前两天在旧笔记本上安装了Fedora 21 workstation 32位版本,装好发现无线网卡不能使用(Fedora节操高),网上查了查,在fedora论坛找到了解决办法。
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Step 1: Identify the chipset of the wireless device
我的本反馈最后一行为 10:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)
即无线网卡型号为 BCM4312
Step 2: Choose the right driver
第二步:选择合适的驱动,原文给的选择表如下:(我懒的看完就选了version 4那个,然后就成功了。。)
lspci | Any of these listed? 4301 4303 4306 4309 4311 4312 4318 / \ / \ / \ / \ Yes No / \ / \ / \ lsmod 4310? / / \ / / \ / Yes No b43 / \ loaded? / 43XG / \ ndiswrapper 4313,43224 / No 4321,43225 / \ 4322,43227 / \ 4328,43228 Yes b43legacy / \ / loaded? / \ / / \ Yes No / Yes No / \ / / \ / \ 4306? / \ broadcom-wl 4320? 4311? Install 4311? (from lsusb 4318? version 3 4312? or other means) / \ firmware / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ Yes No Yes No Yes No / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ b43-openfwwf Install broadcom-wl ndiswrapper b43-openfwwf ndiswrapper or version 4 or Install firmware rndis_wlan version 4 firmware
Step 3: Install the driver
- Install b43-fwcutter. This is the software package that does the extraction of the firmware from the proprietary driver.安装b43-fwcutter,这个软件包是用来解压缩后面的驱动固件的。
su yum install b43-fwcutter
- Determine which native driver is being used by the wireless card (b43 or b43legacy). The kernel is generally good about detecting a Broadcom wireless card and loading the correct driver module for it. The following terminal command will list the loaded kernel modules in alphabetical order. Look for b43 or b43legacy.检测无线网卡使用的驱动,命令行给出的列表是按字母顺序来的,注意查找B43或B43legacy(
英语一般,大致这么翻译吧。。)Code:lsmod | sort
- Do this step only if you need to install version 4 firmware for the b43 driver module. Copy and execute the following command lines one after the other in a Fedora terminal.这是给b43驱动安装version 4固件的code,终端执行即可。
wget http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl- tar xjf broadcom-wl- cd broadcom-wl- su b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta_mimo.o