《Mali OpenCL SDK v1.1.0》教程样例之六“索贝尔滤波器”








 > X方向的梯度(dX)

 > Y方向的梯度(dY)




 -1  0  1
 -2  0  2
 -1  0  1
  1  2  1
  0  0  0
 -1 -2 -1











  注意:我们考虑矢量化是在本教程中使用的主要优化技术。为了显示使用适量的重要性,一个不包含矢量的Sobel滤波器的OpenCL实现被包含在sobel_no_vectors sample(sobel_no_vectors.cpp和sobel_no_vectors.cl)。在Mali-T600系列GPU上,矢量化的版本快很多。


1. 选择内核大小


     * Each kernel calculates 16 output pixels in the same row (hence the '* 16').
     * column is in the range [0, width] in steps of 16.
     * row is in the range [0, height].
    const int column = get_global_id(0) * 16;
    const int row = get_global_id(1) * 1;
    /* Offset calculates the position in the linear data for the row and the column. */
    const int offset = row * width + column;

     * Each instance of the kernel operates on a 16 * 1 portion of the image.
     * Therefore, the global work size must be width / 16 by height / 1 work items.
    size_t globalWorksize[2] = {width / 16, height / 1};

2. 加载输入数据



     * First row of input.
     * In a scalar Sobel calculation you would load 1 value for leftLoad, middleLoad and rightLoad.
     * In the vector case we load 16 values for each.
     * leftLoad, middleLoad and rightLoad load 16-bytes of data from the first row.
     * The data they load overlaps. e.g. for the first column and row, leftLoad is 0->15, middleLoad is 1->16 and rightLoad is 2->17.
     * So we're actually loading 18-bytes of data from the first row.
    uchar16 leftLoad = vload16(0, inputImage + (offset + 0));
    uchar16 middleLoad = vload16(0, inputImage + (offset + 1));
    uchar16 rightLoad = vload16(0, inputImage + (offset + 2));

3. 转换数据


     * Convert the data from unsigned chars to shorts (8-bit unsigned to 16-bit signed).
     * The calculations can overflow 8-bits so we require larger intermediate storage.
     * Additionally, the values can become negative so we need a signed type.
    short16 leftData = convert_short16(leftLoad);
    short16 middleData = convert_short16(middleLoad);
    short16 rightData = convert_short16(rightLoad);

4. 做计算


     * Calculate the results for the first row.
     * Looking at the Sobel masks above for the first line of input,
     * the dX calculation is the sum of 1 * leftData, 0 * middleData, and -1 * rightData.
     * The dY calculation is the sum of 1 * leftData, 2 * middleData, and 1 * rightData.
     * This is what is being calculated below, except we have removed the
     * unnecessary calculations (multiplications by 1 or 0) and we are calculating 16 values at once.
     * This pattern repeats for the other 2 rows of data.
    short16 dx = rightData - leftData;
    short16 dy = rightData + leftData + middleData * (short)2;

5. 排列结果


     * Store the results.
     * The range of outputs from our Sobel calculations is [-1020, 1020].
     * In order to output this as an 8-bit signed char we must divide it by 8 (or shift right 3 times).
     * This gives the range [-128, 128]. Depending on what type of output you require,
     * (signed/unsigned, seperate/combined gradients) it is possible to do more of the calculations on the GPU using OpenCL.
     * In this sample we're assuming that the application requires signed uncombined gradient outputs.
    vstore16(convert_char16(dx >> 3), 0, outputImageDX + offset + width + 1);
    vstore16(convert_char16(dy >> 3), 0, outputImageDY + offset + width + 1);






 * This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as
 * authorised by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited
 *    (C) COPYRIGHT 2013 ARM Limited
 * The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised
 * copies and copies may only be made to the extent permitted
 * by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited.

 * \brief Sobel filter kernel function.
 * \param[in] inputImage Input image data in row-major format.
 * \param[in] width Width of the image passed in as inputImage.
 * \param[out] outputImageDX Output image of the calculated gradient in the X direction.
 * \param[out] outputImageDY Output image of the calculated gradient in the Y direction.
__kernel void sobel(__global const uchar* restrict inputImage,
                    const int width,
                    __global char* restrict outputImageDX,
                    __global char* restrict outputImageDY)
    /* [Kernel size] */
     * Each kernel calculates 16 output pixels in the same row (hence the '* 16').
     * column is in the range [0, width] in steps of 16.
     * row is in the range [0, height].
    const int column = get_global_id(0) * 16;
    const int row = get_global_id(1) * 1;

    /* Offset calculates the position in the linear data for the row and the column. */
    const int offset = row * width + column;
    /* [Kernel size] */

    /* [Load row] */
     * First row of input.
     * In a scalar Sobel calculation you would load 1 value for leftLoad, middleLoad and rightLoad.
     * In the vector case we load 16 values for each.
     * leftLoad, middleLoad and rightLoad load 16-bytes of data from the first row.
     * The data they load overlaps. e.g. for the first column and row, leftLoad is 0->15, middleLoad is 1->16 and rightLoad is 2->17.
     * So we're actually loading 18-bytes of data from the first row.
    uchar16 leftLoad = vload16(0, inputImage + (offset + 0));
    uchar16 middleLoad = vload16(0, inputImage + (offset + 1));
    uchar16 rightLoad = vload16(0, inputImage + (offset + 2));
    /* [Load row] */

    /* [Convert data] */
     * Convert the data from unsigned chars to shorts (8-bit unsigned to 16-bit signed).
     * The calculations can overflow 8-bits so we require larger intermediate storage.
     * Additionally, the values can become negative so we need a signed type.
    short16 leftData = convert_short16(leftLoad);
    short16 middleData = convert_short16(middleLoad);
    short16 rightData = convert_short16(rightLoad);
    /* [Convert data] */

    /* [Calculation] */
     * Calculate the results for the first row.
     * Looking at the Sobel masks above for the first line of input,
     * the dX calculation is the sum of 1 * leftData, 0 * middleData, and -1 * rightData.
     * The dY calculation is the sum of 1 * leftData, 2 * middleData, and 1 * rightData.
     * This is what is being calculated below, except we have removed the
     * unnecessary calculations (multiplications by 1 or 0) and we are calculating 16 values at once.
     * This pattern repeats for the other 2 rows of data.
    short16 dx = rightData - leftData;
    short16 dy = rightData + leftData + middleData * (short)2;
    /* [Calculation] */

     * Second row of input.
     * By adding the 'width * 1' to the offset we get the next row of data at the same column position.
     * middleData is not loaded because it is not used in any of the calculations.
    leftLoad = vload16(0, inputImage + (offset + width * 1 + 0));
    rightLoad = vload16(0, inputImage + (offset + width * 1 + 2));

    leftData = convert_short16(leftLoad);
    rightData = convert_short16(rightLoad);

     * Calculate the results for the second row.
     * The dX calculation is the sum of -2 * leftData, 0 * middleData, and -2 * rightData.
     * There is no dY calculation to do: sum of 0 * leftData, 0 * middleData, and 0 * rightData.
    dx += (rightData - leftData) * (short)2;

    /* Third row of input. */
    leftLoad = vload16(0, inputImage + (offset + width * 2 + 0));
    middleLoad = vload16(0, inputImage + (offset + width * 2 + 1));
    rightLoad = vload16(0, inputImage + (offset + width * 2 + 2));

    leftData = convert_short16(leftLoad);
    middleData = convert_short16(middleLoad);
    rightData = convert_short16(rightLoad);

     * Calculate the results for the third row.
     * The dX calculation is the sum of -1 * leftData, 0 * middleData, and -1 * rightData.
     * The dY calculation is the sum of -1 * leftData, -2 * middleData, and -1 * rightData.
    dx += rightData - leftData;
    dy -= rightData + leftData + middleData * (short)2;

    /* [Store] */
     * Store the results.
     * The range of outputs from our Sobel calculations is [-1020, 1020].
     * In order to output this as an 8-bit signed char we must divide it by 8 (or shift right 3 times).
     * This gives the range [-128, 128]. Depending on what type of output you require,
     * (signed/unsigned, seperate/combined gradients) it is possible to do more of the calculations on the GPU using OpenCL.
     * In this sample we're assuming that the application requires signed uncombined gradient outputs.
    vstore16(convert_char16(dx >> 3), 0, outputImageDX + offset + width + 1);
    vstore16(convert_char16(dy >> 3), 0, outputImageDY + offset + width + 1);
    /* [Store] */



 * This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as
 * authorised by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited
 *    (C) COPYRIGHT 2013 ARM Limited
 * The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised
 * copies and copies may only be made to the extent permitted
 * by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited.

#include "common.h"
#include "image.h"

#include <CL/cl.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

 * \brief Simple Sobel filter OpenCL sample.
 * \details A sample which loads a bitmap and then passes it to the GPU.
 *          An OpenCL kernel which does Sobel filtering is then run on the data.
 *          The gradients of the image in x and y directions are returned by the GPU
 *          and are combined on the CPU to form the filtered data.
 *          The input image is loaded from assets/input.bmp. The output gradients in X and Y,
 *          as well as the combined gradient image are stored in output-dX.bmp, output-dY.bmp
 *          and output.bmp respectively.
 * \return The exit code of the application, non-zero if a problem occurred.
int main(void)
     * Name of the bitmap to load and run the sobel filter on.
     * It's width must be divisible by 16.
    string filename = "assets/input.bmp";

    cl_context context = 0;
    cl_command_queue commandQueue = 0;
    cl_program program = 0;
    cl_device_id device = 0;
    cl_kernel kernel = 0;
    const unsigned int numberOfMemoryObjects = 3;
    cl_mem memoryObjects[numberOfMemoryObjects] = {0, 0, 0};
    cl_int errorNumber;

    if (!createContext(&context))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed to create an OpenCL context. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    if (!createCommandQueue(context, &commandQueue, &device))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed to create the OpenCL command queue. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    if (!createProgram(context, device, "assets/sobel.cl", &program))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed to create OpenCL program." << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    kernel = clCreateKernel(program, "sobel", &errorNumber);
    if (!checkSuccess(errorNumber))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed to create OpenCL kernel. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    /* Load 24-bits per pixel RGB data from a bitmap. */
    cl_int width;
    cl_int height;
    unsigned char* imageData = NULL;
    if (!loadFromBitmap(filename, &width, &height, &imageData))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed loading bitmap. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    /* All buffers are the size of the image data. */
    size_t bufferSize = width * height * sizeof(cl_uchar);

    bool createMemoryObjectsSuccess = true;
    /* Create one input buffer for the image data, and two output buffers for the gradients in X and Y respectively. */
    memoryObjects[0] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, bufferSize, NULL, &errorNumber);
    createMemoryObjectsSuccess &= checkSuccess(errorNumber);
    memoryObjects[1] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY | CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, bufferSize, NULL, &errorNumber);
    createMemoryObjectsSuccess &= checkSuccess(errorNumber);
    memoryObjects[2] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY | CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, bufferSize, NULL, &errorNumber);
    createMemoryObjectsSuccess &= checkSuccess(errorNumber);
    if (!createMemoryObjectsSuccess)
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed to create OpenCL buffers. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    /* Map the input luminance memory object to a host side pointer. */
    cl_uchar* luminance = (cl_uchar*)clEnqueueMapBuffer(commandQueue, memoryObjects[0], CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, 0, bufferSize, 0, NULL, NULL, &errorNumber);
    if (!checkSuccess(errorNumber))
       cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
       cerr << "Mapping memory objects failed " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
       return 1;

    /* Convert 24-bits per pixel RGB into 8-bits per pixel luminance data. */
    RGBToLuminance(imageData, luminance, width, height);

    delete [] imageData;

    /* Unmap the memory so we can pass it to the kernel. */
    if (!checkSuccess(clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(commandQueue, memoryObjects[0], luminance, 0, NULL, NULL)))
       cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
       cerr << "Unmapping memory objects failed " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
       return 1;

    bool setKernelArgumentsSuccess = true;
    /* Setup the kernel arguments. */
    setKernelArgumentsSuccess &= checkSuccess(clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &memoryObjects[0]));
    setKernelArgumentsSuccess &= checkSuccess(clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_int), &width));
    setKernelArgumentsSuccess &= checkSuccess(clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &memoryObjects[1]));
    setKernelArgumentsSuccess &= checkSuccess(clSetKernelArg(kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), &memoryObjects[2]));
    if (!setKernelArgumentsSuccess)
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed setting OpenCL kernel arguments. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    /* An event to associate with the Kernel. Allows us to retreive profiling information later. */
    cl_event event = 0;

    /* [Kernel size] */
     * Each instance of the kernel operates on a 16 * 1 portion of the image.
     * Therefore, the global work size must be width / 16 by height / 1 work items.
    size_t globalWorksize[2] = {width / 16, height / 1};
    /* [Kernel size] */

    /* Enqueue the kernel */
    if (!checkSuccess(clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commandQueue, kernel, 2, NULL, globalWorksize, NULL, 0, NULL, &event)))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed enqueuing the kernel. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    /* Wait for completion */
    if (!checkSuccess(clFinish(commandQueue)))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed waiting for kernel execution to finish. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    /* Print the profiling information for the event. */
    /* Release the event object. */
    if (!checkSuccess(clReleaseEvent(event)))
        cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
        cerr << "Failed releasing the event object. " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
        return 1;

    /* Map the arrays holding the output gradients. */
    bool mapMemoryObjectsSuccess = true;
    cl_char* outputDx = (cl_char*)clEnqueueMapBuffer(commandQueue, memoryObjects[1], CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, 0, bufferSize, 0, NULL, NULL, &errorNumber);
    mapMemoryObjectsSuccess &= checkSuccess(errorNumber);
    cl_char* outputDy = (cl_char*)clEnqueueMapBuffer(commandQueue, memoryObjects[2], CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, 0, bufferSize, 0, NULL, NULL, &errorNumber);
    mapMemoryObjectsSuccess &= checkSuccess(errorNumber);
    if (!mapMemoryObjectsSuccess)
       cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
       cerr << "Mapping memory objects failed " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
       return 1;

     * In order to better visualise the data, we take the absolute
     * value of the gradients and then combine them together.
     * This is work which could be done in the OpenCL kernel, it all depends
     * on what type of output you require.

    /* To visualise the data we take the absolute values of the gradients. */
    unsigned char *absDX = new unsigned char[width * height];
    unsigned char *absDY = new unsigned char[width * height];
    for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
        absDX[i] = abs(outputDx[i]);
        absDY[i] = abs(outputDy[i]);

    /* Unmap the memory. */
    bool unmapMemoryObjectsSuccess = true;
    unmapMemoryObjectsSuccess &= checkSuccess(clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(commandQueue, memoryObjects[1], outputDx, 0, NULL, NULL));
    unmapMemoryObjectsSuccess &= checkSuccess(clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(commandQueue, memoryObjects[2], outputDy, 0, NULL, NULL));
    if (!unmapMemoryObjectsSuccess)
       cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);
       cerr << "Unmapping memory objects failed " << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ << endl;
       return 1;

    /* Release OpenCL objects. */
    cleanUpOpenCL(context, commandQueue, program, kernel, memoryObjects, numberOfMemoryObjects);

    /* Convert the two output luminance arrays to RGB and save them out to files. */
    unsigned char* rgbOut = new unsigned char[width * height * 3];
    luminanceToRGB(absDX, rgbOut, width, height);
    saveToBitmap("output-dX.bmp", width, height, rgbOut);

    luminanceToRGB(absDY, rgbOut, width, height);
    saveToBitmap("output-dY.bmp", width, height, rgbOut);

    /* Calculate the total gradient of the image, convert it to RGB and store it out to a file. */
    unsigned char* totalOutput = new unsigned char[width * height];
    for (int index = 0; index < width * height; index++)
        totalOutput[index] = sqrt(pow(absDX[index], 2) + pow(absDY[index], 2));
    luminanceToRGB(totalOutput, rgbOut, width, height);
    saveToBitmap("output.bmp", width, height, rgbOut);

    delete [] absDX;
    delete [] absDY;
    delete [] rgbOut;
    delete [] totalOutput;

    return 0;


评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


