Java--Reflection 浅析1

Reflection 的简单应用,包括field, method,constructor的应用。


package com.gaoqian.reflection;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;

abstract class BaseClass1 {
 private int bi;
 protected String bs;
 public char bc;

 public BaseClass1(int bin, String bstr, char bch) { = bin; = bstr;
  this.bc = bch;

 public int getIntValue() {
  return bi;

 public void setIntValue(int in) { = in;

 public abstract String out();


class DerivedClass2 extends BaseClass1 {
 private int ddi;
 protected String dds;
 public char ddc;

 public DerivedClass2(int ddin, String ddstr, char ddch) {
  super(ddin + 100, ddstr + "BaseClass", ddch);
  this.ddi = ddin; = ddstr;
  this.ddc = ddch;

 public String getStringValue() {
  return dds;

 public void setStringValue(String str) { = str;

 public String out() {
  return "The content of BaseClass is " + super.getIntValue() + super.bc
    + + "/n" + "The content of DerivedClass is "
    + this.ddi + + this.ddc;

public class TestingReflection {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  // System.out.println("***showFieldsInfo()***");
  // showFieldsInfo();
  // System.out.println("***operateFieldValue()***");
  // operateFieldValue();
//  System.out.println("***showMethodInfo()***");
//  showMethodInfo();
//  System.out.println("***invokeMethod()***");
//  invokeMethod();
//  System.out.println("***showConstructorInfo()***");
//  showConstructorInfo();

 public static void showFieldsInfo() {
  try {
   Class cls = Class.forName("com.gaoqian.reflection.DerivedClass2");
   Field[] declaredfieldlist = cls.getDeclaredFields();
   for (int i = 0; i < declaredfieldlist.length; i++) {
    Field fld = declaredfieldlist[i];
    System.out.println("name = " + fld.getName());
    System.out.println("decl class = " + fld.getDeclaringClass());
    System.out.println("type = " + fld.getType());
    System.out.println("GenericType = " + fld.getGenericType());
    int mod = fld.getModifiers();
    System.out.println("modifiers = " + Modifier.toString(mod));
    System.out.println("isEnumConstant = " + fld.isEnumConstant());
    System.out.println("isSynthetic = " + fld.isSynthetic());
   Field[] fieldlist = cls.getFields();
   for (int i = 0; i < fieldlist.length; i++) {
    Field fld = fieldlist[i];
    System.out.println("name = " + fld.getName());
    System.out.println("decl class = " + fld.getDeclaringClass());
    System.out.println("type = " + fld.getType());
    System.out.println("GenericType = " + fld.getGenericType());
    int mod = fld.getModifiers();
    System.out.println("modifiers = " + Modifier.toString(mod));
    System.out.println("isEnumConstant = " + fld.isEnumConstant());
    System.out.println("isSynthetic = " + fld.isSynthetic());
  } catch (Throwable e) {

 public static void operateFieldValue() {
  try {
   Class cls = Class.forName("com.gaoqian.reflection.DerivedClass2");
   Class partypes[] = new Class[3];
   partypes[0] = Integer.TYPE;
   partypes[1] = String.class;
   partypes[2] = Character.TYPE;
   Constructor ct = cls.getConstructor(partypes);
   System.out.println("ct.class=" + ct.getDeclaringClass());
   Type[] para = ct.getGenericParameterTypes();
   for (Type type : para) {
    System.out.println("ct.constructor(type)=" + type);
   Class[] para2 = ct.getParameterTypes();
   for (Class type : para2) {
    System.out.println("ct.constructor(Class)=" + type);
   System.out.println("ct.getName()=" + ct.getName());
   System.out.println("ct.isSynthetic()=" + ct.isSynthetic());
   System.out.println("ct.isVarArgs()=" + ct.isVarArgs());
   Object arglist[] = new Object[3];
   arglist[0] = new Integer(37);
   arglist[1] = new String("operateFieldValue");
   arglist[2] = new Character('z');
   // Object retobj = ct.newInstance(arglist);
   DerivedClass2 retobj = (DerivedClass2) ct.newInstance(arglist);
   System.out.println("public filed of DericedClass is " + retobj.ddc);
   // // envokeMethod2(retobj);
   // setFieldValue(cls, retobj, "d", new Double(3.0));
   setFieldValue(cls, retobj, "dds", "this is string");
   setFieldValue(cls, retobj, "ddi", 5);
   setFieldValue(cls, retobj, "ddc", 'a');
   // // setFieldValue(cls,retobj,"i",7);//you can set the value for a
   // // final field


  } catch (Throwable e) {

  * set value of field
 public static void setFieldValue(Class cls, Object instance,
   String fieldName, Object value) {
  try {
   // Class cls = Class.forName("elang.jdk6.reflect.ReflectExp");
   // Field field = cls.getField(fieldName);//only return public field
   Field field = cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
    * If the modifiers of field is private and without using
    * field.setAccessible(true), so there will throw an
    * IllegalAccessException.
   // If the field is static, field.get() works fine.
   Object val = field.get(instance);
   System.out.println(fieldName + "=" + val);
   System.out.println("set new value for " + fieldName);
   System.out.println("isaccessible=" + field.isAccessible());
   field.set(instance, value);
   val = field.get(instance);
   System.out.println(fieldName + "=" + val);
  } catch (Throwable e) {

 public static void showMethodInfo() {
  try {
   Class cls = Class.forName("com.gaoqian.reflection.DerivedClass2");
   Method methlist[] = cls.getDeclaredMethods();
   for (int i = 0; i < methlist.length; i++) {
    Method m = methlist[i];
    System.out.println("name = " + m.getName());
    System.out.println("decl class = " + m.getDeclaringClass());
    Class pvec[] = m.getParameterTypes();
    for (int j = 0; j < pvec.length; j++)
     System.out.println("param #" + j + " " + pvec[j]);
    Type pvec2[] = m.getGenericParameterTypes();
    for (int j = 0; j < pvec2.length; j++)
     System.out.println("param 2#" + j + " " + pvec2[j]);
    Class evec[] = m.getExceptionTypes();
    for (int j = 0; j < evec.length; j++)
     System.out.println("exc #" + j + " " + evec[j]);
    Type evec2[] = m.getGenericExceptionTypes();
    for (int j = 0; j < evec2.length; j++)
     System.out.println("exc 2#" + j + " " + evec2[j]);
    System.out.println("return type = " + m.getReturnType());
    System.out.println("getGenericReturnType = "
      + m.getGenericReturnType());
    System.out.println("getModifiers = "
      + Modifier.toString(m.getModifiers()));
    System.out.println("isBridge = " + m.isBridge());
    System.out.println("isSynthetic = " + (m.isSynthetic()));
    System.out.println("isVarArgs = " + (m.isVarArgs()));
  } catch (Throwable e) {
 public static void invokeMethod() {
  try {
   Class cls = Class.forName("com.gaoqian.reflection.DerivedClass2");
   Class partypes[] = new Class[1];
   partypes[0] = String.class;
   Method setmeth = cls.getMethod("setStringValue", partypes);
   DerivedClass2 methobj = new DerivedClass2(10, "initialize", 'w');
   Object arglist[] = new Object[1];
   arglist[0] = "new string of invokeMethod";
   //set new value of string
   Object retsetobj = setmeth.invoke(methobj, arglist);
   if(null == retsetobj){
    System.out.println("the return value of setStringValue() is null");
   Class partypesget[] = new Class[0];
   Object arglistget[] = new Object[0];
   Method getmeth = cls.getMethod("getStringValue", partypesget);
   Object retgetobj = getmeth.invoke(methobj, arglistget);
   //not commend
//   Method getmeth = cls.getMethod("getStringValue", null);
//   Object retgetobj = getmeth.invoke(methobj, null);
   String retval = (String) retgetobj;
   System.out.println("the return value of getStringValue() is " + retval);
  } catch (Throwable e) {
 public static void showConstructorInfo() {
  try {
   Class cls = Class.forName("com.gaoqian.reflection.DerivedClass2");
   Constructor ctorlist[] = cls.getDeclaredConstructors();
   for (int i = 0; i < ctorlist.length; i++) {
    Constructor ct = ctorlist[i];
    System.out.println("name = " + ct.getName());
    System.out.println("decl class = " + ct.getDeclaringClass());
      + Modifier.toString(ct.getModifiers()));
    System.out.println("ct.isSynthetic()=" + ct.isSynthetic());
    System.out.println("ct.isVarArgs()=" + ct.isVarArgs());

    Class pvec[] = ct.getParameterTypes();
    for (int j = 0; j < pvec.length; j++)
     System.out.println("param #" + j + " " + pvec[j]);
    Class evec[] = ct.getExceptionTypes();
    for (int j = 0; j < evec.length; j++)
     System.out.println("exc #" + j + " " + evec[j]);
    Type[] para = ct.getGenericParameterTypes();
    for (Type type : para) {
     System.out.println("ct.GenericParameterTypes=" + type);
    Type evec2[] = ct.getGenericExceptionTypes();
    for (int j = 0; j < evec2.length; j++)
     System.out.println("exc 2#" + j + " " + evec2[j]);
  } catch (Throwable e) {
 public static void dynamicArray() {
  try {
   // single dimension
   Class cls = Class.forName("java.lang.String");
   Object arr = Array.newInstance(cls, 10);
   Array.set(arr, 5, "this is a test");
   String s = (String) Array.get(arr, 5);
   System.out.println("length=" + ((String[]) arr).length);
   System.out.println("length=" + Array.getLength(arr));
   // Multiple dimension
   int dims[] = new int[] { 5, 10, 15 };
   Object arrM = Array.newInstance(Integer.TYPE, dims);// create
   // 3*10*15
   // dimension
   // array
   Object arrobj = Array.get(arrM, 3);
   Class cls2 = arrobj.getClass().getComponentType();
   arrobj = Array.get(arrobj, 5);
   Array.setInt(arrobj, 10, 37);
   int arrcast[][][] = (int[][][]) arrM;
  } catch (Throwable e) {






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