[2015-07-16 13:36:24 - HelloWorld] The library 'sqlite-native-driver.jar' contains native libraries that will not run on the device. [2015-07-16 13:36:24 - HelloWorld] Additionally some of those libraries will interfer with the installation of the application because of their location in lib/ [2015-07-16 13:36:24 - HelloWorld] lib/ is reserved for NDK libraries. [2015-07-16 13:36:24 - HelloWorld] The following libraries were found: [2015-07-16 13:36:24 - HelloWorld] - lib/arm64-v8a/libsqlc-native-driver.so [2015-07-16 13:36:24 - HelloWorld] - lib/armeabi/libsqlc-native-driver.so [2015-07-16 13:36:24 - HelloWorld] - lib/armeabi-v7a/libsqlc-native-driver.so [2015-07-16 13:36:24 - HelloWorld] - lib/x86/libsqlc-native-driver.so
[2015-07-16 13:36:24 - HelloWorld] - lib/x86_64/libsqlc-native-driver.so
The library 'sqlite-native-driver.jar' contains native libraries that will not run on the device.
最新推荐文章于 2022-04-06 14:34:40 发布