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Namespace CKEDITOR.config

<!-- ============================== class summary ========================== -->

Defined in: core/config.js.

<!-- ============================== constructor summary ==================== -->
Namespace Summary
Constructor AttributesConstructor Name and Description
Holds the default configuration settings.
<!-- ============================== properties summary ===================== -->
Field Summary
Field AttributesField Name and Description
CKEDITOR.config. autoGrow_maxHeight
The maximum height to which the editor can reach using AutoGrow.
CKEDITOR.config. autoGrow_minHeight
The minimum height to which the editor can reach using AutoGrow.
CKEDITOR.config. autoUpdateElement
Whether the replaced element (usually a textarea) is to be updated automatically when posting the form containing the editor.
CKEDITOR.config. baseFloatZIndex
The base Z-index for floating dialogs and popups.
CKEDITOR.config. baseHref
The base href URL used to resolve relative and absolute URLs in the editor content.
CKEDITOR.config. blockedKeystrokes
A list of keystrokes to be blocked if not defined in the CKEDITOR.config.keystrokes setting.
CKEDITOR.config. bodyClass
Sets the "class" attribute to be used on the body element of the editing area.
CKEDITOR.config. bodyId
Sets the "id" attribute to be used on the body element of the editing area.
CKEDITOR.config. browserContextMenuOnCtrl
Whether to show the browser native context menu when the CTRL or the META (Mac) key is pressed while opening the context menu.
CKEDITOR.config. colorButton_backStyle
Holds the style definition to be used to apply the text background color.
CKEDITOR.config. colorButton_colors
Defines the colors to be displayed in the color selectors.
CKEDITOR.config. colorButton_enableMore
Whether to enable the "More Colors.
CKEDITOR.config. colorButton_foreStyle
Holds the style definition to be used to apply the text foreground color.
CKEDITOR.config. contentsCss
The CSS file(s) to be used to apply style to the contents.
CKEDITOR.config. contentsLangDirection
The writting direction of the language used to write the editor contents.
CKEDITOR.config. contentsLanguage
Language code of the writting language which is used to author the editor contents.
CKEDITOR.config. corePlugins
A comma separated list of plugins that are not related to editor instances.
CKEDITOR.config. coreStyles_bold
The style definition to be used to apply the bold style in the text.
CKEDITOR.config. coreStyles_italic
The style definition to be used to apply the italic style in the text.
CKEDITOR.config. coreStyles_strike
The style definition to be used to apply the strike style in the text.
CKEDITOR.config. coreStyles_subscript
The style definition to be used to apply the subscript style in the text.
CKEDITOR.config. coreStyles_superscript
The style definition to be used to apply the superscript style in the text.
CKEDITOR.config. coreStyles_underline
The style definition to be used to apply the underline style in the text.
CKEDITOR.config. customConfig
The URL path for the custom configuration file to be loaded.
CKEDITOR.config. defaultLanguage
The language to be used if CKEDITOR.config.language is left empty and it's not possible to localize the editor to the user language.
CKEDITOR.config. dialog_backgroundCoverColor
The color of the dialog background cover.
The opacity of the dialog background cover.
CKEDITOR.config. dialog_magnetDistance
The distance of magnetic borders used in moving and resizing dialogs, measured in pixels.
CKEDITOR.config. dialog_startupFocusTab
If the dialog has more than one tab, put focus into the first tab as soon as dialog is opened.
CKEDITOR.config. disableNativeSpellChecker
Disables the built-in spell checker while typing natively available in the browser (currently Firefox and Safari only).
CKEDITOR.config. disableNativeTableHandles
Disables the "table tools" offered natively by the browser (currently Firefox only) to make quick table editing operations, like adding or deleting rows and columns.
CKEDITOR.config. disableObjectResizing
Disables the ability of resize objects (image and tables) in the editing area.
CKEDITOR.config. docType
Sets the doctype to be used when loading the editor content as HTML.
CKEDITOR.config. editingBlock
Whether to render or not the editing block area in the editor interface.
CKEDITOR.config. emailProtection
The e-mail address anti-spam protection option.
CKEDITOR.config. enableTabKeyTools
Allow context-sensitive tab key behaviors, including the following scenarios:
When selection is anchored inside table cells:
  • If TAB is pressed, select the contents of the "next" cell.
CKEDITOR.config. enterMode
Sets the behavior for the ENTER key.
CKEDITOR.config. entities
Whether to use HTML entities in the output.
CKEDITOR.config. entities_additional
An additional list of entities to be used.
CKEDITOR.config. entities_greek
Whether to convert some symbols, mathematical symbols, and Greek letters to HTML entities.
CKEDITOR.config. entities_latin
Whether to convert some Latin characters (Latin alphabet No. 1, ISO 8859-1) to HTML entities.
CKEDITOR.config. entities_processNumerical
Whether to convert all remaining characters, not comprised in the ASCII character table, to their relative numeric representation of HTML entity.
CKEDITOR.config. extraPlugins
List of additional plugins to be loaded.
CKEDITOR.config. filebrowserBrowseUrl
The location of an external file browser, that should be launched when "Browse Server" button is pressed.
CKEDITOR.config. filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl
The location of an external file browser, that should be launched when "Browse Server" button is pressed in the Flash dialog.
CKEDITOR.config. filebrowserFlashUploadUrl
The location of a script that handles file uploads in the Flash dialog.
The location of an external file browser, that should be launched when "Browse Server" button is pressed in the Link tab of Image dialog.
CKEDITOR.config. filebrowserImageBrowseUrl
The location of an external file browser, that should be launched when "Browse Server" button is pressed in the Image dialog.
CKEDITOR.config. filebrowserImageUploadUrl
The location of a script that handles file uploads in the Image dialog.
CKEDITOR.config. filebrowserUploadUrl
The location of a script that handles file uploads.
CKEDITOR.config. find_highlight
Defines the style to be used to highlight results with the find dialog.
CKEDITOR.config. font_defaultLabel
The text to be displayed in the Font combo is none of the available values matches the current cursor position or text selection.
CKEDITOR.config. font_names
The list of fonts names to be displayed in the Font combo in the toolbar.
CKEDITOR.config. font_style
The style definition to be used to apply the font in the text.
CKEDITOR.config. fontSize_defaultLabel
The text to be displayed in the Font Size combo is none of the available values matches the current cursor position or text selection.
CKEDITOR.config. fontSize_sizes
The list of fonts size to be displayed in the Font Size combo in the toolbar.
CKEDITOR.config. fontSize_style
The style definition to be used to apply the font size in the text.
CKEDITOR.config. forceEnterMode
Force the respect of CKEDITOR.config.enterMode as line break regardless of the context, E.g.
CKEDITOR.config. forcePasteAsPlainText
Whether to force all pasting operations to insert on plain text into the editor, loosing any formatting information possibly available in the source text.
CKEDITOR.config. forceSimpleAmpersand
Whether to force using "&" instead of "&amp;" in elements attributes values.
CKEDITOR.config. format_address
The style definition to be used to apply the "Address" format.
CKEDITOR.config. format_div
The style definition to be used to apply the "Normal (DIV)" format.
CKEDITOR.config. format_h1
The style definition to be used to apply the "Heading 1" format.
CKEDITOR.config. format_h2
The style definition to be used to apply the "Heading 1" format.
CKEDITOR.config. format_h3
The style definition to be used to apply the "Heading 1" format.
CKEDITOR.config. format_h4
The style definition to be used to apply the "Heading 1" format.
CKEDITOR.config. format_h5
The style definition to be used to apply the "Heading 1" format.
CKEDITOR.config. format_h6
The style definition to be used to apply the "Heading 1" format.
CKEDITOR.config. format_p
The style definition to be used to apply the "Normal" format.
CKEDITOR.config. format_pre
The style definition to be used to apply the "Formatted" format.
CKEDITOR.config. format_tags
A list of semi colon separated style names (by default tags) representing the style definition for each entry to be displayed in the Format combo in the toolbar.
CKEDITOR.config. fullPage
Indicates whether the contents to be edited are being inputted as a full HTML page.
CKEDITOR.config. height
The height of editing area( content ), in relative or absolute, e.g.
CKEDITOR.config. htmlEncodeOutput
Whether escape HTML when editor update original input element.
CKEDITOR.config. ignoreEmptyParagraph
Whether the editor must output an empty value ("") if it's contents is made by an empty paragraph only.
CKEDITOR.config. image_previewText
Padding text to set off the image in preview area.
CKEDITOR.config. image_removeLinkByEmptyURL
Whether to remove links when emptying the link URL field in the image dialog.
CKEDITOR.config. keystrokes
A list associating keystrokes to editor commands.
CKEDITOR.config. language
The user interface language localization to use.
CKEDITOR.config. menu_groups
A comma separated list of items group names to be displayed in the context menu.
CKEDITOR.config. menu_subMenuDelay
The amount of time, in milliseconds, the editor waits before showing submenu options when moving the mouse over options that contains submenus, like the "Cell Properties" entry for tables.
CKEDITOR.config. newpage_html
The HTML to load in the editor when the "new page" command is executed.
CKEDITOR.config. pasteFromWordCleanupFile
The file that provides the MS Word cleanup function for pasting operations.
Whether to transform MS Word outline numbered headings into lists.
CKEDITOR.config. pasteFromWordPromptCleanup
Whether to prompt the user about the clean up of content being pasted from MS Word.
Whether to ignore all font related formatting styles, including:
  • font size;
  • font family;
  • font foreground/background color.
CKEDITOR.config. pasteFromWordRemoveStyles
Whether to remove element styles that can't be managed with the editor.
CKEDITOR.config. plugins
Comma separated list of plugins to load and initialize for an editor instance.
CKEDITOR.config. protectedSource
List of regular expressions to be executed over the input HTML, indicating code that must stay untouched.
CKEDITOR.config. removeFormatAttributes
A comma separated list of elements attributes to be removed when executing the "remove format" command.
CKEDITOR.config. removeFormatTags
A comma separated list of elements to be removed when executing the "remove " format" command.
CKEDITOR.config. removePlugins
List of plugins that must not be loaded.
CKEDITOR.config. resize_dir
The directions to which the editor resizing is enabled.
CKEDITOR.config. resize_enabled
Whether to enable the resizing feature.
CKEDITOR.config. resize_maxHeight
The maximum editor height, in pixels, when resizing it with the resize handle.
CKEDITOR.config. resize_maxWidth
The maximum editor width, in pixels, when resizing it with the resize handle.
CKEDITOR.config. resize_minHeight
The minimum editor height, in pixels, when resizing it with the resize handle.
CKEDITOR.config. resize_minWidth
The minimum editor width, in pixels, when resizing it with the resize handle.
CKEDITOR.config. scayt_autoStartup
If enabled (true), turns on SCAYT automatically after loading the editor.
CKEDITOR.config. scayt_contextCommands
Customizes the display of SCAYT context menu commands ("Add Word", "Ignore" and "Ignore All").
CKEDITOR.config. scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder
Define order of placing of SCAYT context menu items by groups.
CKEDITOR.config. scayt_contextMenuOntop
Makes it possible to place the SCAYT context menu items above others.
CKEDITOR.config. scayt_customDictionaryIds
Links SCAYT to custom dictionaries.
CKEDITOR.config. scayt_customerid
Sets the customer ID for SCAYT.
CKEDITOR.config. scayt_maxSuggestions
Defines the number of SCAYT suggestions to show in the main context menu.
CKEDITOR.config. scayt_moreSuggestions
Enables/disables the "More Suggestions" sub-menu in the context menu.
CKEDITOR.config. scayt_sLang
Sets the default spellchecking language for SCAYT.
CKEDITOR.config. scayt_srcUrl
Set the URL to SCAYT core.
CKEDITOR.config. scayt_uiTabs
Sets the visibility of the SCAYT tabs in the settings dialog and toolbar button.
CKEDITOR.config. scayt_userDictionaryName
Makes it possible to activate a custom dictionary on SCAYT.
CKEDITOR.config. shiftEnterMode
Just like the CKEDITOR.config.enterMode setting, it defines the behavior for the SHIFT+ENTER key.
CKEDITOR.config. skin
The skin to load.
CKEDITOR.config. smiley_columns
The number of columns to be generated by the smilies matrix.
CKEDITOR.config. smiley_descriptions
The description to be used for each of the smileys defined in the CKEDITOR.config.smiley_images setting.
CKEDITOR.config. smiley_images
The file names for the smileys to be displayed.
CKEDITOR.config. smiley_path
The base path used to build the URL for the smiley images.
CKEDITOR.config. startupFocus
Sets whether the editor should have the focus when the page loads.
CKEDITOR.config. startupMode
The mode to load at the editor startup.
CKEDITOR.config. startupOutlineBlocks
Whether to automaticaly enable the "show block" command when the editor loads.
CKEDITOR.config. stylesSet
The "styles definition set" to use in the editor.
CKEDITOR.config. tabIndex
The editor tabindex value.
CKEDITOR.config. tabSpaces
Intructs the editor to add a number of spaces (&nbsp;) to the text when hitting the TAB key.
CKEDITOR.config. templates
The templates definition set to use.
CKEDITOR.config. templates_files
The list of templates definition files to load.
CKEDITOR.config. templates_replaceContent
Whether the "Replace actual contents" checkbox is checked by default in the Templates dialog.
CKEDITOR.config. theme
The theme to be used to build the UI.
CKEDITOR.config. toolbar
The toolbox (alias toolbar) definition.
CKEDITOR.config. toolbar_Basic
The toolbar definition.
CKEDITOR.config. toolbar_Full
This is the default toolbar definition used by the editor.
CKEDITOR.config. toolbarCanCollapse
Whether the toolbar can be collapsed by the user.
CKEDITOR.config. toolbarLocation
The "theme space" to which rendering the toolbar.
CKEDITOR.config. toolbarStartupExpanded
Whether the toolbar must start expanded when the editor is loaded.
CKEDITOR.config. undoStackSize
The number of undo steps to be saved.
CKEDITOR.config. useComputedState
Indicates that some of the editor features, like alignement and text direction, should used the "computed value" of the feature to indicate it's on/off state, instead of using the "real value".
CKEDITOR.config. width
The editor width in CSS size format or pixel integer.
<!-- ============================== methods summary ======================== --><!-- ============================== events summary ======================== --><!-- ============================== constructor details ==================== -->
Namespace Detail
Since: 3.0
Holds the default configuration settings. Changes to this object are reflected in all editor instances, if not specificaly specified for those instances.
// All editor created after the following setting will not load custom
// configuration files.
CKEDITOR.config.customConfig = '';
<!-- ============================== field details ========================== -->
Field Detail
<static> {Number} CKEDITOR.config. autoGrow_maxHeight
Since: 3.4
The maximum height to which the editor can reach using AutoGrow. Zero means unlimited.
Defined in: plugins/autogrow/plugin.js.
config.autoGrow_maxHeight = 400;
Default Value:

<static> {Number} CKEDITOR.config. autoGrow_minHeight
Since: 3.4
The minimum height to which the editor can reach using AutoGrow.
Defined in: plugins/autogrow/plugin.js.
config.autoGrow_minHeight = 300;
Default Value:

<static> {Boolean} CKEDITOR.config. autoUpdateElement
Since: 3.0
Whether the replaced element (usually a textarea) is to be updated automatically when posting the form containing the editor.
config.autoUpdateElement = true;
Default Value:

<static> {Number} CKEDITOR.config. baseFloatZIndex
Since: 3.0
The base Z-index for floating dialogs and popups.
config.baseFloatZIndex = 2000
Default Value:

<static> {String} CKEDITOR.config. baseHref
Since: 3.0
The base href URL used to resolve relative and absolute URLs in the editor content.
config.baseHref = '';
Default Value:
'' (empty string)

<static> {Array} CKEDITOR.config. blockedKeystrokes
Since: 3.0
A list of keystrokes to be blocked if not defined in the CKEDITOR.config.keystrokes setting. In this way it is possible to block the default browser behavior for those keystrokes.
Defined in: plugins/keystrokes/plugin.js.
// This is actually the default value.
config.blockedKeystrokes =
    CKEDITOR.CTRL + 66 /*B*/,
    CKEDITOR.CTRL + 73 /*I*/,
    CKEDITOR.CTRL + 85 /*U*/
Default Value:
(see example)

<static> {String} CKEDITOR.config. bodyClass
Since: 3.1
Sets the "class" attribute to be used on the body element of the editing area.
Default Value:

<static> {String} CKEDITOR.config. bodyId
Since: 3.1
Sets the "id" attribute to be used on the body element of the editing area.
Default Value:

<static> {Boolean} CKEDITOR.config. browserContextMenuOnCtrl
Since: 3.0.2
Whether to show the browser native context menu when the CTRL or the META (Mac) key is pressed while opening the context menu.
Defined in: plugins/contextmenu/plugin.js.
config.browserContextMenuOnCtrl = false;
Default Value:

<static> {Object} CKEDITOR.config. colorButton_backStyle
Since: 3.0
Holds the style definition to be used to apply the text background color.
Defined in: plugins/colorbutton/plugin.js.
// This is basically the default setting value.
config.colorButton_backStyle =
        element : 'span',
        styles : { 'background-color' : '#(color)' }

<static> {String} CKEDITOR.config. colorButton_colors
Since: 3.0
Defines the colors to be displayed in the color selectors. It's a string containing the hexadecimal notation for HTML colors, without the "#" prefix. Since 3.3: A name may be optionally defined by prefixing the entries with the name and the slash character. For example, "FontColor1/FF9900" will be displayed as the color #FF9900 in the selector, but will be outputted as "FontColor1".
Defined in: plugins/colorbutton/plugin.js.
// Brazil colors only.
config.colorButton_colors = '00923E,F8C100,28166F';
config.colorButton_colors = 'FontColor1/FF9900,FontColor2/0066CC,FontColor3/F00'
Default Value:

<static> {Boolean} CKEDITOR.config. colorButton_enableMore
Since: 3.0
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