
Association Mappings


1. Introduction

Association mappings are the often most difficult thing to get right. In this section we'll go through the canonical cases one by one, starting with unidirectional mappings, and then considering the bidirectional cases. We'll use Personand Addressin all the examples.

We'll classify associations by whether or not they map to an intervening join table, and by multiplicity.

Nullable foreign keys are not considered good practice in traditional data modelling, so all our examples use not null foreign keys. This is not a requirement of Hibernate, and the mappings will all work if you drop the nullability constraints.

2. Unidirectional associations

2.1. many to one

A unidirectional many-to-one association is the most common kind of unidirectional association.

  1. < class   name = "Person" >   
  2.   < id   name = "id"   column = "personId" >   
  3.      < generator   class = "native" />   
  4.   id >   
  5.   < many-to-one   name = "address"   
  6.       column = "addressId"   
  7.       not-null = "true" />   
  8. class >   
  9. < class   name = "Address" >   
  10.   < id   name = "id"   column = "addressId" >   
  11.       < generator   class = "native" />   
  12.   id >   
  13. class >   

sql 代码

  1. create   table  Person ( personId  bigint   not   null   primary   key , addressId  bigint   not   null  )  
  2. create   table  Address ( addressId  bigint   not   null   primary   key  )   

2.2. one to one

A unidirectional one-to-one association on a foreign key is almost identical. The only difference is the column unique constraint.


xml 代码
  1. < class   name = "Person" >   
  2.      < id   name = "id"   column = "personId" >   
  3.            < generator   class = "native" />   
  4.      id >   
  5.      < many-to-one   name = "address"   
  6.             column = "addressId"   
  7.             unique = "true"   
  8.             not-null = "true" />   
  9. class >   
  11. < class   name = "Address" >   
  12.       < id   name = "id"   column = "addressId" >   
  13.                  < generator   class = "native" />   
  14.       id >   
  15. class >   
sql 代码
  1. create   table  Person ( personId  bigint   not   null   primary   key , addressId  bigint   not   null   unique  )  
  2. create   table  Address ( addressId  bigint   not   null   primary   key  )  

A unidirectional one-to-one association on a primary key usually uses a special id generator. (Notice that we've reversed the direction of the association in this example.)

xml 代码
  1. < class   name = "Person" >   
  2.           < id   name = "id"   column = "personId" >   
  3.                < generator   class = "native" />   
  4.           id >   
  5. class >   
  6. < class   name = "Address" >   
  7.             < id   name = "id"   column = "personId" >   
  8.                      < generator   class = "foreign" >   
  9.                            < param   name = "property" > person param >   
  10.                      generator >   
  11.              id >   
  12. < one-to-one   name = "person"   constrained = "true" />   
  13. class >   
sql 代码
  1. create   table  Person ( personId  bigint   not   null   primary   key  )   
  2. create   table  Address ( personId  bigint   not   null   primary   key  )  

2.3. one to many

A unidirectional one-to-many association on a foreign key is a very unusual case, and is not really recommended.


xml 代码
  1. < class   name = "Person" >   
  2.       < id   name = "id"   column = "personId" >   
  3.           < generator   class = "native" />   
  4.       id >   
  5.       < set   name = "addresses" >   
  6.           < key   column = "personId"   
  7.                 not-null = "true" />   
  8.           < one-to-many   class = "Address" />   
  9.       set >   
  10. class >   
  11. < class   name = "Address" >   
  12.       < id   name = "id"   column = "addressId" >   
  13.            < generator   class = "native" />   
  14.       id >   
  15. class >   
sql 代码
  1. create   table  Person ( personId  bigint   not   null   primary   key  )   
  2. create   table  Address ( addressId  bigint   not   null   primary   key , personId  bigint   not   null  )   

We think it's better to use a join table for this kind of association.

<o:p>  </o:p>

3. Unidirectional associations with join tables

3.1. one to many

A unidirectional one-to-many association on a join table is much preferred. Notice that by specifying unique="true", we have changed the multiplicity from many-to-many to one-to-many.

xml 代码
  1. < class   name = "Person" >   
  2.         < id   name = "id"   column = "personId" >   
  3.                < generator   class = "native" />   
  4.         id >   
  5.         < set   name = "addresses"   table = "PersonAddress" >   
  6.                < key   column = "personId" />   
  7.                < many-to-many   column = "addressId"   
  8.                         unique = "true"   
  9.                        class = "Address" />   
  10.         set >   
  11. class >   
  12. < class   name = "Address" >   
  13.       < id   name = "id"   column = "addressId" >   
  14.                 < generator   class = "native" />   
  15.       id >   
  16. class >   
sql 代码
  1. create   table  Person ( personId  bigint   not   null   primary   key  )   
  2. create   table  PersonAddress ( personId  not   null , addressId  bigint   not   null   primary   key  )  

       create table Address ( addressId bigint not null primary key )

3.2. many to one

A unidirectional many-to-one association on a join table is quite common when the association is optional.

xml 代码
  1. < class   name = "Person" >   
  2.        < id   name = "id"   column = "personId" >   
  3.            < generator   class = "native" />   
  4.        id >   
  5.        < join   table = "PersonAddress"   
  6.            optional = "true" >   
  7.            < key   column = "personId"   unique = "true" />   
  8.            < many-to-one   name = "address"   
  9.                  column = "addressId"   
  10.                  not-null = "true" />   
  11.         join >   
  12. class >   
  13. < class   name = "Address" >   
  14.           < id   name = "id"   column = "addressId" >   
  15.                      < generator   class = "native" />   
  16.           id >   
  17. class >   
sql 代码
  1. create   table  Person ( personId  bigint   not   null   primary   key  )   
  2. create   table  PersonAddress ( personId  bigint   not   null   primary   key , addressId  bigint   not   null  )   
  3. create   table  Address ( addressId  bigint   not   null   primary   key  )  

3.3. one to one

A unidirectional one-to-one association on a join table is extremely unusual, but possible.

xml 代码
  1. < class   name = "Person" >   
  2.           < id   name = "id"   column = "personId" >   
  3.                       < generator   class = "native" />   
  4.            id >   
  5.            < join   table = "PersonAddress"   optional = "true" >   
  6.                        < key   column = "personId"   unique = "true" />   
  7.                        < many-to-one   name = "address"   
  8.                                  column = "addressId"   
  9.                                  not-null = "true"   
  10.                                  unique = "true" />   
  11.             join >   
  12. class >   
  13. < class   name = "Address" >   
  14.          < id   name = "id"   column = "addressId" >   
  15.                  < generator   class = "native" />   
  16.           id >   
  17. class >   
sql 代码
  1. create   table  Person ( personId  bigint   not   null   primary   key  )   
  2. create   table  PersonAddress ( personId  bigint   not   null   primary   key , addressId  bigint   not   null   unique  )  
  3. create   table  Address ( addressId  bigint   not   null   primary   key  )  

3.4. many to many

Finally, we have a unidirectional many-to-many association.

xml 代码
  1. < class   name = "Person" >   
  2.           < id   name = "id"   column = "personId" >   
  3.                    < generator   class = "native" />   
  4.            id >   
  5.            < set   name = "addresses"   table = "PersonAddress" >   
  6.                   < key   column = "personId" />   
  7.                   < many-to-many   column = "addressId"   class = "Address" />   
  8.            set >   
  9. class >   
  10. < class   name = "Address" >   
  11.            < id   name = "id"   column = "addressId" >   
  12.                    < generator   class = "native" />   
  13.             id >   
  14. class >   
sql 代码
  1. create   table  Person ( personId  bigint   not   null   primary   key  )   
  2. create   table  PersonAddress ( personId  bigint   not   null , addressId  bigint   not   nullprimary   key  (personId, addressId) )  
  3. create   table  Address ( addressId  bigint   not   null   primary   key  )  
使用优化算法,以优化VMD算法的惩罚因子惩罚因子 (α) 和分解层数 (K)。 1、将量子粒子群优化(QPSO)算法与变分模态分解(VMD)算法结合 VMD算法背景: VMD算法是一种自适应信号分解算法,主要用于分解信号为不同频率带宽的模态。 VMD的关键参数包括: 惩罚因子 α:控制带宽的限制。 分解层数 K:决定分解出的模态数。 QPSO算法背景: 量子粒子群优化(QPSO)是一种基于粒子群优化(PSO)的一种改进算法,通过量子行为模型增强全局搜索能力。 QPSO通过粒子的量子行为使其在搜索空间中不受位置限制,从而提高算法的收敛速度与全局优化能力。 任务: 使用QPSO优化VMD中的惩罚因子 α 和分解层数 K,以获得信号分解的最佳效果。 计划: 定义适应度函数:适应度函数根据VMD分解的效果来定义,通常使用重构信号的误差(例如均方误差、交叉熵等)来衡量分解的质量。 初始化QPSO粒子:定义粒子的位置和速度,表示 α 和 K 两个参数。初始化时需要在一个合理的范围内为每个粒子分配初始位置。 执行VMD分解:对每一组 α 和 K 参数,运行VMD算法分解信号。 更新QPSO粒子:使用QPSO算法更新粒子的状态,根据适应度函数调整粒子的搜索方向和位置。 迭代求解:重复QPSO的粒子更新步骤,直到满足终止条件(如适应度函数达到设定阈值,或最大迭代次数)。 输出优化结果:最终,QPSO算法会返回一个优化的 α 和 K,从而使VMD分解效果最佳。 2、将极光粒子(PLO)算法与变分模态分解(VMD)算法结合 PLO的优点与适用性 强大的全局搜索能力:PLO通过模拟极光粒子的运动,能够更高效地探索复杂的多峰优化问题,避免陷入局部最优。 鲁棒性强:PLO在面对高维、多模态问题时有较好的适应性,因此适合海上风电时间序列这种非线性、多噪声的数据。 应用场景:PLO适合用于优化VMD参数(α 和 K),并将其用于风电时间序列的预测任务。 进一步优化的建议 a. 实现更细致的PLO更新策略,优化极光粒子的运动模型。 b. 将PLO优化后的VMD应用于真实的海上风电数据,结合LSTM或XGBoost等模型进行风电功率预测。




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