
转自:donnki 的个人空间 http://www.phpchina.com/52027/viewspace_20041.html


# This does the initial setup for a web request. It does some security checks, 
# starts the profiler and loads the configuration, and optionally loads 
# Setup.php depending on whether MW_NO_SETUP is defined.



$verboten = array(
foreach ( 

转自:donnki 的个人空间 http://www.phpchina.com/52027/viewspace_20041.html


# This does the initial setup for a web request. It does some security checks, 
# starts the profiler and loads the configuration, and optionally loads 
# Setup.php depending on whether MW_NO_SETUP is defined.



define( 'MEDIAWIKI', true );
//Start profiler
require_once( './StartProfiler.php' );


 * To use a profiler, delete the line above and add something like this:
 *   require_once(  dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/Profiler.php' );
 *   $wgProfiler = new Profiler;

因此,可以将原来的代码注释掉,换成上面这段代码,并且在LocationSettings.php里设置$wgDebugLogFile值,则可以完全开启debug功能了~~ 下面便是我开启了debug功能后访问index.php得到的debug信息,可以看到这个信息非常详尽!不仅包含了请求的一些基本信息,还清楚的列出了依次调用了什么函数,函数的执行时间等等。太强大了!

PS:$wgDebugLogFile 调试信息保存于的文件名

Start request
GET /wiki/index.php
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*
Accept-Language: zh-cn
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Maxthon; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Host: localhost
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: cdb_cookietime=2592000; wikiUserName=Wiki; wikiUserID=1; wikiToken=3b2eb6c9a7f7d30bc6e292347bc254d9; cdb_sid=GhDGhX; 
cdb_visitedfid=19D2D1; cdb_auth=R84Xdk4tTY%2B6xJQz7W%2FbYgblAt7j8RtRmUjZMKLmEomXo%2BrW9E11ILzEad%2FXH9k6; XQ3_sid=Det4JP; XQ3_cookietime=2592000;
XQ3_auth=71elDnltHBnZNb1c8n%2FwBALtHR3yDHpbzA%2FLZ%2B6ieeNTADB16GusIp2GKw; cdb_smile=1D1; CAKEPHP=0nain3gihsdqeing3d8tuigul1; wiki_session=obbjlbivu5ocqo1nvefj0akhl3

Main cache: FakeMemCachedClient
Message cache: MediaWikiBagOStuff
Parser cache: MediaWikiBagOStuff
Fully initialised
Zend Optimizer detected; skipping debug_backtrace for safety.
Unstubbing $wgMessageCache on call of $wgMessageCache->getTransform from unknown
Zend Optimizer detected; skipping debug_backtrace for safety.
Unstubbing $wgContLang on call of $wgContLang->getCode from unknown
Zend Optimizer detected; skipping debug_backtrace for safety.
Unstubbing $wgLoadBalancer on call of $wgLoadBalancer->getConnection from unknown
MessageCache::load(): got from global cache
Language::loadLocalisation(): got localisation for zh-cn from source
Language::loadLocalisation(): got localisation for en from source
Zend Optimizer detected; skipping debug_backtrace for safety.
Unstubbing $wgParser on call of $wgParser->firstCallInit from unknown
Zend Optimizer detected; skipping debug_backtrace for safety.
Unstubbing $wgUser on call of $wgUser->isAllowed from unknown
Cache miss for user 1
Logged in from cookie
Zend Optimizer detected; skipping debug_backtrace for safety.
Unstubbing $wgOut on call of $wgOut->setSquidMaxage from unknown
OutputPage::sendCacheControl: private caching; Mon, 03 Dec 2007 08:06:50 GMT **
Profile section ended by close(): -total
20071203080650	0.416	/wiki/index.php

Profiling data
Name                                                                         Calls         Total          Each             %       Mem
-total                                                                           1       415.680       415.680       100.000%         0  (      415.680 -      415.680) [0]
__autoload                                                                      17       225.801        13.282        54.321%         0  (        1.073 -       41.644) [2]
main-misc-setup                                                                  1       222.821       222.821        53.604%         0  (      222.821 -      222.821) [52]
wfMsgReal                                                                        1       172.337       172.337        41.459%         0  (      172.337 -      172.337) [47]
Language::loadLocalisation                                                       2        75.578        37.789        18.182%         0  (       28.314 -       47.264) [1]
Setup.php                                                                        1        69.901        69.901        16.816%         0  (       69.901 -       69.901) [11]
MediaWiki::finalCleanup                                                          1        55.147        55.147        13.267%         0  (       55.147 -       55.147) [18]
OutputPage::output                                                               1        49.714        49.714        11.960%         0  (       49.714 -       49.714) [5]
User::getSkin                                                                    1        47.728        47.728        11.482%         0  (       47.728 -       47.728) [3]
Setup.php-includes                                                               1        44.905        44.905        10.803%         0  (       44.905 -       44.905) [0]
StubObject::_unstub-wgParser                                                     1        42.477        42.477        10.219%         0  (       42.477 -       42.477) [1]
MessageCache::load                                                               1        32.781        32.781         7.886%         0  (       32.781 -       32.781) [33]
MessageCache::load-fromlocal                                                     1        29.961        29.961         7.208%         0  (       29.961 -       29.961) [19]
MediaWiki::initialize                                                            1        28.330        28.330         6.815%         0  (       28.330 -       28.330) [11]
LoadBalancer::getConnection                                                     13        22.291         1.715         5.362%         0  (        0.020 -       21.884) [21]
LoadBalancer::openConnection                                                    13        22.190         1.707         5.338%         0  (        0.021 -       21.864) [7]
StubObject::_unstub-wgContLang                                                   1        20.709        20.709         4.982%         0  (       20.709 -       20.709) [1]
StubObject::_unstub-wgUser                                                       1        20.000        20.000         4.811%         0  (       20.000 -       20.000) [1]
WebStart.php-conf                                                                1        18.389        18.389         4.424%         0  (       18.389 -       18.389) [0]
Parser::firstCallInit                                                            1        15.402        15.402         3.705%         0  (       15.402 -       15.402) [2]
StubObject::_unstub-wgMessageCache                                               1         9.858         9.858         2.371%         0  (        9.858 -        9.858) [2]
Setup.php-misc1                                                                  1         9.522         9.522         2.291%         0  (        9.522 -        9.522) [1]
Parser::initialiseVariables                                                      1         9.004         9.004         2.166%         0  (        9.004 -        9.004) [0]
Setup.php-memcached                                                              1         8.207         8.207         1.974%         0  (        8.207 -        8.207) [1]
-overhead-total                                                                104         8.187         0.079         1.970%         0  (        8.187 -        8.187) [104]
Database::query                                                                  8         8.094         1.012         1.947%         0  (        0.368 -        2.406) [10]
StubObject::_unstub-wgLoadBalancer                                               1         6.832         6.832         1.644%         0  (        6.832 -        6.832) [1]
User::load                                                                       1         6.284         6.284         1.512%         0  (        6.284 -        6.284) [6]
-setup                                                                           1         5.340         5.340         1.285%         0  (        5.340 -        5.340) [0]
Database::open                                                                   1         3.426         3.426         0.824%         0  (        3.426 -        3.426) [5]
Setup.php-exception                                                              1         3.141         3.141         0.756%         0  (        3.141 -        3.141) [0]
-overhead-internal                                                             104         3.029         0.029         0.729%         0  (        0.020 -        0.595) [0]
Language::fixUpSettings                                                          1         2.859         2.859         0.688%         0  (        2.859 -        2.859) [0]
MessageCache::load-fromcache                                                     1         2.807         2.807         0.675%         0  (        2.807 -        2.807) [12]
query: SELECT ug_group FROM `user_groups` WHERE ug_user = 'X'                    1         2.380         2.380         0.573%         0  (        2.380 -        2.380) [0]
query: SELECT value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname='X'                 2         2.282         1.141         0.549%         0  (        0.684 -        1.598) [0]
dbconnect-localhost                                                              1         1.835         1.835         0.441%         0  (        1.835 -        1.835) [0]
MediaWiki::initializeSpecialCases                                                1         1.577         1.577         0.379%         0  (        1.577 -        1.577) [1]
Skin::getSkinNames-init                                                          1         1.487         1.487         0.358%         0  (        1.487 -        1.487) [0]
Job::pop                                                                         1         1.276         1.276         0.307%         0  (        1.276 -        1.276) [5]
StubObject::_unstub-wgOut                                                        1         1.183         1.183         0.285%         0  (        1.183 -        1.183) [0]
query:  SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE user_id = 'X' LIMIT N                         1         0.884         0.884         0.213%         0  (        0.884 -        0.884) [0]
query: SET sql_mode = 'X'                                                        1         0.843         0.843         0.203%         0  (        0.843 -        0.843) [2]
query:  SELECT * FROM `job` WHERE job_id >= N ORDER BY job_id LIMIT N            1         0.769         0.769         0.185%         0  (        0.769 -        0.769) [0]
Setup.php-SetupSession                                                           1         0.573         0.573         0.138%         0  (        0.573 -        0.573) [0]
Setup.php-extensions                                                             1         0.504         0.504         0.121%         0  (        0.504 -        0.504) [0]
query: COMMIT                                                                    1         0.435         0.435         0.105%         0  (        0.435 -        0.435) [0]
query: BEGIN                                                                     1         0.361         0.361         0.087%         0  (        0.361 -        0.361) [0]
Setup.php-globals                                                                1         0.104         0.104         0.025%         0  (        0.104 -        0.104) [0]
MediaWiki::doUpdates                                                             2         0.060         0.030         0.014%         0  (        0.028 -        0.033) [4]
Setup.php-User                                                                   1         0.027         0.027         0.006%         0  (        0.027 -        0.027) [0]
MessageCache::__construct                                                        1         0.016         0.016         0.004%         0  (        0.016 -        0.016) [0]
LoadBalancer::getReaderIndex                                                     1         0.005         0.005         0.001%         0  (        0.005 -        0.005) [0]
Setup.php-misc2                                                                  1         0.002         0.002         0.000%         0  (        0.002 -        0.002) [0]
Profile section ended by close(): -total                                         1         0.000         0.000         0.000%         0  (        0.000 -        0.000) [102]
WebStart.php-ob_start                                                            1        -0.000        -0.000        -0.000%         0  (       -0.000 -        0.000) [0]

Total: 0.41567989266836

Request ended normally

  • 注意:wfProfileIn和wfProfileOut需要成对出现,否则会出错。而且调试信息的输出顺序是:先输出已经匹配好了的一对wfProfileIn和wfProfileOut的调试信息,也即遇到wfProfileOut时才输出该段调试信息,而不是wfProfileIn。这一点在上面的调试信息中可以看出。
  • 此外,注意DefaultSettings.php里的关于"调试/日志记录"和"Profiling"两个大选项里的一些参数。可以定制输出信息的。



# Load up some global defines.
require_once( './includes/Defines.php' );
  • 这里定义了很多的常量,大部分常量在Defines.php中都有注释,在这里先不仔细去看其意思了。接下来
# LocalSettings.php is the per site customization file. If it does not exit
# the wiki installer need to be launched or the generated file moved from
# ./config/ to ./
if( !file_exists( './LocalSettings.php' ) ) {
	$IP = '.';
	require_once( './includes/DefaultSettings.php' ); # used for printing the version
	require_once( './includes/templates/NoLocalSettings.php' );
  • 这段代码的意思已经在注释里说得很明白了:若wiki根目录下不存在LocalSettings.php,则认为设置不存在,应该进行Wiki的系统配置、或者将config目录下的LocalSettings.php拷贝到wiki根目录下。


# Include this site setttings
require_once( './LocalSettings.php' );
wfProfileOut( 'WebStart.php-conf' );
wfProfileIn( 'WebStart.php-ob_start' );

# Initialise output buffering
if ( ob_get_level() ) {
	# Someone's been mixing configuration data with code!
	# How annoying.
} elseif ( !defined( 'MW_NO_OUTPUT_BUFFER' ) ) {
	require_once( './includes/OutputHandler.php' );
	ob_start( 'wfOutputHandler' );

wfProfileOut( 'WebStart.php-ob_start' );



if ( !defined( 'MW_NO_SETUP' ) ) {
	require_once( './includes/Setup.php' );


REQUEST as $name => $value ) { if( in_array( $name, $verboten ) ) { header( "HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error" ); echo "register_globals security paranoia: trying to overwrite superglobals, aborting."; die( -1 ); } unset( $GLOBALS[$name] ); }



因此,可以将原来的代码注释掉,换成上面这段代码,并且在LocationSettings.php里设置$wgDebugLogFile值,则可以完全开启debug功能了~~ 下面便是我开启了debug功能后访问index.php得到的debug信息,可以看到这个信息非常详尽!不仅包含了请求的一些基本信息,还清楚的列出了依次调用了什么函数,函数的执行时间等等。太强大了!

PS:$wgDebugLogFile 调试信息保存于的文件名


  • 注意:wfProfileIn和wfProfileOut需要成对出现,否则会出错。而且调试信息的输出顺序是:先输出已经匹配好了的一对wfProfileIn和wfProfileOut的调试信息,也即遇到wfProfileOut时才输出该段调试信息,而不是wfProfileIn。这一点在上面的调试信息中可以看出。
  • 此外,注意DefaultSettings.php里的关于"调试/日志记录"和"Profiling"两个大选项里的一些参数。可以定制输出信息的。



  • 这里定义了很多的常量,大部分常量在Defines.php中都有注释,在这里先不仔细去看其意思了。接下来
  • 这段代码的意思已经在注释里说得很明白了:若wiki根目录下不存在LocalSettings.php,则认为设置不存在,应该进行Wiki的系统配置、或者将config目录下的LocalSettings.php拷贝到wiki根目录下。







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