. //例如: li_ret = f_cncharnum("摆渡人ferryman") li_ret = 3 string ls_ch //临时单元 string ls_SecondSecTable //存放所有国标二级汉字读音 integer li_num = 0 //返回值 integer i,j For i = 1 to Len(aString) ls_ch = Mid(aString,i,1) If Asc(ls_ch) >= 128 then //是汉字 li_num++ i = i+1 End if Next Return li_num end function ---------------------------------------------------------------

(2)、转到WORD $PBExportHeader$f_outputtoword_new.srf global type f_outputtoword_new from function_ O B J E C T end type forward prototypes global function integer f_outputtoword_new (datawindow adw) end prototypes global function integer f_outputtoword_new (datawindow adw); //函数名:f_outputtoword_new //输入: adw - datawindow,指定的数据窗口 //返回值: Integer constant integer ppLayoutBlank = 12 OLEObject ole_ O B J E C T ole_ O B J E C T = CREATE OLEObject integer li_ret li_ret = ole_ O B J E C T.ConnectToObject("","word.application") IF li_ret <> 0 THEN //如果Word还没有打开,则新建。 li_ret = ole_ O B J E C T.ConnectToNewObject("word.application") if li_ret <> 0 then MessageBox('OLE错误','OLE无法连接!错误号:' + string(li_ret)) return 0 end if ole_ O B J E C T.Visible = True END IF long ll_colnum,ll_rownum constant long wdWord9TableBehavior = 1 constant long wdAutoFitFixed = 0 constant long wdCell = 12 string ls_value pointer oldpointer oldpointer = SetPointer(HourGlass!) string ls_ O B J E C Ts,ls_obj,ls_objs[],ls_objtag[] long ll_pos,ll_len,ll_num = 0 ls_ O B J E C Ts = trim(adw.Describe('datawindow.Objects')) do while (pos(ls_ O B J E C Ts,"~t") > 0) ll_pos = pos(ls_ O B J E C Ts,"~t") ll_len = ll_pos - 1 ls_obj = left(ls_ O B J E C Ts,ll_len) if (adw.Describe(ls_obj + '.type') = 'column' or & adw.Describe(ls_obj + '.type') = 'compute') and & (adw.Describe(ls_obj + '.band') = 'detail') and (ls_obj <> "asd") then ll_num += 1 ls_objs[ll_num] = ls_obj ls_objtag[ll_num] = adw.Describe(ls_obj + '.tag') end if ls_ O B J E C Ts = right(ls_ O B J E C Ts,len(ls_ O B J E C Ts) - ll_pos) loop //得到数据窗口数据的列数与行数(行数应该是数据行数 + 1) ll_colnum = ll_num ll_rownum = adw.rowcount() + 1 ole_ O B J E C T.Documents.Add() ole_ O B J E C T.ActiveDocument.Tables.Add(ole_ O B J E C T.Selection.Range, ll_rownum, ll_colnum) string ls_colname integer i,j,k for i = 1 to ll_colnum //得到标题头的名字 ls_value = ls_objtag[i] ole_ O B J E C T.Selection.TypeText(ls_value) for k = 1 to f_cncharnum(ls_value) ole_ O B J E C T.Selection.TypeBackspace() next ole_ O B J E C T.Selection.MoveRight(wdCell) next adw.setredraw(false) ole_ O B J E C T.Selection.MoveLeft(wdCell) string column_name for i = 2 to ll_rownum for j = 1 to ll_colnum column_name = ls_objs[j] if adw.Describe(column_name + '.type') = 'column' then ls_value = adw.Describe("Evaluate('LookupDisplay("+column_name+")',"+string(i - 1)+")") end if if adw.Describe(column_name + '.type') = 'compute' then ls_value = adw.Describe("Evaluate('" + adw.Describe(column_name + '.expression') + "',"+string(i - 1)+")") end if ole_ O B J E C T.Selection.MoveRight(wdCell) ole_ O B J E C T.Selection.TypeText(ls_value) //for k = 1 to f_cncharnum(ls_value) //ole_ O B J E C T.Selection.TypeBackspace() //next next next adw.setredraw(true) constant long wdFormatDocument = 0 SetPointer(oldpointer) //保存新建的文档 if messagebox("保存","文档已经成功完成,是否保存?",Question!,YesNo!) = 1 then string docname, named integer value value = GetFileSaveName("选择文件",docname, named, "DOC","Doc Files (*.DOC), *.DOC") IF value = 1 THEN ole_ O B J E C T.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(docname, 0,False,"",True,"",False,False,False, False,False) end if end if //断开OLE连接 Ole_Object.DisConnectObject() Destroy Ole_Object return 1 end function

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