1. 格式化打印字符串
package main
import "fmt"
type Product struct {
Name, Category string
Price float64
var Kayak = Product{
Name: "Kayak",
Category: "Watersports",
Price: 275,
var Products = []Product{
{"Kayak", "Watersports", 279},
{"Lifejacket", "Watersports", 49.95},
{"Soccer Ball", "Soccer", 19.50},
{"Corner Flags", "Soccer", 34.95},
{"Stadium", "Soccer", 79500},
{"Thinking Cap", "Chess", 16},
{"Unsteady Chair", "Chess", 75},
{"Bling-Bling King", "Chess", 1200},
func getProductName(index int) (name string, err error) {
if len(Products) > index {
// fmt.Sprintf() This function returns a string
name = fmt.Sprintf("name of product: %v", Products[index].Name)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("error for index %v", index)
func Printfln(template string, values ...interface{}) {
fmt.Printf(template+"\n", values...)
func main() {
fmt.Println("Product:", Kayak.Name, "Price:", Kayak.Price)
fmt.Print("Product:", Kayak.Name, "Price:", Kayak.Price, "\n")
fmt.Printf("Product: %v, Price: $%4.2f", Kayak.Name, Kayak.Price)
name, _ := getProductName(1)
_, err := getProductName(10)
// %v This verb displays the default format for the value.
Printfln("%%v Value: %v", Kayak)
// %+v includes field names when writing out struct values.
Printfln("%%+v Value with fields: %+v", Kayak)
// %#v This verb displays a value in a format that could be used to re-create the value in a Go code file.
Printfln("Go syntax: %#v", Kayak)
Printfln("Type: %T", Kayak)
number := 250
// %b This verb displays an integer value as a binary string
Printfln("Binary: %b", number)
// %d This verb displays an integer value as a decimal string. This is the default format for integer values, applied when the %v verb is used.
Printfln("Decimal: %d", number)
// %o, %O These verbs display an integer value as an octal string. The %O verb adds the 0o prefix.
Printfln("Octal: %o, %O", number, number)
// %x, %X These verbs display an integer value as a hexadecimal string. The letters A–F are displayed in lowercase by the %x verb and in uppercase by the %X verb.
Printfln("Hexadecimal: %x, %X", number, number)
number2 := 279.00
// %b This verb displays a floating-point value with an exponent and without a decimal place.
Printfln("Decimalless with exponent: %b", number2)
// %e, %E These verbs display a floating-point value with an exponent and a decimal place. The %e uses a lowercase exponent indicator, while %E uses an uppercase indicator.
Printfln("Decimal with exponent: %e", number2)
// %f, %F These verbs display a floating-point value with a decimal place but no exponent. The %f and %F verbs produce the same output.
Printfln("Decimal without exponent: %f", number2)
// %x, %X These verbs display a floating-point value in hexadecimal notation, with lowercase (%x) or uppercase (%X) letters.
Printfln("Hexadecimal: %x, %X", number2, number2)
number3 := 279.00
// + This modifier (the plus sign) always prints a sign, positive or negative, for numeric values.
Printfln("Sign: >>%+.2f<<", number3)
// 0 This modifier uses zeros, rather than spaces, as padding when the width is greater than the number of characters required to display the value.
Printfln("Zeros for Padding: >>%010.2f<<", number3)
// - This modifier (the subtracts symbol) adds padding to the right of the number, rather than the left.
Printfln("Right Padding: >>%-8.2f<<", number3)
name2 := "Kayak"
// %s This verb displays a string
Printfln("String: %s", name2)
// %c This verb displays a character
Printfln("Character: %c", []rune(name2)[0])
// %U This verb displays a character in the Unicode format so that the output begins with U+ followed by a hexadecimal character code
Printfln("Unicode: %U", []rune(name2)[0])
// %t This verb formats bool values and displays true or false.
Printfln("Bool: %t", len(name) > 1)
Printfln("Bool: %t", len(name) > 100)
name3 := "Kayak"
// %p This verb displays a hexadecimal representation of the pointer’s storage location
Printfln("Pointer: %p", &name3)
Product: Kayak Price: 275
Product: Kayak, Price: $275.00
name of product: Lifejacket
error for index 10
%v Value: {Kayak Watersports 275}
%+v Value with fields: {Name:Kayak Category:Watersports Price:275}
Go syntax: main.Product{Name:"Kayak", Category:"Watersports", Price:275}
Type: main.Product
Binary: 11111010
Decimal: 250
Octal: 372, 0o372
Hexadecimal: fa, FA
Decimalless with exponent: 4908219906392064p-44
Decimal with exponent: 2.790000e+02
Decimal without exponent: 279.000000
Hexadecimal: 0x1.17p+08, 0X1.17P+08
Sign: >>+279.00<<
Zeros for Padding: >>0000279.00<<
Right Padding: >>279.00 <<
String: Kayak
Character: K
Unicode: U+004B
Bool: true
Bool: false
Pointer: 0xc0000142e0