1. Shell编程
ABS(Advanced Bash Programming Howto)
Learning Bash
man bash, info bash
linux与unix shell编程指南 zhlyang
Unix Shell编程(第三版) mongmong
Learning the Korn Shell
Sed & Awk
Effective Awk Programming
Learning the Korn Shell
2. 系统程序开发
APUE(Advanced Programming in Unix Environment) UNIX环境高级编程
UNP(Unix Network Programming) UNIX网络编程
Linux Programming by Example 实战Linux编程
Beginning Linux Programming Linux程序设计
GNU/Linux 编程指南
Linux Application Development
Linux System Programming
The Art of Unix Programming UNIX编程艺术
UNIX System Programming UNIX系统编程
3. 内核开发
LKD(Linux Kernel Development) Linux内核设计与实现
ULK(Understanding Linux Kernel) 深入理解Linux内核
LDD(Linux Device Driver) Linux设备驱动程序
The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide
The Linux kernel Primer Linux内核编程
4. Windows转Linux
1. curse程序开发
GNU curses html doc
NCURSES programming HOWTO
2. X开发
Definitive Guides to the X Window System
C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 (by stshine)
3. 链接器
Program Library HOWTO
Linker and Loader
4. 多线程
Programming with POSIX Threads
5. 性能调优
Linux Debugging and Performance Tuning Tips and Techniques
Optimizing Linux Performance
Performance Tuning For Linux Server
6. 调试
GDB Cheat sheet
The Art of Debugging with GDB, DDD, and Eclipse
Systemtap Beginner's Guide
x. 嵌入式Linux