Hot Java Links

This page contains links to Java resources.  You will find tutorials, Java Certification Mockup Exams (HTML & Simulated), Java Study Groups, Java Books, etc...  Have fun!  This site is for YOU, so if you know of any additional "Hot Java Links" please email me and I add them.   Feel free to add a link to this site.

Java - Sun's Links

bullet Sun's Home Page for Java -
bullet Sun's Java Certification Main Page for Java - You'll find information on the Programmer, Developer, Architect, and Web Component certifications. 
bullet Test Objectives - download a pdf with the objectives called "Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform Success Guide (PDF/10 pages)"
bullet ePractice - Web based Practice Exam ($75 for 90 days).
bullet Sun's Java Tutorial - - it's free! Very good learning tool!  Each section takes ~2-3hrs.
bullet Hot Java Browser - - Free version is usually a full version behind.
bullet Other Sun resources
bullet Doc's
bullet - Java Platform Documentation provides access to white papers, the Java Tutorial and other documents. 
bullet - Glossary of Java Terms !
bullet - White pages on JAVA.
bullet - Worldwide Java Developer conference.
bullet - The Java Developer Connection web site. (Free registration required.) Additional technical information, news, and features; user forums; support information, and much more. 
bullet - Java Technology Products & API 

Standards Organizations

bullet - W3C World Wide Web Consortium.
bullet - Unicode Standards

Microsoft's Java Resources

bullet - Home page for Java technologies.
bullet - Microsoft download options for Java technologies.
bullet classr.exe - Retail version of JVM.
bullet classd.exe - Developers Debugging version of JVM.
bullet Also download the Microsoft SDK for Java.
bullet - A good white paper on the Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java (JVM).
bullet - Debugging MS JVM.
bullet MS SDK 4.0 supports 1.1 with the exception of RMI
bullet - download RMI classes in a .zip file that you can add to your classpath.
bullet J# - does not support RMI or JNI (as of 9/2002) but has other products.  JDK 1.1.4 support.  Does not support Swing.

Sites Dedicated to Java Certification

bullet - here is a quote from the site: "This site is dedicated to Sun's Java Certification and to all you need to prepare successfully for your Java Certification exam. Find links to Java training courses, good sites dedicated to Sun Java Certification, SCWCD and SCJP mock exams, good Java books and plenty of other Java resources in the relevant sections on these pages"
bullet - I received an email that had the following text: "It's a very popular site. I've received hundreds of emails from people from around the world that have used it to prepare for the exam."
bullet - A great site to prepare for the Java Certification Exam.  Tutorial, example exams and more.  This site provides all the information which one may need to prepare for Sun's Java Certification. It has a detailed Java Tutorial covering all the topics of the Java Certification exam. Besides a large number of sample questions for each topic, the site has FAQ on Java Certification and links to a large number of Certification site.  Many thanks to Naveen Gabrani.
bullet - by Marcus Green. Awesome resources, tutorials, etc... You must visit this site!
bullet -Java Certification Exam Discussion forum.
bullet - by Michael Thomas (this site). - by Michael Thomas.  Java Architect resources.
bullet - by Paul Wheaton (also Kathy Kozel ).  You'll find this site to be a delightfully interesting.   Make sure you visit the "Big Moose Saloon" which is a Java forum.
bullet - by David Hecksel.  You can purchase a product to learn Java & prepare for the Certified Java Programmer Exam (~$70).  Great simulator exam.
bullet - Links on Java Certification & a Discussion Group.  Also a list of books, some study notes, etc...
bullet - a free place to store and share Java technology knowledge based on question/answer and related links.  Here is a quote from there site, "Our mission is to get you to the programming resources you need as quickly as possible."

Quick Start - Looking back, this is what I would do to become a Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer.

If I already new the fundamentals of Java programming and I want to become a Sun Certified Java2 Programmer, then I would take the following steps:  (the quickest path)

bullet Purchase Bill Brodgen's 2 books on Java2 Certification:  Cram & Prep.  Study these 2 books.  The "Cram" book will test your knowledge and the "Prep" book will help prepare you for the exam.
bullet Purchase the JCertify Simulation Exam software.  Has a tutorial and a simulated exam.
bullet As soon as you can pass the simulated exams with 90%, then order the exam from SUN.  A note of warning, the exam is difficult!

Java - For the Beginner (Green Horn)

bullet Are you a Java Beginner? - Several links on how to get started learning Java.

Java Certification Initiative

bullet - This site describes the Java Certification Initiative.  You will find information on the 3 levels of Java certification:  1) Programmer, 2) Solution Developer, 3) Enterprise Developer.
bullet Overview of Certification Initiative:  Sun, IBM, Novell, Oracle, Netscape and other companies have joined to create a new certification path:  Sun Certified Programmer, Certified Solution Developer, and Certified Enterprise Developer (total of 5 tests).  Click here for one of his slides showing all three.
bullet - by David Hecksel, author of JCertify's Simulated Java Exams.  This is the slide presentation he gave at JavaOne (17 slides).
bullet Links to major players web sites.
bullet - The Certification Initiative
bullet - IBM's
bullet - Novell's

Java - Other Certifications

bullet - You may want to get this certification before you try for SUN's.
bullet - Java and many other IT technologies.
bullet Certification Portals (I want to check into these in the future.)
bullet - IT Certification Portal
bullet - Java: IBM's VisualAge & WebSphere

Java Technical Resources

bullet - has good info on Java, Ant, Struts, Log4j
bullet - Java Tips (code snippets).

Java Portals

bullet MathTools (Java Portal Sections)
bullet - This is an interesting portal for Scientific Java code.  Also has compilers, de-compilers, and other items.
bullet - This portal focuses on Java Training.
bullet - Java Portal: Content/Tutorials, community, and service for Java professionals. Providing technical discussion, job postings, an integrated directory, news, and much more.

Java - Tutorials & Exam Cram Notes

bullet - A great site to prepare for the Java Certification Exam.
bullet  - by Dylan Walsh.   If your ready to take the exam, Dylan reviews each Exam Objectives (Java 1.1 & Java 2).
bullet - Dr John Hunt's Java Resource Training Page
bullet - Free Java, JavaScript, & Oracle Tutorials by Ian Saunders
bullet - (Introductory to Advanced)
bullet - Java 2 Flash Cards for Certification ~ $15.00
bullet - then click on "Certification Topics"
bullet - Independent training endorsed by JavaSoft. ( - Java Developer Connection tutorials.
bullet - free one hour course on e-business and java.  This Web-based course combines video, audio, graphics, and text. A text-based version is also available.
bullet - IBM - Free Tutorials & Purchase CBT's 
     (If registered already: Intro to Java )
bullet - several free online CBT's.
bullet - Look for Java tutorials.
bullet - some fee, some free.  Had free Java tutorials when I visited.

Java - Exam Examples - HTML & Simulated 

bullet WHIZlabs Software - provides certification prep tests for Java, XML, WebSphere, and other technologies.
bullet - to" Ensure your success in SCJP 1.2 exam with Whizlabs simulator, the most effective training software for the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam. Developed by highly experienced and certified professionals, it offers 11 mock exams (649 questions) on the latest pattern in a simulated environment. Coupled with value added offerings like Interactive quiz and Quick revision tips, it provides an efficient and effective learning platform.Not to forget, it also offers the "Use it Anywhere, Anytime!" advantage, by offering a FREE "web-based online exam simulator version"; with its unique "percentile-grading" feature. Endorsed by leading IT certification sites, it is the most recommended study aid for SCJP 1.2 certification exam. Last but not the least; it comes with FREE technical support and "Unconditional 100% Money Back Guarantee". Check out the FREE demo version."
bullet - Links to over 33 Practice Exams.
bullet - html sytle exam (45 questions) - UK cool site!
bullet Mockup Exam by Dr John Hunt - html style exam.
bullet - html style exam.  42 questions.
bullet - under construction, by Sreenivasa Kumar Majji ("Kumar").  (I have not had a chance to review yet.)
bullet William Brogden's ( Java 2 - Free Simulated Exam - Good, a definite must! Simulated exam on the Java Language Fundamentals (timed & scored /w answers in green after grading).  By the author of Java 2 Exam Cram (ISBN 1-57610-291-2) & Java 2 Exam Prep.
*** We need the rest of the sections also
bullet - Good! Java Applet, simulates the exam. 
bullet - JCertify (~$70) - exam simulation software and Java training.  (by David Hecksel, Bruce Eckel, Richard Baldwin & Roedy Green).  Need to consider the investment!
bullet - "Jxam + Java Resources" by Eddie McNally.  Download for free Jxam's simulated exam with 170 questions in the database.  You also get the source code!   The exam is timed, and the maximum number of questions is 59.  There are also links to various OO topics, such as CORBA, Embedded Java and general Java resources.
bullet - Has Java 2 Programmer Exam review & simulated Exam Quiz.  The EXAM is an awesome learning tool also.  You're asked a question, the immediatedly told the results and why!  Thanks Jamie Jaworski.  (also has Java 2 Architect)
bullet -  Java 2 Simulated exam with over 250 questions for ~$55.  Soon will be at and  (Many questions from Marcus Green!)
bullet IBM's Simulated Exam - 30 questions, then a grade.  You will not know which questions you missed, therefore it is not a good training tool!  I don't think it is a good gage for passing the Exam.
bullet - IT Certification Portal.  I'm not a member, but looks interesting.  Check the exam list and search for "Java".
bullet - This site has a Online Java Certification Exam in HTML (over 600 questions & answers along with explanations broken into sections.  At the home page click on "Publishing House" at the bottom, then "The Preparation Book to the Java Programming Exam (in English)".
bullet - JCSP sample questions.
bullet - Free JCSP mockup exam applet.  Thanks Ashok for your contribution.  Java Applet simulates an exam with a timer, etc...  You can mark questions that you would later like to review.  Great job.  No coaching ("reason why in") the exam.

Java Books:  Certification Guides has most of the books listed below.  Also, I'm undecided about which book is the best.  I own most of them.

Always look for the latest editions.

bullet Java 2 Exam Cram - by Bill Brogden $29.99 ISBN: 1-57610-291-2 (Certification Insider Press)  Cram for the exam with this book.  Only covers the SCJP exam.
bullet Java 2 Exam Prep - by Bill Brogden $49.99 (Certification Insider Press)  Prepare for the exam with this book.  Only covers the SCJP exam.
bullet Java 2 Certification Training Guide. - by Jamie Jaworski, published by New Riders.  ISBN 1-562-05950-5.  Covers Sun Certified Java2 Programmer, Developer, & Architect.  Has a CD with simulated exam testing.
bullet Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide - by Simon Robers & Philip Heller, Sybex  (I've heard its good.)
bullet - Free download of study notes in Excel 97 format.
bullet - Info on the book at Sun's Java Developer Connection.
bullet A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification by Mughal & Rasmussen   (Java 2)
(ISBN 0-201-59614-8, Addison Wesley, (Programmer Exam only)
bullet Java Certification for Programmers and Developers (JDK 1.1) - by Barry Boone (I used this one, however I don't think he will have a JDK 2 version !), McGraw-Hill $54.95 ISBN 0-07-913657-5

Java Books:  General

bullet - Links to "Free Online Java Books".  Free pdf of Java Tips.
bullet - Download a pdf with 303 Java Tips (they are constantly adding more).
bullet Java Master Reference JDK 1.1 - by Aurthur Griffith (awesome Java reference book, not a certification guide book!)
bullet Java, How To Program by Deitel & Deitel (look for the latest edition).
bullet Edition 3 - Covers all of the Java 2 basics plus: JDBC, Servlets, RMI, Networking, and JavaBeans.
bullet Very good book.  A little to wordy for me but has excellent examples.
bullet by Bruce Eckel:
bullet Free electronic download of "Thinking in Java" - .  Then pick one of the sites listed.
bullet - Also associated with Bruce Eckel (
bullet - Book on Swing by Matthew Robinson & Pavel Vorobiev.  You can view the book online (pre-published version) , download to your local machine, or purchase the book.  Matt's personal home page is at .
bullet "Java, How to Program" by Deitel & Deitel (published by Prentice Hall).  I used this book at a Community college to get familiar with Java.  Look for the latest editions. - These authors have several Java books & free downloads.
bullet - The Java Tutorial for the Real World by Yakov Fain.  I haven't read the book but the site looks promising.  There are some free Tutorials (Online Lessons) at his site.

Java Newsletters

bullet - Weeks Java newsletter.  Has excellent Java Tips.
bullet - archive of newsletters.
bullet - ebook: "500 Java Tips" 387 (pages!) ~$9.95 (also get: Java Decompiler, Java to Exe Tool, and Power IDE for Java Technlologies).


Java Web Ring

bullet - Web Ring (Free).  Click on "Directory", then "Programming", then "Java Certification Ring".  There is a list of Java Sites oriented towards certification.

Java Jobs

bullet - a Job Site just for Java programmers - neat idea!

JDC Resources (Java Developer Connection)

Keep in touch with Java technology!   Tutorials, white pages, great resource!  Also, sign up for 2 Email subscriptions:  Tech Tips & Newsletter. 

bullet JDC - Free Membership
bullet JDC - Developer Home Page - JDC members only.  (Visit this site!)
bullet JDC- Tech Tip archives - JDC members only.
bullet JDC - Newsletter archives -JDC's archive of Newsletters.

Java - IBM

bullet - IBM's Java Technology Zone ("Developer Works").  Online tutorials available free of charge in the Education section (left frame) of the Java Zone.
Additional Topics:
bullet "Introduction to Java or COBOL Programmers"
bullet "Introduction to Servlets"
bullet "Introduction to Java Server Pages"
bullet "Corba", Java Beans, Java JFC, etc...
bullet - IBM's Java Home Page

Java - Business Case

bullet - Author Keith Rutledge, IBM Java Segment Manager, explains what Java is and why it's important. He also explains the technology in business terms at a fundamental level and explains the ultimate effects of the technology on businesses.  Business & Architect's view.

Java 1.1 vs Java 1.2 (aka Java 2) Exam

bullet Note:  Java 1.2 & Java 2 is the same version.  So if you have a book on Java 1.2 then you have a book on Java 2.  Sun changed the name of the version for marketing reasons.
bullet Question: Which exam should you study for Java 1.1 or Java 1.2 (also known as Java 2)? 
Answer: Java 2 (aka Java1.2).
Java 1.1 vs Java 2 (1.2) Exam - less focus on AWT, except for layout Managers, and you need to study the "Collections API". Here's a quote from Bill Brogden's book Java 2 Exam Cram (ISBN: 1-57610-291-2) "If you have been working mainly with the Java 1.1 and are wondering which exam to take, the Collections API is the only new material you will have to study to take the Java 2 exam.  I recommend going ahead and taking the Java 2 exam, to gain the most recent certification." pg 8.
bullet 1.1 vs 1.2 (Java 2) Certification test differences - by Charles Bradley

Java - Audio Tapes

bullet -  Tapes of JavaOne (Sun's Worldwide Developer Conference) -  (from 1997 - Current).  Tapes of the sessions (131 sessions for 950 or $10.00 each)

Java Study Groups

bullet - Check out the link to "Big Moose Saloon" which is a Java forum which includes Programmer Certification, Developer Certification, Architect Certification, and other Java Techology forums.
bullet Java Certification Study Group - woj   - check this out!  (from )
bullet Online Certification Discussions   
bullet Java Certification Study Group - looks like this group meets in Silicon Valley. 
bullet Email: - Jacksonville, FL.  Wednesdays 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Java User Groups (JUG's)

bullet - Sun's User group list.
bullet - Other User groups
bullet - Other User groups
bullet - How to starting a JUG
bullet - The goal of this page is to connect people who are interested in starting new Java User Groups.
bullet - tap a large knowledge base

Java Special Interest Groups

bullet - Enterprise Java Beans
bullet - Open Directory on "Internet" links (Java, JavaScript, XML, etc...)

Java Groups & Magazine/Articles

bullet - Certification Magazine - for certified professionals of information technology.  Look for the Java link at the bottom.
bullet - lots of good articles.
bullet - "Official Java Directory", a listing of services, tutorials, sample code
bullet - Java news group. (1. programming & software, 2. Find Discussion: JAVA)
bullet - IBM's JCentral
bullet Online Magazines - this is a list emailed to me.  Have not had a chance to check out.

Java Resources (General, FAQ, etc...)

bullet -Java Repository. Links to applets, servlets, apis and information about java organized in more than 100 categories.
bullet - very good.
bullet - Java, XML, JDBC (search for the words)
bullet - Java Resources for webmaster and programmers.
bullet -  Java resource site for developers, java articles links,opensource reporting,products news

Java - Testing Sites

bullet Must order Exam from Sun Corp - 800-422-8020 ($150.00)
bullet - Sylvan Prometric - 800-959-3926, to find testing sites choose "Find a Testing Center".  

Java IDE's

bullet javacert/java_ide.htm - My link of info on Java IDE's

Java Training - (ILT, WBT, & Distance Learning)

If you have the funds available here are some links to ILT (Instructor Led Training), Web Based Training, and Distance Learning.  I have not tried any of these training methods.

bullet - ILT & WBT.
bullet - Systems Source Inc.  ILT & WBT.  Look for the link at the top of the page for "Training".  "Anywhere Training" for Java Certification will be offered starting in Oct of '00 for $325.00 per individual. 
bullet - Sun's home page.  Look for a link to Training.

Java - Miscellaneous

bullet J2ME - API for Java on memory limited devices like: cellular phones, PDAs, pagers.
bullet JVM - Java Virtual Machine
bullet CVM - C Virtual Machine (C=compact and connected consumer-oriented devices) - Java small footprint - typically used with devices that have a 32-bit microprocessor/controller and more than 2.0MB of total memory for the storage of the virtual machine and libraries.
bullet KVM - Kilobyte Virtual Machine - Small limited JVM that can be run on devices with 16/32-bit RISC/CISC microprocessors/controllers, and with as little as 160 KB of total memory available -- 128 KB of which is for the storage of the actual virtual machine and libraries themselves.

Java Resources - Emails from visitors.

bullet - some tutorials and sample projects (code)
bullet - Books
bullet "The Israeli Guide to J2ME"
bullet "Exercises in Java 2 (Standard Edition)"
bullet "The Israeli Guide to JSP"
bullet "The Israeli Guide to Servlets"
bullet "The Israeli Guide to JavaBeans"




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