struts2.0 升级到 struts2.1.2 更改的配置项(三)

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Update Unit Tests
There are two known major migration issues affecting user's unit tests.

The Configuration API now uses a Builder pattern
The ActionContext.getContext() method does not create a context on demand.
Review the Unit Tests included with Struts2 for recommended practices to setup the Configuration and context.

A quick fix for ActionContext.getContext() returning null :

ConfigurationManager configurationManager = new ConfigurationManager(); configurationManager.addContainerProvider(new XWorkConfigurationProvider());
Configuration config = configurationManager.getConfiguration();
Container container = config.getContainer();
ValueStack stack = container.getInstance(ValueStackFactory.class).createValueStack();
stack.getContext().put(ActionContext.CONTAINER, container);
ActionContext.setContext(new ActionContext(stack.getContext()));

The issues are listed in the same order as encountered after changing jars over from 2.0.x to 2.1.x. Noteworthy, the migration was done under the following setup: Fedora core 6, JDK 1.6.0_2 and Tomcat 6.0.10 running from MyEclipse plugin.

Result type "redirect-action" was renamed to "redirectAction":
SEVERE: Exception starting filter struts2 Unable to load configuration. - action - file:/home/giaz/code/.metadata/.plugins/ com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.tomcat.myeclipse/tomcat/webapps/webui/WEB-INF/classes/struts.xml:39:98 at com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.ConfigurationManager.getConfiguration( at org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Dispatcher.init_PreloadConfiguration( ... Caused by: Error building results for action ScheduleJob in namespace - action - file:/home/giaz/code/.metadata/.plugins/ com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.tomcat.myeclipse/tomcat/webapps/webui/WEB-INF/classes/struts.xml:39:98 at com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.providers.XmlConfigurationProvider.addAction( ... 30 more Caused by: There is no result type defined for type 'redirect-action' mapped with name 'success' - result - file:/home/giaz/code/.metadata/.plugins/com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.tomcat.myeclipse/tomcat/webapps/webui/ WEB-INF/classes/struts.xml:40:50 at com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.providers.XmlConfigurationProvider.buildResults( ... 35 more
The struts.xml before:

<action name="ScheduleJob" class="com.sag.optimizer.ui.web.action.scheduler.ScheduleJobAction"> <result name="success" type="redirect-action"> <param name="actionName">ListDisplayOptimizationJobStatus</param> </result> <result name="error" type="tiles">webui.requestFailed</result> </action>
To resolve this issue modify the struts.xml action definition to:

<action name="ScheduleJob" class="com.sag.optimizer.ui.web.action.scheduler.ScheduleJobAction"> <result name="success" type="redirectAction"> <param name="actionName">ListDisplayOptimizationJobStatus</param> </result> <result name="error" type="tiles">webui.requestFailed</result> </action>
or to:

<action name="ScheduleJob" class="com.sag.optimizer.ui.web.action.scheduler.ScheduleJobAction"> <result name="success" type="redirect">ListDisplayOptimizationJobStatus.action</result> <result name="error" type="tiles">webui.requestFailed</result> </action>

Tiles 2.1.x plugin tiles.xml now requires DOCTYPE:
Problem Symptom:

Nov 22, 2007 11:38:11 AM org.apache.tiles.impl.BasicTilesContainer init INFO: Initializing Tiles2 container. . . Nov 22, 2007 11:38:11 AM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error SEVERE: Parse Error at line 2 column 19: Document is invalid: no grammar found. org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Document is invalid: no grammar found. at at
 Reason for this

This is due to the fact that Tiles 2.0.5 now turns validation on as default.

The tiles.xml page before:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <tiles-definitions/>
To resolve the issue simply add:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <!DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration 2.0//EN"  ""> <tiles-definitions/>

<s:head theme="ajax"/> is obsolete, use a different theme:
Problem Symptom: Accessing any page that includes <s:head theme="ajax"/> produces the following error:

Nov 22, 2007 1:54:51 PM freemarker.log.JDK14LoggerFactory$JDK14Logger error SEVERE: Expression parameters.parseContent is undefined on line 45, column 28 in template/ajax/head.ftl. The problematic instruction: ---------- ==> ${parameters.parseContent?string} [on line 45, column 26 in template/ajax/head.ftl] ---------- Java backtrace for programmers: ---------- freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression parameters.parseContent is undefined on line 45, column 28 in template/ajax/head.ftl. at freemarker.core.TemplateObject.assertNonNull( at freemarker.core.TemplateObject.invalidTypeException(
Resolution is to either remove the "<s:head theme="ajax"/>" or use a different theme e.g. <s:head theme="xhtml" />


Ajax UI tags were moved to the new dojo plugin, use /struts-dojo-tags taglib instead of (or in addition to) /struts-tags:
Problem Symptom: Accessing a page containing ajax UI tags through using the struts 2 taglib will produce the following error:

SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /jsp/list/listOptimizationJobStatus.jsp(6,0) Attribute href invalid for tag div according to TLD at org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.jspError( at org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.dispatch(
JSP before migration:

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %> <%@ taglib prefix="display" uri="" %> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%> <s:url id="jobStatus" includeParams="get" value="/RefreshOptimizationJobStatus.action" /> <s:div id="jobStatus" theme="ajax" href="%{jobStatus}" updateFreq="5000" indicator="indicator"> </s:div> <img id="indicator" src="img/indicator.gif" alt="Loading..." style="display:none"/>
Resolution is to import and use struts-dojo-tags plugin instead:

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" language="java" %> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%> <%@ taglib prefix="sx" uri="/struts-dojo-tags" %> <s:url var="jobStatus" includeParams="get" value="/RefreshOptimizationJobStatus.action" /> <sx:div id="jobStatus" href="%{#jobStatus}" updateFreq="5000" autoStart="true" indicator="indicator"> </sx:div> <img id="indicator" src="img/indicator.gif" alt="Loading..." style="display:none"/>
 Other Ajax UI tags were also moved to the dojo plugin

Note the use of remote div is now through the dojo plugin taglib sx. Other ui tags are also no longer available through the /struts-tags taglib but only through the /struts-dojo-tags taglib: datetimepicker and autocompleter.

User-defined converter (subclassing StrutsTypeConverter) will no longer be needed when using datetimepicker:
Problem Symptom: Your custom StrutsTypeConverter implementation does not longer work in version 2.1.x. In 2.0.x you needed to implement a custom StrutsTypeConverter e.g. StringToDateConverter to be able to parse and convert to Date the String posted from a datetimepicker control into the action. In version 2.0.x datetimepicker was posting a String formatted as specified in the "displayFormat" field e.g.

<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%> <s:datetimepicker label="Begin Date" name="beginDate" displayFormat="yyyy.MM.dd">
In version 2.1.x datetimepicker will post a String Date in RFC 3339 format, so you can define your setter to receive a Date directly and avoid using converters for this purpose e.g.

<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%> <%@ taglib prefix="sx" uri="/struts-dojo-tags" %> <sx:datetimepicker label="Begin Date" name="beginDate" displayFormat="yyyy.MM.dd">

Parameters set by the action mapping are not set/not available through ParameterAware (This change is only needed when going to 2.1.x (where x>0))

These are now only available if you use the new interceptor named "actionMappingParams".

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