A PinTool To dump shellcode From zynamics

#include "pin.H"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <sstream>
* Specifies the maximum number of legit instructions the plugin keeps track of
* before control flow is transferred to the shellcode.
const unsigned int MAX_LEGIT_INSTRUCTION_LOG_SIZE = 100 ;
* Keeps track of legit instructions before control flow is transferred to she
* shellcode.
std :: list < std :: string > legitInstructions ;
* Keeps track of disassembled instructions that were already dumped.
std :: set < std :: string *> dumped ;
* Output file the shellcode information is dumped to.
std :: ofstream traceFile ;
* Command line option to specify the name of the output file.
* Default is shellcode.out.
KNOB < string > outputFile ( KNOB_MODE_WRITEONCE , "pintool" , "o" , "shellcode.out" , "specify trace file name" );
* Prints usage information.
INT32 usage ()
     cerr << "This tool produces a call trace." << endl << endl ;
     cerr << KNOB_BASE :: StringKnobSummary () << endl ;
     return - 1 ;
* Determines whether a given address belongs to a known module or not.
bool isUnknownAddress ( ADDRINT address )
// An address belongs to a known module, if the address belongs to any
// section of any module in the target address space.
for ( IMG img = APP_ImgHead (); IMG_Valid ( img ); img = IMG_Next ( img ))
for ( SEC sec = IMG_SecHead ( img ); SEC_Valid ( sec ); sec = SEC_Next ( sec ))
if ( address >= SEC_Address ( sec ) && address < SEC_Address ( sec ) + SEC_Size ( sec ))
return false ;
return true ;
* Given a fully qualified path to a file, this function extracts the raw
* filename and gets rid of the path.
std :: string extractFilename ( const std :: string & filename )
unsigned int lastBackslash = filename . rfind ( " \\ " );
if ( lastBackslash == - 1 )
return filename ;
return filename . substr ( lastBackslash + 1 );
* Given an address, this function determines the name of the loaded module the
* address belongs to. If the address does not belong to any module, the empty
* string is returned.
std :: string getModule ( ADDRINT address )
// To find the module name of an address, iterate over all sections of all
// modules until a section is found that contains the address.
for ( IMG img = APP_ImgHead (); IMG_Valid ( img ); img = IMG_Next ( img ))
for ( SEC sec = IMG_SecHead ( img ); SEC_Valid ( sec ); sec = SEC_Next ( sec ))
if ( address >= SEC_Address ( sec ) && address < SEC_Address ( sec ) + SEC_Size ( sec ))
return extractFilename ( IMG_Name ( img ));
return "" ;
* Converts a PIN instruction object into a disassembled string.
std :: string dumpInstruction ( INS ins )
std :: stringstream ss ;
ADDRINT address = INS_Address ( ins );
// Generate address and module information
ss << "0x" << setfill ( '0' ) << setw ( 8 ) << uppercase << hex << address << "::" << getModule ( address ) << " " ;
// Generate instruction byte encoding
for ( int i = 0 ; i < INS_Size ( ins ); i ++ )
ss << setfill ( '0' ) << setw ( 2 ) << ((( unsigned int ) * ( unsigned char * )( address + i )) & 0xFF ) << " " ;
for ( int i = INS_Size ( ins ); i < 8 ; i ++ )
ss << " " ;
// Generate diassembled string
ss << INS_Disassemble ( ins );
// Look up call information for direct calls
if ( INS_IsCall ( ins ) && INS_IsDirectBranchOrCall ( ins ))
ss << " -> " << RTN_FindNameByAddress ( INS_DirectBranchOrCallTargetAddress ( ins ));
return ss . str ();
* Callback function that is executed every time an instruction identified as
* potential shellcode is executed.
void dump_shellcode ( std :: string * instructionString )
if ( dumped . find ( instructionString ) != dumped . end ())
// This check makes sure that an instruction is not dumped twice.
// For a complete run trace it would make sense to dump an instruction
// every time it is executed. However, imagine the shellcode has a
// tight loop that is executed a million times. The resulting log file
// is much easier to read if every instruction is only dumped once.
return ;
if ( ! legitInstructions . empty ())
// If legit instructions have been logged before the shellcode is
// executed, it is now a good time to dump them to the file. This
// information then shows when control flow was transferred from
// legit code to shellcode.
traceFile << "Executed before" << endl ;
for ( std :: list < std :: string >:: iterator Iter = legitInstructions . begin (); Iter != legitInstructions . end (); ++ Iter )
traceFile << * Iter << endl ;
traceFile << endl << "Shellcode:" << endl ;
legitInstructions . clear ();
traceFile << * instructionString << std :: endl ;
dumped . insert ( instructionString );
* This function is called
void traceInst ( INS ins , VOID * )
ADDRINT address = INS_Address ( ins );
if ( isUnknownAddress ( address ))
// The address is an address that does not belong to any loaded module.
// This is potential shellcode. For these instructions a callback
// function is inserted that dumps information to the trace file when
// the instruction is actually executed.
INS_InsertCall ( ins , IPOINT_BEFORE , AFUNPTR ( dump_shellcode ),
IARG_PTR , new std :: string ( dumpInstruction ( ins )), IARG_END
// The address is a legit address, meaning it is probably not part of
// any shellcode. In this case we just log the instruction to dump it
// later to show when control flow was transfered from legit code to
// shellcode.
legitInstructions . push_back ( dumpInstruction ( ins ));
if ( legitInstructions . size () > MAX_LEGIT_INSTRUCTION_LOG_SIZE )
// Log only up to MAX_LEGIT_INSTRUCTION_LOG_SIZE instructions or the whole
// program before the shellcode will be dumped.
legitInstructions . pop_front ();
* Finalizer function that is called at the end of the trace process.
* In this script, the finalizer function is responsible for closing
* the shellcode output file.
VOID fini ( INT32 , VOID * )
     traceFile . close ();
int main ( int argc , char * argv [])
     PIN_InitSymbols ();
     if ( PIN_Init ( argc , argv ))
         return usage ();
     traceFile . open ( outputFile . Value (). c_str ());
     string trace_header = string ( "# \n "
                                  "# Shellcode detector \n "
                                  "# \n " );
     traceFile . write ( trace_header . c_str (), trace_header . size ());
     INS_AddInstrumentFunction ( traceInst , 0 );
     PIN_AddFiniFunction ( fini , 0 );
     // Never returns
     PIN_StartProgram ();
     return 0 ;




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