# $language = "VBScript"
# $interface = "1.0"
' 程序名称:AIX.VBS
' 程序说明:AIX主机系统配置/巡检脚本
' 作者:郑继东
' 完成时间:2008-5-7
' 程序全局变量区
dim ip
' 程序全局常量区
' button parameter options
Const ICON_STOP = 16 ' display the ERROR/STOP icon.
Const ICON_QUESTION = 32 ' display the '?' icon
Const ICON_WARN = 48 ' display a '!' icon.
Const ICON_INFO= 64 ' displays "info" icon.
Const BUTTON_OK = 0 ' OK button only
Const BUTTON_CANCEL = 1 ' OK and Cancel buttons
Const BUTTON_ABORTRETRYIGNORE = 2 ' Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons
Const BUTTON_YESNOCANCEL = 3 ' Yes, No, and Cancel buttons
Const BUTTON_YESNO = 4 ' Yes and No buttons
Const BUTTON_RETRYCANCEL = 5 ' Retry and Cancel buttons
Const DEFBUTTON1 = 0 ' First button is default
Const DEFBUTTON2 = 256 ' Second button is default
Const DEFBUTTON3 = 512 ' Third button is default
' Possible MessageBox() return values
Const IDOK = 1 ' OK button clicked
Const IDCANCEL = 2 ' Cancel button clicked
Const IDABORT = 3 ' Abort button clicked
Const IDRETRY = 4 ' Retry button clicked
Const IDIGNORE = 5 ' Ignore button clicked
Const IDYES = 6 ' Yes button clicked
Const IDNO = 7 ' No button clicked
' 程序辅助函数区
Function login
dim passwd
dim username
Dim result
Dim flag
flag =1
ip = crt.Dialog.Prompt("请输入服务器IP地址:", "AIX", "", false)
If (Trim(ip) = "") Or (ip = IDABORT) Then
result = crt.Dialog.MessageBox("您没有输入登陆的IP地址,CRT将被退出!", "提示信息",ICON_INFO)
End If
flag =1
While flag = 1
username = crt.Dialog.Prompt("请输入登陆用户名:", "AIX", "root", false)
If username = IDABORT Then
result = crt.Dialog.MessageBox("您选择了没有输入用户名称,CRT将被推出!", "提示信息",ICON_INFO)
End If
If (Trim(username) = "")Then
result = crt.Dialog.MessageBox("请输入登陆用户名称!", "提示信息",ICON_INFO)
flag = 0
End If
passwd = crt.Dialog.Prompt("请输入登陆用户密码:", "AIX", "congine", true)
crt.screen.Synchronous = true
crt.session.Connect("/telnet " & ip)
crt.screen.WaitForString "login:"
crt.screen.send username & chr(13)
crt.screen.WaitForString "Password:"
crt.screen.send passwd & chr(13)
If crt.screen.WaitForString("invalid login name or password", 3) = True Then
result = crt.Dialog.MessageBox("服务器登陆失败,请检查IP地址、用户名、密码是否输入正确!", "提示信息",ICON_INFO)
End If
crt.screen.Synchronous = false
End Function
Function writelog
Dim result
Dim logfilename
Dim flag
flag =1
While flag =1
logfilename = crt.Dialog.Prompt("请输入本次会话LOG文件位置", "AIX", "c:/" & ip &".log", false)
If Trim(logfilename) = "" Or (logfilename = IDABORT) then
result = crt.Dialog.MessageBox("强烈建议保存会话日志", "提示信息",ICON_INFO)
flag = 0
End if
crt.session.LogFileName = logfilename
End Function
Function setline
crt.screen.send chr(13) & chr(13)
' crt.Sleep 1000
End Function
Function setcommand(cmdstr, sec)
sec = sec * 1000
crt.screen.send cmdstr & Chr(13)
crt.Sleep sec
End Function
Function get_machinfo
setcommand "hostname",1
setcommand "prtconf |grep 'Machine Serial Number'",6
setcommand "lsdev -C |grep proc",2
setcommand "lsattr -El mem0",2
setcommand "lsdev -Cc disk",2
setcommand "lsdev -Cc adapter",2
setcommand "lsdev -Cc tape",2
setcommand "ifconfig -a",2
setcommand "more /etc/hosts",2
setcommand "uname -a ",2
setcommand "oslevel -s",5
setcommand "instfix -i |grep ML",10
setcommand "lsvg ",2
setcommand "lsvg -o",2
setcommand "lsvg -l rootvg",2
setcommand "df -g ",2
setcommand "errpt ",2
setcommand "errpt -a",2
setcommand "sysdumpdev -l ",2
setcommand "lsps -a",2
setcommand "vmstat 2 10",25
setcommand "iostat 2 10",25
End Function
' 程序主函数(main)区
Sub Main
Dim result
' crt.screen.Synchronous = true
result = crt.Dialog.MessageBox("信息收集完毕,是否推出CRT?", "提示信息", ICON_QUESTION Or BUTTON_YESNO Or DEFBUTTON2)
If result = IDYES Then
End If
' crt.screen.Synchronous = false
End Sub
本文来自: IXPUB技术社区(www.ixpub.net) 详细出处参考:http://www.ixpub.net/thread-758105-1-1.html